
1. Our research show that no company can succeed today by trying to be all things to all

people.It must instead find the unique value that it alone can deliver to a chosen market.


2. The first value discipline we call operational execellence. Companies that pursue this are not

primarilyproduct orservice innovators, nor do they cultivate deep, one-to-one relationships with customers.


3. The third value discipline we have named customer intimacy. Its adherents focus on

delivering not what the market wants but what specific customers want. Customer-intimate companies do not pursue one-time transactions; they cultivate relationships. They specialize in satisfying unique needs; which ofen only they recongnize, through a close relationship with –and intimate knowledge of—the customer.



4. We have the best solution for you, and we provide all the support you need to achieve

optimum results, or value, or both, from whatever products you buy.


5. Operationnally excellent companies deliver a combination of quality, price, and ease of

purchase that no one else in their market can match. They are not product or service innovators, nor do they cultivate one-to-one relationships with customers.

运作卓越型公司提供一种质量,价格 购物便利的组合,这是市场上其他公司无法与之


6. Companies pursuing product leadership continually push products into the realm of the

unknown, theuntried, or the highy desirable. Reaching that goal requires that they challenge themselves in three ways.



7. Product leaders create and maintain an environment that encourages employees to bring

ideas into the company and, just as important, to listen to and consider these ideas, however unconventional.



8. Companies excelling in product leadership do not plan for every possible contingency, nor do

they spend much time on detailed analysis.Their strength lies in reacting to situation as they occur. Fast reaction times are an advantage when dealing with the unknown.


1. Our research show that no company can succeed today by trying to be all things to all

people.It must instead find the unique value that it alone can deliver to a chosen market.


2. The first value discipline we call operational execellence. Companies that pursue this are not

primarilyproduct orservice innovators, nor do they cultivate deep, one-to-one relationships with customers.


3. The third value discipline we have named customer intimacy. Its adherents focus on

delivering not what the market wants but what specific customers want. Customer-intimate companies do not pursue one-time transactions; they cultivate relationships. They specialize in satisfying unique needs; which ofen only they recongnize, through a close relationship with –and intimate knowledge of—the customer.



4. We have the best solution for you, and we provide all the support you need to achieve

optimum results, or value, or both, from whatever products you buy.


5. Operationnally excellent companies deliver a combination of quality, price, and ease of

purchase that no one else in their market can match. They are not product or service innovators, nor do they cultivate one-to-one relationships with customers.

运作卓越型公司提供一种质量,价格 购物便利的组合,这是市场上其他公司无法与之


6. Companies pursuing product leadership continually push products into the realm of the

unknown, theuntried, or the highy desirable. Reaching that goal requires that they challenge themselves in three ways.



7. Product leaders create and maintain an environment that encourages employees to bring

ideas into the company and, just as important, to listen to and consider these ideas, however unconventional.



8. Companies excelling in product leadership do not plan for every possible contingency, nor do

they spend much time on detailed analysis.Their strength lies in reacting to situation as they occur. Fast reaction times are an advantage when dealing with the unknown.



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