
英语挑战杯决赛主持人稿 男:尊敬的各位领导、各位来宾

女: 亲爱的老师同学们,大家 合:晚上好!

A: Ladies and gentlemen, and welcome to the 4th “” English Speaking Contest of Guangdong Ocean University Faculty of Vacational

educational ,which hosted by the learning department of the student’s Union. The contest’s topic is , “We all have a common name —post 90s”First, let me introduce the hostess for today,she is_何睿晴


B: standing here beside me is 刘荣。I'm honored today to co-host this year's speaking contest. We hope it will be a good opportunity for the participants to display their talents. We also hope that we can enjoy this exciting contest and benefit from what you hear.

A:大家好,我是今晚的主持人刘荣。今天我十分荣幸能够主持今年的英语“挑战杯”决赛。我们衷心的希望各位参赛选手能够珍惜这次宝贵机会,展示非凡才华。当然,我和在座的各位一样都希望我们能够在精彩激烈的比赛中获益。 A:There are all together 8 contestants from our campus to compete in today’s English Speaking Contest.


B:The contest set up a extra prize which called the “viewers choice” and you can vote for your favourite like contestant.

A:本次大赛特别设立最佳人气奖。谁是你最中意的选手呢?用你手中的选票支持他们吧。 And this competition will be mediated by a panel of welcome guests and judges. I have the great privilege of presenting today’s judges and welcome guests for today’s speaking contest.

现在请允许我们向各位介绍今天到场的各位尊敬的嘉宾评委 ……………………..




B: Ok, after introducing ,now let‟s go over the rules of the contest Please look at the screen

A:在比赛开始之前,先让我们来了解一下关于比赛的规则吧,请看大屏幕: A: After understanding the basic rules, Now let’s warmly welcome our teacher, Mr./Miss.. to give us a speech. „„


B: Thank you for your generous speech. :It was a great pleasure for me to declare the opening of the English Speaking Contest.



A: Ok. I think it is time to begin! Are you ready? Now, let‟s get started! let's warmly welcome contestant No.1*** and contestant No.2 ,get ready ,please. B:好的。比赛即将开始。在座的各位,你们准备好了吗?现在让我们有请一号选手上台演讲,同时有请二号选手做好准备。

B: Thanks for wonderful speech of the first player。 What is going on is much more interesting, are you hurry to know what is it? let's warmly welcome contestant No2…and contestant No.3,get ready ,please.


A: Thanks for wonderful speech of the seceond player。 Let's warmly welcome contestant No.3 xxx. and contestant No.4 ,get ready ,please.


B:Thanks for wonderful speech of the third player。Let’s warmly welcome contestant No.4 xxx. and contestant No.5 ,get ready ,please.


A: Thanks for wonderful speech of the forth player。Let’s take a short breath now.Let’s welcome the honred guest to give us a English song and contestant No.5,get ready please.

B: :感谢四号选手的精彩表现。在欣赏了这四位选手的风采以及他们之间的激烈


B: Thanks for wonderful song of the singer。Now,Let’s warmly welcome the

contestant No.5 and contestant No.6,get ready,please.


A: Thanks for wonderful speech of the fifth player。Let's warmly welcome contestant No.6xxx. and contestant No.7 ,get ready ,please.


B: Thanks for wonderful speech of the sixth player。Let's warmly welcome contestant No.7xxx. and contestant No.8 ,get ready ,please.


A:Till now,our contest has come to an and Who is your favourite contestant? Tomorrow comes never. Let's warmly welcome the last contestant….

B:比赛已经接近尾声了。哪位选手的表现令你折服呢?如果心中还没有答案,就请欣赏完最后一位选手的精彩表现吧。下面我们有请最后一位选手上台演讲。 A:And now, let's have a short breath and wait for the final results. we are going to vote on the prize about the “viewers choice”.Please the staff collect the audience „s ballot and count them carefully.


B: Next,Let‟s play a game.Would you like to take part in our game?


A:The rules of the game is so easy that you only guess two words correctly in each class and you will fortunately the present.Wish you have a good time. B:比赛规则很简单。同学们只要指出每组三个单词的其中两个,即可获得丰厚奖品。好了,现场交给你们,尽情享受吧!

A: Ladies and gentlemen, welcome back to the English Speaking Contest. After our judges' discussion, the exciting moment is coming. Right now, what we are going to announce is the list of Excellent prize*****


A: Allow me to announce the list of third prize_ Congratulations!


A:Allow me to announce the list of second prize_ Congratulations! B:现在颁发的是二等奖的奖项

B: Ladies and gentlemen, who will gain the first prize? Let’s hold our breath, -------the most lucky person this evening is****

A:女士们,先生们谁能摘取今晚比赛的桂冠呢?让我们屏住呼吸,见证冠军的产生吧。下面,我宣布,获得一等奖的同学是:**** Congratulations!

A: Congratulations everybody. You are really excellent. Thank you for your outstanding performance.


A: Well, we have finished our contest now. Tonight we gather together, with our confidence and our hope, hope for ourselves, hope for our team, and hope for our future.


B: And at last, thank you for enjoy this special contest. We celebrate the“ challenge cup” which is really wonderful contest. Thank you everyone! A:衷心感谢在座的各位今天能够参与到“挑战杯”这一盛会当众,希望今晚能够给您留下不可磨灭的印象。

B :美好的时光总是很短暂,但激情的瞬间却会在我们的记忆里永藏。花开花落,让我们期待下一次的相遇,期待下一次的精彩。下面我宣布,第四届英语挑战杯大赛。



英语挑战杯决赛主持人稿 男:尊敬的各位领导、各位来宾

女: 亲爱的老师同学们,大家 合:晚上好!

