



No.1. Hi, I’m so happy here with you all.

No.2. Let’s play a ball game tomorrow afternoon.

No.3. Hurry up, Nancy! It’s already twenty after three.

No.4. You’re too young to drive a car.

No.5. Jim left the room without a word.


No.6. What’s the matter, Julie?

No.7. Can I help you, sir?

No.8. Happy birthday to you!

No.9. May I have your name, please?

No.10. Excuse me, where’s the post office?



No.11. W: Hi, Tony! How old are you this year?

M: Thirteen years old. Was I born in the Year of the Monkey?

W: No. You were born in the Year of the Horse.

M: Oh, the Year of the Horse.

Q: In what year was Tony born?

No.12. W: Did you do anything special for your father yesterday?

M: Actually I just said “Happy Father’s Day” to him. And you?

W: I gave my dad a big hug and …

M: And a gift for him?

Q: What did the boy do for his father?

No.13. W: Hello! This is City Taxi.

M: Hi, I’m calling about a wallet. I think I left it in a taxi this morning. It’s a

black wallet, it had all my credit cards in it.

W: Don’t worry. I’ll try to help find it.

Q: Why does the man call City Taxi?


W: Hi, Mark. What are you doing?

M: I’m looking for the phone number for the Blue Fish!

W: Oh, I love the Blue Fish.

M: A lot of people like the food there.

W: Are you ordering lunch?

英语试卷听力部分录音材料 第1页(共4页)

M: No. I want to book a table for Cindy.

W: That’s a good idea. The Blue Fish is crowded at lunch.

Question No.14. What do you think the Blue Fish is?

Question No.15. What does Mark want to do?没


W: Excuse me. I’m doing a survey on college students. Do you mind if I ask you a few questions? M: No, I guess not. What do you want to know?

W: First of all, do you live with your family?

M: Yes, I do. I live with my parents and my elder sister.

W: And what do they do?

M: My father is an engineer. My mother, a teacher. And my sister’s a doctor,

working in a hospital.

W: I see. And how about you? What are you studying right now?

M: I’m in my last year of college, studying French. Actually I’m going to

France pretty soon, so I need to learn this language well.

W: And do you have a part-time job?

M: Uh-huh. I work in a store at night.

W: Well, thanks very much for your answers. And good luck with your French!

Question No.16. How many people are there in the family?

Question No.17. What does the father do?

Question No.18. Why does the college student learn French?


Well done, class! Now stop reading. All right, you all know how to read our new words. Let’s see how many we can spell. We are trying to spell from memory. And for those of you who spell all your words correctly, I have something special. One of these colorful pens! If you have one word wrong, you can get a “pencil”.

When you are finished, don’t forget to put down your name at the top of the page. Now here we go. Let’s get started. The first one is kitchen…

Question No.19. What are they doing now?

Question No.20. What can they get if they have one word wrong?

Question No.21. Which word do they begin with?


There are thousands of colleges and universities in the United States. Nearly half of the high school students in America go on to college. Like Bob and Jenny, most of them go to state universities. These are large universities. Some of these universities have 40,000 or more students. There are also many small universities with only a few hundred students.

When students begin the university, they must take classes in many subjects. These are the required courses. English and math are usually required courses and often history and science are required too. Bob and Jenny will study required courses during their first year. Later, they will

英语试卷听力部分录音材料 第2页(共4页)

specialize, and take courses in one subject.

Question No. 22. Which country does the speaker mention?

Question No. 23. What kind of universities do Bob and Jenny go to?

Question No. 24. What are the required courses?

Question No. 25. When will Bob and Jenny study required courses?



Hello, everyone!

And now here’s today’s weather forecast for the international traveler. Let’s start with Beijing. It will be a cold day in Beijing today, and windy. The low will be zero and the high will be 6 degrees.

Mexico City will be warm and wet, with a low of 23 degrees and a high of 28.

Tokyo will have cloudy weather. The low will be 4 degrees and the high 11.

New York is going to have a rainy day. It will be very cold with a low of 1 and a high of 9. In Hong Kong it will be wet and hot today. The low will be 20 degrees and the high will be 30.

英语试卷听力部分录音材料 第3页(共4页)




No.1. Hi, I’m so happy here with you all.

