

absolute majority 绝对多数 ad hoc ['æd'hɔk] 特定的, 专门的, 临时的committee 特别委员会 advisory [əd'vaiz əri] 顾问的, 咨询的, 劝告的body 咨询机构 anti-establishment[is'tæbliʃm ənt] 确立, 建立, 家业, 机构, 当局 反政府情绪

all-embracing agreement包罗万象的协定 arbitration [ɑ:bə'treiʃən] 调停

bipartisan [bai'pɑ:təzən] 两党的, 代表两党的diplomacy 两党一致的对外政策 carrot ['kærət] 好处, 报酬-and-stick 威胁利诱政策

deadlock 僵局reacheda deadlock shoe-string majority 微弱多数

embargo [ im'bɑ:gəu] 禁运 summit conference 首脑会议abstain from voting弃权 air of tension 紧张气氛administrative[əd'min ə.streitiv] 行政的, 管理的 authorities 行政当局 amendment [ə'mendm ənt] 修正案apartheid :[ə'p ɑ:teit]种族隔离 bare majority勉强过半数briefing meeting 简要新闻发布会 nonaligned :[nɔn ə'laind] country不结盟国家

congressional hearing(美国) 国会意见听证会

diplomatic [.diplə'mætik] immunity 外交豁免权 shuttle diplomacy 穿梭外交diplomat

['dipləmæt] 外交人员diplomacy[di'pləum əsi] 外交


accumulated deficit ['defisit] 累计赤字 active trade balance 贸易顺差

business slump 生意萧条 dull market 萧条的市场

economic takeoff 经济起飞 broker ['brəuk ə] 经纪人

reciprocal [ri'siprək əl] trade agreement 互惠贸易政笼 dividend ['dividend]红利

wholesale dealer批发商 economic recession 经济衰退

gold standard金本位 devaluation 贬值

American Selling Price美国销售价格 retailer['ri:teilə]零售商

price index 物价指数 deficiency[di'fiʃənsi]亏损

across-the-board tariff ['tærif] cut talks 全面削减关税会谈

demand and supply balance 供求平衡 gold reserve 黄金储备

price-curbing policy抑制物价政策tycoon 巨头 petrodollar 石油美元

non-confidence motion 不信任案 stalled peace talks陷入僵局的和谈

adverse trade balance 贸易逆差 economic sanction 经济制裁

switch trade 转手贸易 fiscal ['fiskəl] year 财政年度balance of trade贸易平衡cash transaction 现金交易 f luctuating ['flʌkt ʃueiti ŋ] salary 附加工资,浮动工资 financial crisis 金融危机 Federal Reserve 美联储 real estate [is'teit] 财产, 遗产, 房地产房地产 share 股票 stock market 股市 shareholder 股东

macroeconomic ['mækrəu.i:kə'n ɔmik]宏观经济 go under\bankrupt 破产

pension fund 养老基金 government bond 政府债券 budget 预算 deficit 赤字 intellectual property 知识产权 opportunistic [.ɔp ətju:'nistik]

practice 投机行为 entrepreneur 企业家 cook the book 做假帐 fluctuate 波动 merger 并购 pickup in price 物价上涨 monetary ['mʌn ə.teri] 货币

的, 金融的policy 货币政策 foreign exchange 外汇 quote 报价 contract 合同 floating rate 浮动利率 venture capital 风险资本 global corporation 跨国公司 consolidation [kən.s ɔl ə'dei ʃən] 兼并 take over 收购 on the hook [huk] 钩, 钩状物被套住


active armed forces 现役武装部队 blanket bombing 地毯武轰炸

administration party 执政党 ambassador-at-large 巡回大使

anti-inflation measures 制止通货膨胀的措施 agenda 议程

back number过时的人或物 bluff [blʌf] diplomacy恫吓外交

closed-door meeting秘密会议 diplomatic channel外交途径

memorandum[memə'rændəm]备忘录 showdown 摊牌

unanimous [ ju'nænəm əs] resolution一致通过的决议 belligerent [bi'lidʒər ənt] 好战的, 交战的powers 交战国

military expansion军备扩张 beam [bi:m] weapons激光束武器

scud [skʌd] 疾驶missile 飞毛腿导弹 aircraft carrier['kæriə]航空母舰

around-the-clock bombing 日夜不停的轰炸 general armistice['ɑ:mistis] 休战, 休战书, 停战条约全面停战

adopted by consensus 经过协商一致通过 alien ['eiljən] domination[dɔmi'nei ʃən]外国统治 amicable ['æmikəbl] relations 友好关系 apple of discord ['diskɔ:d,dis'kɔ:d]引起不和的争端 behind-the-scene maneuvering [mə'nu:vəriŋ]幕后操纵 budget committee预算委员会

communiqué 公报 diplomatic maneuvers(pl)[mə'nu:və] n. 演习, 策略 外交策略arms build-up 军备集结 unconditional surrender无条件投降armament race军备竞赛 mushroom cloud蘑菇云

