

At present, cheating in exams is very popular on campus. Have a test every time, students always try to cheat to improve performance, for the purpose to pass. Cheat tricks, give some money to go through the back door, more advanced technology electronic products to help students cheating, more than a few students cheating. There are many reasons for cheating in the exam, for example, cannot read the lectures; too difficult to feel teaching materials; very busy no time to review; some students originally doesn't love learning. In my opinion, there are some methods to prevent cheating in exams such as the teacher: reduce exam difficulty; the teacher to class to class students to develop some of the provisions; examination; some homework for the students to do and remember; to the students the classroom work to explain the answer; class which student performance on the good points, encouraging them to.


At present, cheating in exams is very popular on campus. Have a test every time, students always try to cheat to improve performance, for the purpose to pass. Cheat tricks, give some money to go through the back door, more advanced technology electronic products to help students cheating, more than a few students cheating. There are many reasons for cheating in the exam, for example, cannot read the lectures; too difficult to feel teaching materials; very busy no time to review; some students originally doesn't love learning. In my opinion, there are some methods to prevent cheating in exams such as the teacher: reduce exam difficulty; the teacher to class to class students to develop some of the provisions; examination; some homework for the students to do and remember; to the students the classroom work to explain the answer; class which student performance on the good points, encouraging them to.


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