
重庆火锅 Chongqing hotpot

过桥米线 rice noodle with ham, beef and vegetables in light sauce

东坡肘子 pork joint cooked in Su Dongpo’s style

酱爆肉丁 diced pork sautéed in brown sauce

家常鳝鱼 family-style eel slices/sheds

鱼香肉丝 shredded pork in fish-flavored sauce

黄酒焖猪排 stewed pork ribs in brown sauce

干烧桂鱼 mandarin fish fried in hot sauce

担担面 dan dan mian (noodles in spicy garlic sauce)

罐罐鸡 chicken in pot

红烧狮子头 meat balls braised in brown sauce

酸菜鱿鱼 fried squid with pickled vegetables

叫花子鸡 “Beggar's Chicken”

左宗鸡 chicken cooked in Zuo Zongtang’s style

腐乳汁烧肉 braised pork with fermented bean curd sauce

香酥鸡 fragrant and crispy chicken

麻辣鸡 multi-flavored chicken with black pepper and chili

三味鸡 three-flavored chicken

清笋炒肉丝 pork slices fried with bamboo shoots

五香鸡 spiced chicken

陈皮兔丁 sauteed diced chicken with orange rind

糟溜鸡片 quick-fried sliced chicken in fermented rice sauce

章鱼炖鹧鸪 octopus braised with partridge

芙蓉鸡片 chicken velvet

烤羊肉串 mutton shashlik (kabob)

盐水鸭 saline duck

红酒烤竹鸡 bamboo partridge broiled in red wine

灯影牛肉 beef cutlet fried with hot sauce

生爆盐煎肉 sliced pork fried with garlic in hot sauce

京酱肉丝 sautéed shredded beef with sweet bean paste and spring onions

什锦酱菜 assorted pickles

四川凉粉 bean jelly in Sichuan hot sauce

醉蟹 steeped crab in soy bean sauce and yellow wine

清蒸鲈鱼 steamed perch

一品熊掌 stewed bear paw in brown sauce

香酥五仁鸭 crisp duck with five kinds of nuts

羊肉扒 braised mutton with brown sauce

烤乳猪 roast piglet; roast suckling pig

猪八戒踢足球 “The Pig Kicking the Ball”

龙王献宝 “Dragon King Presenting His Treasures”

缸鸭狗 Ningbo-styled sweet dumpling/Urn-Duck-Dog dumpling/Jiang’agou


蚂蚁上树 minced pork fried with rice vermicelli/ants climbing trees

Directions: Translate the following sentences into English.

1. Beijing Duck, with its unique flavor, is Beijing’s famous delicacy and is well known all over the world. Among the restaurants that serve Beijing Duck, Quanjude is the most famous and the best in Beijing. Every day, hundreds of people go there to sample the delicious Beijing Duck.

2. The staple food of Chinese is rice and flour. Southerners prefer rice and ground rice products, such as cooked rice, New Year rice cake, eight-treasure rice pudding, and rice dumpling while northerners prefer cooked wheaten food. With wheat flour, they m

ake steamed bread, stuffed bun, various kinds of noodles, and meat dumpling, etc.

3. Tastes differ in different places in China: people of Shanxi Province can’t live without vinegar while people of Sichuan have an inclination for chili food; northerners are inclined to eat salty food while southerners are fond of sweet food. To sum up, southerners have a sweet taste while northerners have a salty one; easterners prefer something peppery while westerners like something sour.

4. As a long-established living custom, Chinese people are accustomed to three meals a day. They always take cuisine and enjoyment, appreciation and health into account. So in Chinese recipes the delicacies not only sound pleasing to the ear, look colorful and bright to the eye, but taste delicious to the palate. Besides, in Chinese recipes there are many dishes cooked with herbs. They are both incomparably tasty and highly nutritious.

5. People of Shanghai like seafood and they always cook it exquisitely. The reputed dish “Squirrel Fish”, which is made of fish into a squirrel form, is so vivid and bewildering that you will be reluctant to eat it.

6. Foreign friends visiting China should not miss the chance of sampling the Chinese flavors and enjoying the Chinese cuisine culture.

7. Sichuan, reputed as the “Land of Abundance”, is rich in natural resources. It has a great variety of snacks of local flavors with all kinds of tastes: sour, sweet, peppery, bitter, spicy and salty. The famous Chuan Cuisine has its birthplace there.

