
Chapter 7 语篇翻译——衔接与连贯


语篇包括“话语”(discourse )和“篇章”(text )。

7.1 衔接与连贯 (Cohesion vs Coherence)



7.2 衔接 (Cohesion)

7.2.1 定义

衔接是将语句聚合在一起的语法及词汇手段的统称,是语篇表层的可见语言现象。 e.g. Paris? I’ve always wanted to go there.

7.2.2 分类

衔接手段大致可分为语法衔接手段(grammatical cohesion)和词汇衔接手段(lexical cohesion)两种。前者包括指称(reference)、替代(substitution)、省略(ellipsis)和关联/连接词(conjunction);(后者指复现(reiteration)和同现(collocation))。(Halliday & Hason)这些语言手段形成一个有形的完整网络,使篇章的各组成部分有机地衔接起来,从而增强整个篇章的内聚力。


1. 就语句连接方式来说,英语多用连接词来连接,而汉语则通过意义来连接。

2. 在语法方面,英语语法是显性的,而汉语语法则属隐性。

3. 对英汉互译的启示。



e.g. Tommy likes ice-cream and he has always an appetite for it.

e.g. Whenever he saw an ice cream, Tommy would like to taste it.

e.g. Proverbs are heirlooms, treasured and passed on from generation to generation. We assume these pithy phrases sum up timeless wisdom. But are the truisms really true? Psychologists have found they’re pretty hit -or-miss. Still, they persist. After all, you know what they say: old habits —and old sayings—die hard.

e.g. The patient shook her head and stretched out her hands towards the baby. The doctor put it in her arms. She kissed it on the forehead.

e.g “But if a woman is partial to a man, and does not endeavor to conceal it, he must find it out.” “Perhaps he must, if he sees enough of her.”

---Jane Austen: Pride and prejudice

7.2.5 省略(ellipsis)


e.g. Because Alice won’t, Mary has to dust the furniture.

e.g. Histories make men wise; poets witty; the mathematics subtle; natural philosophy deep; moral grave; logic and rhetoric able to contend.

e.g. A man may usually be known by the books he reads as well as by the company he keeps; for there is a companionship of books as well as of men; and one should always live in the best company, whether it be of books or of men.

7.2.6 替代(substitution )


A: Will we get there on time?

B: I think so.



e.g. As for the soul of man, the Eskimos do not claim to know exactly what it is … but then who does? They see it, however, as the beginning of life, the initiator of all activities within a being and the energy without which life cannot continue.

e.g. I never met a more interesting man than Mayhew. He was a lawyer in Detroit. He was an able and successful one. By the time he was thirty-five he had a large and a lucrative practice, he had amassed a competence, and he stood on the threshold of a distinguished career. (Mayhew, William S. Naugham)

7.2.7 连词(conjunction )

连词作为衔接手段,是“使句子、分句和段落相互联系的形式标记”(Mona Baker)。可以分为四类:增补、转折、因果和时间(Halliday &Hason)。

e.g. Our arguments were often brought before our father, and I guess I was either generally in the right, or else a better debater, because the judgment was usually in my favor. (Three Great Rolls, Benjamin Franklin)

e.g. We tend to treat persons like goods. We even speak of children “belonging” to their parents. But nobody is “belonging” to anyone else. (Love Is Not Like Merchandise, Sydney J. Harris)

e.g. With night approaching, the boatman and I had no choice but to wait until the wind stopped. (Three Great Rolls, Benjamin Franklin)

7.2.8 词汇衔接(lexical cohesion)







e.g. One hundred hours a week were devoted to study and 45 minutes to football. This bias was not wholly popular.

e.g. There is nothing in the high comedy of the world so admirably as the special department called Fame.

e.g. It is a very long time since I attended a Mass. In this pilgrimage town you get the real thing,

with a crowd of real worshippers; and because of the shrine, those who come to church include the paralyzed, the crippled, the blind, the deformed, the dying, a terrible parade…

7.3 连贯(Coherence)

是指以信息发出者和接受者双方共同了解的情景为基础,铜鼓逻辑推理来达到予以的连贯。 是词语,小句,句群在概念、逻辑上合理、恰当地连为一体的语篇特征。

e.g. Wife ( in the bedroom): There’s the doorbell.

