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项 目 名 称 :智能防护层设计和地下结构耦合响应研究

中国科学技术大学力学和机械工程系 委托单位: 中国科学技术大学力学和机械工程系 总参工程兵科研三所 委 托 日 期 : 二○○六年十二月二十日 查 新 机 构 : 中国科学院中国科学技术大学


完 成 日 期 : 二○○六年十二月二十二日

中华人民共和国科学技术部 二○○○年制

中文:智能防护层设计和地下结构耦合响应研究 查新项目 名称 英文: Study on the Design of the Intelligent Safety Layers and the Coupled Response of the Underground Engineering Structures 查新机构 名称 中国科学院中国科学技术大学科技查新咨询中心 通信地址 安徽合肥中国科技大学图书馆 邮政编码 230027 负责人 电话 联系人 电话 电子信箱 [email protected] 传真 0551-3602325 一,查新目的 申报奖励 二,查新项目的科学技术要点 该项目以现代波动理论的最新研究成果为指导, 充分利用现有计算技术的发展 优势,通过实验,理论和计算相结合的方法,将波动力学的最新研究成果和方法直 接应用于防护结构的分配层的设计之中, 设计出可有效减弱爆炸冲击波破坏力的智 能防护层,优化人防工程分层防护结构的设计方案. 主要技术特征: 将波动力学的最新研究成果应用到地下防护结构的分配层的设 计之中,研究这种新型的智能防护层结构对爆炸波的阻尼,耗散和削弱等作用,从 而有效地提高地下防护结构对各类航弹,炮弹,穿地弹及导弹的抗御能力,延长其 生存寿命并保证其安全工作. 三,查新点与查新要求 查新点: 1.防护层材料的本构关系研究和材料粘性阻尼,塑性耗散效应对应力波的影响 2.空穴绕射隔离效应研究和它在人防工程中削弱爆炸载荷方面的应用 3.分层防护中的波阻抗梯度效应研究和它对提高防护层抗局部破坏能力的应用 4.粘塑性变截面杆中应力波的演化和几何扩散效应研究 查新要求: 证明在所查范围内国内外有无相同或类似研究;与同类研究项目进行对比分 析;作出新颖性判断.


四,文献检索范围及检索策略 文献检索范围及检索策略 查新使用的数据库: 中国学术期刊网(1994-2006) 中国科技期刊与论文数据库(1990-2006) 中国科技论文引文分析数据库(CSTPI) (1990-2006) 万方学位论文数据库(1985-2006) 万方数据数字化期刊数据库(1999-2006) 万方中国科技成果库(1985—2006) 万方中国学术会议论文库(1985—2006) 中国知识产权局网站 http://www.sipo.gov.cn/sipo/zljs/default.htm 中国专利信息网:http://www.patent.com.cn/ 中国专利文摘数据库(易信):http://www.exin.net/patent/ Google 搜索:http://www.google.com/ Web of Science [SCIE] (1986-2006) Web of Proceedings [ISTP] (1986-2006) Web of Kno

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查新使用的检索工具书:科技项目申报书 关键词:人防 本构 空穴 分层 变截面 应力波 爆炸 Civile defense, constitutive relation, layered, variable section, stress wave, explosive 检索式: #1:(人防+防护)*(本构关系+本构模型)*(应力波+爆炸+冲击) #2:Civil defense and ( constitutive relation or constitutive model ) and stress wave #3:(人防+防护)*(空穴+孔穴+空洞+孔洞)*(应力波+爆炸+冲击) #4:Civil defense and cavity and stress wave #5:(人防+防护)*(波阻抗+分层+FGM)*(应力波+爆炸+冲击) #6:Civil defense and ( impedance or layered or FGM) and stress wave #7:(人防+防护)*(变截面)*(应力波+爆炸+冲击) #8:Civil defense and variable section and stress wave


五,检索结果 按上述关键词, 在以上数据库和文献时限内, 检索到一些与本课题有关的文献, 现摘述如下:

1.材料的弹粘塑性本构关系和应力波的演化 【作者】 姚磊. 李永池. 胡秀章. 朱林法. 【刊名】 力学季刊 2004 年 03 期 【机构】 中国科学技术大学力学和机械工程系.合肥 230027. 【关键词】 粘塑性本构关系. 应力波. 演化规律 【摘要】试验表明,大多数工程材料在冲击载荷作用之下的变形一般都同时包含有可恢复的瞬 态性弹性变形和不可恢复的粘滞性塑性变形,即其本构关系可以用弹粘塑性模型来描述.本文 从内变量理论出发,探讨了时率相关材料的弹粘塑性本构关系的一般特性,建立了增量型的弹粘 塑性本构关系的一般理论框架和普适的表达式,并且对两种最常用的本构模型--Bodnet-Partom 模型和 Johnson-Cook 模型给出了在一维应变条件下的具体形式.通过计算和讨论一维应变粘 塑性靶板中冲击波的衰减机制和应力波的演化规律,特别是考察各种粘塑性本构模型中的材料 参数对冲击波的衰减和演化的影响. 2.空穴的绕射隔离效应和对后方应力波的削弱作用 【作者】 李永池 姚磊 沈俊 胡秀章 【机构】 中国科学技术大学力学和机械工程系,安徽,合肥,230027; 【刊名】 爆炸与冲击 2005 Vol.25 No.3 【关键词】爆炸力学;抗爆设计;数值分析;应力波;空穴 【摘要】 以新型抗爆工程设计为背景,以改进的有限差分软件 Renewto 为手段,对含空穴的混凝 土介质中应力波的衰减机制和演化规律进行了二维数值分析,通过改变空穴的位置和特征尺度 等参数来考察空穴后方应力波的强度衰减及波形演化,从而对应力波传播中的空穴隔离效应进 行了分析和讨论.结果表明,适当调整空穴的位置,尺寸等因素,可以在其后方明显减弱冲击波. 还以计算结果为基础提出了一个应力削弱因子的拟合公式,为在抗爆防震工程中设计科学智能 的防护层提供了一定的理论依据. 3.防护层中孔穴对轴向应

力波的绕射屏蔽效应研究 【作者】 王志亮 李永池 【机构】中国科学技术大学,力学和机械工程系,合肥,230027 【刊名】 岩土力学 2005 Vol.26 No.8 【关键词】抗爆设计;防护层;孔穴;轴向应力波;削减因子;拟合式 【摘要】 随着新型武器的发展,在当今的人防工程中对防护层的功效要求越来越高.以工程抗 爆设计为背景,主要研究了如何在防护层中利用空穴来绕射和屏蔽应力波的问题.经过大量计算 发现,空穴的几何形状及尺寸效应等对其后方的应力波削减有显著影响.针对常见的方形和圆形 空穴,提出了孔穴后方,位于其对称轴上点的轴向应力 σy 峰值削减因子 DF 的 2 个近似拟合式 子.可分别用来估算在一定条件下孔穴后方特定位置处的削减因子,或用来计算所需空穴的尺 寸,甚至可以推算为了达到某一削减效果而必须满足的最小安全距离等.其结果为在抗爆防震工 程中智能的防护层的设计提供了一定理论依据. 4.串联战斗部前级聚能装药和隔爆结构设计与实验研究