scout [skaut] vt. n侦察, 物色plane 侦察飞机 airlift troop空降部队destroyer[di'strɔi ə]驱逐舰 sweeper 扫雷艇

chemical weapon化学武器 armored corps装甲兵团['ɑ:mə] n. 盔甲, 装甲ABM(anti-ballistic

[bə'listik] missile)反弹道导弹marine corps(pl) [kɔ:] 军团, 兵团, 队海军陆战队

submarine['sʌbm əri:n]潜水艇

nuclear weapon核武器AAM(air-to-air missile)空对空导弹


military option军事解决途径动用武力 escalating tension 逐步升级的局势 military coupe ['ku:pei] 军事政变

forced from office被赶下台 step down / aside下台 on the brink [briŋk] 边缘, 边沿, 界限of war 处于战争边缘

heavy fighting激战 genocide ['dʒen əsaid] 种族灭绝launch a campaign of genocide against 对 进行了种族灭绝 relief effort 救济工作 humanitarian

[hju:.mæni'tɛəri ən] aid人道主义援助

end the bloodshed['blʌd ʃed]结束流血事件 special envoy ['envɔi 外交使节, 特使]特使 peace-keeping forces维和部队

guerrilla [gə'ril ə] 游击队的war 游击战争 border dispute 边境争端 armed conflict 武装冲突 reconciliation[rekən.sili'ei ʃən]调解

civil war 内战


academia [.ækə'di:miə]学术界 academic [.ækə'demik] year学年

brain drain 人才外流 open classroom讨论式教学

atomic [ə't ɔmik] energy原子能 comet ['kɔmit]彗星extraterrestrial[.ekstrəti'restri əl]外星的 hardware 硬件

dispensary[di'spensəri]药房 laboratory['læbrə't ɔri]实验室injection 注射 blood type血型 dysentery['disən.teri]痢疾 chicken pox[pɔks] 痘疮, 梅毒 水痘anemia[ə'ni:miə]贫血 euthanasia [ju:θə'nei ʒi ə]安乐死

industrial disease职业病 cramming system填鸭式教学法

astronomer [ə'str ɔn əm ə]天文学家 chip[tʃip]晶体片constellation[kɔnst ə'lei ʃən]星座 galaxy 银河系

coeducation[kəued ʒə'kei ʃən]男女同校 ambulance[ 'æmbjəl əns]救护车surgical['sə:dʒik əl] 外科的, 外科医生的, 手术上的department 外科 inoculate[in'ɔkjuleit]注射预防针

disinfectant[.disin'fektənt]消毒剂 malaria[mə'l ɛəri ə]疟疾plague 鼠疫 tumor['tju:mə]肿瘤 genetic engineering遗传工程学 audio-visual ['ɔ:diəu'vi ʒu əl] aids视听教具

AIDS(acquired immune deficiency syndrome)爱滋病

CAI(computer-assisted instruction)计算机辅助教学


athletics [æθ'letiks]运动 record-holder 记录保持者

referee(足球、拳击) 裁判员 goalkeeper 足球守门员

a drawn game和局 semifinal 半决赛hurdle['hə:dl]跳栏 elimination[i.limi'neiʃən]海汰赛 hamper['hæmpə]因故停赛 columnist['kɔl əmnist]专栏作家primetime[praim'taim]黄金时间 athlete 运动员

sprint[sprint]短跑 umpire ['ʌmpai ə] (垒球、网球) 裁判员linesman 边线裁判员 trial['traiəl]预赛final 决赛 relay race接力赛feint[feint]假动作 intermission 中场休息audience rating收视率 acrobatics 杂技

overture 序曲 symphony['simfəni]交响曲newsreel['nju:zri:l]新闻片 rehearsal 排练

relay :[ri'lei]转播 serenade[serə'neid]夜曲philharmonic :[filɑ:'mɔnik]爱乐 film festival电影节

telecast 以电视广播传送 karaoke 卡拉OK 社会生活、宗教;


assault 袭击 scandal 诽谤,丑闻hijack 劫机 detentiondetention 拘留

surrender oneself自首 verdict['və:dikt]判决

bail[beil]保释 electrocute[i'lektrə.kju:t]电刑accused[ə'kju:zd]被告 accuser[ə'kju:zə]原告 criminal case刑事案件 subpoena[səb'pi:nə]传票

acquit[ə'kwit]宣判无罪 commutation [kɔmju'tei ʃən] of sentence减刑population explosion人口爆炸 addict 吸毒上瘾者Buddhism['budizəm]佛教 Hinduism['hinduizəm]印度教Protestant['prɔtist ənt]新教 bishop['biʃəp]主教

fraud[frɔ:d]诈骗 embezzlement[im'bezlmənt]挪用公款contempt of court 蔑视法庭 confess 供认

juror['dʒu ər ə]陪审员 sentence 判刑capital punishment死刑 supreme court最高法庭 witness 证人 barrister['bæristɚ]大律师civil case民事案件 indictment [in'daitmənt]起诉 quash[kwɔʃ]v.镇压, 撤销, 平息 the indictment against

amnesty['æmnesti]大赦 dropout 逃避现实者feminine :['feminin] liberation 妇女解放 Christianity [kristʃi'ænəti]基督教

