


To save money, offices around the U.S. are adding a new chore to their employees' routine: taking out the trash.

Some 20,000 Texas state workers, who once had night janitors empty their desk-side waste baskets, now must tote their own trash and recyclables to common bins. City workers in Phoenix are doing the same, as are employees of some colleges and companies.

'One of the really labor-intensive parts of custodial work is walking to people's desks and emptying the trash,' said Dana Williams, director of facilities services at the Texas Facilities Commission, which manages buildings for more than 100 state agencies. 'And most people only have a fist-sized amount of trash.' By having workers dump their own cans, Texas is expected to save at least $825,000 annually on labor costs -- a tiny piece of a the state's two-year budget of $182 billion.

In addition to the savings on custodial labor, employers expect to save money by reducing the trash they generate, as well as collect more money by producing greater amounts of recycling, one of the program's goals.

State workers in Texas, for example, received small trash bins in addition to larger recycling cans. Some University of Washington workers began emptying their own baskets in a similar program a decade ago as part of an environmental initiative. But with budgets cut 25% over the past two years, Gene Woodard, the school's director of building services, is expanding the program campus-wide.

Mr. Woodard says workers occasionally call him to complain about stinky trash cans they forgot to empty before a vacation. 'Some of these mistakes you do just once,' he said.

When Dartmouth College unveiled its program this summer, the school presented the move as a part of a broader 'sustainability initiative.' Psychology professor Catherine Cramer says she was already recycling all the items the college is targeting.

'The only real change will be that I am expected to haul it to some central place myself instead of having custodial staff pick it up,' she wrote at the time on a school website. 'The real goals here, however prettily wrapped in sustainability rhetoric, are rather obvious.'

Ms. Cramer questions the economics of transferring work from the school's lowest-paid workers to higher-paid employees.

'While I am certainly not above emptying my own trash,' she said, 'it's less clear to me that it's a good use of my professional time, especially to make the frequent trips necessitated by a tiny bucket.'

Linda Snyder, Dartmouth's vice president of Campus Planning and Facilities, says the 'primary goals' of the initiative are to increase campus recycling and reduce waste. Results from the first month show just that. 'Although the program has produced nominal savings on costs such as trash-can liners, its main goal is to improve recycling and sustainability,' she said.

Texas is spending about $195,000 to set up its program, for small individual bins, larger centralized bins, signs and brochures. Officials said the preliminary results have been promising:

A 13% increase in the collection of recyclable materials -- worth $35,000 a year if that pace continues. Diverting the materials from the trash should save $45,000 more a year.




德州政府机构设施管理委员会(Texas Facilities Commission)服务部主任威廉姆斯(Dana Williams)表示,保洁工作最累人的一项任务就是走到人们的办公桌旁清理垃圾桶。而且,大多数人都只有一丁点儿的垃圾。该委员会负责管理100多家德州政府机关的大楼。通过让员工自己倒垃圾,德州预计每年将至少节省人力成本82.5万美元──跟该州两年1,820亿美元的预算比当然只是微不足道的一部分。



华盛顿大学(University of Washington)的一些员工早在十年前就开始了一项类似的行动:倒掉自己的垃圾桶,这是一个环保倡议项目的内容之一。但是,由于过去两年来学校的预算被削减了四分之一,该校楼宇服务部门的负责人伍达德(Gene Woodard)正在将这个项目在全校推广。


今年夏天达特茅斯学院(Dartmouth College)推广这一项目时,是将它作为更广范围的“可持续发展倡议”的一部分。心理学教授克莱默(Catherine Cramer)说,她早就已经开始回收如今学院指定的所有物品。




达特茅斯学院负责校园规划和设施管理的副院长斯奈德(Linda Snyder)说,这一倡议的首要目标是增加校园物品的回收利用和减少浪费。第一个月的结果正说明了这一点。她说,虽然这个项目在名义上节约了垃圾袋等成本,但它的主要目标是提高废物回收率和促进可持续发展。


If 'Jackass 3D' is anything like prior triumphs in the franchise, its band of raunchy, anarchic daredevils will make high art of low humor and leave no mishap private - especially if it involves someone's privates. But just try to get Johnny Knoxville and his gang to talk about how much each is paid. In America, money is the last conversational taboo.

That's probably a good thing for workplace morale. A new study by researchers at the University of California at Berkeley and Princeton University suggests that if all of our salaries were made known tomorrow, half of us would be made miserable and the other half would be made no happier.

That's more or less what happened at the University of California. Faculty and staff there are on the state's payroll. The passage in California of a right-to-know law in March 2008 enabled the Sacramento Bee to publish state worker salaries on its web site. Authors of the aforementioned study, now circulating as a working paper, contacted a random set of workers at three UC campuses and informed them of the web site. A few days later, they surveyed all campus employees on how they used the Bee's site, on their satisfaction with their job and pay and on whether they had job search intentions.

