高速铁路优势 英语作文

It is a really hot topic now as many city had opened high-speed railway. Many people said that high-speed railway is much better than the other transportation.and as also some people believe that it is no future .to my point of view ,high-speed railway bring us real convenient .

My reasons are as follows:

First ,the stations of the high-speed railway are much closer to our living area ,like buses.and it is much more convenient to transport goods.for example ,a businessman in Shanghai want go to Sichuan with 1000kg goods,if he go to Sichuan by plane ,he need go to suburbs because the airports always in the suburbs, and it cost much money to checked the goods. if he go by train ,he need to go to the railway station far away from home ,and the train take much more time .and if he take bus,though it is convenient, it not only cost much money ,but also waste much time.

Secondly,the most important disadvantage of high-speed railway is that it need a great number of passengers .As the second most populous countries of the world, Chinese has no pressure.

What's more ,China is developing in a "high speed",even though high-speed railway cost much money , I believe China can hold it .

As all above ,I firmly believe that the future of high-speed railway is shinning!

It is a really hot topic now as many city had opened high-speed railway. Many people said that high-speed railway is much better than the other transportation.and as also some people believe that it is no future .to my point of view ,high-speed railway bring us real convenient .

My reasons are as follows:

First ,the stations of the high-speed railway are much closer to our living area ,like buses.and it is much more convenient to transport goods.for example ,a businessman in Shanghai want go to Sichuan with 1000kg goods,if he go to Sichuan by plane ,he need go to suburbs because the airports always in the suburbs, and it cost much money to checked the goods. if he go by train ,he need to go to the railway station far away from home ,and the train take much more time .and if he take bus,though it is convenient, it not only cost much money ,but also waste much time.

Secondly,the most important disadvantage of high-speed railway is that it need a great number of passengers .As the second most populous countries of the world, Chinese has no pressure.

What's more ,China is developing in a "high speed",even though high-speed railway cost much money , I believe China can hold it .

As all above ,I firmly believe that the future of high-speed railway is shinning!


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