美国文学史及选读试卷 A

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专业(本) 级《美国文学史及选读》A卷(时间120分钟)

Ⅰ.Multiple Choice (40 points in all, 2 for each)

Select from the four choices of each item the one that best answers the question or completes the statement. Write your correct answer on the answer sheet. 1. The founder of the American drama is _______.

A. Arthur Miller B. Eugene O'Neill C. Tennesee Williams D. Clifford Odets 2. F. Scott Fitzgerald is not the author of _______.

A. This Side of Paradise B. Tender is the Night C. The Great Gatsby D. In Our Time 3. _______ is not a fictional character in the Scarlet Letter .

A. Hester B. Arthur Dimmersdale C. Roger Chillingworth D. Ishmael 4. The period ranging from 1865 to 1914 has been referred to as _____. A. the Age of Colonicalism B. the Age of Romanticism C. the Age of Realism D. the Age of Modernism 5. Statement _______ is NOT true in describing American naturalists. A. They were deeply influenced by Darwinism.

B. They were identified with French novelist and theorist Emile Zola. C. They chose their subjects from the lower ranks of society.

D. They used more serious and more sympathetic tone in writing than realists.

6. The publication of _______ established Emerson as the most eloquent spokesman of the New England Transcendentalism.

A. Nature B. Self-Reliance C. The Over-Soul D. The American Scholar 7. _______ is not a dominant figure of the Realistic Period.

A. William Dean Howells B. Mark Twain C. Henry James D. James F. Cooper 8. The book from which "all modern American literature comes" refers to _______. A. Moby-Dick B. The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn C. The Sun Also Rises D. The Great Gatsby

9. Strong affinity to the Chinese and Oriental literature can be found in the works of _______.

A. Mark Twain B. Ezra Pound C. Emily Dikinson D. Arthur Miller 10. "In a Station of the Metro" is regarded by critics as a classic specimen of _______. A. the absurd poetry B. the transcendental poetry C. the romantic poetry D. the imagist poetry

11.Daisy Miller's tragedy of indiscretion is intensified and enlarged by its narration from the point of view of .

A. the author Henry James B. the Italian youth Giovanelli C. the American youth winterbourne D. her mother Mrs. Miller

12. The Romantic Period in American literature started from the publication of Washington Irving„s ______ and ended with Whitman‟s Leaves of Grass.

A. The Sketch Book B. Tales of a Traveller C. A History of New York D. The Scarlet Letter

13. At the middle of 19th century, America witnessed a cultural flowering which is called “_____”. A. the English Renaissance B. the Second Renaissance C. the American Renaissance D. the Salem Renaissance

14. In the history of American literature, ______ is usually agreed to be the summit of the American Romanticism.

A. the Harlem Renaissance B. England Transcendentalism C. New England Transcendentalism D. New Transcendentalism

15. In his poems, Walt Whitman is innovative in the terms of the form of his poetry, which is called “___.”

A. free verse B. blank verse C. alliteration D. end rhyming

16. ______ is considered by H.L.Mencken as "the true father of our national literature." A. Hemingway B. Poe C. Irving D. Twain

17.For Melville as well as for the reader and the narrator, Moby dick is still a mystery, an ultimate mystery of the universe.

A. Ahab B. Ishmael C. Stubb D. Starbuck

18.Most of the poems in Whitman's Leavesof Grass sing of the "en-mass" and the as well. A. nature B. self-reliance C. self D. indingnation

19.Naturalism is evolved from realism when the author's tone in writing becomes less serious and less sympathetic but more ironic and more .

A. rational B. humorous C.optimistic D. pessimistic

20.Dreiser's Trilogy of Desire includes three novels ,They are the financier ,The Titan and . A. The Genius B. The Tycoon C. The stoic D. The Giant

Ⅱ. Define ANY TWO of the literary terms listed below. (30 points in all, 15 points for each)

1. The American Renaissance 2. The Gilded Age 3. Naturalism 4. Puritanism

5. The Lost Generation

6. American Romanticism 7. The American Dream 8. The Beat Generation

Part Ⅲ: Give a brief answer to TWO of the following questions and your answer should be no less than 150 words. (30 points in all, 15 points for each)

1. Please discuss the three dominant figures of the Realistic period differed in their understanding of the “truth”.

2. Please discuss the distinction between Realism and Naturalism. 3. Please discuss the Lost Generation.

4. Please discuss the Beat Generation.

5. Please discuss the literary characteristics of American modern literature.

6. Among the greatest American writers we studied this semester, which one do you like best? Please take one of his or her masterpieces as an example to demonstrate his literary characteristics.