The findings: Usage of the site spread quickly, and 80% of new users said they looked up salary details on colleagues in their department. Among workers whose pay was below the median for their department, job satisfaction plunged and likelihood of searching for a new job increased. Interestingly, among those who were paid above the median, there was no meaningful change.

The findings fit neatly with something called the inequality aversion theory, proposed in 1999 by researchers in Zurich and Munich. In experiments, human subjects proved willing to sacrifice potential rewards if they could block others from receiving superior rewards. In other words, subjects in many cases cared more about fairness than gain. (A 2003 study involving monkeys showed similar behavior - and a bit of monkey rage displayed toward scientists who created the conditions.)

The University of California finding suggests employers have more to lose than to gain from publicizing salaries. Inexpensive workers might leave and costly ones aren't made more loyal.

That explains why some employers tuck secrecy clauses into their new hire contracts. Such clauses are losing their teeth, however. In the U.S., several states ban them, and in ones that don't,

court decisions suggest enforcement is made difficult if not impossible by Section 7 of the National Labor Rights Act, which protects workers who engage in concerted activity for mutual aid and protection. In the U.K. as of Oct. 1, the Equality Act 2010 bans enforcement in cases where workers are trying to determine whether they're being discriminated against - something employers would find difficult to disprove.

As for workers, many of whom seem all too keen to share gritty personal details with colleagues, maybe it's time to dish about pay. Half will leave the conversation frowning, but if dissatisfaction is a motivator, they'll end up better off.

如果说3D版《蠢蛋搞怪秀3》与前两部成功的系列片有相似之处的话,那就是这伙恶俗的、无法无天的搞怪者会以高雅的艺术来表现低俗的幽默方式,将所有的灾祸都公之于众,特别是如果涉及到某人的隐私。但如果想让诺克斯维尔(Johnny Knoxville)和他的剧组谈谈每个人的薪水,你一定会碰壁。在美国,钱是谈话中的最后一个禁忌。

这可能对工作环境的士气来说是件好事。加州大学伯克利分校(University of California at Berkeley)及普林斯顿大学(Princeton University)的一个新研究显示,如果明天我们所有人的薪水都公之于众,一半人会很悲惨,另一半人也不会更高兴。

加州大学的情况差不多就是这样。教师和员工都在州政府的花名册上。加利福尼亚州2008年3月通过的一项知情权法规让当地报纸《Sacramento Bee》在其网站公布加州工作人员的薪水。上述的新研究已发布成为研究报告。作者随意联系了三所加州大学分校的一些员工,并告知他们这个网站的信息。几天后,他们对学校所有员工就如何使用该网站、对工作和薪水的满意度以及是否有找新工作的打算进行了调查。


这恰巧映证了1999年由苏黎世和慕尼黑研究人员提出的“不平等厌恶理论”(inequality aversion theory)。实验证明,实验对象如果能阻止其他人接受比他更优越的奖励,他就愿意牺牲潜在的奖励。也就是说,实验对象在很多情况下更在意公平性,而不是获得多少。(2003年的一个关于猴子的研究也显示了相同行为,猴子还对造成这种情况的科学家表示了愤怒。)


这就解释了为什么有些雇主会在新员工合同中塞进保密条款。但是这种条款的地位正在动摇。美国有些州不允许这样的条款,在允许的州省,《国家劳动权益法案》(National Labor Rights Act)第七部分规定对采取一致行动争取共同帮助和保护的员工进行保护,法庭的判决表明,该规定使得上述条款的实施十分困难。在英国,从10月1日起,《2010年平等法案》(Equality Act 2010)规定,在员工试图判定他们是否被歧视(雇主通常都很难反驳)的情况下,这些条款禁止实施。


The road to the mall may be paved with good intentions, but retailers know just how to get inside that part of your brain that yells, 'Buy me!' And this holiday season, they're rolling out more tricky marketing strategies to encourage recession-scarred shoppers to spend. 'Shoppers are dealing with a whole new arsenal of tricks,' says Kit Yarrow, a professor of psychology and marketing and Golden Gate University in San Francisco.

Merchants have always used marketing tricks and rotating sales to encourage consumers to open their wallets, but this year, they're pushing every psychological button they can, retail experts say. Competition for shoppers, plus a tepid holiday shopping outlook, means retailers are doing whatever they can to attract deal-hunting consumers' attention ─ all in an effort to entice them into spending more than they'd planned. That means adding worry-inducing purchase limits to indicate scarcity, promising free gifts to shoppers who spend just a little more, and offering rewards today to redeem later just so people will come back to the store.

These strategies work in part because they tap into hard-wired behaviors that go back to our days in caves. Long before we were confronted with half-off Merino turtlenecks or buy-one-get-one-free smartphones, we learned to stockpile in the event of shortage and to compete for scarce resources, psychologists and neuroscientists say. The stakes are considerably lower when you shop, but studies have shown our brains react similarly nonetheless. The effectiveness -- and proliferation -- of these mind games are a big part of the reason you're apt to look back and wonder why you thought that buying three itchy sweaters for $50 or a $200 no-name television was such a good idea.

