高一英语 听力标准训练 1

听力标准训练 1



1. What does the woman mean?

A. She has chosen a gift for the man.

B. The gift the man chose for her is best.

C. She doesn’t like the man chose for her.

2. What will the man do next morning?

A. Meet Mr. Cooper.

B. Visit the national Lab.

C. Meet Bill Lyons.

3. Where does the man want to go?

A. To the Garden Hotel.

B. To the Capital Cinema.

C. To the City Theatre.

4. What can we know about the man?

A. He thinks the woman’s job pays well.

B. He works on Friday evenings.

C. He is applying for a job.

5. Who sent the man a post card?

A. Tim..

B. The woman.

C. Connor.

第二节 (共15小题;每小题1.5分,满分22.5分) 请听第6段材料,回答第6至8题。

6. How is the man?

A. He is seriously ill.

B. He is in good health.

C. He has a slight fever.

7. Why is the man waiting for the doctor?

A. To ask the doctor for some advice.

B. To invite the doctor to dinner.

C. To pay the doctor.

8. What can we learn from the conversation?

A. The man had an operation last month.

B. The man’s wife had an operation last month.

C. The man’s wife had a medical exam last month.


9. How many classes does the man say he has to teach today?

A. Three B. Four C. Five

10. What subject is the man teaching now?

A. English B. History C.Biology

11. What is the probable relationship between the speakers?

A. Friends.

B. Husband and wife.

C. Teacher and student.


12. How does the man feel?

A. Very excited.

B. A bit nervous.

C. Completely relaxed.

13. When should the students get to school?

A. Before 8:30.

B. Before 8:00.

C. Before 7:30.

14. Who is the woman?

A. The man’s schoolmate.

B. The man’s mother.

C. The man’s teacher.


15. What is the problem of the woman’s son?

A. He likes to eat meat too much.

B. He dislikes eating vegetables.

C. He is not as strong as his classmates.

16. How old is the woman’s son?

A. Almost ten.

B. Almost eleven.

C. Almost twelve.

17. What does the think of the man suggest the woman make for her son?

A. Chips. B. Ice cream. C. Salads.


18. What do the students think of their high school life?

A. Controlled and busy.

B. Regular and colorful.

C. Active and independent.

19. What does the speaker advise the students to do?

A. Learn to enjoy themselves.

B. Learn to be their own masters.

C. Learn to develop their special abilities.

20. What does the speaker do?

A. A university student.

B. A high school teacher.

C. A university teacher.

听力标准训练 1



1. What does the woman mean?

A. She has chosen a gift for the man.

B. The gift the man chose for her is best.

C. She doesn’t like the man chose for her.

2. What will the man do next morning?

A. Meet Mr. Cooper.

B. Visit the national Lab.

C. Meet Bill Lyons.

3. Where does the man want to go?

A. To the Garden Hotel.

B. To the Capital Cinema.

C. To the City Theatre.

4. What can we know about the man?

A. He thinks the woman’s job pays well.

B. He works on Friday evenings.

C. He is applying for a job.

5. Who sent the man a post card?

A. Tim..

B. The woman.

C. Connor.

第二节 (共15小题;每小题1.5分,满分22.5分) 请听第6段材料,回答第6至8题。

6. How is the man?

A. He is seriously ill.

B. He is in good health.

C. He has a slight fever.

7. Why is the man waiting for the doctor?

A. To ask the doctor for some advice.

B. To invite the doctor to dinner.

C. To pay the doctor.

8. What can we learn from the conversation?

A. The man had an operation last month.

B. The man’s wife had an operation last month.

C. The man’s wife had a medical exam last month.


9. How many classes does the man say he has to teach today?

A. Three B. Four C. Five

10. What subject is the man teaching now?

A. English B. History C.Biology

11. What is the probable relationship between the speakers?

A. Friends.

B. Husband and wife.

C. Teacher and student.


12. How does the man feel?

A. Very excited.

B. A bit nervous.

C. Completely relaxed.

13. When should the students get to school?

A. Before 8:30.

B. Before 8:00.

C. Before 7:30.

14. Who is the woman?

A. The man’s schoolmate.

B. The man’s mother.

C. The man’s teacher.


15. What is the problem of the woman’s son?

A. He likes to eat meat too much.

B. He dislikes eating vegetables.

C. He is not as strong as his classmates.

16. How old is the woman’s son?

A. Almost ten.

B. Almost eleven.

C. Almost twelve.

17. What does the think of the man suggest the woman make for her son?

A. Chips. B. Ice cream. C. Salads.


18. What do the students think of their high school life?

A. Controlled and busy.

B. Regular and colorful.

C. Active and independent.

19. What does the speaker advise the students to do?

A. Learn to enjoy themselves.

B. Learn to be their own masters.

C. Learn to develop their special abilities.

20. What does the speaker do?

A. A university student.

B. A high school teacher.

C. A university teacher.


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