No.2. Let’s play a ball game tomorrow afternoon.

No.3. Hurry up, Nancy! It’s already twenty after three.

No.4. You’re too young to drive a car.

No.5. Jim left the room without a word.


No.6. What’s the matter, Julie?

No.7. Can I help you, sir?

No.8. Happy birthday to you!

No.9. May I have your name, please?

No.10. Excuse me, where’s the post office?



No.11. W: Hi, Tony! How old are you this year?

M: Thirteen years old. Was I born in the Year of the Monkey?

W: No. You were born in the Year of the Horse.

M: Oh, the Year of the Horse.

Q: In what year was Tony born?

No.12. W: Did you do anything special for your father yesterday?

M: Actually I just said “Happy Father’s Day” to him. And you?

W: I gave my dad a big hug and …

M: And a gift for him?

Q: What did the boy do for his father?

No.13. W: Hello! This is City Taxi.

M: Hi, I’m calling about a wallet. I think I left it in a taxi this morning. It’s a

black wallet, it had all my credit cards in it.

W: Don’t worry. I’ll try to help find it.

Q: Why does the man call City Taxi?


W: Hi, Mark. What are you doing?

M: I’m looking for the phone number for the Blue Fish!

W: Oh, I love the Blue Fish.

M: A lot of people like the food there.

W: Are you ordering lunch?

英语试卷听力部分录音材料 第1页(共4页)

M: No. I want to book a table for Cindy.

W: That’s a good idea. The Blue Fish is crowded at lunch.

Question No.14. What do you think the Blue Fish is?

Question No.15. What does Mark want to do?没


W: Excuse me. I’m doing a survey on college students. Do you mind if I ask you a few questions? M: No, I guess not. What do you want to know?

W: First of all, do you live with your family?

M: Yes, I do. I live with my parents and my elder sister.

W: And what do they do?

M: My father is an engineer. My mother, a teacher. And my sister’s a doctor,

working in a hospital.

W: I see. And how about you? What are you studying right now?

M: I’m in my last year of college, studying French. Actually I’m going to

France pretty soon, so I need to learn this language well.

W: And do you have a part-time job?

M: Uh-huh. I work in a store at night.

W: Well, thanks very much for your answers. And good luck with your French!

Question No.16. How many people are there in the family?

Question No.17. What does the father do?

Question No.18. Why does the college student learn French?


Well done, class! Now stop reading. All right, you all know how to read our new words. Let’s see how many we can spell. We are trying to spell from memory. And for those of you who spell all your words correctly, I have something special. One of these colorful pens! If you have one word wrong, you can get a “pencil”.

When you are finished, don’t forget to put down your name at the top of the page. Now here we go. Let’s get started. The first one is kitchen…

Question No.19. What are they doing now?

Question No.20. What can they get if they have one word wrong?

Question No.21. Which word do they begin with?


There are thousands of colleges and universities in the United States. Nearly half of the high school students in America go on to college. Like Bob and Jenny, most of them go to state universities. These are large universities. Some of these universities have 40,000 or more students. There are also many small universities with only a few hundred students.

When students begin the university, they must take classes in many subjects. These are the required courses. English and math are usually required courses and often history and science are required too. Bob and Jenny will study required courses during their first year. Later, they will

英语试卷听力部分录音材料 第2页(共4页)

specialize, and take courses in one subject.

Question No. 22. Which country does the speaker mention?

Question No. 23. What kind of universities do Bob and Jenny go to?

Question No. 24. What are the required courses?

Question No. 25. When will Bob and Jenny study required courses?



Hello, everyone!

And now here’s today’s weather forecast for the international traveler. Let’s start with Beijing. It will be a cold day in Beijing today, and windy. The low will be zero and the high will be 6 degrees.

Mexico City will be warm and wet, with a low of 23 degrees and a high of 28.

Tokyo will have cloudy weather. The low will be 4 degrees and the high 11.

New York is going to have a rainy day. It will be very cold with a low of 1 and a high of 9. In Hong Kong it will be wet and hot today. The low will be 20 degrees and the high will be 30.

英语试卷听力部分录音材料 第3页(共4页)


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