8. Northeastern cuisine originates from Shandong Cuisine, featuring picked and salted dishes. They are characterized by the heaviness and saltiness in taste, the greatness in amount, catering to the eating habits of the Northerners.

9. Cocktail is a spirit mixed with assorted alcoholics (such as brandy, whiskey, gin, and ram) and other flavorings. Since cocktail is a kind of mixed drink, it should be drunk as soon as it is mixed.

10. Usually, the imported wine is marked on the bottle with the symbols showing how long the wine is stored. For instance, “★” represents 3-4 years; “★★” around 5 years; “★★★” over 8 years; “V.O” over 10 years; “V.S.O.” more than 15 years; “ V.S.O.P.” over 20 years; “F.O.V.” over 30 years; “ X.O” over 40 years; “ E.X.H.A” over 50 years.


[1] 把菜肴放在热油里炒到半熟,以备再加作料烹熟 (stir-fry before stewing)。

[2] USAGE: Food is stewed or boiled in a pot with water, on top of the fire. One eat all the contents of a pot of stewed food, while the water is poured away before one eats, for example, boiled potatoes. If an inner vessel is used, so that the water does not directly touch the food, the food is steamed. Simmering is very gentle slow boiling, and braising, which is used only of meat, means cooking slowly i

n a covered pot with a little fat and water. Frying means cooking on top of the fire in fat or oil. Cooking by direct heat (usually under the grill in a modern kitchen) is called grilling (American English called broiling), unless the direct heat is used on bread or bread-like foods that are already cooked, to make them hard and brown, when the word is toasting. To cook inside the oven is to bake, but a large piece of meat is said to be roasted whether it is cooked in the oven or, as often in former times, over a fire. One bastes a piece of meat while it is being roasted by pouring some of its own juice back over it from time to time, with a spoon. – From Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English

[3] 略微煮一下, 或加淀粉汁急火快炒(quick-fry)。

[4] 煨烂或用微火炖(stew, braise)。

[5] 菜炒熟后加芡粉拌和(braise)。

[6] 把肉、葱等用热油略炒, 再加作料和水煮(stir-fry over hot fire),或将菜肴放在沸水中略煮,取出后再用酱油、醋等作料来拌。

[7] 微火烘烤 ( bake, torrefy)。

[8] 利用蒸汽使密闭容器中的食物变熟(heat with vapor in airtight vessel)。

各种米面食品词汇 面粉 flour 面条,挂面 noodle 豆面bean flour 米饭 rice 炒米饭fried rice 爆米花puffed rice 爆玉米花popcorn 面包 bread 豆包steamed bun stuffed with sweetened bean paste 包子steamed stuffed bun 肉包子steamed bun with meat stuffing 比萨饼 pizza 蛋糕,饼子 cake 小甜饼 cookie 月饼 mooncake 馅饼 pie 烙饼flapjack 发面饼leavened pancake 汉堡包 hamburger 热狗 hot dog 饼子,薄煎饼,烙饼 pancake 三明治,夹肉面包 营养食谱翻译,菜谱翻译,菜单翻译,酒水翻译,饮料翻译,酒店饭店饮食翻译,英语日语韩语各个语种都能翻译,精确经典翻译,行业翻译标杆!质优价低,有著作 >,电话180-82320843;181-12019834;请加翻译QQ:362847926.

菜单翻译 菜单在线翻译 菜谱翻译电话180-82320843;181-12019834;请加翻译QQ:362847926. 菜谱英文翻译 菜谱中文翻译成英文 餐厅菜单翻译 翻译菜谱 饭店翻译电话180-82320843;181-12019834;请加翻译QQ:362847926. 各种菜谱的英文翻译 酒店翻译 烹调翻译 食谱翻译 食谱英文翻译 英文菜单翻译 英文菜名翻译 英文菜品翻译 英文菜谱翻译 英文的菜谱电话180-82320843;181-12019834;请加翻译QQ:362847926. 英语菜品翻译 英语菜名翻译英语菜单翻译英语菜谱翻译中国菜谱翻译中文菜单英文译法电话180-82320843;181-12019834;请加翻译QQ:362847926.