A: Ladies and gentlemen, and welcome to the 4th “” English Speaking Contest of Guangdong Ocean University Faculty of Vacational

educational ,which hosted by the learning department of the student’s Union. The contest’s topic is , “We all have a common name —post 90s”First, let me introduce the hostess for today,she is_何睿晴


B: standing here beside me is 刘荣。I'm honored today to co-host this year's speaking contest. We hope it will be a good opportunity for the participants to display their talents. We also hope that we can enjoy this exciting contest and benefit from what you hear.

A:大家好,我是今晚的主持人刘荣。今天我十分荣幸能够主持今年的英语“挑战杯”决赛。我们衷心的希望各位参赛选手能够珍惜这次宝贵机会,展示非凡才华。当然,我和在座的各位一样都希望我们能够在精彩激烈的比赛中获益。 A:There are all together 8 contestants from our campus to compete in today’s English Speaking Contest.


B:The contest set up a extra prize which called the “viewers choice” and you can vote for your favourite like contestant.

A:本次大赛特别设立最佳人气奖。谁是你最中意的选手呢?用你手中的选票支持他们吧。 And this competition will be mediated by a panel of welcome guests and judges. I have the great privilege of presenting today’s judges and welcome guests for today’s speaking contest.

现在请允许我们向各位介绍今天到场的各位尊敬的嘉宾评委 ……………………..




B: Ok, after introducing ,now let‟s go over the rules of the contest Please look at the screen

A:在比赛开始之前,先让我们来了解一下关于比赛的规则吧,请看大屏幕: A: After understanding the basic rules, Now let’s warmly welcome our teacher, Mr./Miss.. to give us a speech. „„


B: Thank you for your generous speech. :It was a great pleasure for me to declare the opening of the English Speaking Contest.



A: Ok. I think it is time to begin! Are you ready? Now, let‟s get started! let's warmly welcome contestant No.1*** and contestant No.2 ,get ready ,please. B:好的。比赛即将开始。在座的各位,你们准备好了吗?现在让我们有请一号选手上台演讲,同时有请二号选手做好准备。

B: Thanks for wonderful speech of the first player。 What is going on is much more interesting, are you hurry to know what is it? let's warmly welcome contestant No2…and contestant No.3,get ready ,please.


A: Thanks for wonderful speech of the seceond player。 Let's warmly welcome contestant No.3 xxx. and contestant No.4 ,get ready ,please.


B:Thanks for wonderful speech of the third player。Let’s warmly welcome contestant No.4 xxx. and contestant No.5 ,get ready ,please.


A: Thanks for wonderful speech of the forth player。Let’s take a short breath now.Let’s welcome the honred guest to give us a English song and contestant No.5,get ready please.

B: :感谢四号选手的精彩表现。在欣赏了这四位选手的风采以及他们之间的激烈


B: Thanks for wonderful song of the singer。Now,Let’s warmly welcome the

contestant No.5 and contestant No.6,get ready,please.


A: Thanks for wonderful speech of the fifth player。Let's warmly welcome contestant No.6xxx. and contestant No.7 ,get ready ,please.


B: Thanks for wonderful speech of the sixth player。Let's warmly welcome contestant No.7xxx. and contestant No.8 ,get ready ,please.


A:Till now,our contest has come to an and Who is your favourite contestant? Tomorrow comes never. Let's warmly welcome the last contestant….

B:比赛已经接近尾声了。哪位选手的表现令你折服呢?如果心中还没有答案,就请欣赏完最后一位选手的精彩表现吧。下面我们有请最后一位选手上台演讲。 A:And now, let's have a short breath and wait for the final results. we are going to vote on the prize about the “viewers choice”.Please the staff collect the audience „s ballot and count them carefully.


B: Next,Let‟s play a game.Would you like to take part in our game?


A:The rules of the game is so easy that you only guess two words correctly in each class and you will fortunately the present.Wish you have a good time. B:比赛规则很简单。同学们只要指出每组三个单词的其中两个,即可获得丰厚奖品。好了,现场交给你们,尽情享受吧!

A: Ladies and gentlemen, welcome back to the English Speaking Contest. After our judges' discussion, the exciting moment is coming. Right now, what we are going to announce is the list of Excellent prize*****


A: Allow me to announce the list of third prize_ Congratulations!


A:Allow me to announce the list of second prize_ Congratulations! B:现在颁发的是二等奖的奖项

B: Ladies and gentlemen, who will gain the first prize? Let’s hold our breath, -------the most lucky person this evening is****

A:女士们,先生们谁能摘取今晚比赛的桂冠呢?让我们屏住呼吸,见证冠军的产生吧。下面,我宣布,获得一等奖的同学是:**** Congratulations!

A: Congratulations everybody. You are really excellent. Thank you for your outstanding performance.


A: Well, we have finished our contest now. Tonight we gather together, with our confidence and our hope, hope for ourselves, hope for our team, and hope for our future.


B: And at last, thank you for enjoy this special contest. We celebrate the“ challenge cup” which is really wonderful contest. Thank you everyone! A:衷心感谢在座的各位今天能够参与到“挑战杯”这一盛会当众,希望今晚能够给您留下不可磨灭的印象。

B :美好的时光总是很短暂,但激情的瞬间却会在我们的记忆里永藏。花开花落,让我们期待下一次的相遇,期待下一次的精彩。下面我宣布,第四届英语挑战杯大赛。




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