【作者】 段建 杨黔龙 周刚 初哲 田亚军 张颖 【机构】 西北核技术研究所,陕西,西安,710024; 【刊名】 高压物理学报 2006 Vol.20 No.2 【关键词】串联随进战斗部;聚能装药;爆炸成型弹丸;多孔铝;隔爆体 【摘要】 前级聚能装药侵彻技术和两级隔爆技术在串联战斗部的设计研究中占有重要地位. 从理论分析,实验研究的手段出发,分析了前级装药的结构设计及前级装药爆炸对后级的影响, 设计了两种药型罩结构的聚能装药侵彻混凝土靶实验,以及以多孔铝为隔爆体的隔爆防护实验. 实验结果表明,设计的前级装药在混凝土靶上侵彻出了深度为 8.2 倍, 孔径为 0.4~0.6 倍装药口 径的孔洞;所采用的多孔铝隔爆结构有效地防护了二级弹体的破坏.实验效果比较理想. 5.岩体软硬度对一维应力波演化影响研究 【作者】 王伟 王志亮 李振强 WANG Wei WANG Zhi-liang LI Zhen-qiang 【机构】贵州电力设计院,贵阳,550002;中国科学技术大学,力学与机械工程系,合肥,230027;南京 强华建设工程有限公司,南京,210024 【刊名】 水文地质工程地质 2006 Vol.33 No.1 【关键词】岩石介质;一维应力波;帽盖模型;传播与演化 【摘要】 地下球形药包爆轰后将产生很强的地震波,其传播受多种因素的影响.本文把岩石介 质的弹塑性帽盖模型耦合到有限差分法程序中,对一维爆轰波在非均质岩石体中的传播,演化 机理进行了数值模拟与分析.着重探讨一维应力波从效应和智能防护 等方面的研究具有一定的参考价值. 6.岩土中爆轰波演化机制及耗散作用数值探讨 【作者】 王志亮 钟光复 李永池 Wang Zhiliang Zhong Guangfu Li Yongchi 【机构】 中国科学技术大学力学与机械工程系,安徽,合肥,230027; 【刊名】 建井技术 2005 Vol.26 No.6 【关键词】 岩土介质;帽盖模型;覆土层;爆轰波;有限差分法 【摘要】 由于土体与岩石介质的波阻抗不同,应力波在二者中的传播方式也是不同的.首先介绍 了一种岩土体弹塑性帽盖模型.接着把它嵌入到一维有限差分法程序中,对爆轰波在岩,土介质 中的传播过程分别进行了数值模拟计算与分析.最后针对覆土层对岩石防护层中应力波的衰减 和屏蔽效应进行了探讨,结果发现:由于(覆)土层存在较大的弹塑性变形,能很好地耗散冲击波携 带的能量,可对后方岩石介质中的应力波进行部分屏蔽.这一点对于实现分层防护以及提高防护 层的防护功效等方面均具有一定意义. 7.高强度玻璃纤维装甲复合材料的研发与应用 【作者】 董鹤崟 凌根华 DONG He-yin LING Gen-hua 【机构】 中材科技有限公司,特纤事业部,江苏,南京,210012 【刊名】 高科技纤维与应用 2005 Vol.30 No.5 【关键词】高强度玻璃纤维;防弹纤维;装甲复合材料;防弹机理;研发;应用 【摘要】阐述了高强度玻璃纤维复合装甲的防弹机理,研究表明:以陶瓷片等硬质材料做面板, 高强度玻璃纤维装甲作背板,制造出高性能复合结构防护材料,当弹头击碎和穿透硬质面板,消 耗并分散冲击载荷后,该装甲背板通过纤维伸长,断裂,纤维的拔出和分层来吸收动能,阻挡弹 头和破片,从而起到防弹作用.同时,详细介绍了国内外对高强度玻璃纤维装甲的研发和应用状


况. 8.波在分层材料中的传播及防冲击波分层材料的设计 【作者】 李刚 陈正汉 谢云 【机构】后勤工程学院,军事土木工程系岩土所,重庆,400041 【刊名】 振动与冲击 2005 Vol.24 No.2 【关键词】分层材料;冲击波;防护;Hugoniot 曲线 【摘要】对分层材料中的波传播特性进行深入分析,探讨了防冲击波分层材料设计中应注意的 问题.通过材料的 Hugoniot 曲线结合冲击波在材料中的衰减特性,得到了防冲击波分层材料的设 计参数:分层材料的排序,各层材料的厚度.所进行的研究对防冲击波结构的设计有重要的参考 价值. 9.高强混凝土 SHPB 试验研究 【作者】 钱七虎 尹放林 段吉祥 严少华 【刊名】 解放军理工大学学报(自然科学版) 2000 Vol.1 No.03 【机构】解放军理工大学工程兵工程学院国防人防工程系 江苏 南京 210007 【关键词】高强混凝土;SHPB 试验;动态本构关系 【摘要】采用变截面大尺寸的 Hopkinson 压杆,对直径分别为 7 2mm,62mm 的高强混凝