sandwich 馒头 steamed bread 包子,小圆面包bun 油条 fried bread stick 烧饼 clay oven rolls 葱花饼green onion pancake 饺子,丸子,汤圆 dumplings 粥 porridge 棒子面粥cornmeal porridge (mush) 麻花 (fried dough twist) hemp flowers 干酪汉堡包 cheeseburger 意大利细面条 spaghetti (一片)面

包皮,糕饼的面制外壳 crust 黑面包 brown bread 炒米fried rice 炒面fried noodles 干炒面parched flour 炒冷饭rehash 蛋炒饭rice fried with eggs 抻面hand-pulled noodles 担担面sichuan noodles with peppery sauce 糕饼(点)pastry 挂面vermicelli 灌肠sausage 花卷steamed roll 馄饨dumping soup 火烧儿backed wheaten cake 饺子dumpling 饺子皮dumpling wrapper 饺子馅stuffing 烙饼a kind of pancake 凉拌面cold noodles in sauce 打卤面noodles served with thick gravy 土豆泥mashed potato 年糕New Year cake 烧饼sesame seed cake 馅儿饼meat pie 压缩饼干pilot bread (hardtack) 糌粑zanba 面包渣bread crumbs 炸酱面noodles served with fried bean sauce 肉食 烘烤肉 barbecued meat 肉 meat 牛肉beef 羔羊肉 veal 羊肉 mutton 牛脊肉 sirloin 牛排,肉排,鱼排 steak 排骨 chop 肉条,肉片 cutlet 猪肉 pork 炖肉 stew 烤肉 roast 火腿 ham 咸肉,熏猪肉 bacon 香肠 sausage 意大利香肠 pepperoni 鸡肉 chicken 火鸡turkey 炖鸡stewed chicken 鸭肉 duck 鱼肉 fish 肉汤 broth 肉冻儿jellied meat 烤肉串(印度,土耳其) kebob 咖喱牛肉beef curry 牛肉干儿jerked beef (dried beef) 肉类罐头cannel meat 鱼罐头canned fish 回锅肉twice-cooked pork 烤肉roast (meat) 烤羊肉串roast mutton cubes on a skewer 烤鸭roast duck 北京烤鸭roast Beijing duck 腊肉bacon 腊肠sausage 肋条pork ribs 牛排beefsteak 藕粉lotus root starch 排骨spareribs (ribs) 糖醋排骨spareribs in sweet-sour sauce 清蒸鱼steamed fish 肥肉fat meat 瘦肉lean meat 熏肉smoked meat 肉饼meat pie 肉丁diced meat 肉末ground meat (肉馅) 肉丝shredded meat 肉松dried meat floss 肉汤broth 肉丸子meatball 清炒虾仁saute of shrimps 猪下水pig’s offal 咸肉salt meat (bacon) 熏肉smoked meat 腌肉salted meat 烤羊肉串kebab 鱼翅shark’s fin 鱼片slices of fish meat 鱼松dried fish floss 杂碎chopped cooked entrails 炸鸡fried chicken 其它食物 豆沙sweetened bean paste 豆腐脑儿jellied bean curd 饼干 biscuit 糕点 pastry 蛋 egg 蛋白,蛋清egg white 蛋黄yolk 蛋壳eggshell 果核,果仁 kernel 点心pastry 布丁 pudding 春卷 spring rolls 蛋卷 egg rolls 绿豆糕 bean paste cake 八宝粥 eight-jewel rice 锅巴 rice crust 蜂蜜 honey 巧克力 chocolate 糖果 candy 水果糖 drop 薄荷糖 mint 口香糖 (chewing )gum 棒糖sucker 方糖cube sugar 奶粉powdered milk 蜜饯 compote 果酱 jam 葡萄干 raisin 炸薯条 French fries 炸土豆片 crisp 炸薯条 chips 奶制品 dairy 奶酪 cheese 蛋卷冰淇淋ice cream cone 一种印度风味冰淇淋 kulfi 泰式炒倮条(一种米制粉条) phat ( 印地)萨莫萨三角饺, 五香三角菜(肉) 饺 samosa 含蔬菜, 细面条及肉的浓汤(源于意大利) minestrone soup 烤干酪辣味玉米片(墨西哥人食用的) nacho 果仁蜜糖千层酥(土耳其,希腊等) baklava 火锅 hot pot (马铃薯等切下的)细长的条,薄片 chip 炒菜a fried dish 糖炒栗子 chestnuts

