



Sending you wishes to say you blossom up the world around me! Happy Women's Day!


If you could see it from my eyes you would know you are one gem of a Woman!


Just wanted to thank you from bottom of my heart for all things you do! Happy Womens Day!


On women's day what can I wish for, but the very best for you! Happy Women's Day!


You can do almost anything you put your mind to... You can swim the deepest ocean and climb the highest peak. Be a doctor or fly a plane. You can face adversity and still walk tall. You are strong, beautiful, compassionate and much more than words could ever say! Today is yours and so is every other day. Happy Women's Day!


Wishing a very Happy Women's Day to the most amazing women I know.


Across the miles... comes this wish from me to say... You are special!


What lies behind us and what lies before us are tiny matters compared to what lies within us. You are an inspiration to me.


No matter from which angle I look at you, you appear to be an angel and Women's Day is the perfect to say: I am so lucky to have you in my life.


A beautiful woman, a great friend and a wonderful mother. You are all this to me and much more... I feel so lucky and proud to have a mom like you.


Through the years, I have shared so much with you, both bitter and sweet. You have been such a comfort to me, helping me in every way, and all I wanna say today is: Sis, I treasure you close to my heart.


For all the times you've brought a smile and made my days seem brighter. For sharing ups and downs with me and making my burdens lighter. For doing the caring things that make a special friend. Your friendship is a joy. I wish it never ends! Happy Women's Day!




Sending you wishes to say you blossom up the world around me! Happy Women's Day!


If you could see it from my eyes you would know you are one gem of a Woman!


Just wanted to thank you from bottom of my heart for all things you do! Happy Womens Day!


On women's day what can I wish for, but the very best for you! Happy Women's Day!


You can do almost anything you put your mind to... You can swim the deepest ocean and climb the highest peak. Be a doctor or fly a plane. You can face adversity and still walk tall. You are strong, beautiful, compassionate and much more than words could ever say! Today is yours and so is every other day. Happy Women's Day!


Wishing a very Happy Women's Day to the most amazing women I know.


Across the miles... comes this wish from me to say... You are special!


What lies behind us and what lies before us are tiny matters compared to what lies within us. You are an inspiration to me.


No matter from which angle I look at you, you appear to be an angel and Women's Day is the perfect to say: I am so lucky to have you in my life.


A beautiful woman, a great friend and a wonderful mother. You are all this to me and much more... I feel so lucky and proud to have a mom like you.


Through the years, I have shared so much with you, both bitter and sweet. You have been such a comfort to me, helping me in every way, and all I wanna say today is: Sis, I treasure you close to my heart.


For all the times you've brought a smile and made my days seem brighter. For sharing ups and downs with me and making my burdens lighter. For doing the caring things that make a special friend. Your friendship is a joy. I wish it never ends! Happy Women's Day!


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