




The first reason that e-shopping is so appealing to students is its relative ease and convenience. For conscientious students with schedules, purchasing items on Taobao.com is an excellent way to free up valuable time for their

studies. Besides, products purchased online can also be delivered “straight to your door”, eliminating the burden of carrying heavy or bulky items.


The second advantage of online shopping is that it is available 24/7. Being able to shop at any and all hours of the day is not only conducive to the late nights associated with the student lifestyle, but also means that students no longer have to plan their activities around stores’ opening hours.

The third and perhaps biggest draw of e-shopping is that it allows students to find the lowest possible price at the click of a button. Students, who are notoriously strapped for cash, can ease their financial strain by taking advantage of bargains online. The growing number of trustworthy online shopping sites that provide secure transactions, coupled with the fact that

scams and fraud once associated with Internet shopping are quickly becoming things of the past, has also made students more willing, and even eager, to shop on the Web.



Despite the advantages to students of making purchases online, there are also a few caveats that young people should bear in mind. Firstly, the speed and convenience of e-shopping may encourage frivolous or unnecessary spending by inducing students to buy more than they had initially intended. The

temptation to spend hours surfing the Web to find out about the best buys or the latest fashion trends could also cause the studies of young shopaholics to fall by the wayside.


Secondly, there is a chance that those students who are already introverted may become even more alienated from the outside world. Indeed, online access to products and services makes it practically unnecessary to leave one’s house.

If taken to an extreme, online shopping may cause shy or reserved students to live even more reclusive lifestyles, to the detriment of both their social and physical well-being.


何凯文老师每年下半年必报的两个课程,一个是五夜十篇,(讲解阅读kk 三步法) ,一个还是点睛班(考前预测和作文讲解) 。建议大家一定要听的课程! 请搜索进入文都网校报名,咨询专业老师考研相关内容。文都网校祝2018考研学子备考顺利,考研成功!





The first reason that e-shopping is so appealing to students is its relative ease and convenience. For conscientious students with schedules, purchasing items on Taobao.com is an excellent way to free up valuable time for their

studies. Besides, products purchased online can also be delivered “straight to your door”, eliminating the burden of carrying heavy or bulky items.


The second advantage of online shopping is that it is available 24/7. Being able to shop at any and all hours of the day is not only conducive to the late nights associated with the student lifestyle, but also means that students no longer have to plan their activities around stores’ opening hours.

The third and perhaps biggest draw of e-shopping is that it allows students to find the lowest possible price at the click of a button. Students, who are notoriously strapped for cash, can ease their financial strain by taking advantage of bargains online. The growing number of trustworthy online shopping sites that provide secure transactions, coupled with the fact that

scams and fraud once associated with Internet shopping are quickly becoming things of the past, has also made students more willing, and even eager, to shop on the Web.



Despite the advantages to students of making purchases online, there are also a few caveats that young people should bear in mind. Firstly, the speed and convenience of e-shopping may encourage frivolous or unnecessary spending by inducing students to buy more than they had initially intended. The

temptation to spend hours surfing the Web to find out about the best buys or the latest fashion trends could also cause the studies of young shopaholics to fall by the wayside.


Secondly, there is a chance that those students who are already introverted may become even more alienated from the outside world. Indeed, online access to products and services makes it practically unnecessary to leave one’s house.

If taken to an extreme, online shopping may cause shy or reserved students to live even more reclusive lifestyles, to the detriment of both their social and physical well-being.


何凯文老师每年下半年必报的两个课程,一个是五夜十篇,(讲解阅读kk 三步法) ,一个还是点睛班(考前预测和作文讲解) 。建议大家一定要听的课程! 请搜索进入文都网校报名,咨询专业老师考研相关内容。文都网校祝2018考研学子备考顺利,考研成功!


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