Get to know these seven hidden triggers, and next time you go shopping you can look at retailers' pitches with a more critical eye -- and maybe avoid blowing your budget:

'Shop today and save 50% next week.'

Aimed at: Your best intentions.

Why you fall for it: The promise of bigger savings in the future appeals to people who think they can game the system, says Lars Perner, an assistant professor of clinical marketing at the University of Southern California's Marshall School of Business. You figure on buying just one or two things now, then returning to pick up a few more. But volume-driven retailers are using the now-and-later tactic this year to steer consumers back to stores when they know they'll have new stock or other promotions that help you buy more than you planned.

It's similar to the 'buy a little bit more and get a free gift' promotion, Perner says.

'Limit five per person.'

Aimed at: Your competitive spirit.

Why you fall for it: Limits trigger a feeling that the deal is so great that, if not for that limit-four-per-customer rule, shoppers would be filling their carts to the brim, leaving none for you, says L.J. Shrum, the president of the Society for Consumer Psychology and the marketing department chair at the University of Texas at San Antonio. Setting a limit increases the likelihood you'll buy at least one, and it's even more effective if you were already planning to buy one of the item.

Higher numbers in promotions have the same effect, according to a 2007 study in the Journal of Retailing. Changing the structure of a sale from 'Buy two' to 'Buy eight' resulted in a 55% increase in sales ─ regardless of the price of each option, says study co-author Kenneth C. Manning, chair of the marketing department Colorado State University. This year, limits are showing up on anything a store wants to get rid of. You'll even see limits on items that might seem absurd to purchase in multiples, Shrum says.

'Our Big Sale ends tomorrow/today/in a few hours.'

Aimed at: Your survival instincts.

Why you fall for it: Fear, pure and simple. This tactic appeals to a basic instinct to grab what's available or be left without, says Noah Goldstein, an assistant professor of human resources and organizational behavior at the Anderson School of Management at the University of California, Los Angeles. Think of the crowds stocking up on bottled water and canned goods before a major storm comes through. In those frenzied hours, it's a matter of survival.

Retailer e-newsletters have made it easy to extend that tactic online, and many retailers send multiple emails to shoppers as the end of a sale nears. And they often respond.

'Get 23% off.'

Aimed at: Your love of a bargain.

Why you fall for it: Real estate brokers have long known that uneven pricing (say, $524,755 versus $525,000) catches buyers' attention, because those odd numbers suggest a bargain that has already been marked down -- whether that's actually the case or not. This year, retailers have picked up on that tactic this year as a way to separate their sales from the sea of 20%-off offers, Yarrow says.

'We have a great deal on the accessories for that, too.'

Aimed at: Your long-term investor.

Why you fall for it: Once the consumer has already made a decision to buy and to pay, it's easier to convince them to add related ─ but maybe unecessary ─ items to their purchase, Shrum says. That's because in your mind, you already own the product, making you more vulnerable to pitches for things that promise to make the purchase more useful or less vulnerable. A 2009 Carnegie Mellon study found that consumers were more likely to buy warranties on purchases if they thought doing so would extend the life of their gadget or preserve its value. And shoppers who felt they were being offered an un-advertised deal were 42% more likely to buy. This is particularly common with products that would be expensive to replace, like smartphones or tablet computers.

'Save $250! (New price: $500.)'

Aimed at: Your price-sensitive side.

Why you fall for it: Touting big savings or using a gigantic font in an ad puts the deal at the center and makes the actual price an afterthought. What's more, your brain often perceives the actual price as more reasonable because of that big price drop, says Perner.

Stores have used this tactic more during the recession to sell higher-priced items, hoping that you'll take a closer look at the washer that has the splashy discount, even if it is more expensive than other models, he says. This trick works, experts say.

'Get a free gift with your $50 purchase.'

Aimed at: Your inner child (who wants a present, too).

Why you fall for it: You were already planning to buy one sweater, but you're one additional belt purchase away from getting to get a free scarf. At the store, you don't think about the $20 price tag or about how rarely you actually wear a scarf. Instead, your mind sees the free gift as an additional reason to buy the primary product in the first place. (A 2009 study from researchers at New York University and California State University found that promotions were more effective if they highlighted the product to be purchased, rather than the gift.)

It's the retail equivalent of finding money on the ground. And shoppers equate added value with a discount ─ even if they're spending extra money to get a freebie they wouldn't have otherwise purchased and might not even use, says Yarrow. That mindset is why stores have brought back the gift-with-purchase this year, as an alternative to big discounts. What's more, this sort of psychological trick makes you feel less guilty about buying ─ or getting for free ─ a little something for yourself. 'It helps you justify the purchase,' she says.


