


Part 1 按要求变换下列各词 A.写出下列名词的复数形式. butterfly ________ sheep ________ foot ________ tomato ________ television ________ radio ________ apple ________ banana ________ boy ________ bus ________ family ________

child ________ pencil-box ________ knife ________

orange ________

fly ________ mango ________ goat________ photo ________ watch ________

B.写出下列各词的现在分词.(-ing) ride ________ take ________ swim ________ draw ________ paint ________ read ________

smell________ listen ________ do ________ kick ________

Part 2 按要求把下列各单词分到各个类别里 cow giraffe tiger horse dog snake elephant panda cat sheep duck hen


Part 3用a或an填空(10分)

1.__________ ice cream 2. __________ English book 3. __________ little monkey 4. __________ umbrella 5. __________ orange 6. __________ family photo 7. __________ egg 8. __________ big egg 9. __________ apple 10.__________ red apple

Part 4读一读,选出发音不同的一项。 1 ( ) 2 ( 3 ( 4 ( 5 ( 6 ( 7 ( 8 (

Part 5 请写出缩写和意思 I have =______________ ( ) She has = ____________ ( ) It is =______________ ( ) We are =___________ ( ) They are =__________ ( )

Part 6 填写下列空白处的数字 ten + ________________=twenty four+ ______________ = thirteen _______________ + three = nine three + ________________= five four + ________________= eleven Part7写出下列形容词的反义词

old_____________happy_____________new_____________long_____________ cold_____________ up_____________ quick_____________ small_____________


Part 8 汉译英

薯条___________黄油__________ 三明治__________ 面包_________大米________ 奶酪__________面条__________鸡肉__________ 汉堡__________曲奇饼__________ 啤酒__________果汁__________牛奶__________蔬菜_______ ___南瓜__________

Part9 英译汉

1. I’ve got lots of colours.

2. Which book would you like to read?

3.How is your holiday?

4. What would you like? I’d like a burger.

5.This reading-room is very nice.I like it.

6.Do you often eat fish?Yes,I do.

7.Help yourself,please.

Part10 判断对错。 1. This is a plane. ( 2.

This is a tree. ( 3.

This is a watch. ( 4.

This is a bee. (


) )




This is a phone. ( )


1 some,chicken, and , I’d ,an ,like ,apple.

2 Drink,favourite, My,is,juice

3 would,like,What, you

4 welcome ,are ,you

5 to, Nice, you, meet.

Part12 按照实际情况回答问题。1. Do you like watermelons?

2. What colour do you like?

3.How is your holiday?




Part 1 按要求变换下列各词 A.写出下列名词的复数形式. butterfly ________ sheep ________ foot ________ tomato ________ television ________ radio ________ apple ________ banana ________ boy ________ bus ________ family ________

child ________ pencil-box ________ knife ________

orange ________

fly ________ mango ________ goat________ photo ________ watch ________

B.写出下列各词的现在分词.(-ing) ride ________ take ________ swim ________ draw ________ paint ________ read ________

smell________ listen ________ do ________ kick ________

Part 2 按要求把下列各单词分到各个类别里 cow giraffe tiger horse dog snake elephant panda cat sheep duck hen


Part 3用a或an填空(10分)

1.__________ ice cream 2. __________ English book 3. __________ little monkey 4. __________ umbrella 5. __________ orange 6. __________ family photo 7. __________ egg 8. __________ big egg 9. __________ apple 10.__________ red apple

Part 4读一读,选出发音不同的一项。 1 ( ) 2 ( 3 ( 4 ( 5 ( 6 ( 7 ( 8 (

Part 5 请写出缩写和意思 I have =______________ ( ) She has = ____________ ( ) It is =______________ ( ) We are =___________ ( ) They are =__________ ( )

Part 6 填写下列空白处的数字 ten + ________________=twenty four+ ______________ = thirteen _______________ + three = nine three + ________________= five four + ________________= eleven Part7写出下列形容词的反义词

old_____________happy_____________new_____________long_____________ cold_____________ up_____________ quick_____________ small_____________


Part 8 汉译英

薯条___________黄油__________ 三明治__________ 面包_________大米________ 奶酪__________面条__________鸡肉__________ 汉堡__________曲奇饼__________ 啤酒__________果汁__________牛奶__________蔬菜_______ ___南瓜__________

Part9 英译汉

1. I’ve got lots of colours.

2. Which book would you like to read?

3.How is your holiday?

4. What would you like? I’d like a burger.

5.This reading-room is very nice.I like it.

6.Do you often eat fish?Yes,I do.

7.Help yourself,please.

Part10 判断对错。 1. This is a plane. ( 2.

This is a tree. ( 3.

This is a watch. ( 4.

This is a bee. (


) )




This is a phone. ( )


1 some,chicken, and , I’d ,an ,like ,apple.

2 Drink,favourite, My,is,juice

3 would,like,What, you

4 welcome ,are ,you

5 to, Nice, you, meet.

Part12 按照实际情况回答问题。1. Do you like watermelons?

2. What colour do you like?

3.How is your holiday?



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