Islamism[ 'isləm.iz əm]伊斯兰教 Catholic 天主教Baptism['bæptizəm]浸理会 mosque[mɔsk]清


按照客观规律和科学规律办事 act in compliance [kəm'plai əns] 顺从;服从with objective and scientific laws

八个坚持、八个反对 eight do’s and eight don’ts

八项主张 eight-point proposal

保持昂扬向上的精神状态 be filled with an enterprising spirit

保证中央的政令畅通 ensure the Central Committee’s decisions are carried out without fail

标本兼治 address both the symptoms and root causes 不确定因素


参政议政 participation in and deliberation [di.libə'rei ʃən] 熟虑, 审议of state affairs

长期共存、互相监督、肝胆相照、荣辱与共 long-term coexistence, mutual

supervision, treating each other with all sincerity and sharing weal [wi:l] 福利, 幸福and woe [wəu] 悲哀, 苦痛, 不幸

长治久安maintain prolonged [prə'l ɔŋd] adj. 持续很久的stability

崇尚科学 respect and promote science 传播先进文化 spread advanced culture

传统安全威胁 traditional threats to security 从严治军 the army must be strict with itself

党的领导方式 the Party's style of leadership 党的民族政策 the Party's policy toward ethnic minorities [mai'nɔ:riti] 少数, 少数民族a minority of少数 党的侨务政策 the Party's policy toward overseas Chinese affairs

党的宗教信仰自由政策 the Party's policy toward the freedom of religious belief 党内情况通报制度、情况反映制度和重大决策征求意见制度 inner-Party information sharing and reporting systems and the system of soliciting [sə'lisit] vt. 恳求, 征求, 勾引opinions concerning major policy decisions

党要管党、从严治党 the Party exercises self-discipline and is strict with its members

党员管理工作 management of Party membership 党政机关 Party and government organs

党政领导干部职务任期制、辞职制和用人失察失误责任追究制 the system of fixed tenures, the system of resignation and the system of accountability [ə.kaunt ə'biliti] 责任, 有义务 for neglect of supervisory [.sju:pə'vaiz əri]管理的, 监控的duty or the use of the wrong person with regard to leading cadres ['kɑ:də] 干部, 骨架, 小组成员of the Party and government

党总揽全局、协调各方的原则 principle that the Party commands the overall situation and coordinates the efforts of all quarters

电子政务 e-government

独立负责、步调一致地开展工作 assume one’s responsibilities independently and make concerted efforts in one’s work

独立公正地行使审判权和检察权 exercise adjudicative [ə'd ʒu:dikeitiv] 判决的

and procuratorial [prɔkju:rə't ɔri əl] 代理人的, 代诉的powers independently and

impartially 多重多头执法 duplicate ['dju:plikit] 复制的law enforcement [in'fɔ:smənt] 执行, 强制, 实施

发展民主团结、生动活泼、安定和谐的政治局面 develop the political situation characterized by democracy [di'mɔkr əsi], solidarity [sɔl ə'dærəti], liveliness, stability [stə'biliti] 稳定性and harmony

发展平等团结互助的社会主义民族关系 enhance socialist ethnic relations of equality, solidarity and mutual assistance

法定职能 legal functions 法律援助 legal aid

法制观念 awareness of law 防卫作战能力 defense capabilities

非传统安全威胁 non-traditional threats to security

丰富民主形式 develop diverse forms of democracy

干部人事制度 cadre and personnel system

干部双重管理体制 system of dual ['dju:əl] control over cadres

高知识群体 prominent intellectuals

公共事务 public affairs 公务员制度 system of public servants

公益事业 programs for public good

列主义、毛泽东思想、邓小平理论、“三个代表”重要思想 Marxism-Leninism, Mao Zedong Thought, Deng Xiao-ping Theory, Jiang Zemin “Three Represent‟s”important Thought

新民主主义革命 new-democratic revolution

民族独立和人民解放 national independence and the liberation of the people

经济体制改革和政治体制改革 reforms in the economic and political structure

社会主义制度 socialist system 社会变革 social transformation

建设有中国特色的社会主义事业 the cause of building socialism with Chinese


中华民族的伟大复兴 the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation

党在社会主义初级阶段的基本理论、基本路线、基本纲领 the basic theory, line and program of our Party in the primary stage of socialism

改革开放政策 the policies of reform and opening to the outside

中国共产党十一届三中全会 The Third Plenary ['pli:nəri] 充分的, 完全的, 全体出席的Session of the 11th Central Committee of the Communist ['kɔmjunist] 共产主义的Party of China 马克思主义政党 Marxist political Party

党的第一(第二、第三)代中央领导集体 the collective leadership of the Party Central Committee of the first (second/third)generation

人民民主专政 the people‟s democratic dictatorship 国民经济体系 national economic system

综合国力aggregate ['ægrigit] 合计的, 总的national strength 国内生产总值 the annual gross domestic product(GDP)