加狡猾的促销招数,务必让业已遭受萧条重创的顾客们打开腰包。旧金山金门大学(Golden Gate University)的心理学及营销学教授亚罗(Kit Yarrow)说,眼下,顾客们必须应付五花八门无所不包的新型促销花招。






中招原因:南加州大学马歇尔商学院(University of Southern California's Marshall School of Business)的现场营销学副教授佩纳(Lars Perner)说,将来可以省很多钱的承诺对那些自以为比商家精明的人很有吸引力。你会在心里盘算,现在先买一两件东西,下次再来多买几件。不过,在今年,力图增加销量的商家之所以采用这种时间差战术,目的是操纵你再次光顾的时间,让你赶上新货上架的日子、赶上商店举办的其它一些让你超支的促销活动。




中招原因:美国消费者心理学协会(Society for Consumer Psychology)主席、圣安东尼奥(San Antonio)得克萨斯大学(University of Texas)营销系主任希拉姆(L.J. Shrum)说,限量购买会让你觉得,这东西实在是划算极了,要不是每人限买四件的话,其它顾客就会把自己的手推车装得满满当当,一件都不给你剩下。数量限制将会提高你至少买一件的几率,如果你本来就打算买一件的话,这种招数还会更加有效。

《零售月刊》(Journal of Retailing)2007年刊载的一篇论文表示,在促销活动当中,较大的数字也会产生较大的效果。论文作者之一、科罗拉多州立大学(Colorado State University)营销系主任曼宁(Kenneth C. Manning)说,数量设置从“买两件”变成“买八件”之后,促销商品的销量就增长了55%──无论两种设置对应的价格如何。今年,各家商店已经给所有意欲清空的货品加上了数量限制。希拉姆说,有些商店甚至给一些疯子才会买不只一件的东西设置了数量限制。



中招原因:恐惧,原因就是这么简单。加州大学洛杉矶分校安德森管理学院(UCLA Anderson School of Management)人力资源及组织行为学副教授戈德斯登(Noah Goldstein)说,这种招数抓住了人的一种原始本能,那就是尽量抓住眼前的东西,免得到最后两手空空。想想那些赶在大风暴来临之前囤积瓶装水和听装食品的人群,你就会明白其中道理。在那些疯狂迷乱的时刻,囤东西变成了一件关乎生死存亡的大事情。







中招原因:希拉姆说,一旦顾客决定付钱买下某件商品,劝说他们买下一些与之相关──不过也许并不必要──的东西就会变得比较容易。原因在于,一旦意识到自己拥有了某件产品,你就比较容易相信商家的说词,由此买下一些据说能让该产品更好用或是更不容易坏的东西。根据卡内基梅隆大学(Carnegie Mellon University)在2009年所作的一项研究,消费者如果觉得各种保障服务能让自己购买的产品更耐用,或者是能让产品保值,就会更加愿意购买此类服务。如果顾客觉得自己得到了某种广告里没有的专享优惠,购买的可能性还会提高42%。对于智能手机和平板计算机之类的高价产品来说,这样的情形尤其普遍。







中招原因:你本来就打算买一件毛衣,可是,你还得买一条计划之外的皮带才能获得一条免费的围巾。在商店里的时候,你不会去想,皮带上吊着一个20美元的价签,也不会去想,自己戴围巾的次数是多么地稀少。你心里只有那件免费的礼品,还会把它作为购买凑数商品的一个额外理由。(根据纽约大学[New York University]和加利福尼亚州立大学[California State University]的研究人员在2009年所作的一项研究,如果商家着重强调需要购买的商品,而不是免费赠送的礼品,促销的效果就会更好。)


Youku.com Inc. Chief Executive Officer Victor Koo says he's tired of being asked whether his company, China's biggest online-video provider, is the nation's version of YouTube or Hulu. It's both and better, he says。

Koo is among dot-com executives gathering in Beijing today and tomorrow to sell the idea that Chinese online services from Youku to Tencent Holdings's QQ are catching up to the world and western companies will soon turn to China for innovation. Their edge in detecting trends: an Internet population of 420 million, more than the number of people in the US and Germany。

Some investors may already be ahead of the curve. Tencent and Baidu are larger than EBay Inc. and Yahoo! Inc. by market value. Alibaba Group Holding's Alibaba.com unit is also among the 10

biggest Internet companies globally by market capitalization。

Tencent expanded its QQ online-chat software to offer additional features that appeal to youths, according to an Internet analyst. QQ controlled 77 percent of China's instant-messaging market as of December, compared with 4.2 percent for Microsoft's MSN, according to researcher Analysis International。

Taobao.com, China's biggest online-shopping site, overtook San Jose, California-based EBay within three years of its founding in 2003 by waiving commissions from transactions between its users. The approach by Taobao appealed more to China's cost-conscious Internet users, according to James Hawkins, managing director at DGM Asia, which buys advertising from Internet companies in China。

While the number of so-called












To save money, offices around the U.S. are adding a new chore to their employees' routine: taking out the trash.