roasted in sand with brown sugar 奶 milk 水果 fruit 蔬菜 vegetable 甜点,甜食 desert 茶点tea and pastries 小吃,点心 snack 果脯preserved fruit 罐头tin (can) 水果罐头canned fruit 罐头食品tinned food 锅巴rice crust 干果dry fruit 果冻jelly 坚果nut 果酱jam 海米dried shrimps 海味choice seafood 海鲜seafood 荷包蛋fried eggs (poached eggs) 花生米shelled peanut 炒鸡蛋scrambled eggs 煎鸡蛋fried eggs 煮鸡蛋hard-boiled eggs 鸡蛋糕sponge cake 酱豆腐fermented bean curd 口香糖chewing gum 葵花子sunflower seeds 奶酪junket 干锅酪sweet nut paste 凉糕cake made of glutinous rice served cold in summer 核桃酪walnut cream 吃零食nibble between meals 美味小吃dainty snacks 奶糖toffee 奶油cream 泡泡堂bubble gum 巧克力chocolate 巧克力豆marble chocolate 软糖soft sweets 萨其马saqima 山楂糕haw jelly 烧茄子stewed eggplant 流食liquid diet 松花蛋preserved egg 松子pine nut 素菜vegetable dish 汤圆stuffed dumplings 水果糖fruit drops 奶油软糖cream candy 糖葫芦sugarcoated haws on a stick 一屉馒头a trayful of steamed buns 窝头steamed bread of corn 西餐Western-style food 燕窝edible bird’s nest 野味game 营养品nutriment 油茶面flour fried in beef fat and sugar and sesame 主食staple food (principal food) 粽子a pyramid-shaped dumpling 饮料 茶 tea 花茶jasmine tea 菊花茶chrysanthemum tea 龙井茶longjing tea 砖茶brick tea 杏仁茶almond paste 茶末tea dust 淡茶weak tea 浓茶strong tea 绿茶green tea 咖啡 coffee 可乐 colo 汽水,软饮料 soft drink 果汁,果汁饮料 juice 豆酱 soya-bean milk (bean

重庆火锅 Chongqing hotpot

过桥米线 rice noodle with ham, beef and vegetables in light sauce

东坡肘子 pork joint cooked in Su Dongpo’s style

酱爆肉丁 diced pork sautéed in brown sauce

家常鳝鱼 family-style eel slices/sheds

鱼香肉丝 shredded pork in fish-flavored sauce

黄酒焖猪排 stewed pork ribs in brown sauce

干烧桂鱼 mandarin fish fried in hot sauce

担担面 dan dan mian (noodles in spicy garlic sauce)

罐罐鸡 chicken in pot

红烧狮子头 meat balls braised in brown sauce

酸菜鱿鱼 fried squid with pickled vegetables

叫花子鸡 “Beggar's Chicken”

左宗鸡 chicken cooked in Zuo Zongtang’s style

腐乳汁烧肉 braised pork with fermented bean curd sauce

香酥鸡 fragrant and crispy chicken

麻辣鸡 multi-flavored chicken with black pepper and chili

三味鸡 three-flavored chicken

清笋炒肉丝 pork slices fried with bamboo shoots

五香鸡 spiced chicken

陈皮兔丁 sauteed diced chicken with orange rind

糟溜鸡片 quick-fried sliced chicken in fermented rice sauce

章鱼炖鹧鸪 octopus braised with partridge

芙蓉鸡片 chicken velvet

烤羊肉串 mutton shashlik (kabob)

盐水鸭 saline duck

红酒烤竹鸡 bamboo partridge broiled in red wine

灯影牛肉 beef cutlet fried with hot sauce

生爆盐煎肉 sliced pork fried with garlic in hot sauce

京酱肉丝 sautéed shredded beef with sweet bean paste and spring onions

什锦酱菜 assorted pickles

四川凉粉 bean jelly in Sichuan hot sauce

醉蟹 steeped crab in soy bean sauce and yellow wine

清蒸鲈鱼 steamed perch

一品熊掌 stewed bear paw in brown sauce

香酥五仁鸭 crisp duck with five kinds of nuts

羊肉扒 braised mutton with brown sauce

烤乳猪 roast piglet; roast suckling pig

猪八戒踢足球 “The Pig Kicking the Ball”

龙王献宝 “Dragon King Presenting His Treasures”

缸鸭狗 Ningbo-styled sweet dumpling/Urn-Duck-Dog dumpling/Jiang’agou


蚂蚁上树 minced pork fried with rice vermicelli/ants climbing trees

Directions: Translate the following sentences into English.