独立自主的和平外交政策 an independent foreign policy of peace

马克思主义基本原理同中国具体实际相结合 the fundamental principles of Marxism with the specific situation in China

加强和改进党的建设,不断增强党的创造力、凝聚力和战斗力,永葆党的生机与活力 strengthen and improve Party building, continuously enhance the creativity, rallying power and

combat capability of the Party, and always maintain its vigor and vitality

“三个代表”就是必须代表中国先进生产力的发展要求,代表中国先进文化的前进方向,代表中国最广大人民的根本利益,是我们党的立党之本、执政之基、力量之源,是我们党始终站在时代前列,保持先进性的根本体现和根本要求。 “Three Represent‟s” shows that our Party must always represent the requirements of the development of China‟s advanced productive forces, the orientation of the development of China‟s advanced culture, and the fundamental

interests of the overwhelming majority of the people in China, they are the foundation for building the Party, the cornerstone ['kɔ:nəst əun] 奠基石for its exercise of state power and a source of its strengthen ,only by doing so can we really ensure that our Party always stand in the forefront of the time and maintain its advanced nature

党的理论、路线、纲领、方针、政策 Party„s theory, line, program, principles and policies 工人阶级的先锋队 the vanguard of the working class

生产力、生产关系、经济基础、上层建筑 productive force, relation of production, economic base, superstructure constitute

科学技术是第一生产力 science and technology are the primary productive force 社会主义物质文明和精神文明 material and spiritual civilizations of socialism

有理想、有道德、有文化、有纪律的公民 citizens with lofty ideals, moral integrity, better education and good sense of discipline ['disiplin] 纪律, 训练, 学科

自立意识、竞争意识、效率意识、民主法制意识和开拓创新意识 self-reliance, competition, efficiency, democracy, the legal system, and the pioneering and innovative ['inəuveitiv] 创新的, 革新的spirit

依法治国和以德治国 the rule of law and the rule of virtue ['və:tju:] 美德, 德行优点 科教兴国战略 the strategy of invigorating the country through science and education

倡导爱国主义、集体主义、社会主义思想,反对和抵制拜金主义、享乐主义、极端个人主义等腐朽思想 advocate patriotism['peitriətiz əm]collectivism and socialism, combat and resist money worship,hedonism ['hi:dəniz əm] 快乐主义, 享乐主义, ultra-egoism decadent ['dekəd ənt] 堕落的, 颓废的, 衰落的ideas patriotic [.pætri'ɔtik ] patriot ['peitriət] 爱国者

先天下之忧而忧,后天下之乐而乐 be concern about the country and the people before anything else

全心全意为人民服务、立党为公、执政为民 serve the people heart and soul, work for the public and assumes power for the people

解放思想、实事求是 emancipating [i'mænsipeit] 释放, 解放the mind, seeking truth from the facts

主观主义、形而上学 subjectivism [səb'd ʒektiviz əm], metaphysics [.metə'fiziks] 民主集中制、党内民主 democratic centralism, inner-Party democracy

集体领导、民主集中、个别酝酿、会议决定 collective leadership, democratic centralism, case-specific consultation [.kɔns əl'tei ʃən], decision through meeting

政治路线确定之后,干部就是决定因素 cardres are a decisive factor, once a political line is decided

党管干部的原则 the principle of the Party assuming the responsibility for cardres'affairs 公开、平等、竞争、择优 open, fair, competition, basis of merits

自重、自省、自警、自励 self-discipline, self-examination, self-caution and self-motivation 小康社会、小康生活 well-to-do society, well-to-do life

四项基本原则 Four Cardinal Principles

社会主义初级阶段 the primary stage of socialism

和平与发展 peace and development 冷战 cold war

世界多极化、经济全球化 world multi-polarization [ .pəul ər ə'zei ʃən] 极化and economic globalization

联合国宪章 UN Charter

独立自主、完全平等、相互尊重、互不干涉内部事务 independence, completely equality, mutual respect and non-interference in each other's internal affairs

世界贸易组织、关贸总协定 World Trade Organization /The General Agreement of Tariff and Trade

亚太经合组织 Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation

世贸中心 World Trade Center


UNESCO=United Nations Educational,Scientific And Cultural Organization 联合国教科文组织

IMF=International Monetary Fund 国际货币基金组织

ASEAN=Association Of Southeast Asian Nations 东南亚国家联盟;“东盟”

GA TT=General Agreement On Tariffs And Trade 关贸总协定

WTO=World Trade Organization 世界贸易组织

OPE=Organization Of Petroleum [ pə'tr əuli əm] Exporting Countries 石油输出国组织;“欧佩克”

PLO=Palestine ['pælistain] Liberation Organization 巴勒斯坦解放组织;“巴解” IOC=International Olympic Committee 国际奥林匹克委员会