Some 20,000 Texas state workers, who once had night janitors empty their desk-side waste baskets, now must tote their own trash and recyclables to common bins. City workers in Phoenix are doing the same, as are employees of some colleges and companies.

'One of the really labor-intensive parts of custodial work is walking to people's desks and emptying the trash,' said Dana Williams, director of facilities services at the Texas Facilities Commission, which manages buildings for more than 100 state agencies. 'And most people only have a fist-sized amount of trash.' By having workers dump their own cans, Texas is expected to save at least $825,000 annually on labor costs -- a tiny piece of a the state's two-year budget of $182 billion.

In addition to the savings on custodial labor, employers expect to save money by reducing the trash they generate, as well as collect more money by producing greater amounts of recycling, one of the program's goals.

State workers in Texas, for example, received small trash bins in addition to larger recycling cans. Some University of Washington workers began emptying their own baskets in a similar program a decade ago as part of an environmental initiative. But with budgets cut 25% over the past two years, Gene Woodard, the school's director of building services, is expanding the program campus-wide.

Mr. Woodard says workers occasionally call him to complain about stinky trash cans they forgot to empty before a vacation. 'Some of these mistakes you do just once,' he said.

When Dartmouth College unveiled its program this summer, the school presented the move as a part of a broader 'sustainability initiative.' Psychology professor Catherine Cramer says she was already recycling all the items the college is targeting.

'The only real change will be that I am expected to haul it to some central place myself instead of having custodial staff pick it up,' she wrote at the time on a school website. 'The real goals here, however prettily wrapped in sustainability rhetoric, are rather obvious.'

Ms. Cramer questions the economics of transferring work from the school's lowest-paid workers to higher-paid employees.

'While I am certainly not above emptying my own trash,' she said, 'it's less clear to me that it's a good use of my professional time, especially to make the frequent trips necessitated by a tiny bucket.'

Linda Snyder, Dartmouth's vice president of Campus Planning and Facilities, says the 'primary goals' of the initiative are to increase campus recycling and reduce waste. Results from the first month show just that. 'Although the program has produced nominal savings on costs such as trash-can liners, its main goal is to improve recycling and sustainability,' she said.

Texas is spending about $195,000 to set up its program, for small individual bins, larger centralized bins, signs and brochures. Officials said the preliminary results have been promising:

A 13% increase in the collection of recyclable materials -- worth $35,000 a year if that pace continues. Diverting the materials from the trash should save $45,000 more a year.




德州政府机构设施管理委员会(Texas Facilities Commission)服务部主任威廉姆斯(Dana Williams)表示,保洁工作最累人的一项任务就是走到人们的办公桌旁清理垃圾桶。而且,大多数人都只有一丁点儿的垃圾。该委员会负责管理100多家德州政府机关的大楼。通过让员工自己倒垃圾,德州预计每年将至少节省人力成本82.5万美元──跟该州两年1,820亿美元的预算比当然只是微不足道的一部分。



华盛顿大学(University of Washington)的一些员工早在十年前就开始了一项类似的行动:倒掉自己的垃圾桶,这是一个环保倡议项目的内容之一。但是,由于过去两年来学校的预算被削减了四分之一,该校楼宇服务部门的负责人伍达德(Gene Woodard)正在将这个项目在全校推广。


今年夏天达特茅斯学院(Dartmouth College)推广这一项目时,是将它作为更广范围的“可持续发展倡议”的一部分。心理学教授克莱默(Catherine Cramer)说,她早就已经开始回收如今学院指定的所有物品。




达特茅斯学院负责校园规划和设施管理的副院长斯奈德(Linda Snyder)说,这一倡议的首要目标是增加校园物品的回收利用和减少浪费。第一个月的结果正说明了这一点。她说,虽然这个项目在名义上节约了垃圾袋等成本,但它的主要目标是提高废物回收率和促进可持续发展。


If 'Jackass 3D' is anything like prior triumphs in the franchise, its band of raunchy, anarchic daredevils will make high art of low humor and leave no mishap private - especially if it involves someone's privates. But just try to get Johnny Knoxville and his gang to talk about how much each is paid. In America, money is the last conversational taboo.

That's probably a good thing for workplace morale. A new study by researchers at the University of California at Berkeley and Princeton University suggests that if all of our salaries were made known tomorrow, half of us would be made miserable and the other half would be made no happier.

That's more or less what happened at the University of California. Faculty and staff there are on the state's payroll. The passage in California of a right-to-know law in March 2008 enabled the Sacramento Bee to publish state worker salaries on its web site. Authors of the aforementioned study, now circulating as a working paper, contacted a random set of workers at three UC campuses and informed them of the web site. A few days later, they surveyed all campus employees on how they used the Bee's site, on their satisfaction with their job and pay and on whether they had job search intentions.

