
Traditional adulthood ceremony held in Shaanxi教学设计

Target students: students from senior I

Reading material: Traditional adulthood ceremony held in Shaanxi

Teaching aims: In this lesson, students will be able to

1. understand the true meaning of optimism and develop the quality of being


2. use the target words and expressions in blank filling and summary task.

Words: magical optimism remarry complex stepfather

responsibility immigration representative eventually

Expressions: bear the thought of some time passed before see no end to

fill out is certain to turn out

3. take part in an interview to share with their trouble-solving stories.

Difficult points: 1. Students may find the words especially some specific terms a big problem

when they are reading the text. (such as “bear the thought of”)

2. Students may find it difficult to finish their life stories of dealing with troubles. Important points:In this lesson,

1. Students will mainly focus their attention on the acquisition of new words and


2. Students will learn to become more optimistic and hold an positive attitude

towards life.

Teaching Procedures:

Step1. Warming up

Greetings: the teacher asks the following questions and talks about what a generation students belong to and since they are going to be 18 years old soon, 18 must mean a lot to them. A discussion about what 18 means to them and what they will do on that special occasion is to be held in the very beginning of the lesson.

Q1: how old are you? When were you born?

belong to post-90s (课文词汇)

Q2: What does 18 mean to you?

Q3: What will you do on that special occasion?

Let ’s see what students in XI’an did to celebrate their adulthood ceremony.

【设计说明】:通过和学生以日常交流的形式提出问题,让学生讲述他们的年龄,出生年份从而引出九十后post-90s 这个课文词汇。在这些90后学生即将迈入18岁成人礼的这一时刻询问他们18岁对他们意味着什么,他们会在18岁那天做些什么来引入主题。从情感上对学生进行潜移默化的教育,使学生意识到18岁意味着青春,成长,感恩,责任,守法,从而实现对课文学习的很好预热。Let ’s see what students in XI’an did to celebrate their adulthood ceremony.是承上启下过渡句,自然引入文章阅读部分。

Step2. Reading

1. Understanding of the headline and the photo.

Before reading, the students will have a prediction about what the passage is about by reading the headline and the photo.





2. Analyze the structure of this news report

The teacher shows the structure of a typical news report and let the students find out the most important factors such as headline, lead, body and photo in the report.

Headline Traditional adulthood ceremony held in Shaanxi

Lead Paragraph 1

Paragraph 2

Paragraph 3

Body Paragraph 4

Paragraph 5




3. Detailed reading for the news lead part (Para. 1) of the news report

Q: What can we learn from the news lead?

Who _____________________________________________ What ______________________________________________ Where _____________________________________________ When ______________________________________________


4. Detailed reading for the body part (Para. 2-6) of the news report

1. Blank filling exercise for Para. 2


Ceremony: __________________ for young men

__________________ for young women

Participants____________ in front of their parents and ____________ their advice.


Step3. Features of the news report

1.Feature 1 : The Inverted Pyramid

The most important facts (lead) are placed at the beginning and works "down“ from there. The first paragraph contain enough information to give us a good overview of the entire news report. The rest of the passage explains and expands on the beginning.

The news report might be cut off at any point due to space limitations.

2.Feature 2 : News lead

In general, news lead consists of Five "W"s and the "H“

(Who? What? Where? When? Why? How?)

Any good news report provides answers to most of these questions in its news lead .

Almost 50 young people (who) participated in a Chinese traditional coming-of-age ritual (what) in Xi'an, capital of Shaanxi province, (where) on Wednesday, Labor Day. (when)

Read another news lead

Japanese pop star noriko sakai, who disappeared on Monday after her husband was detained on drugs charges, has surrendered herself to Tokyo police.

3. Feature 3 : Embedded structure

To make the news report concise, many embedded structure are used in the passage.

For example: Chen Aiguo, whose son participated, said that

Convey enough information in minimum words.

4. Feature 4: objective

Instead of using “agreed; argued; praised; complained; announced; claimed; boasted; protested”, only “said ” and “added ”are used in this news report.


Step4. Post-reading

1. critical thinking

Q1: What sub-headline will you give to the news report?

Q2: From your point of view, what comment will you make on the ceremony?

Q3: What else can we students do to protect Chinese traditional culture?





4. Extension: relate to yourself

What do you want to say to them at your adulthood ceremony?

to yourself / parents / teachers / friends and classm

【设计说明】: 基于课文积极乐观价值观的理念,设计采访环节引导学生讲述他们自身遇到麻烦



Step 5. Home work

1.Finish your life story.

2. The passage is supposed to cover the following aspects:

* What trouble did you meet?

* How did you feel then?

* How did you deal with the trouble?

* What have you learned from your experience?