1. Beijing Duck, with its unique flavor, is Beijing’s famous delicacy and is well known all over the world. Among the restaurants that serve Beijing Duck, Quanjude is the most famous and the best in Beijing. Every day, hundreds of people go there to sample the delicious Beijing Duck.

2. The staple food of Chinese is rice and flour. Southerners prefer rice and ground rice products, such as cooked rice, New Year rice cake, eight-treasure rice pudding, and rice dumpling while northerners prefer cooked wheaten food. With wheat flour, they m

ake steamed bread, stuffed bun, various kinds of noodles, and meat dumpling, etc.

3. Tastes differ in different places in China: people of Shanxi Province can’t live without vinegar while people of Sichuan have an inclination for chili food; northerners are inclined to eat salty food while southerners are fond of sweet food. To sum up, southerners have a sweet taste while northerners have a salty one; easterners prefer something peppery while westerners like something sour.

4. As a long-established living custom, Chinese people are accustomed to three meals a day. They always take cuisine and enjoyment, appreciation and health into account. So in Chinese recipes the delicacies not only sound pleasing to the ear, look colorful and bright to the eye, but taste delicious to the palate. Besides, in Chinese recipes there are many dishes cooked with herbs. They are both incomparably tasty and highly nutritious.

5. People of Shanghai like seafood and they always cook it exquisitely. The reputed dish “Squirrel Fish”, which is made of fish into a squirrel form, is so vivid and bewildering that you will be reluctant to eat it.

6. Foreign friends visiting China should not miss the chance of sampling the Chinese flavors and enjoying the Chinese cuisine culture.

7. Sichuan, reputed as the “Land of Abundance”, is rich in natural resources. It has a great variety of snacks of local flavors with all kinds of tastes: sour, sweet, peppery, bitter, spicy and salty. The famous Chuan Cuisine has its birthplace there.

8. Northeastern cuisine originates from Shandong Cuisine, featuring picked and salted dishes. They are characterized by the heaviness and saltiness in taste, the greatness in amount, catering to the eating habits of the Northerners.

9. Cocktail is a spirit mixed with assorted alcoholics (such as brandy, whiskey, gin, and ram) and other flavorings. Since cocktail is a kind of mixed drink, it should be drunk as soon as it is mixed.

10. Usually, the imported wine is marked on the bottle with the symbols showing how long the wine is stored. For instance, “★” represents 3-4 years; “★★” around 5 years; “★★★” over 8 years; “V.O” over 10 years; “V.S.O.” more than 15 years; “ V.S.O.P.” over 20 years; “F.O.V.” over 30 years; “ X.O” over 40 years; “ E.X.H.A” over 50 years.


[1] 把菜肴放在热油里炒到半熟,以备再加作料烹熟 (stir-fry before stewing)。

[2] USAGE: Food is stewed or boiled in a pot with water, on top of the fire. One eat all the contents of a pot of stewed food, while the water is poured away before one eats, for example, boiled potatoes. If an inner vessel is used, so that the water does not directly touch the food, the food is steamed. Simmering is very gentle slow boiling, and braising, which is used only of meat, means cooking slowly i

n a covered pot with a little fat and water. Frying means cooking on top of the fire in fat or oil. Cooking by direct heat (usually under the grill in a modern kitchen) is called grilling (American English called broiling), unless the direct heat is used on bread or bread-like foods that are already cooked, to make them hard and brown, when the word is toasting. To cook inside the oven is to bake, but a large piece of meat is said to be roasted whether it is cooked in the oven or, as often in former times, over a fire. One bastes a piece of meat while it is being roasted by pouring some of its own juice back over it from time to time, with a spoon. – From Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English