The findings: Usage of the site spread quickly, and 80% of new users said they looked up salary details on colleagues in their department. Among workers whose pay was below the median for their department, job satisfaction plunged and likelihood of searching for a new job increased. Interestingly, among those who were paid above the median, there was no meaningful change.

The findings fit neatly with something called the inequality aversion theory, proposed in 1999 by researchers in Zurich and Munich. In experiments, human subjects proved willing to sacrifice potential rewards if they could block others from receiving superior rewards. In other words, subjects in many cases cared more about fairness than gain. (A 2003 study involving monkeys showed similar behavior - and a bit of monkey rage displayed toward scientists who created the conditions.)

The University of California finding suggests employers have more to lose than to gain from publicizing salaries. Inexpensive workers might leave and costly ones aren't made more loyal.

That explains why some employers tuck secrecy clauses into their new hire contracts. Such clauses are losing their teeth, however. In the U.S., several states ban them, and in ones that don't,

court decisions suggest enforcement is made difficult if not impossible by Section 7 of the National Labor Rights Act, which protects workers who engage in concerted activity for mutual aid and protection. In the U.K. as of Oct. 1, the Equality Act 2010 bans enforcement in cases where workers are trying to determine whether they're being discriminated against - something employers would find difficult to disprove.

As for workers, many of whom seem all too keen to share gritty personal details with colleagues, maybe it's time to dish about pay. Half will leave the conversation frowning, but if dissatisfaction is a motivator, they'll end up better off.

如果说3D版《蠢蛋搞怪秀3》与前两部成功的系列片有相似之处的话,那就是这伙恶俗的、无法无天的搞怪者会以高雅的艺术来表现低俗的幽默方式,将所有的灾祸都公之于众,特别是如果涉及到某人的隐私。但如果想让诺克斯维尔(Johnny Knoxville)和他的剧组谈谈每个人的薪水,你一定会碰壁。在美国,钱是谈话中的最后一个禁忌。

这可能对工作环境的士气来说是件好事。加州大学伯克利分校(University of California at Berkeley)及普林斯顿大学(Princeton University)的一个新研究显示,如果明天我们所有人的薪水都公之于众,一半人会很悲惨,另一半人也不会更高兴。

加州大学的情况差不多就是这样。教师和员工都在州政府的花名册上。加利福尼亚州2008年3月通过的一项知情权法规让当地报纸《Sacramento Bee》在其网站公布加州工作人员的薪水。上述的新研究已发布成为研究报告。作者随意联系了三所加州大学分校的一些员工,并告知他们这个网站的信息。几天后,他们对学校所有员工就如何使用该网站、对工作和薪水的满意度以及是否有找新工作的打算进行了调查。


这恰巧映证了1999年由苏黎世和慕尼黑研究人员提出的“不平等厌恶理论”(inequality aversion theory)。实验证明,实验对象如果能阻止其他人接受比他更优越的奖励,他就愿意牺牲潜在的奖励。也就是说,实验对象在很多情况下更在意公平性,而不是获得多少。(2003年的一个关于猴子的研究也显示了相同行为,猴子还对造成这种情况的科学家表示了愤怒。)


这就解释了为什么有些雇主会在新员工合同中塞进保密条款。但是这种条款的地位正在动摇。美国有些州不允许这样的条款,在允许的州省,《国家劳动权益法案》(National Labor Rights Act)第七部分规定对采取一致行动争取共同帮助和保护的员工进行保护,法庭的判决表明,该规定使得上述条款的实施十分困难。在英国,从10月1日起,《2010年平等法案》(Equality Act 2010)规定,在员工试图判定他们是否被歧视(雇主通常都很难反驳)的情况下,这些条款禁止实施。


The road to the mall may be paved with good intentions, but retailers know just how to get inside that part of your brain that yells, 'Buy me!' And this holiday season, they're rolling out more tricky marketing strategies to encourage recession-scarred shoppers to spend. 'Shoppers are dealing with a whole new arsenal of tricks,' says Kit Yarrow, a professor of psychology and marketing and Golden Gate University in San Francisco.

Merchants have always used marketing tricks and rotating sales to encourage consumers to open their wallets, but this year, they're pushing every psychological button they can, retail experts say. Competition for shoppers, plus a tepid holiday shopping outlook, means retailers are doing whatever they can to attract deal-hunting consumers' attention ─ all in an effort to entice them into spending more than they'd planned. That means adding worry-inducing purchase limits to indicate scarcity, promising free gifts to shoppers who spend just a little more, and offering rewards today to redeem later just so people will come back to the store.

These strategies work in part because they tap into hard-wired behaviors that go back to our days in caves. Long before we were confronted with half-off Merino turtlenecks or buy-one-get-one-free smartphones, we learned to stockpile in the event of shortage and to compete for scarce resources, psychologists and neuroscientists say. The stakes are considerably lower when you shop, but studies have shown our brains react similarly nonetheless. The effectiveness -- and proliferation -- of these mind games are a big part of the reason you're apt to look back and wonder why you thought that buying three itchy sweaters for $50 or a $200 no-name television was such a good idea.

