
1.加:用and ,plus , added to 等词表示。

2 + 4 = 6 可译为:

Two and four is six .

Two plus four is equal to six .

Two added to four equals six .

Two and four makes six .

Two plus four will be six .

If you add two to four , you get six .

2.减:用minus, taken from, subtracted from 等表示。


Eight minus three is five .

Eight minus three is equal to five .

Three taken from eight leaves five .

Three subtracted from eight leaves five .

Take three from eight and the remainder is five .

3.乘:用multiply···by···/ multiplied by / time 等表示。

3 × 5 = 15可译为:

Multiply three by five is (gives)fifteen .

Three multiplied by five is fifteen .

Multiply three by five , you get fifteen .

Three times five is (makes, will be , equals, is equal to ) fifteen .

4.除:用divide···by···/ divided by / divide···into··· / into 等表示。 24 ÷ 8 = 3 可译为:

Twenty-four divided by eight makes (is , equals ) three . Twenty-four divided by eight is equal to three .

Eight into twenty-four goes three times .

Divide eight into twenty-four , and you get three .

Divide twenty-four by eight , and you get three .

1.加:用and ,plus , added to 等词表示。

2 + 4 = 6 可译为:

Two and four is six .

Two plus four is equal to six .

Two added to four equals six .

Two and four makes six .

Two plus four will be six .

If you add two to four , you get six .

2.减:用minus, taken from, subtracted from 等表示。


Eight minus three is five .

Eight minus three is equal to five .

Three taken from eight leaves five .

Three subtracted from eight leaves five .

Take three from eight and the remainder is five .

3.乘:用multiply···by···/ multiplied by / time 等表示。

3 × 5 = 15可译为:

Multiply three by five is (gives)fifteen .

Three multiplied by five is fifteen .

Multiply three by five , you get fifteen .

Three times five is (makes, will be , equals, is equal to ) fifteen .

4.除:用divide···by···/ divided by / divide···into··· / into 等表示。 24 ÷ 8 = 3 可译为:

Twenty-four divided by eight makes (is , equals ) three . Twenty-four divided by eight is equal to three .

Eight into twenty-four goes three times .

Divide eight into twenty-four , and you get three .

Divide twenty-four by eight , and you get three .


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