Weather 英语三分钟两人对话


A:Oh,It is a cloudy day.It has been cloudy for ages.I can’t stand it .

B:Yeah.although I’m a local in jiangxi ,I can’t stand it too.

A:How long will it takes to sunny ?

B:Maybe a month or more .It takes a lot of inconvenience to us .

A:I can’t agree more with you .

B:Now that you have gone to jiangxi Finance university ,you have adapt to do it .

A:Of course,I will try my best to overcome it,

B:Absolutely,we should be postive.

A:Can you tell me some ways to overcome it?

B:I am glad to help you.

A:For example ,it will take few days for washing to dry out .What should I do ?

B:According to my experience ,you should wash your clothes as soon as it’s dity rather than delay.At the same time you should dry it.

A:That’s a good way .another problem.How to balance the humidity and ventilation? l don't know how to do it

B:It’s a common should open the window at dust.rather than other time. A:Why?Can you explain it to me?I’m confused.

B:It’s comfirmed that the humidity of air is lower at dust.

A:Thank you .it help me a lot .

B:You are welcome,it is my pleasure.

A:That's the main problem , I will ask you if l have other problem. bye.

B:With my pleasure,see you later.


A:Oh,It is a cloudy day.It has been cloudy for ages.I can’t stand it .

B:Yeah.although I’m a local in jiangxi ,I can’t stand it too.

A:How long will it takes to sunny ?

B:Maybe a month or more .It takes a lot of inconvenience to us .

A:I can’t agree more with you .

B:Now that you have gone to jiangxi Finance university ,you have adapt to do it .

A:Of course,I will try my best to overcome it,

B:Absolutely,we should be postive.

A:Can you tell me some ways to overcome it?

B:I am glad to help you.

A:For example ,it will take few days for washing to dry out .What should I do ?

B:According to my experience ,you should wash your clothes as soon as it’s dity rather than delay.At the same time you should dry it.

A:That’s a good way .another problem.How to balance the humidity and ventilation? l don't know how to do it

B:It’s a common should open the window at dust.rather than other time. A:Why?Can you explain it to me?I’m confused.

B:It’s comfirmed that the humidity of air is lower at dust.

A:Thank you .it help me a lot .

B:You are welcome,it is my pleasure.

A:That's the main problem , I will ask you if l have other problem. bye.

B:With my pleasure,see you later.


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