

A:Do you like music? B:Well, it depends.

A:Do you think the High School Musical is warm matched?

B:Of course yes.

A:How about the lyrics?

B:Very touching.

A:It bring me back to some of my childhood memories.

B:Yes,it is so . i love songs that take me to some places i have not been or have been for a long

time. it is fun and exciting.

A:Of course.it is really fantastic too, and it makes me eager to dance.

B:It is full of energy.

A:This song is really worthy listening to and enjoying.

B:It certainly is. A:the time of high school is really valuable, we should treasure it.

B: yeah,Remember that time flies and it will never come back

A: Next time you listen to the music, remember to share it with me.

B:I will. We like the same type of music after all.


A:Hi, Mary! What do you like to do in your spare time?

B:Well, I spend a lot of time watching movies.

A:What a coincidence! I also watch a lot of movies.

B:Oh really, Frank? What kind of movies do you like?

A:Actually, I watch whichever movie there is, be it a comedy, a sci-fi or a suspense movie. How about you?

B:Art films are my favorite, but thrillers are cool, too.

A:Really impressive. These two genres are definitely different.

B:Sure. I enjoy both of them very much.

A:How often do you go to the cinema?

B:Once in a while, I suppose, I usually rent movies at Movie Salon.

A:Movie salon? Where's that?

B:It's a movie rental store in my neighborhood. I've got a membership there.

A:Is it good?

B:Yes, you can find almost all new releases there.

A:Really? Maybe I shall also sign up for its membership.

B:Why not?


A:We have been over this a hundred times! We are not getting a pet!

B:Why not? Come on! Just a cute little puppy or a kitty!

A:Who is going to look after a dog or a cat?

B:I will! I’ll feed it, bathe it and walk it every day! We can get a Labrador or a German Shepard! A:What if we want to take a vacation ? Who will we leave it with? Plus, our apartment is too small for that breed of dog.

B:Ok. How about we get a cat or a ferret?

A:Do you forget that your mother is allergic to cat’s hair, I don’t think those animals are a good idea with her in the house.

B:Fine! Let’s get a bird then! We can keep it in its cage and teach it to talk! A parrot would be awesome!

A:I’ll tell you what, I can get you some hamsters and we’ll take it from there.

B:Yay! B:I'm going to the pet shop and buy one. A:You have to take care of it all the time.

B:Rest assured that I will.

A:Go ahead.


A:What seems to be the problem, kid?

B:I've got a sore throat, a runny nose and a headache.

A:Ah…How long have you been like this?

B:I am not very sure. Maybe for three days.

A:Do you have any stomachache?

B:I guess so. It comes and goes.

A:Open your mouth and say ah… God, you are suffering from the swelling of tonsils. B:Is that serious, doctor?

A:Yes, I am sure that you got the flu. You need a shot.

B:Oh, doctor. Do I have to? I am afraid of needles!

A:Yes, that's for sure. But it is not that bad. It's gonna be all right.

B:Oh, doctor, please…

A:Be brave, young man. Only girls cry when given an injection.

B:You are right. I won't cry.

A: good boy, let’s do it. OK, how do you feel ? is it not pain ?

B: In fact, there is a little pain, but nothing because I am a boy

A:well done


A:hey, What are you reading right now?

B:Hi.I am reading the news on phone, there so many report about crime.

A:Oh, really? What about that?

B:it is about from a rich family kill a girl, only because the girl refused to be his girlfriend. A: It’s unbelievable! The boy is too crazy! The girl has her right to accept the boy or not. B: Yes. Because of the boy`s family background, he fears nothing and ignores the laws.

A: such things happened a lot, many people broke the laws. And a data shows that the number of crimes is growing in recent years.

B:you are right. With the deveopment of economy, the crime rate keeps increasing.

A:I very hate the thief. One day I took my bike to a bookshore, and when I returned, I counldn’t find it.

B:Did someboby steal your bike? A:yes, the thief stole my bike. B:Did you lock it to somethink? A:yes I did, but the thief just broke the lock and stole my bike.

B:oh, it's high time for us to change this situation to keep crime from rising.

A:so,do u have any idea to change this phenomenon? B:above all,, Our government should pay more attention to making rules about the law because it make a big different.

A: The policeman should be serious about the crimes as well.

B: you are right, people should also improve awareness of laws.

A:M…especially students ,students not only need to improve their knowledge of law,but also learn to protect themselves.

B:well,I hope that the advice above can make a different.