7. Please discuss the Imagist Movement. 8. Please discuss the Jazz Age.

9. Please discuss the American Dream.

10. Please discuss Faulkner's narrative technique.

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专业(本) 级《美国文学史及选读》A卷(时间120分钟)

Ⅰ.Multiple Choice (40 points in all, 2 for each)

Select from the four choices of each item the one that best answers the question or completes the statement. Write your correct answer on the answer sheet. 1. The founder of the American drama is _______.

A. Arthur Miller B. Eugene O'Neill C. Tennesee Williams D. Clifford Odets 2. F. Scott Fitzgerald is not the author of _______.

A. This Side of Paradise B. Tender is the Night C. The Great Gatsby D. In Our Time 3. _______ is not a fictional character in the Scarlet Letter .

A. Hester B. Arthur Dimmersdale C. Roger Chillingworth D. Ishmael 4. The period ranging from 1865 to 1914 has been referred to as _____. A. the Age of Colonicalism B. the Age of Romanticism C. the Age of Realism D. the Age of Modernism 5. Statement _______ is NOT true in describing American naturalists. A. They were deeply influenced by Darwinism.

B. They were identified with French novelist and theorist Emile Zola. C. They chose their subjects from the lower ranks of society.

D. They used more serious and more sympathetic tone in writing than realists.

6. The publication of _______ established Emerson as the most eloquent spokesman of the New England Transcendentalism.

A. Nature B. Self-Reliance C. The Over-Soul D. The American Scholar 7. _______ is not a dominant figure of the Realistic Period.

A. William Dean Howells B. Mark Twain C. Henry James D. James F. Cooper 8. The book from which "all modern American literature comes" refers to _______. A. Moby-Dick B. The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn C. The Sun Also Rises D. The Great Gatsby

9. Strong affinity to the Chinese and Oriental literature can be found in the works of _______.

A. Mark Twain B. Ezra Pound C. Emily Dikinson D. Arthur Miller 10. "In a Station of the Metro" is regarded by critics as a classic specimen of _______. A. the absurd poetry B. the transcendental poetry C. the romantic poetry D. the imagist poetry

11.Daisy Miller's tragedy of indiscretion is intensified and enlarged by its narration from the point of view of .

A. the author Henry James B. the Italian youth Giovanelli C. the American youth winterbourne D. her mother Mrs. Miller

12. The Romantic Period in American literature started from the publication of Washington Irving„s ______ and ended with Whitman‟s Leaves of Grass.

A. The Sketch Book B. Tales of a Traveller C. A History of New York D. The Scarlet Letter

13. At the middle of 19th century, America witnessed a cultural flowering which is called “_____”. A. the English Renaissance B. the Second Renaissance C. the American Renaissance D. the Salem Renaissance

14. In the history of American literature, ______ is usually agreed to be the summit of the American Romanticism.

A. the Harlem Renaissance B. England Transcendentalism C. New England Transcendentalism D. New Transcendentalism

15. In his poems, Walt Whitman is innovative in the terms of the form of his poetry, which is called “___.”

A. free verse B. blank verse C. alliteration D. end rhyming

16. ______ is considered by H.L.Mencken as "the true father of our national literature." A. Hemingway B. Poe C. Irving D. Twain

17.For Melville as well as for the reader and the narrator, Moby dick is still a mystery, an ultimate mystery of the universe.

A. Ahab B. Ishmael C. Stubb D. Starbuck

18.Most of the poems in Whitman's Leavesof Grass sing of the "en-mass" and the as well. A. nature B. self-reliance C. self D. indingnation

19.Naturalism is evolved from realism when the author's tone in writing becomes less serious and less sympathetic but more ironic and more .

A. rational B. humorous C.optimistic D. pessimistic

20.Dreiser's Trilogy of Desire includes three novels ,They are the financier ,The Titan and . A. The Genius B. The Tycoon C. The stoic D. The Giant

Ⅱ. Define ANY TWO of the literary terms listed below. (30 points in all, 15 points for each)

1. The American Renaissance 2. The Gilded Age 3. Naturalism 4. Puritanism

5. The Lost Generation

6. American Romanticism 7. The American Dream 8. The Beat Generation

Part Ⅲ: Give a brief answer to TWO of the following questions and your answer should be no less than 150 words. (30 points in all, 15 points for each)

1. Please discuss the three dominant figures of the Realistic period differed in their understanding of the “truth”.

2. Please discuss the distinction between Realism and Naturalism. 3. Please discuss the Lost Generation.

4. Please discuss the Beat Generation.

5. Please discuss the literary characteristics of American modern literature.

6. Among the greatest American writers we studied this semester, which one do you like best? Please take one of his or her masterpieces as an example to demonstrate his literary characteristics.

7. Please discuss the Imagist Movement. 8. Please discuss the Jazz Age.

9. Please discuss the American Dream.

10. Please discuss Faulkner's narrative technique.


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