土试 件进行了冲击压缩(SHPB)试验, 得到了不同应变率下的混凝 土动态压缩强度及应力-应变全过 程曲线,证实了混凝土材料的应变速率敏感性,结果对于 计算高强混凝土在高速冲击及爆炸 条件下的响应很有意义. 10.Numerical analysis of attenuation effect of EPS geofoam on stress-waves in civil defense engineering 【Author】 Wang ZL (Wang, Zhi-Liang), Li YC (Li, Yong-Chi), Wang JG (Wang, J. G.) 【Addresses】 Univ Sci & Technol China, Dept Mech Engn & Mech, Hefei 230027, Anhui Peoples R China 【Source】 GEOTEXTILES AND GEOMEMBRANES 24 (5): 265-273 OCT 2006 【Keywords】stress-waves; EPS geofoam; geometric dimension; decay factor; empirical formula 【Abstract】Civil defense shelters are often constructed below ground to provide protection against blast loading. Concrete has been used extensively as a construction material for the defense layer of the shelters. In order to achieve expected attenuation of blast-induced stress-waves, geofoam or cavity inclusions are sometimes embedded in the concrete layer. This paper studies the attenuation of stress-waves in a concrete medium behind a rectangular inclusion of expanded polystyrene (EPS) geofoam with different dimensions. The effects of EPS geofoam inclusions on the reduction of peak axial stress a, and hydrostatic pressure P are studied, respectively. One approximation formula is proposed to correlate the decay factor for peak a, to the dimensions of the EPS geofoam inclusion based on numerical simulations. This formula is applicable in defense engineering design to estimate the decay factors at different locations or the dimensions of EPS geofoam when other parameters are prescribed. Finally, the effects of multiple rectangular inclusions of EPS geofoam on stress-waves are numerically investigated. 11. Attenuation effect of artificial cavity on air-blast waves in an intelligent defense layer 【Author】 Wang ZL, Wang JG, Li YC, Leung CF


【Addresses】 Univ Sci & Technol China, Dept Mech & Mech Engn, Hefei 230027, Anhui Peoples R China 【Source】COMPUTERS AND GEOTECHNICS 33 (2): 132-141 2006 【Keywords】 defense layer; air-blast waves; cavity shape; cavity dimensions; decay factor; empirical formula; multiple cavities 【Abstract】Civil defense shelters are often constructed beneath the ground to provide protection against blast loads. Concrete is widely used as the material for the defense layer of the shelters and artificial cavities are often embedded in the concrete to ensure adequate attenuation of the air-blast waves. This paper employs the Johnson-Holmquist-Concrete model, an elastoplastic damage model, to investigate the effects of artificial cavities on the attenuation of air-blast waves in the concrete defense layer. The results reveal that the peak axial stress beneath a cavity is largely reduced and the elastoplastic and damage properties of the concrete play significant roles on the wave attenuation. Two

empirical formulae are then proposed to relate the decay factor of peak axial stress to the dimensions and relative positions of rectangular and circular cavities. Finally, the effects of multiple cavities on the attenuation of air-blast waves are investigated. 12.SUPERDEEP PENETRATION 【Author】 CHEREPANOV GP 【Addresses】CHEREPANOV GP (reprint author), FLORIDA INT UNIV, DEPT MECH ENGN, MIAMI, FL 33199 USA 【Source】ENGINEERING FRACTURE MECHANICS 47 (5): 691-713 MAR 1994 【Keywords】 MEDIA 【Abstract】The experimental discovery of the super-deep penetration of microparticles into strong materials by hypervelocity impact documented the reality of earlier predictions of fracture mechanics concerning the anomalously low drag of a body moving like a wedge in a brittle medium. In the present paper, some wedge-embedded penetration regimen models, taking into account arbitrary friction and plastic deformations near contact areas, shaving effects, and a complex or even fractal geometry of a cracking front, are advanced. The equation for drag is derived using the author's invariant GAMMA-integral equivalent to the energy conservation law. The thrust of a motor necessary to propel a projectile or vehicle in hard rock is evaluated. It is shown that the thrust of the NASA space shuttle's rocket booster suffices to provide the penetration of a small projectile or vehicle in strong granite for the distance of a mile during a short span of time. Super-deep penetration of microparticles is examined using results from fracture quantum mechanics. The hypothesis is advanced that the super-deep penetration of microparticles represents the self-propagation of a specific internal solitary wave forming a cavity with a projectile moving inside the cavity without drag. This solitary wave is named the rayleighon, because it propagates with the Rayleigh speed. It is suggested that this paper would provide a possible stimulus for conversion of some Department of Defense rocket motor industries towards civil exploration of the Earth, which is studied much less than the cosmos. 13.Nuclear detection to prevent or defeat clandestine nuclear attack 【Author】 Byrd RC, Moss JM, Priedhorsky WC, Pura CA, Richter GW, Saeger KJ, Scarlett WR, Scott SC, Wagner RL 【Addresses】Byrd RC (reprint author), Los Alamos Natl Lab, Los Alamos, NM 87545 USA