Get to know these seven hidden triggers, and next time you go shopping you can look at retailers' pitches with a more critical eye -- and maybe avoid blowing your budget:

'Shop today and save 50% next week.'

Aimed at: Your best intentions.

Why you fall for it: The promise of bigger savings in the future appeals to people who think they can game the system, says Lars Perner, an assistant professor of clinical marketing at the University of Southern California's Marshall School of Business. You figure on buying just one or two things now, then returning to pick up a few more. But volume-driven retailers are using the now-and-later tactic this year to steer consumers back to stores when they know they'll have new stock or other promotions that help you buy more than you planned.

It's similar to the 'buy a little bit more and get a free gift' promotion, Perner says.

'Limit five per person.'

Aimed at: Your competitive spirit.

Why you fall for it: Limits trigger a feeling that the deal is so great that, if not for that limit-four-per-customer rule, shoppers would be filling their carts to the brim, leaving none for you, says L.J. Shrum, the president of the Society for Consumer Psychology and the marketing department chair at the University of Texas at San Antonio. Setting a limit increases the likelihood you'll buy at least one, and it's even more effective if you were already planning to buy one of the item.

Higher numbers in promotions have the same effect, according to a 2007 study in the Journal of Retailing. Changing the structure of a sale from 'Buy two' to 'Buy eight' resulted in a 55% increase in sales ─ regardless of the price of each option, says study co-author Kenneth C. Manning, chair of the marketing department Colorado State University. This year, limits are showing up on anything a store wants to get rid of. You'll even see limits on items that might seem absurd to purchase in multiples, Shrum says.

'Our Big Sale ends tomorrow/today/in a few hours.'

Aimed at: Your survival instincts.

Why you fall for it: Fear, pure and simple. This tactic appeals to a basic instinct to grab what's available or be left without, says Noah Goldstein, an assistant professor of human resources and organizational behavior at the Anderson School of Management at the University of California, Los Angeles. Think of the crowds stocking up on bottled water and canned goods before a major storm comes through. In those frenzied hours, it's a matter of survival.

Retailer e-newsletters have made it easy to extend that tactic online, and many retailers send multiple emails to shoppers as the end of a sale nears. And they often respond.

'Get 23% off.'

Aimed at: Your love of a bargain.

Why you fall for it: Real estate brokers have long known that uneven pricing (say, $524,755 versus $525,000) catches buyers' attention, because those odd numbers suggest a bargain that has already been marked down -- whether that's actually the case or not. This year, retailers have picked up on that tactic this year as a way to separate their sales from the sea of 20%-off offers, Yarrow says.

'We have a great deal on the accessories for that, too.'

Aimed at: Your long-term investor.

Why you fall for it: Once the consumer has already made a decision to buy and to pay, it's easier to convince them to add related ─ but maybe unecessary ─ items to their purchase, Shrum says. That's because in your mind, you already own the product, making you more vulnerable to pitches for things that promise to make the purchase more useful or less vulnerable. A 2009 Carnegie Mellon study found that consumers were more likely to buy warranties on purchases if they thought doing so would extend the life of their gadget or preserve its value. And shoppers who felt they were being offered an un-advertised deal were 42% more likely to buy. This is particularly common with products that would be expensive to replace, like smartphones or tablet computers.

'Save $250! (New price: $500.)'

Aimed at: Your price-sensitive side.

Why you fall for it: Touting big savings or using a gigantic font in an ad puts the deal at the center and makes the actual price an afterthought. What's more, your brain often perceives the actual price as more reasonable because of that big price drop, says Perner.

Stores have used this tactic more during the recession to sell higher-priced items, hoping that you'll take a closer look at the washer that has the splashy discount, even if it is more expensive than other models, he says. This trick works, experts say.

'Get a free gift with your $50 purchase.'

Aimed at: Your inner child (who wants a present, too).

Why you fall for it: You were already planning to buy one sweater, but you're one additional belt purchase away from getting to get a free scarf. At the store, you don't think about the $20 price tag or about how rarely you actually wear a scarf. Instead, your mind sees the free gift as an additional reason to buy the primary product in the first place. (A 2009 study from researchers at New York University and California State University found that promotions were more effective if they highlighted the product to be purchased, rather than the gift.)

It's the retail equivalent of finding money on the ground. And shoppers equate added value with a discount ─ even if they're spending extra money to get a freebie they wouldn't have otherwise purchased and might not even use, says Yarrow. That mindset is why stores have brought back the gift-with-purchase this year, as an alternative to big discounts. What's more, this sort of psychological trick makes you feel less guilty about buying ─ or getting for free ─ a little something for yourself. 'It helps you justify the purchase,' she says.


