
低碳生活英语作文:An activity about low carbon living

Currently,my school is launching an activity whose theme is that actions

change the world to advocate the low carbon living.

In the activity,we are required to go to school or some other place by bike or by foot as much as possible instead of by bus.And when the Christmas comes,sending e-greeting cards instead of tridional cards of which are made of wood as we know.Besides,we should use both sides of every piece of paper

and we should save water as well as electricity.

I believe that only we do thus can we have a better living environment. Low-carbon economy, accelerate the development of cutting-edge technology needed a lot of talent and support scientific and technological achievements. Current Situation of new energy, for example, at present, China's wind power industry are long-term professional and technical training among the people no more than 50. In China, "Renewable Energy Law" two years later, North China Electric Power University, China had only established a Renewable Energy Institute. Moreover, the traditional evaluation of innovation certification system, the existence of some of the existing system can not explain the results of science can not identify an embarrassing situation. The next major scientific and technological achievements, it is likely to come from self-taught scientist, in the face of existing scientific system can not explain the results, should be taken to "the principle of non-consensus" of empirical

methods need to be identified.

5. Speed up the construction of cultural and creative industries. Cultural and creative industries in technological innovation and R & D value chain of the high-end part, is a high value-added industries and low-carbon consumption in the green industry. To develop cultural and creative services, to create great wealth for the society, while

avoiding excessive energy consumption and environmental pollution.

6. Sewage diversion from the rain to start, control urban pollution problems. County-level cities in China little rain and sewage diversion facilities, large and medium cities divert rain and sewage facilities, although the large volume of investment, the implementation has not gone far enough, resulting in a large number of sewage treatment plant for their labor is not the full implementation of stormwater

and sewage separation measures " vote veto. "

7. China's energy structure from the start, to seize the key aspects of conflict in order

to improve the efficiency of energy saving. The major form of China's energy consumption power consumption, heating and urban rural central heating

consumption, energy consumption, 3 species of which about 68% of energy from various energy into electricity after consumption. In China, widespread low-power system operation and a serious waste of energy efficiency, particularly in two areas

power distribution and power, energy-saving potential of a total 120 million kilowatts, accounting for 20% of China's electricity. Electricity distribution areas of focus to promote a major innovation projects can significantly improve energy efficiency


8. The core of a low carbon economy the way, is to build our country and the world

of renewable energy

Source system, and ultimately by the "high-carbon" era of the "low-carbon" era of the

cross, realize the harmonious development between man and nature

低碳生活英语作文:An activity about low carbon living

Currently,my school is launching an activity whose theme is that actions

change the world to advocate the low carbon living.

In the activity,we are required to go to school or some other place by bike or by foot as much as possible instead of by bus.And when the Christmas comes,sending e-greeting cards instead of tridional cards of which are made of wood as we know.Besides,we should use both sides of every piece of paper

and we should save water as well as electricity.

I believe that only we do thus can we have a better living environment. Low-carbon economy, accelerate the development of cutting-edge technology needed a lot of talent and support scientific and technological achievements. Current Situation of new energy, for example, at present, China's wind power industry are long-term professional and technical training among the people no more than 50. In China, "Renewable Energy Law" two years later, North China Electric Power University, China had only established a Renewable Energy Institute. Moreover, the traditional evaluation of innovation certification system, the existence of some of the existing system can not explain the results of science can not identify an embarrassing situation. The next major scientific and technological achievements, it is likely to come from self-taught scientist, in the face of existing scientific system can not explain the results, should be taken to "the principle of non-consensus" of empirical

methods need to be identified.

5. Speed up the construction of cultural and creative industries. Cultural and creative industries in technological innovation and R & D value chain of the high-end part, is a high value-added industries and low-carbon consumption in the green industry. To develop cultural and creative services, to create great wealth for the society, while

avoiding excessive energy consumption and environmental pollution.

6. Sewage diversion from the rain to start, control urban pollution problems. County-level cities in China little rain and sewage diversion facilities, large and medium cities divert rain and sewage facilities, although the large volume of investment, the implementation has not gone far enough, resulting in a large number of sewage treatment plant for their labor is not the full implementation of stormwater

and sewage separation measures " vote veto. "

7. China's energy structure from the start, to seize the key aspects of conflict in order

to improve the efficiency of energy saving. The major form of China's energy consumption power consumption, heating and urban rural central heating

consumption, energy consumption, 3 species of which about 68% of energy from various energy into electricity after consumption. In China, widespread low-power system operation and a serious waste of energy efficiency, particularly in two areas

power distribution and power, energy-saving potential of a total 120 million kilowatts, accounting for 20% of China's electricity. Electricity distribution areas of focus to promote a major innovation projects can significantly improve energy efficiency


8. The core of a low carbon economy the way, is to build our country and the world

of renewable energy

Source system, and ultimately by the "high-carbon" era of the "low-carbon" era of the

cross, realize the harmonious development between man and nature


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