Los Alamos Natl Lab, Los Alamos, NM 87545 USA 【Source】IEEE SENSORS JOURNAL 5 (4): 593-609 AUG 2005 【Keywords】gamma-ray detectors; neutron detectors; nuclear imaging; security 【 Abstract 】 Countering clandestinely delivered nuclear and radiological threats requires a multielement, global, civil/military, system-of-systems approach. One important element is geographically layered, sensor-based detection of threat objects, including radiation detection systems. An effective defense against these threats should take advantage of the latest developments in radiation detection technology. This paper reviews the physi

cs of nuclear detection, and points out areas where improvements can be anticipated, via case studies of technologies such as gamma-ray imaging, advanced radiography, large-area detectors, and active interrogation. 14. Computational approaches with applications to non-classical and classical thermomechanical problems 【Author】 Tamma, Kumar K.; Namburu, Raju R. 【Addresses】Univ of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN, USA 【Source】Applied Mechanics Reviews v 50 n 9 Sep 1997 p 514-551 【 Keywords 】 Mathematical models Numerical methods Algorithms Thermoelasticity Wave propagation Thermal stress Heat conduction Boundary conditions 【Abstract】Although the issues are not very controversial, the fusion of both the fields of heat conduction in solids and elasticity which results in the so-called field of dynamic thermoelasticity (both non-classical and classical), dates as far back as Maxwell (1867), and has long been a subject matter of widespread research activity and interest. Although routine thermomechanical problems are primarily influenced by classical effects, issues where non-classical influences may become important are also addressed. To date, numerous applications ranging from defense, aerospace to manufacturing related problems including routine mechanical, civil, nuclear and allied engineering applications influenced by thermal-structural interactions continue to pose significant challenges both from the underlying mechanics and from a computational viewpoint. Herein is first presented an overview of non-classical and classical dynamic thermoelasticity models and equations governing these situations. Subsequently, attention is focused on computational approaches for the modeling and analysis of various classes of problems encompassing thermal-structural interactions which can be broadly classified as: i) thermally-induced stress wave propagation problems, ii) thermally-induced dynamic (inertial type) problems, and iii) the general field of thermal stresses. A variety of illustrative numerical examples encompassing non-classical and classical influences are finally presented to provide an improved understanding of the behavior of thermal-structural problems via effective unified computational developments. 15. Behavior of reinforced concrete walls with internal plaster coating under exterior hard projectile impact 【Author】 Dancygier, Avraham N.; Yankelevsky, David Z.; Baum, Hadassa 【Addresses】National Bldg. Research Institute, Technion Israel Inst. of Technology, Haifa, Israel 【Source】ACI Materials Journal v96 n1 January/February 1999 p 116-125 【Keywords】Plaster coating - High intensity reflected tensile stress waves - Exterior hard projectile impact - Impact loads - Adhesion strength 【Abstract】This paper presents an experimental study on the impact response of protective


reinforced concrete structural elements that are coaled with plaster on their interior faces. Even when a structural element's perforation is

prevented, impact conditions may initiate rear face scabbing due to high-intensity reflected tensile stress waves at the element's rear face. Israeli standards for civil defense shelter design forbid any interior wall coating, such as plaster or wall tiles, as they may easily be detached upon impact and produce scabbing fragments. Following the Gulf War, a new Israeli civil defense policy became effective, where the protective spaces have been included within the dwelling units. Although plaster coating is the common finish work of the entire interior of a dwelling unit, it seems to a priori contradict the above requirements of scabbing prevention. Further study of the problem and investigation under impact conditions are therefore required to better understand the behavior of the concrete-plaster composite under local hard projectile impact. An experimental program was conducted and included response studies of reinforced concrete specimens to hard projectile impact. The specimens with plastered rear faces were impacted at the center of their front faces. The results showed different responses of various types of plaster coating and demonstrated the importance of parameters that affect the specimens' performance under impact loads, which are mainly the plaster-background adhesion strength, the plaster density and stiffness, and the improved toughness of the plaster layer. The latter is obtained by reinforcing the plaster with a fiberglass mesh.


