

人物:waiter Mr.Li customer: A、B

故事情节:李先生在莉家饭店预定了一张18:00的桌子,到了19:30他还没有。就在这个时候,来了两个客人A 和B ,但是餐厅爆满,B 看到了预留给李先生的桌子并提出坐在那里。服务员因为李先生迟迟没有来就让客人A 、B 座了。客人A 、B 刚点好菜的时候李先生来了,因为位置被别人占去,就非常生气的离开了。



Waiter: Hello, this is Lijia restaurant.

Mr.Li: I’Mr.Li: My family name is Li, And I that table next to the window?

Waiter: I’

第二段:A 和B 。

A: No, I’m afraid we don’t.

Waiter: I’m sorry the reservation is full now, you have to wait for about

half an hour?

B: Can we sit there the table next to the window? NO one sit there. Waiter: Sorry, this table have been booked.

A: OK, Thanks.

A 跟B 要转身离开。

Waiter :Wait a moment, sir .The guest may not come yet, the schedule time has passed for a long time .You can take a meal there.

A 跟B 折回来。

Waiter: Please step this way.

B: Can we see the menu please?

Waiter: Here you are.

B: I’Waiter: And?

B: Fried. Please.

B 把菜单递给A ’ll have a glass of orange juice.

Waiter: I recommend crispy and fried duck.

A: We don’t want that.

Waiter: Anything more sir?

A: No, that’s enough, thank you.

Waiter: Very happy to serve you, wait a moment,please.


Waiter: We come to our restaurtant.

Mr.Li: I’m, here have reserved a table by the window.

Waiter: Mr.Li, I’m so sorry. You didn’t come here on time, so the table has been sit. And the restaurant is full now. you have to wait for few hour. Mr.Li: Your service is terrible.

Waiter: I’m sorry. We can give you a discount.

Mr.Li : I’m afrid. I have to make a complaint.


Waiter :Mr.Li …Mr.Li …

四、过了一会,AB 结账

B: It’visit.


人物:waiter Mr.Li customer: A、B

故事情节:李先生在莉家饭店预定了一张18:00的桌子,到了19:30他还没有。就在这个时候,来了两个客人A 和B ,但是餐厅爆满,B 看到了预留给李先生的桌子并提出坐在那里。服务员因为李先生迟迟没有来就让客人A 、B 座了。客人A 、B 刚点好菜的时候李先生来了,因为位置被别人占去,就非常生气的离开了。



Waiter: Hello, this is Lijia restaurant.

Mr.Li: I’Mr.Li: My family name is Li, And I that table next to the window?

Waiter: I’

第二段:A 和B 。

A: No, I’m afraid we don’t.

Waiter: I’m sorry the reservation is full now, you have to wait for about

half an hour?

B: Can we sit there the table next to the window? NO one sit there. Waiter: Sorry, this table have been booked.

A: OK, Thanks.

A 跟B 要转身离开。

Waiter :Wait a moment, sir .The guest may not come yet, the schedule time has passed for a long time .You can take a meal there.

A 跟B 折回来。

Waiter: Please step this way.

B: Can we see the menu please?

Waiter: Here you are.

B: I’Waiter: And?

B: Fried. Please.

B 把菜单递给A ’ll have a glass of orange juice.

Waiter: I recommend crispy and fried duck.

A: We don’t want that.

Waiter: Anything more sir?

A: No, that’s enough, thank you.

Waiter: Very happy to serve you, wait a moment,please.


Waiter: We come to our restaurtant.

Mr.Li: I’m, here have reserved a table by the window.

Waiter: Mr.Li, I’m so sorry. You didn’t come here on time, so the table has been sit. And the restaurant is full now. you have to wait for few hour. Mr.Li: Your service is terrible.

Waiter: I’m sorry. We can give you a discount.

Mr.Li : I’m afrid. I have to make a complaint.


Waiter :Mr.Li …Mr.Li …

四、过了一会,AB 结账

B: It’visit.


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