NASA=National Aeronautics And Space Administration 美国国家宇航局

WHO=World Health Organization 世界卫生组织

NASA= National Aeronautics and Space Administration 美国国家航空航天局主义 terrorism


absolute majority 绝对多数 ad hoc ['æd'hɔk] 特定的, 专门的, 临时的committee 特别委员会 advisory [əd'vaiz əri] 顾问的, 咨询的, 劝告的body 咨询机构 anti-establishment[is'tæbliʃm ənt] 确立, 建立, 家业, 机构, 当局 反政府情绪

all-embracing agreement包罗万象的协定 arbitration [ɑ:bə'treiʃən] 调停

bipartisan [bai'pɑ:təzən] 两党的, 代表两党的diplomacy 两党一致的对外政策 carrot ['kærət] 好处, 报酬-and-stick 威胁利诱政策

deadlock 僵局reacheda deadlock shoe-string majority 微弱多数

embargo [ im'bɑ:gəu] 禁运 summit conference 首脑会议abstain from voting弃权 air of tension 紧张气氛administrative[əd'min ə.streitiv] 行政的, 管理的 authorities 行政当局 amendment [ə'mendm ənt] 修正案apartheid :[ə'p ɑ:teit]种族隔离 bare majority勉强过半数briefing meeting 简要新闻发布会 nonaligned :[nɔn ə'laind] country不结盟国家

congressional hearing(美国) 国会意见听证会

diplomatic [.diplə'mætik] immunity 外交豁免权 shuttle diplomacy 穿梭外交diplomat

['dipləmæt] 外交人员diplomacy[di'pləum əsi] 外交


accumulated deficit ['defisit] 累计赤字 active trade balance 贸易顺差

business slump 生意萧条 dull market 萧条的市场

economic takeoff 经济起飞 broker ['brəuk ə] 经纪人

reciprocal [ri'siprək əl] trade agreement 互惠贸易政笼 dividend ['dividend]红利

wholesale dealer批发商 economic recession 经济衰退

gold standard金本位 devaluation 贬值

American Selling Price美国销售价格 retailer['ri:teilə]零售商

price index 物价指数 deficiency[di'fiʃənsi]亏损

across-the-board tariff ['tærif] cut talks 全面削减关税会谈

demand and supply balance 供求平衡 gold reserve 黄金储备

price-curbing policy抑制物价政策tycoon 巨头 petrodollar 石油美元

non-confidence motion 不信任案 stalled peace talks陷入僵局的和谈

adverse trade balance 贸易逆差 economic sanction 经济制裁

switch trade 转手贸易 fiscal ['fiskəl] year 财政年度balance of trade贸易平衡cash transaction 现金交易 f luctuating ['flʌkt ʃueiti ŋ] salary 附加工资,浮动工资 financial crisis 金融危机 Federal Reserve 美联储 real estate [is'teit] 财产, 遗产, 房地产房地产 share 股票 stock market 股市 shareholder 股东

macroeconomic ['mækrəu.i:kə'n ɔmik]宏观经济 go under\bankrupt 破产

pension fund 养老基金 government bond 政府债券 budget 预算 deficit 赤字 intellectual property 知识产权 opportunistic [.ɔp ətju:'nistik]

practice 投机行为 entrepreneur 企业家 cook the book 做假帐 fluctuate 波动 merger 并购 pickup in price 物价上涨 monetary ['mʌn ə.teri] 货币

的, 金融的policy 货币政策 foreign exchange 外汇 quote 报价 contract 合同 floating rate 浮动利率 venture capital 风险资本 global corporation 跨国公司 consolidation [kən.s ɔl ə'dei ʃən] 兼并 take over 收购 on the hook [huk] 钩, 钩状物被套住


active armed forces 现役武装部队 blanket bombing 地毯武轰炸

administration party 执政党 ambassador-at-large 巡回大使

anti-inflation measures 制止通货膨胀的措施 agenda 议程

back number过时的人或物 bluff [blʌf] diplomacy恫吓外交

closed-door meeting秘密会议 diplomatic channel外交途径

memorandum[memə'rændəm]备忘录 showdown 摊牌

unanimous [ ju'nænəm əs] resolution一致通过的决议 belligerent [bi'lidʒər ənt] 好战的, 交战的powers 交战国

military expansion军备扩张 beam [bi:m] weapons激光束武器

scud [skʌd] 疾驶missile 飞毛腿导弹 aircraft carrier['kæriə]航空母舰

around-the-clock bombing 日夜不停的轰炸 general armistice['ɑ:mistis] 休战, 休战书, 停战条约全面停战

adopted by consensus 经过协商一致通过 alien ['eiljən] domination[dɔmi'nei ʃən]外国统治 amicable ['æmikəbl] relations 友好关系 apple of discord ['diskɔ:d,dis'kɔ:d]引起不和的争端 behind-the-scene maneuvering [mə'nu:vəriŋ]幕后操纵 budget committee预算委员会

communiqué 公报 diplomatic maneuvers(pl)[mə'nu:və] n. 演习, 策略 外交策略arms build-up 军备集结 unconditional surrender无条件投降armament race军备竞赛 mushroom cloud蘑菇云