六,查新结论 经对检出的相关文献进行阅读,分析,对比,结论如下:

文献 1,2,3 为本课题组在项目研究中所完成的前期部分工作. 文献 4 的研究对象为人防工程中的遮弹层,通过理论分析和试验方法研究遮弹材料在不 同载荷形式下的抗侵彻能力. 而本项目的研究对象则是分配层, 研究思路与研究方法都不相同. 文献 5,6 也是本课题组在项目研究中所完成的前期部分工作;同时本项目在后续研究中 对此还进行了更为深入的探索. 文献 7 的研究对象也是人防工程中的遮弹层,研究新型遮弹材料的设计. 文献 8 研究的是分层防护对透射冲击波的削弱问题.本项目研究中遮弹层,通过理论分析和试验方法研究遮弹材料的 抗侵彻能力和相应的计算方法. 文献 13 研究防护工程在面临(核)威胁前的探测技术. 文献 14 研究的热力学中某些波动问题的计算方法及其应用. 文献 15 研究在防护层自由面附近锚固混凝土层来进行加固从而提高混凝土抗局部破坏能 力的方法.这是工程实际应用中常用的传统方法.本项目研究中

科 技 查 新 报 告

项 目 名 称 :智能防护层设计和地下结构耦合响应研究

中国科学技术大学力学和机械工程系 委托单位: 中国科学技术大学力学和机械工程系 总参工程兵科研三所 委 托 日 期 : 二○○六年十二月二十日 查 新 机 构 : 中国科学院中国科学技术大学


完 成 日 期 : 二○○六年十二月二十二日

中华人民共和国科学技术部 二○○○年制

中文:智能防护层设计和地下结构耦合响应研究 查新项目 名称 英文: Study on the Design of the Intelligent Safety Layers and the Coupled Response of the Underground Engineering Structures 查新机构 名称 中国科学院中国科学技术大学科技查新咨询中心 通信地址 安徽合肥中国科技大学图书馆 邮政编码 230027 负责人 电话 联系人 电话 电子信箱 [email protected] 传真 0551-3602325 一,查新目的 申报奖励 二,查新项目的科学技术要点 该项目以现代波动理论的最新研究成果为指导, 充分利用现有计算技术的发展 优势,通过实验,理论和计算相结合的方法,将波动力学的最新研究成果和方法直 接应用于防护结构的分配层的设计之中, 设计出可有效减弱爆炸冲击波破坏力的智 能防护层,优化人防工程分层防护结构的设计方案. 主要技术特征: 将波动力学的最新研究成果应用到地下防护结构的分配层的设 计之中,研究这种新型的智能防护层结构对爆炸波的阻尼,耗散和削弱等作用,从 而有效地提高地下防护结构对各类航弹,炮弹,穿地弹及导弹的抗御能力,延长其 生存寿命并保证其安全工作. 三,查新点与查新要求 查新点: 1.防护层材料的本构关系研究和材料粘性阻尼,塑性耗散效应对应力波的影响 2.空穴绕射隔离效应研究和它在人防工程中削弱爆炸载荷方面的应用 3.分层防护中的波阻抗梯度效应研究和它对提高防护层抗局部破坏能力的应用 4.粘塑性变截面杆中应力波的演化和几何扩散效应研究 查新要求: 证明在所查范围内国内外有无相同或类似研究;与同类研究项目进行对比分 析;作出新颖性判断.


