

Supplier Authorized Signature:


DRE Signature:

临时认可:仅针对此次交样,不作为正式工程认可文件使用/Temporarily approve:only for this delivery,not as the officially approved OTS file


PATAC Material Team Signature:

SGM SQE签字:SGM SQE Signature:

正式认可:零件状态与设计要求一致/Officially approve:The status of part are according with the requirements of design


注1:DRE、材料组确认符合性; SQE确认真实性,供应商保证从工程到正式生产,其分供方清单与零件交付状态保持一致。

Noter: DRE, Material Team to confirm the coincidence; SQE to confirm the authenticity, and to ensure the conformance to requirements from engineering to launch that suppliers control the subcontractors.The subcontrator list should be according with the parts status of delivery.注2:仅对于符合设计要求且与正式生产状态一致的零件需填写已提交的IMDS表单ID号。对于未填写IMDS表单ID号的零件仅做临时认可。

Noter:The parts which are according to the requirements of design and launch need IMDS ID.Parts without IMDS ID only are approved temporarily.注3:无论是否正式认可,本清单中任何信息如有变更应及时重新递交分供方清单。

Noter:Whether or not officially approved, any infromation of this list changes the subcontrator list are subject to re-submit in time.

Print Date:2015-6-18


Supplier Authorized Signature:


DRE Signature:

临时认可:仅针对此次交样,不作为正式工程认可文件使用/Temporarily approve:only for this delivery,not as the officially approved OTS file


PATAC Material Team Signature:

SGM SQE签字:SGM SQE Signature:

正式认可:零件状态与设计要求一致/Officially approve:The status of part are according with the requirements of design


注1:DRE、材料组确认符合性; SQE确认真实性,供应商保证从工程到正式生产,其分供方清单与零件交付状态保持一致。

Noter: DRE, Material Team to confirm the coincidence; SQE to confirm the authenticity, and to ensure the conformance to requirements from engineering to launch that suppliers control the subcontractors.The subcontrator list should be according with the parts status of delivery.注2:仅对于符合设计要求且与正式生产状态一致的零件需填写已提交的IMDS表单ID号。对于未填写IMDS表单ID号的零件仅做临时认可。

Noter:The parts which are according to the requirements of design and launch need IMDS ID.Parts without IMDS ID only are approved temporarily.注3:无论是否正式认可,本清单中任何信息如有变更应及时重新递交分供方清单。

Noter:Whether or not officially approved, any infromation of this list changes the subcontrator list are subject to re-submit in time.

Print Date:2015-6-18


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