scout [skaut] vt. n侦察, 物色plane 侦察飞机 airlift troop空降部队destroyer[di'strɔi ə]驱逐舰 sweeper 扫雷艇

chemical weapon化学武器 armored corps装甲兵团['ɑ:mə] n. 盔甲, 装甲ABM(anti-ballistic

[bə'listik] missile)反弹道导弹marine corps(pl) [kɔ:] 军团, 兵团, 队海军陆战队

submarine['sʌbm əri:n]潜水艇

nuclear weapon核武器AAM(air-to-air missile)空对空导弹


military option军事解决途径动用武力 escalating tension 逐步升级的局势 military coupe ['ku:pei] 军事政变

forced from office被赶下台 step down / aside下台 on the brink [briŋk] 边缘, 边沿, 界限of war 处于战争边缘

heavy fighting激战 genocide ['dʒen əsaid] 种族灭绝launch a campaign of genocide against 对 进行了种族灭绝 relief effort 救济工作 humanitarian

[hju:.mæni'tɛəri ən] aid人道主义援助

end the bloodshed['blʌd ʃed]结束流血事件 special envoy ['envɔi 外交使节, 特使]特使 peace-keeping forces维和部队

guerrilla [gə'ril ə] 游击队的war 游击战争 border dispute 边境争端 armed conflict 武装冲突 reconciliation[rekən.sili'ei ʃən]调解

civil war 内战


academia [.ækə'di:miə]学术界 academic [.ækə'demik] year学年

brain drain 人才外流 open classroom讨论式教学

atomic [ə't ɔmik] energy原子能 comet ['kɔmit]彗星extraterrestrial[.ekstrəti'restri əl]外星的 hardware 硬件

dispensary[di'spensəri]药房 laboratory['læbrə't ɔri]实验室injection 注射 blood type血型 dysentery['disən.teri]痢疾 chicken pox[pɔks] 痘疮, 梅毒 水痘anemia[ə'ni:miə]贫血 euthanasia [ju:θə'nei ʒi ə]安乐死

industrial disease职业病 cramming system填鸭式教学法

astronomer [ə'str ɔn əm ə]天文学家 chip[tʃip]晶体片constellation[kɔnst ə'lei ʃən]星座 galaxy 银河系

coeducation[kəued ʒə'kei ʃən]男女同校 ambulance[ 'æmbjəl əns]救护车surgical['sə:dʒik əl] 外科的, 外科医生的, 手术上的department 外科 inoculate[in'ɔkjuleit]注射预防针

disinfectant[.disin'fektənt]消毒剂 malaria[mə'l ɛəri ə]疟疾plague 鼠疫 tumor['tju:mə]肿瘤 genetic engineering遗传工程学 audio-visual ['ɔ:diəu'vi ʒu əl] aids视听教具

AIDS(acquired immune deficiency syndrome)爱滋病

CAI(computer-assisted instruction)计算机辅助教学


athletics [æθ'letiks]运动 record-holder 记录保持者

referee(足球、拳击) 裁判员 goalkeeper 足球守门员

a drawn game和局 semifinal 半决赛hurdle['hə:dl]跳栏 elimination[i.limi'neiʃən]海汰赛 hamper['hæmpə]因故停赛 columnist['kɔl əmnist]专栏作家primetime[praim'taim]黄金时间 athlete 运动员

sprint[sprint]短跑 umpire ['ʌmpai ə] (垒球、网球) 裁判员linesman 边线裁判员 trial['traiəl]预赛final 决赛 relay race接力赛feint[feint]假动作 intermission 中场休息audience rating收视率 acrobatics 杂技

overture 序曲 symphony['simfəni]交响曲newsreel['nju:zri:l]新闻片 rehearsal 排练

relay :[ri'lei]转播 serenade[serə'neid]夜曲philharmonic :[filɑ:'mɔnik]爱乐 film festival电影节

telecast 以电视广播传送 karaoke 卡拉OK 社会生活、宗教;


assault 袭击 scandal 诽谤,丑闻hijack 劫机 detentiondetention 拘留

surrender oneself自首 verdict['və:dikt]判决

bail[beil]保释 electrocute[i'lektrə.kju:t]电刑accused[ə'kju:zd]被告 accuser[ə'kju:zə]原告 criminal case刑事案件 subpoena[səb'pi:nə]传票

acquit[ə'kwit]宣判无罪 commutation [kɔmju'tei ʃən] of sentence减刑population explosion人口爆炸 addict 吸毒上瘾者Buddhism['budizəm]佛教 Hinduism['hinduizəm]印度教Protestant['prɔtist ənt]新教 bishop['biʃəp]主教

fraud[frɔ:d]诈骗 embezzlement[im'bezlmənt]挪用公款contempt of court 蔑视法庭 confess 供认

juror['dʒu ər ə]陪审员 sentence 判刑capital punishment死刑 supreme court最高法庭 witness 证人 barrister['bæristɚ]大律师civil case民事案件 indictment [in'daitmənt]起诉 quash[kwɔʃ]v.镇压, 撤销, 平息 the indictment against

amnesty['æmnesti]大赦 dropout 逃避现实者feminine :['feminin] liberation 妇女解放 Christianity [kristʃi'ænəti]基督教