[3] 略微煮一下, 或加淀粉汁急火快炒(quick-fry)。

[4] 煨烂或用微火炖(stew, braise)。

[5] 菜炒熟后加芡粉拌和(braise)。

[6] 把肉、葱等用热油略炒, 再加作料和水煮(stir-fry over hot fire),或将菜肴放在沸水中略煮,取出后再用酱油、醋等作料来拌。

[7] 微火烘烤 ( bake, torrefy)。

[8] 利用蒸汽使密闭容器中的食物变熟(heat with vapor in airtight vessel)。

各种米面食品词汇 面粉 flour 面条,挂面 noodle 豆面bean flour 米饭 rice 炒米饭fried rice 爆米花puffed rice 爆玉米花popcorn 面包 bread 豆包steamed bun stuffed with sweetened bean paste 包子steamed stuffed bun 肉包子steamed bun with meat stuffing 比萨饼 pizza 蛋糕,饼子 cake 小甜饼 cookie 月饼 mooncake 馅饼 pie 烙饼flapjack 发面饼leavened pancake 汉堡包 hamburger 热狗 hot dog 饼子,薄煎饼,烙饼 pancake 三明治,夹肉面包 营养食谱翻译,菜谱翻译,菜单翻译,酒水翻译,饮料翻译,酒店饭店饮食翻译,英语日语韩语各个语种都能翻译,精确经典翻译,行业翻译标杆!质优价低,有著作 >,电话180-82320843;181-12019834;请加翻译QQ:362847926.

菜单翻译 菜单在线翻译 菜谱翻译电话180-82320843;181-12019834;请加翻译QQ:362847926. 菜谱英文翻译 菜谱中文翻译成英文 餐厅菜单翻译 翻译菜谱 饭店翻译电话180-82320843;181-12019834;请加翻译QQ:362847926. 各种菜谱的英文翻译 酒店翻译 烹调翻译 食谱翻译 食谱英文翻译 英文菜单翻译 英文菜名翻译 英文菜品翻译 英文菜谱翻译 英文的菜谱电话180-82320843;181-12019834;请加翻译QQ:362847926. 英语菜品翻译 英语菜名翻译英语菜单翻译英语菜谱翻译中国菜谱翻译中文菜单英文译法电话180-82320843;181-12019834;请加翻译QQ:362847926.

sandwich 馒头 steamed bread 包子,小圆面包bun 油条 fried bread stick 烧饼 clay oven rolls 葱花饼green onion pancake 饺子,丸子,汤圆 dumplings 粥 porridge 棒子面粥cornmeal porridge (mush) 麻花 (fried dough twist) hemp flowers 干酪汉堡包 cheeseburger 意大利细面条 spaghetti (一片)面