A:Do you like music? B:Well, it depends.

A:Do you think the High School Musical is warm matched?

B:Of course yes.

A:How about the lyrics?

B:Very touching.

A:It bring me back to some of my childhood memories.

B:Yes,it is so . i love songs that take me to some places i have not been or have been for a long

time. it is fun and exciting.

A:Of course.it is really fantastic too, and it makes me eager to dance.

B:It is full of energy.

A:This song is really worthy listening to and enjoying.

B:It certainly is. A:the time of high school is really valuable, we should treasure it.

B: yeah,Remember that time flies and it will never come back

A: Next time you listen to the music, remember to share it with me.

B:I will. We like the same type of music after all.


A:Hi, Mary! What do you like to do in your spare time?

B:Well, I spend a lot of time watching movies.

A:What a coincidence! I also watch a lot of movies.

B:Oh really, Frank? What kind of movies do you like?

A:Actually, I watch whichever movie there is, be it a comedy, a sci-fi or a suspense movie. How about you?

B:Art films are my favorite, but thrillers are cool, too.

A:Really impressive. These two genres are definitely different.

B:Sure. I enjoy both of them very much.

A:How often do you go to the cinema?

B:Once in a while, I suppose, I usually rent movies at Movie Salon.

A:Movie salon? Where's that?

B:It's a movie rental store in my neighborhood. I've got a membership there.

A:Is it good?

B:Yes, you can find almost all new releases there.

A:Really? Maybe I shall also sign up for its membership.

B:Why not?


A:We have been over this a hundred times! We are not getting a pet!

B:Why not? Come on! Just a cute little puppy or a kitty!

A:Who is going to look after a dog or a cat?

B:I will! I’ll feed it, bathe it and walk it every day! We can get a Labrador or a German Shepard! A:What if we want to take a vacation ? Who will we leave it with? Plus, our apartment is too small for that breed of dog.

B:Ok. How about we get a cat or a ferret?

A:Do you forget that your mother is allergic to cat’s hair, I don’t think those animals are a good idea with her in the house.

B:Fine! Let’s get a bird then! We can keep it in its cage and teach it to talk! A parrot would be awesome!

A:I’ll tell you what, I can get you some hamsters and we’ll take it from there.

B:Yay! B:I'm going to the pet shop and buy one. A:You have to take care of it all the time.

B:Rest assured that I will.

A:Go ahead.


A:What seems to be the problem, kid?

B:I've got a sore throat, a runny nose and a headache.

A:Ah…How long have you been like this?

B:I am not very sure. Maybe for three days.

A:Do you have any stomachache?

B:I guess so. It comes and goes.

A:Open your mouth and say ah… God, you are suffering from the swelling of tonsils. B:Is that serious, doctor?

A:Yes, I am sure that you got the flu. You need a shot.

B:Oh, doctor. Do I have to? I am afraid of needles!

A:Yes, that's for sure. But it is not that bad. It's gonna be all right.

B:Oh, doctor, please…

A:Be brave, young man. Only girls cry when given an injection.

B:You are right. I won't cry.

A: good boy, let’s do it. OK, how do you feel ? is it not pain ?

B: In fact, there is a little pain, but nothing because I am a boy

A:well done


A:hey, What are you reading right now?

B:Hi.I am reading the news on phone, there so many report about crime.

A:Oh, really? What about that?

B:it is about from a rich family kill a girl, only because the girl refused to be his girlfriend. A: It’s unbelievable! The boy is too crazy! The girl has her right to accept the boy or not. B: Yes. Because of the boy`s family background, he fears nothing and ignores the laws.

A: such things happened a lot, many people broke the laws. And a data shows that the number of crimes is growing in recent years.

B:you are right. With the deveopment of economy, the crime rate keeps increasing.

A:I very hate the thief. One day I took my bike to a bookshore, and when I returned, I counldn’t find it.

B:Did someboby steal your bike? A:yes, the thief stole my bike. B:Did you lock it to somethink? A:yes I did, but the thief just broke the lock and stole my bike.

B:oh, it's high time for us to change this situation to keep crime from rising.

A:so,do u have any idea to change this phenomenon? B:above all,, Our government should pay more attention to making rules about the law because it make a big different.

A: The policeman should be serious about the crimes as well.

B: you are right, people should also improve awareness of laws.

A:M…especially students ,students not only need to improve their knowledge of law,but also learn to protect themselves.

B:well,I hope that the advice above can make a different.


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