Husband (in the study): I’m checking my e-mail.

Wife: Okay.





e.g. 蜜蜂这物件,最爱劳动。广东天气好,花又多,蜜蜂一年四季都不闲着。酿的蜜多,自己吃的可有限。每回割蜜,给它们留一点点糖,够他们吃的就行了。它们从来不争,也不计较什么,还是继续劳动、继续酿蜜,整日整月不辞劳苦„„(杨朔:《荔枝蜜》)

— The bees are industrious while our province has good weather and plenty of flowers. They work the whole year round, and eat only a fraction of the honey they produce. Each time we extract it we leave them a little sugar. They never argue or complain, just go on producing honey day after day. (《英汉对照中国文学现代散文卷》,281页)

7.3.2 信息结构


e.g. 恰逢山外集会,猎手一不做二不休骑着自行车驮着4只狼仔上了路。4只狼仔当做4只狼狗仔很快就出了手。每只60元,4只240元。一卷票子塞进了猎人的腰包。(张增有:“猎手”,见《大学英语》98/6,48页)

— It happened to be the time of the country fair outside the mountains. In for a penny, in for a pound. The hunter put his game on his bike and set out on his journey. The four whelps were soon sold as four baby wolfhounds, 60 yuan for each, 240 yuan in all. A wad of money was squeezed into his pocket.

联系信息的主位(Theme)、述位(rheme)(optional )

补充:A message is made up of a topic and what is said about the topic. Similarly, a clause is made up of a theme, i.e., its topic, and rheme, i.e., what is said about the topic.

e.g. Jonny failed the exam.

— THEME :Jonny ;RHEME :failed the exam.

e.g. Once I found a cave in a mountain outside the city.

e.g. Sing a happy song to us.

e.g. What words shall I say to her?


*Topic-prominent vs Subject-prominent

e.g. There was a heightened awareness of each sunny day, the beauty of flowers, the song of bird. How often do we reflect on the joy of breathing easily, of swallowing without effort and discomfort, of walking without pain, of a complete and peaceful night’s sleep?

7.3.3 逻辑关系


e.g. He wanted to join the Chinese Communist Party group in Berlin, he would study and work hard, he would do anything he was asked to do but return to his old life, which had turned to ashes beneath his feet.



e.g. 为了逃避那一双双熟悉的眼睛,释放后经人介绍他来到湖南南县一家木器厂做临时工。

7.3.4 文化背景信息

e.g. On the subject of extra-terrestrial life—something about which the cosmologist is frequently asked —he said he did not believe aliens had visited Earth. If they had, he added, it would have been “more like Independent Day than ET.”


*总结:译者,必须是一个很好的协调者(coordinator )和媒介人(mediator )

Chapter 7


e.g. The sacred cows in India are well known. Cows can go everywhere they want to in the street of India, and they can eat anything they want to from the supplies of the foodsellers on the street. As a result, the cows are a problem. However, no one in India will kill them or eat them. It is taboo to do so. This custom seems strange to other people, but anthropologist believe that there are reasons for it. First, cows are valuable because the farmers need them to help plow their fields. Second, cow manure is used as a fertilizer on the fields. In India, many farmers cannot afford to spend money on fertilizer. Third, the cow manure can be dried and burned to make cooking fires. Therefore, farmers that kill their cows for meat soon find that they cannot plow or fertilize their fields or make a cooking fire.

e.g. Before college, the only people I had ever known who were interested in art or music or literature, the only ones who read books, the only ones who ever seemed to enjoy a sense of ease and grace were the mothers and daughters. Like the menfolk, they fretted about money, they scrimped and made-do. But, when the pay stopped coming in, they were not the ones who had failed. Nor did they have to go to war, and that seemed to me a blessed fact. By comparison with the narrow, ironclad days of fathers, there was an expansiveness, I thought, in the days of mothers. They went to see neighbors, to shop in town, to run errands at school, at the library, at church.