包皮,糕饼的面制外壳 crust 黑面包 brown bread 炒米fried rice 炒面fried noodles 干炒面parched flour 炒冷饭rehash 蛋炒饭rice fried with eggs 抻面hand-pulled noodles 担担面sichuan noodles with peppery sauce 糕饼(点)pastry 挂面vermicelli 灌肠sausage 花卷steamed roll 馄饨dumping soup 火烧儿backed wheaten cake 饺子dumpling 饺子皮dumpling wrapper 饺子馅stuffing 烙饼a kind of pancake 凉拌面cold noodles in sauce 打卤面noodles served with thick gravy 土豆泥mashed potato 年糕New Year cake 烧饼sesame seed cake 馅儿饼meat pie 压缩饼干pilot bread (hardtack) 糌粑zanba 面包渣bread crumbs 炸酱面noodles served with fried bean sauce 肉食 烘烤肉 barbecued meat 肉 meat 牛肉beef 羔羊肉 veal 羊肉 mutton 牛脊肉 sirloin 牛排,肉排,鱼排 steak 排骨 chop 肉条,肉片 cutlet 猪肉 pork 炖肉 stew 烤肉 roast 火腿 ham 咸肉,熏猪肉 bacon 香肠 sausage 意大利香肠 pepperoni 鸡肉 chicken 火鸡turkey 炖鸡stewed chicken 鸭肉 duck 鱼肉 fish 肉汤 broth 肉冻儿jellied meat 烤肉串(印度,土耳其) kebob 咖喱牛肉beef curry 牛肉干儿jerked beef (dried beef) 肉类罐头cannel meat 鱼罐头canned fish 回锅肉twice-cooked pork 烤肉roast (meat) 烤羊肉串roast mutton cubes on a skewer 烤鸭roast duck 北京烤鸭roast Beijing duck 腊肉bacon 腊肠sausage 肋条pork ribs 牛排beefsteak 藕粉lotus root starch 排骨spareribs (ribs) 糖醋排骨spareribs in sweet-sour sauce 清蒸鱼steamed fish 肥肉fat meat 瘦肉lean meat 熏肉smoked meat 肉饼meat pie 肉丁diced meat 肉末ground meat (肉馅) 肉丝shredded meat 肉松dried meat floss 肉汤broth 肉丸子meatball 清炒虾仁saute of shrimps 猪下水pig’s offal 咸肉salt meat (bacon) 熏肉smoked meat 腌肉salted meat 烤羊肉串kebab 鱼翅shark’s fin 鱼片slices of fish meat 鱼松dried fish floss 杂碎chopped cooked entrails 炸鸡fried chicken 其它食物 豆沙sweetened bean paste 豆腐脑儿jellied bean curd 饼干 biscuit 糕点 pastry 蛋 egg 蛋白,蛋清egg white 蛋黄yolk 蛋壳eggshell 果核,果仁 kernel 点心pastry 布丁 pudding 春卷 spring rolls 蛋卷 egg rolls 绿豆糕 bean paste cake 八宝粥 eight-jewel rice 锅巴 rice crust 蜂蜜 honey 巧克力 chocolate 糖果 candy 水果糖 drop 薄荷糖 mint 口香糖 (chewing )gum 棒糖sucker 方糖cube sugar 奶粉powdered milk 蜜饯 compote 果酱 jam 葡萄干 raisin 炸薯条 French fries 炸土豆片 crisp 炸薯条 chips 奶制品 dairy 奶酪 cheese 蛋卷冰淇淋ice cream cone 一种印度风味冰淇淋 kulfi 泰式炒倮条(一种米制粉条) phat ( 印地)萨莫萨三角饺, 五香三角菜(肉) 饺 samosa 含蔬菜, 细面条及肉的浓汤(源于意大利) minestrone soup 烤干酪辣味玉米片(墨西哥人食用的) nacho 果仁蜜糖千层酥(土耳其,希腊等) baklava 火锅 hot pot (马铃薯等切下的)细长的条,薄片 chip 炒菜a fried dish 糖炒栗子 chestnuts

roasted in sand with brown sugar 奶 milk 水果 fruit 蔬菜 vegetable 甜点,甜食 desert 茶点tea and pastries 小吃,点心 snack 果脯preserved fruit 罐头tin (can) 水果罐头canned fruit 罐头食品tinned food 锅巴rice crust 干果dry fruit 果冻jelly 坚果nut 果酱jam 海米dried shrimps 海味choice seafood 海鲜seafood 荷包蛋fried eggs (poached eggs) 花生米shelled peanut 炒鸡蛋scrambled eggs 煎鸡蛋fried eggs 煮鸡蛋hard-boiled eggs 鸡蛋糕sponge cake 酱豆腐fermented bean curd 口香糖chewing gum 葵花子sunflower seeds 奶酪junket 干锅酪sweet nut paste 凉糕cake made of glutinous rice served cold in summer 核桃酪walnut cream 吃零食nibble between meals 美味小吃dainty snacks 奶糖toffee 奶油cream 泡泡堂bubble gum 巧克力chocolate 巧克力豆marble chocolate 软糖soft sweets 萨其马saqima 山楂糕haw jelly 烧茄子stewed eggplant 流食liquid diet 松花蛋preserved egg 松子pine nut 素菜vegetable dish 汤圆stuffed dumplings 水果糖fruit drops 奶油软糖cream candy 糖葫芦sugarcoated haws on a stick 一屉馒头a trayful of steamed buns 窝头steamed bread of corn 西餐Western-style food 燕窝edible bird’s nest 野味game 营养品nutriment 油茶面flour fried in beef fat and sugar and sesame 主食staple food (principal food) 粽子a pyramid-shaped dumpling 饮料 茶 tea 花茶jasmine tea 菊花茶chrysanthemum tea 龙井茶longjing tea 砖茶brick tea 杏仁茶almond paste 茶末tea dust 淡茶weak tea 浓茶strong tea 绿茶green tea 咖啡 coffee 可乐 colo 汽水,软饮料 soft drink 果汁,果汁饮料 juice 豆酱 soya-bean milk (bean