【设计说明】: 家庭作业是对上一阶段采访部分扩展的写作输出。强调本课所学的情感价值观在


Blackboard Design

Traditional adulthood ceremony held in Shaanxi教学设计

Target students: students from senior I

Reading material: Traditional adulthood ceremony held in Shaanxi

Teaching aims: In this lesson, students will be able to

1. understand the true meaning of optimism and develop the quality of being


2. use the target words and expressions in blank filling and summary task.

Words: magical optimism remarry complex stepfather

responsibility immigration representative eventually

Expressions: bear the thought of some time passed before see no end to

fill out is certain to turn out

3. take part in an interview to share with their trouble-solving stories.

Difficult points: 1. Students may find the words especially some specific terms a big problem

when they are reading the text. (such as “bear the thought of”)

2. Students may find it difficult to finish their life stories of dealing with troubles. Important points:In this lesson,

1. Students will mainly focus their attention on the acquisition of new words and


2. Students will learn to become more optimistic and hold an positive attitude

towards life.

Teaching Procedures:

Step1. Warming up

Greetings: the teacher asks the following questions and talks about what a generation students belong to and since they are going to be 18 years old soon, 18 must mean a lot to them. A discussion about what 18 means to them and what they will do on that special occasion is to be held in the very beginning of the lesson.

Q1: how old are you? When were you born?

belong to post-90s (课文词汇)

Q2: What does 18 mean to you?

Q3: What will you do on that special occasion?

Let ’s see what students in XI’an did to celebrate their adulthood ceremony.

【设计说明】:通过和学生以日常交流的形式提出问题,让学生讲述他们的年龄,出生年份从而引出九十后post-90s 这个课文词汇。在这些90后学生即将迈入18岁成人礼的这一时刻询问他们18岁对他们意味着什么,他们会在18岁那天做些什么来引入主题。从情感上对学生进行潜移默化的教育,使学生意识到18岁意味着青春,成长,感恩,责任,守法,从而实现对课文学习的很好预热。Let ’s see what students in XI’an did to celebrate their adulthood ceremony.是承上启下过渡句,自然引入文章阅读部分。

Step2. Reading

1. Understanding of the headline and the photo.

Before reading, the students will have a prediction about what the passage is about by reading the headline and the photo.





2. Analyze the structure of this news report

The teacher shows the structure of a typical news report and let the students find out the most important factors such as headline, lead, body and photo in the report.

Headline Traditional adulthood ceremony held in Shaanxi

Lead Paragraph 1

Paragraph 2

Paragraph 3

Body Paragraph 4

Paragraph 5




3. Detailed reading for the news lead part (Para. 1) of the news report

Q: What can we learn from the news lead?

Who _____________________________________________ What ______________________________________________ Where _____________________________________________ When ______________________________________________


4. Detailed reading for the body part (Para. 2-6) of the news report

1. Blank filling exercise for Para. 2


Ceremony: __________________ for young men

__________________ for young women

Participants____________ in front of their parents and ____________ their advice.


Step3. Features of the news report

1.Feature 1 : The Inverted Pyramid

The most important facts (lead) are placed at the beginning and works "down“ from there. The first paragraph contain enough information to give us a good overview of the entire news report. The rest of the passage explains and expands on the beginning.

The news report might be cut off at any point due to space limitations.

2.Feature 2 : News lead

In general, news lead consists of Five "W"s and the "H“

(Who? What? Where? When? Why? How?)

Any good news report provides answers to most of these questions in its news lead .

Almost 50 young people (who) participated in a Chinese traditional coming-of-age ritual (what) in Xi'an, capital of Shaanxi province, (where) on Wednesday, Labor Day. (when)

Read another news lead

Japanese pop star noriko sakai, who disappeared on Monday after her husband was detained on drugs charges, has surrendered herself to Tokyo police.

3. Feature 3 : Embedded structure

To make the news report concise, many embedded structure are used in the passage.

For example: Chen Aiguo, whose son participated, said that

Convey enough information in minimum words.

4. Feature 4: objective

Instead of using “agreed; argued; praised; complained; announced; claimed; boasted; protested”, only “said ” and “added ”are used in this news report.


Step4. Post-reading

1. critical thinking

Q1: What sub-headline will you give to the news report?

Q2: From your point of view, what comment will you make on the ceremony?

Q3: What else can we students do to protect Chinese traditional culture?





4. Extension: relate to yourself

What do you want to say to them at your adulthood ceremony?

to yourself / parents / teachers / friends and classm

【设计说明】: 基于课文积极乐观价值观的理念,设计采访环节引导学生讲述他们自身遇到麻烦



Step 5. Home work

1.Finish your life story.

2. The passage is supposed to cover the following aspects:

* What trouble did you meet?

* How did you feel then?

* How did you deal with the trouble?

* What have you learned from your experience?

【设计说明】: 家庭作业是对上一阶段采访部分扩展的写作输出。强调本课所学的情感价值观在


Blackboard Design


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