Chapter 7 语篇翻译——衔接与连贯


语篇包括“话语”(discourse )和“篇章”(text )。

7.1 衔接与连贯 (Cohesion vs Coherence)



7.2 衔接 (Cohesion)

7.2.1 定义

衔接是将语句聚合在一起的语法及词汇手段的统称,是语篇表层的可见语言现象。 e.g. Paris? I’ve always wanted to go there.

7.2.2 分类

衔接手段大致可分为语法衔接手段(grammatical cohesion)和词汇衔接手段(lexical cohesion)两种。前者包括指称(reference)、替代(substitution)、省略(ellipsis)和关联/连接词(conjunction);(后者指复现(reiteration)和同现(collocation))。(Halliday & Hason)这些语言手段形成一个有形的完整网络,使篇章的各组成部分有机地衔接起来,从而增强整个篇章的内聚力。


1. 就语句连接方式来说,英语多用连接词来连接,而汉语则通过意义来连接。

2. 在语法方面,英语语法是显性的,而汉语语法则属隐性。

3. 对英汉互译的启示。



e.g. Tommy likes ice-cream and he has always an appetite for it.

e.g. Whenever he saw an ice cream, Tommy would like to taste it.

e.g. Proverbs are heirlooms, treasured and passed on from generation to generation. We assume these pithy phrases sum up timeless wisdom. But are the truisms really true? Psychologists have found they’re pretty hit -or-miss. Still, they persist. After all, you know what they say: old habits —and old sayings—die hard.

e.g. The patient shook her head and stretched out her hands towards the baby. The doctor put it in her arms. She kissed it on the forehead.

e.g “But if a woman is partial to a man, and does not endeavor to conceal it, he must find it out.” “Perhaps he must, if he sees enough of her.”

---Jane Austen: Pride and prejudice

7.2.5 省略(ellipsis)


e.g. Because Alice won’t, Mary has to dust the furniture.

e.g. Histories make men wise; poets witty; the mathematics subtle; natural philosophy deep; moral grave; logic and rhetoric able to contend.

e.g. A man may usually be known by the books he reads as well as by the company he keeps; for there is a companionship of books as well as of men; and one should always live in the best company, whether it be of books or of men.

7.2.6 替代(substitution )


A: Will we get there on time?

B: I think so.



e.g. As for the soul of man, the Eskimos do not claim to know exactly what it is … but then who does? They see it, however, as the beginning of life, the initiator of all activities within a being and the energy without which life cannot continue.

e.g. I never met a more interesting man than Mayhew. He was a lawyer in Detroit. He was an able and successful one. By the time he was thirty-five he had a large and a lucrative practice, he had amassed a competence, and he stood on the threshold of a distinguished career. (Mayhew, William S. Naugham)

7.2.7 连词(conjunction )

连词作为衔接手段,是“使句子、分句和段落相互联系的形式标记”(Mona Baker)。可以分为四类:增补、转折、因果和时间(Halliday &Hason)。

e.g. Our arguments were often brought before our father, and I guess I was either generally in the right, or else a better debater, because the judgment was usually in my favor. (Three Great Rolls, Benjamin Franklin)

e.g. We tend to treat persons like goods. We even speak of children “belonging” to their parents. But nobody is “belonging” to anyone else. (Love Is Not Like Merchandise, Sydney J. Harris)

e.g. With night approaching, the boatman and I had no choice but to wait until the wind stopped. (Three Great Rolls, Benjamin Franklin)

7.2.8 词汇衔接(lexical cohesion)







e.g. One hundred hours a week were devoted to study and 45 minutes to football. This bias was not wholly popular.

e.g. There is nothing in the high comedy of the world so admirably as the special department called Fame.

e.g. It is a very long time since I attended a Mass. In this pilgrimage town you get the real thing,

with a crowd of real worshippers; and because of the shrine, those who come to church include the paralyzed, the crippled, the blind, the deformed, the dying, a terrible parade…

7.3 连贯(Coherence)

是指以信息发出者和接受者双方共同了解的情景为基础,铜鼓逻辑推理来达到予以的连贯。 是词语,小句,句群在概念、逻辑上合理、恰当地连为一体的语篇特征。

e.g. Wife ( in the bedroom): There’s the doorbell.