Islamism[ 'isləm.iz əm]伊斯兰教 Catholic 天主教Baptism['bæptizəm]浸理会 mosque[mɔsk]清


按照客观规律和科学规律办事 act in compliance [kəm'plai əns] 顺从;服从with objective and scientific laws

八个坚持、八个反对 eight do’s and eight don’ts

八项主张 eight-point proposal

保持昂扬向上的精神状态 be filled with an enterprising spirit

保证中央的政令畅通 ensure the Central Committee’s decisions are carried out without fail

标本兼治 address both the symptoms and root causes 不确定因素


参政议政 participation in and deliberation [di.libə'rei ʃən] 熟虑, 审议of state affairs

长期共存、互相监督、肝胆相照、荣辱与共 long-term coexistence, mutual

supervision, treating each other with all sincerity and sharing weal [wi:l] 福利, 幸福and woe [wəu] 悲哀, 苦痛, 不幸

长治久安maintain prolonged [prə'l ɔŋd] adj. 持续很久的stability

崇尚科学 respect and promote science 传播先进文化 spread advanced culture

传统安全威胁 traditional threats to security 从严治军 the army must be strict with itself

党的领导方式 the Party's style of leadership 党的民族政策 the Party's policy toward ethnic minorities [mai'nɔ:riti] 少数, 少数民族a minority of少数 党的侨务政策 the Party's policy toward overseas Chinese affairs

党的宗教信仰自由政策 the Party's policy toward the freedom of religious belief 党内情况通报制度、情况反映制度和重大决策征求意见制度 inner-Party information sharing and reporting systems and the system of soliciting [sə'lisit] vt. 恳求, 征求, 勾引opinions concerning major policy decisions

党要管党、从严治党 the Party exercises self-discipline and is strict with its members

党员管理工作 management of Party membership 党政机关 Party and government organs

党政领导干部职务任期制、辞职制和用人失察失误责任追究制 the system of fixed tenures, the system of resignation and the system of accountability [ə.kaunt ə'biliti] 责任, 有义务 for neglect of supervisory [.sju:pə'vaiz əri]管理的, 监控的duty or the use of the wrong person with regard to leading cadres ['kɑ:də] 干部, 骨架, 小组成员of the Party and government

党总揽全局、协调各方的原则 principle that the Party commands the overall situation and coordinates the efforts of all quarters

电子政务 e-government

独立负责、步调一致地开展工作 assume one’s responsibilities independently and make concerted efforts in one’s work

独立公正地行使审判权和检察权 exercise adjudicative [ə'd ʒu:dikeitiv] 判决的

and procuratorial [prɔkju:rə't ɔri əl] 代理人的, 代诉的powers independently and

impartially 多重多头执法 duplicate ['dju:plikit] 复制的law enforcement [in'fɔ:smənt] 执行, 强制, 实施

发展民主团结、生动活泼、安定和谐的政治局面 develop the political situation characterized by democracy [di'mɔkr əsi], solidarity [sɔl ə'dærəti], liveliness, stability [stə'biliti] 稳定性and harmony

发展平等团结互助的社会主义民族关系 enhance socialist ethnic relations of equality, solidarity and mutual assistance

法定职能 legal functions 法律援助 legal aid

法制观念 awareness of law 防卫作战能力 defense capabilities

非传统安全威胁 non-traditional threats to security

丰富民主形式 develop diverse forms of democracy

干部人事制度 cadre and personnel system

干部双重管理体制 system of dual ['dju:əl] control over cadres

高知识群体 prominent intellectuals

公共事务 public affairs 公务员制度 system of public servants

公益事业 programs for public good

列主义、毛泽东思想、邓小平理论、“三个代表”重要思想 Marxism-Leninism, Mao Zedong Thought, Deng Xiao-ping Theory, Jiang Zemin “Three Represent‟s”important Thought

新民主主义革命 new-democratic revolution

民族独立和人民解放 national independence and the liberation of the people

经济体制改革和政治体制改革 reforms in the economic and political structure

社会主义制度 socialist system 社会变革 social transformation

建设有中国特色的社会主义事业 the cause of building socialism with Chinese


中华民族的伟大复兴 the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation

党在社会主义初级阶段的基本理论、基本路线、基本纲领 the basic theory, line and program of our Party in the primary stage of socialism

改革开放政策 the policies of reform and opening to the outside

中国共产党十一届三中全会 The Third Plenary ['pli:nəri] 充分的, 完全的, 全体出席的Session of the 11th Central Committee of the Communist ['kɔmjunist] 共产主义的Party of China 马克思主义政党 Marxist political Party

党的第一(第二、第三)代中央领导集体 the collective leadership of the Party Central Committee of the first (second/third)generation

人民民主专政 the people‟s democratic dictatorship 国民经济体系 national economic system

综合国力aggregate ['ægrigit] 合计的, 总的national strength 国内生产总值 the annual gross domestic product(GDP)

