













同学们,实验中学就是我们成长的摇篮。让我们在这块沃土上吸取丰富的营养,丰满自己的羽翼,用智慧、勤奋与美好心灵,谱写出新的人生华章!让实验中学因有我们而更加精彩! 一年之计在于春,一生之计在于青春。让我们用热情拥抱未来,用青春谱写人生,用行动证明自我吧!谢谢大家,我的演讲完毕。



The new term under the flag speech

Dear teacher, dear classmates:

Hello everyone! The topic of my speech today is "the new term, we will be more exciting!"

Across the lunar new year, we spent a happy vacation; a shower of spring, we return to the beautiful campus. In this be bursting with happiness, beautiful day, first of all, please allow me to the teachers, classmates congratulations to a happy New Year! Wish you in the new year, a feeling of exaltation upon fulfillment, the future, the macro exhibition way!

The new year opened new hope, the new blank load new dream. The classmates, facing the rising five-star red flag, what are you thinking? Bedside alarm clock will be in the morning dawn Sonata, classroom silence and will be disrupted, long under the table will show our shadow. The new semester, a new starting point. Like early spring birds, such as the fields of green grass, we will find a more vast sky in the boundless xuehai. The sound of reading we will be dedicated to the sun's gift, and the brilliant sunrise counterparts, will be our most beautiful expectation!

At the beginning of the new semester, I issued to the students the following recommendations: First, "the master of learning".

Learning requires not only talent and wisdom, good attitude and practical actions needs. We know that all expecting eyes is the responsibility of the prospects for the future is the source of power. Responsible for their own, the slogan is not good, but put and implementation. Every day, if you finish the day's tasks? Every class, whether you fully understand knowledge? Each of the questions, if you try to make it understand? Only responsible for their own, to surprise the world! Second, do the "exemplary discipline".

As the saying goes: "no rules, no Cheng Fangyuan". State laws and school rules. For our students, disciplined is every student's responsibility, basic quality is also a qualified students should have, it is the need of learning, more is required for growth. A broken line kite, will lose the direction; lose track of the train, can lead to disaster. Only responsible for their own, to others responsible for, to cultivate good habits, to maintain the harmonious development of the school family! Third, "the messenger of civilization".

Our campus beautiful environment, our campus facilities, our campus is full of vigor. All this be not easily won, so we have to cherish and love. To do this, we must start from each one of us, from our hand, a move, a cordial greeting, a smile, a focus of the eyes to find the answer.

In spring, we sow the civilization, diligence, cooperation, healthy seed; fruitful autumn, we will harvest the courtesy and honesty, Le Xueshan thought, physical and mental health, unity and cooperation. Only hard work, we can enjoy the progress of joy, to enjoy the happiness of harvest. The classmates, the cradle of experimental high school is how we grow. Let us in on the fertile soil of draw rich nutrition, the fullness of their wings, with wisdom, diligence and good heart, and compose a new life Huazhang! Let the experimental middle school due to us and more wonderful! Yinianzhiji is spring, life is youth. Let us embrace the future with enthusiasm, with youth compose your life, with action to prove myself! Thank you, my speech is over.

Class one grade nine

In March 9, 2015














同学们,实验中学就是我们成长的摇篮。让我们在这块沃土上吸取丰富的营养,丰满自己的羽翼,用智慧、勤奋与美好心灵,谱写出新的人生华章!让实验中学因有我们而更加精彩! 一年之计在于春,一生之计在于青春。让我们用热情拥抱未来,用青春谱写人生,用行动证明自我吧!谢谢大家,我的演讲完毕。



The new term under the flag speech

Dear teacher, dear classmates:

Hello everyone! The topic of my speech today is "the new term, we will be more exciting!"

Across the lunar new year, we spent a happy vacation; a shower of spring, we return to the beautiful campus. In this be bursting with happiness, beautiful day, first of all, please allow me to the teachers, classmates congratulations to a happy New Year! Wish you in the new year, a feeling of exaltation upon fulfillment, the future, the macro exhibition way!

The new year opened new hope, the new blank load new dream. The classmates, facing the rising five-star red flag, what are you thinking? Bedside alarm clock will be in the morning dawn Sonata, classroom silence and will be disrupted, long under the table will show our shadow. The new semester, a new starting point. Like early spring birds, such as the fields of green grass, we will find a more vast sky in the boundless xuehai. The sound of reading we will be dedicated to the sun's gift, and the brilliant sunrise counterparts, will be our most beautiful expectation!

At the beginning of the new semester, I issued to the students the following recommendations: First, "the master of learning".

Learning requires not only talent and wisdom, good attitude and practical actions needs. We know that all expecting eyes is the responsibility of the prospects for the future is the source of power. Responsible for their own, the slogan is not good, but put and implementation. Every day, if you finish the day's tasks? Every class, whether you fully understand knowledge? Each of the questions, if you try to make it understand? Only responsible for their own, to surprise the world! Second, do the "exemplary discipline".

As the saying goes: "no rules, no Cheng Fangyuan". State laws and school rules. For our students, disciplined is every student's responsibility, basic quality is also a qualified students should have, it is the need of learning, more is required for growth. A broken line kite, will lose the direction; lose track of the train, can lead to disaster. Only responsible for their own, to others responsible for, to cultivate good habits, to maintain the harmonious development of the school family! Third, "the messenger of civilization".

Our campus beautiful environment, our campus facilities, our campus is full of vigor. All this be not easily won, so we have to cherish and love. To do this, we must start from each one of us, from our hand, a move, a cordial greeting, a smile, a focus of the eyes to find the answer.

In spring, we sow the civilization, diligence, cooperation, healthy seed; fruitful autumn, we will harvest the courtesy and honesty, Le Xueshan thought, physical and mental health, unity and cooperation. Only hard work, we can enjoy the progress of joy, to enjoy the happiness of harvest. The classmates, the cradle of experimental high school is how we grow. Let us in on the fertile soil of draw rich nutrition, the fullness of their wings, with wisdom, diligence and good heart, and compose a new life Huazhang! Let the experimental middle school due to us and more wonderful! Yinianzhiji is spring, life is youth. Let us embrace the future with enthusiasm, with youth compose your life, with action to prove myself! Thank you, my speech is over.

Class one grade nine

In March 9, 2015


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