Husband (in the study): I’m checking my e-mail.

Wife: Okay.





e.g. 蜜蜂这物件,最爱劳动。广东天气好,花又多,蜜蜂一年四季都不闲着。酿的蜜多,自己吃的可有限。每回割蜜,给它们留一点点糖,够他们吃的就行了。它们从来不争,也不计较什么,还是继续劳动、继续酿蜜,整日整月不辞劳苦„„(杨朔:《荔枝蜜》)

— The bees are industrious while our province has good weather and plenty of flowers. They work the whole year round, and eat only a fraction of the honey they produce. Each time we extract it we leave them a little sugar. They never argue or complain, just go on producing honey day after day. (《英汉对照中国文学现代散文卷》,281页)

7.3.2 信息结构


e.g. 恰逢山外集会,猎手一不做二不休骑着自行车驮着4只狼仔上了路。4只狼仔当做4只狼狗仔很快就出了手。每只60元,4只240元。一卷票子塞进了猎人的腰包。(张增有:“猎手”,见《大学英语》98/6,48页)

— It happened to be the time of the country fair outside the mountains. In for a penny, in for a pound. The hunter put his game on his bike and set out on his journey. The four whelps were soon sold as four baby wolfhounds, 60 yuan for each, 240 yuan in all. A wad of money was squeezed into his pocket.

联系信息的主位(Theme)、述位(rheme)(optional )

补充:A message is made up of a topic and what is said about the topic. Similarly, a clause is made up of a theme, i.e., its topic, and rheme, i.e., what is said about the topic.

e.g. Jonny failed the exam.

— THEME :Jonny ;RHEME :failed the exam.

e.g. Once I found a cave in a mountain outside the city.

e.g. Sing a happy song to us.

e.g. What words shall I say to her?


*Topic-prominent vs Subject-prominent

e.g. There was a heightened awareness of each sunny day, the beauty of flowers, the song of bird. How often do we reflect on the joy of breathing easily, of swallowing without effort and discomfort, of walking without pain, of a complete and peaceful night’s sleep?

7.3.3 逻辑关系


e.g. He wanted to join the Chinese Communist Party group in Berlin, he would study and work hard, he would do anything he was asked to do but return to his old life, which had turned to ashes beneath his feet.



e.g. 为了逃避那一双双熟悉的眼睛,释放后经人介绍他来到湖南南县一家木器厂做临时工。

7.3.4 文化背景信息

e.g. On the subject of extra-terrestrial life—something about which the cosmologist is frequently asked —he said he did not believe aliens had visited Earth. If they had, he added, it would have been “more like Independent Day than ET.”


*总结:译者,必须是一个很好的协调者(coordinator )和媒介人(mediator )

Chapter 7


e.g. The sacred cows in India are well known. Cows can go everywhere they want to in the street of India, and they can eat anything they want to from the supplies of the foodsellers on the street. As a result, the cows are a problem. However, no one in India will kill them or eat them. It is taboo to do so. This custom seems strange to other people, but anthropologist believe that there are reasons for it. First, cows are valuable because the farmers need them to help plow their fields. Second, cow manure is used as a fertilizer on the fields. In India, many farmers cannot afford to spend money on fertilizer. Third, the cow manure can be dried and burned to make cooking fires. Therefore, farmers that kill their cows for meat soon find that they cannot plow or fertilize their fields or make a cooking fire.

e.g. Before college, the only people I had ever known who were interested in art or music or literature, the only ones who read books, the only ones who ever seemed to enjoy a sense of ease and grace were the mothers and daughters. Like the menfolk, they fretted about money, they scrimped and made-do. But, when the pay stopped coming in, they were not the ones who had failed. Nor did they have to go to war, and that seemed to me a blessed fact. By comparison with the narrow, ironclad days of fathers, there was an expansiveness, I thought, in the days of mothers. They went to see neighbors, to shop in town, to run errands at school, at the library, at church.


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