四,文献检索范围及检索策略 文献检索范围及检索策略 查新使用的数据库: 中国学术期刊网(1994-2006) 中国科技期刊与论文数据库(1990-2006) 中国科技论文引文分析数据库(CSTPI) (1990-2006) 万方学位论文数据库(1985-2006) 万方数据数字化期刊数据库(1999-2006) 万方中国科技成果库(1985—2006) 万方中国学术会议论文库(1985—2006) 中国知识产权局网站 http://www.sipo.gov.cn/sipo/zljs/default.htm 中国专利信息网:http://www.patent.com.cn/ 中国专利文摘数据库(易信):http://www.exin.net/patent/ Google 搜索:http://www.google.com/ Web of Science [SCIE] (1986-2006) Web of Proceedings [ISTP] (1986-2006) Web of Kno

wledge (1986-2006) Ei Village2 (1969-2007) PQDD 学位论文

查新使用的检索工具书:科技项目申报书 关键词:人防 本构 空穴 分层 变截面 应力波 爆炸 Civile defense, constitutive relation, layered, variable section, stress wave, explosive 检索式: #1:(人防+防护)*(本构关系+本构模型)*(应力波+爆炸+冲击) #2:Civil defense and ( constitutive relation or constitutive model ) and stress wave #3:(人防+防护)*(空穴+孔穴+空洞+孔洞)*(应力波+爆炸+冲击) #4:Civil defense and cavity and stress wave #5:(人防+防护)*(波阻抗+分层+FGM)*(应力波+爆炸+冲击) #6:Civil defense and ( impedance or layered or FGM) and stress wave #7:(人防+防护)*(变截面)*(应力波+爆炸+冲击) #8:Civil defense and variable section and stress wave


五,检索结果 按上述关键词, 在以上数据库和文献时限内, 检索到一些与本课题有关的文献, 现摘述如下:

1.材料的弹粘塑性本构关系和应力波的演化 【作者】 姚磊. 李永池. 胡秀章. 朱林法. 【刊名】 力学季刊 2004 年 03 期 【机构】 中国科学技术大学力学和机械工程系.合肥 230027. 【关键词】 粘塑性本构关系. 应力波. 演化规律 【摘要】试验表明,大多数工程材料在冲击载荷作用之下的变形一般都同时包含有可恢复的瞬 态性弹性变形和不可恢复的粘滞性塑性变形,即其本构关系可以用弹粘塑性模型来描述.本文 从内变量理论出发,探讨了时率相关材料的弹粘塑性本构关系的一般特性,建立了增量型的弹粘 塑性本构关系的一般理论框架和普适的表达式,并且对两种最常用的本构模型--Bodnet-Partom 模型和 Johnson-Cook 模型给出了在一维应变条件下的具体形式.通过计算和讨论一维应变粘 塑性靶板中冲击波的衰减机制和应力波的演化规律,特别是考察各种粘塑性本构模型中的材料 参数对冲击波的衰减和演化的影响. 2.空穴的绕射隔离效应和对后方应力波的削弱作用 【作者】 李永池 姚磊 沈俊 胡秀章 【机构】 中国科学技术大学力学和机械工程系,安徽,合肥,230027; 【刊名】 爆炸与冲击 2005 Vol.25 No.3 【关键词】爆炸力学;抗爆设计;数值分析;应力波;空穴 【摘要】 以新型抗爆工程设计为背景,以改进的有限差分软件 Renewto 为手段,对含空穴的混凝 土介质中应力波的衰减机制和演化规律进行了二维数值分析,通过改变空穴的位置和特征尺度 等参数来考察空穴后方应力波的强度衰减及波形演化,从而对应力波传播中的空穴隔离效应进 行了分析和讨论.结果表明,适当调整空穴的位置,尺寸等因素,可以在其后方明显减弱冲击波. 还以计算结果为基础提出了一个应力削弱因子的拟合公式,为在抗爆防震工程中设计科学智能 的防护层提供了一定的理论依据. 3.防护层中孔穴对轴向应

力波的绕射屏蔽效应研究 【作者】 王志亮 李永池 【机构】中国科学技术大学,力学和机械工程系,合肥,230027 【刊名】 岩土力学 2005 Vol.26 No.8 【关键词】抗爆设计;防护层;孔穴;轴向应力波;削减因子;拟合式 【摘要】 随着新型武器的发展,在当今的人防工程中对防护层的功效要求越来越高.以工程抗 爆设计为背景,主要研究了如何在防护层中利用空穴来绕射和屏蔽应力波的问题.经过大量计算 发现,空穴的几何形状及尺寸效应等对其后方的应力波削减有显著影响.针对常见的方形和圆形 空穴,提出了孔穴后方,位于其对称轴上点的轴向应力 σy 峰值削减因子 DF 的 2 个近似拟合式 子.可分别用来估算在一定条件下孔穴后方特定位置处的削减因子,或用来计算所需空穴的尺 寸,甚至可以推算为了达到某一削减效果而必须满足的最小安全距离等.其结果为在抗爆防震工 程中智能的防护层的设计提供了一定理论依据. 4.串联战斗部前级聚能装药和隔爆结构设计与实验研究