独立自主的和平外交政策 an independent foreign policy of peace

马克思主义基本原理同中国具体实际相结合 the fundamental principles of Marxism with the specific situation in China

加强和改进党的建设,不断增强党的创造力、凝聚力和战斗力,永葆党的生机与活力 strengthen and improve Party building, continuously enhance the creativity, rallying power and

combat capability of the Party, and always maintain its vigor and vitality

“三个代表”就是必须代表中国先进生产力的发展要求,代表中国先进文化的前进方向,代表中国最广大人民的根本利益,是我们党的立党之本、执政之基、力量之源,是我们党始终站在时代前列,保持先进性的根本体现和根本要求。 “Three Represent‟s” shows that our Party must always represent the requirements of the development of China‟s advanced productive forces, the orientation of the development of China‟s advanced culture, and the fundamental

interests of the overwhelming majority of the people in China, they are the foundation for building the Party, the cornerstone ['kɔ:nəst əun] 奠基石for its exercise of state power and a source of its strengthen ,only by doing so can we really ensure that our Party always stand in the forefront of the time and maintain its advanced nature

党的理论、路线、纲领、方针、政策 Party„s theory, line, program, principles and policies 工人阶级的先锋队 the vanguard of the working class

生产力、生产关系、经济基础、上层建筑 productive force, relation of production, economic base, superstructure constitute

科学技术是第一生产力 science and technology are the primary productive force 社会主义物质文明和精神文明 material and spiritual civilizations of socialism

有理想、有道德、有文化、有纪律的公民 citizens with lofty ideals, moral integrity, better education and good sense of discipline ['disiplin] 纪律, 训练, 学科

自立意识、竞争意识、效率意识、民主法制意识和开拓创新意识 self-reliance, competition, efficiency, democracy, the legal system, and the pioneering and innovative ['inəuveitiv] 创新的, 革新的spirit

依法治国和以德治国 the rule of law and the rule of virtue ['və:tju:] 美德, 德行优点 科教兴国战略 the strategy of invigorating the country through science and education

倡导爱国主义、集体主义、社会主义思想,反对和抵制拜金主义、享乐主义、极端个人主义等腐朽思想 advocate patriotism['peitriətiz əm]collectivism and socialism, combat and resist money worship,hedonism ['hi:dəniz əm] 快乐主义, 享乐主义, ultra-egoism decadent ['dekəd ənt] 堕落的, 颓废的, 衰落的ideas patriotic [.pætri'ɔtik ] patriot ['peitriət] 爱国者

先天下之忧而忧,后天下之乐而乐 be concern about the country and the people before anything else

全心全意为人民服务、立党为公、执政为民 serve the people heart and soul, work for the public and assumes power for the people

解放思想、实事求是 emancipating [i'mænsipeit] 释放, 解放the mind, seeking truth from the facts

主观主义、形而上学 subjectivism [səb'd ʒektiviz əm], metaphysics [.metə'fiziks] 民主集中制、党内民主 democratic centralism, inner-Party democracy

集体领导、民主集中、个别酝酿、会议决定 collective leadership, democratic centralism, case-specific consultation [.kɔns əl'tei ʃən], decision through meeting

政治路线确定之后,干部就是决定因素 cardres are a decisive factor, once a political line is decided

党管干部的原则 the principle of the Party assuming the responsibility for cardres'affairs 公开、平等、竞争、择优 open, fair, competition, basis of merits

自重、自省、自警、自励 self-discipline, self-examination, self-caution and self-motivation 小康社会、小康生活 well-to-do society, well-to-do life

四项基本原则 Four Cardinal Principles

社会主义初级阶段 the primary stage of socialism

和平与发展 peace and development 冷战 cold war

世界多极化、经济全球化 world multi-polarization [ .pəul ər ə'zei ʃən] 极化and economic globalization

联合国宪章 UN Charter

独立自主、完全平等、相互尊重、互不干涉内部事务 independence, completely equality, mutual respect and non-interference in each other's internal affairs

世界贸易组织、关贸总协定 World Trade Organization /The General Agreement of Tariff and Trade

亚太经合组织 Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation

世贸中心 World Trade Center


UNESCO=United Nations Educational,Scientific And Cultural Organization 联合国教科文组织

IMF=International Monetary Fund 国际货币基金组织

ASEAN=Association Of Southeast Asian Nations 东南亚国家联盟;“东盟”

GA TT=General Agreement On Tariffs And Trade 关贸总协定

WTO=World Trade Organization 世界贸易组织

OPE=Organization Of Petroleum [ pə'tr əuli əm] Exporting Countries 石油输出国组织;“欧佩克”

PLO=Palestine ['pælistain] Liberation Organization 巴勒斯坦解放组织;“巴解” IOC=International Olympic Committee 国际奥林匹克委员会

NASA=National Aeronautics And Space Administration 美国国家宇航局

WHO=World Health Organization 世界卫生组织

NASA= National Aeronautics and Space Administration 美国国家航空航天局主义 terrorism


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