加狡猾的促销招数,务必让业已遭受萧条重创的顾客们打开腰包。旧金山金门大学(Golden Gate University)的心理学及营销学教授亚罗(Kit Yarrow)说,眼下,顾客们必须应付五花八门无所不包的新型促销花招。






中招原因:南加州大学马歇尔商学院(University of Southern California's Marshall School of Business)的现场营销学副教授佩纳(Lars Perner)说,将来可以省很多钱的承诺对那些自以为比商家精明的人很有吸引力。你会在心里盘算,现在先买一两件东西,下次再来多买几件。不过,在今年,力图增加销量的商家之所以采用这种时间差战术,目的是操纵你再次光顾的时间,让你赶上新货上架的日子、赶上商店举办的其它一些让你超支的促销活动。




中招原因:美国消费者心理学协会(Society for Consumer Psychology)主席、圣安东尼奥(San Antonio)得克萨斯大学(University of Texas)营销系主任希拉姆(L.J. Shrum)说,限量购买会让你觉得,这东西实在是划算极了,要不是每人限买四件的话,其它顾客就会把自己的手推车装得满满当当,一件都不给你剩下。数量限制将会提高你至少买一件的几率,如果你本来就打算买一件的话,这种招数还会更加有效。

《零售月刊》(Journal of Retailing)2007年刊载的一篇论文表示,在促销活动当中,较大的数字也会产生较大的效果。论文作者之一、科罗拉多州立大学(Colorado State University)营销系主任曼宁(Kenneth C. Manning)说,数量设置从“买两件”变成“买八件”之后,促销商品的销量就增长了55%──无论两种设置对应的价格如何。今年,各家商店已经给所有意欲清空的货品加上了数量限制。希拉姆说,有些商店甚至给一些疯子才会买不只一件的东西设置了数量限制。



中招原因:恐惧,原因就是这么简单。加州大学洛杉矶分校安德森管理学院(UCLA Anderson School of Management)人力资源及组织行为学副教授戈德斯登(Noah Goldstein)说,这种招数抓住了人的一种原始本能,那就是尽量抓住眼前的东西,免得到最后两手空空。想想那些赶在大风暴来临之前囤积瓶装水和听装食品的人群,你就会明白其中道理。在那些疯狂迷乱的时刻,囤东西变成了一件关乎生死存亡的大事情。







中招原因:希拉姆说,一旦顾客决定付钱买下某件商品,劝说他们买下一些与之相关──不过也许并不必要──的东西就会变得比较容易。原因在于,一旦意识到自己拥有了某件产品,你就比较容易相信商家的说词,由此买下一些据说能让该产品更好用或是更不容易坏的东西。根据卡内基梅隆大学(Carnegie Mellon University)在2009年所作的一项研究,消费者如果觉得各种保障服务能让自己购买的产品更耐用,或者是能让产品保值,就会更加愿意购买此类服务。如果顾客觉得自己得到了某种广告里没有的专享优惠,购买的可能性还会提高42%。对于智能手机和平板计算机之类的高价产品来说,这样的情形尤其普遍。







中招原因:你本来就打算买一件毛衣,可是,你还得买一条计划之外的皮带才能获得一条免费的围巾。在商店里的时候,你不会去想,皮带上吊着一个20美元的价签,也不会去想,自己戴围巾的次数是多么地稀少。你心里只有那件免费的礼品,还会把它作为购买凑数商品的一个额外理由。(根据纽约大学[New York University]和加利福尼亚州立大学[California State University]的研究人员在2009年所作的一项研究,如果商家着重强调需要购买的商品,而不是免费赠送的礼品,促销的效果就会更好。)


Youku.com Inc. Chief Executive Officer Victor Koo says he's tired of being asked whether his company, China's biggest online-video provider, is the nation's version of YouTube or Hulu. It's both and better, he says。

Koo is among dot-com executives gathering in Beijing today and tomorrow to sell the idea that Chinese online services from Youku to Tencent Holdings's QQ are catching up to the world and western companies will soon turn to China for innovation. Their edge in detecting trends: an Internet population of 420 million, more than the number of people in the US and Germany。

Some investors may already be ahead of the curve. Tencent and Baidu are larger than EBay Inc. and Yahoo! Inc. by market value. Alibaba Group Holding's Alibaba.com unit is also among the 10

biggest Internet companies globally by market capitalization。

Tencent expanded its QQ online-chat software to offer additional features that appeal to youths, according to an Internet analyst. QQ controlled 77 percent of China's instant-messaging market as of December, compared with 4.2 percent for Microsoft's MSN, according to researcher Analysis International。

Taobao.com, China's biggest online-shopping site, overtook San Jose, California-based EBay within three years of its founding in 2003 by waiving commissions from transactions between its users. The approach by Taobao appealed more to China's cost-conscious Internet users, according to James Hawkins, managing director at DGM Asia, which buys advertising from Internet companies in China。

While the number of so-called











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