【作者】 段建 杨黔龙 周刚 初哲 田亚军 张颖 【机构】 西北核技术研究所,陕西,西安,710024; 【刊名】 高压物理学报 2006 Vol.20 No.2 【关键词】串联随进战斗部;聚能装药;爆炸成型弹丸;多孔铝;隔爆体 【摘要】 前级聚能装药侵彻技术和两级隔爆技术在串联战斗部的设计研究中占有重要地位. 从理论分析,实验研究的手段出发,分析了前级装药的结构设计及前级装药爆炸对后级的影响, 设计了两种药型罩结构的聚能装药侵彻混凝土靶实验,以及以多孔铝为隔爆体的隔爆防护实验. 实验结果表明,设计的前级装药在混凝土靶上侵彻出了深度为 8.2 倍, 孔径为 0.4~0.6 倍装药口 径的孔洞;所采用的多孔铝隔爆结构有效地防护了二级弹体的破坏.实验效果比较理想. 5.岩体软硬度对一维应力波演化影响研究 【作者】 王伟 王志亮 李振强 WANG Wei WANG Zhi-liang LI Zhen-qiang 【机构】贵州电力设计院,贵阳,550002;中国科学技术大学,力学与机械工程系,合肥,230027;南京 强华建设工程有限公司,南京,210024 【刊名】 水文地质工程地质 2006 Vol.33 No.1 【关键词】岩石介质;一维应力波;帽盖模型;传播与演化 【摘要】 地下球形药包爆轰后将产生很强的地震波,其传播受多种因素的影响.本文把岩石介 质的弹塑性帽盖模型耦合到有限差分法程序中,对一维爆轰波在非均质岩石体中的传播,演化 机理进行了数值模拟与分析.着重探讨一维应力波从效应和智能防护 等方面的研究具有一定的参考价值. 6.岩土中爆轰波演化机制及耗散作用数值探讨 【作者】 王志亮 钟光复 李永池 Wang Zhiliang Zhong Guangfu Li Yongchi 【机构】 中国科学技术大学力学与机械工程系,安徽,合肥,230027; 【刊名】 建井技术 2005 Vol.26 No.6 【关键词】 岩土介质;帽盖模型;覆土层;爆轰波;有限差分法 【摘要】 由于土体与岩石介质的波阻抗不同,应力波在二者中的传播方式也是不同的.首先介绍 了一种岩土体弹塑性帽盖模型.接着把它嵌入到一维有限差分法程序中,对爆轰波在岩,土介质 中的传播过程分别进行了数值模拟计算与分析.最后针对覆土层对岩石防护层中应力波的衰减 和屏蔽效应进行了探讨,结果发现:由于(覆)土层存在较大的弹塑性变形,能很好地耗散冲击波携 带的能量,可对后方岩石介质中的应力波进行部分屏蔽.这一点对于实现分层防护以及提高防护 层的防护功效等方面均具有一定意义. 7.高强度玻璃纤维装甲复合材料的研发与应用 【作者】 董鹤崟 凌根华 DONG He-yin LING Gen-hua 【机构】 中材科技有限公司,特纤事业部,江苏,南京,210012 【刊名】 高科技纤维与应用 2005 Vol.30 No.5 【关键词】高强度玻璃纤维;防弹纤维;装甲复合材料;防弹机理;研发;应用 【摘要】阐述了高强度玻璃纤维复合装甲的防弹机理,研究表明:以陶瓷片等硬质材料做面板, 高强度玻璃纤维装甲作背板,制造出高性能复合结构防护材料,当弹头击碎和穿透硬质面板,消 耗并分散冲击载荷后,该装甲背板通过纤维伸长,断裂,纤维的拔出和分层来吸收动能,阻挡弹 头和破片,从而起到防弹作用.同时,详细介绍了国内外对高强度玻璃纤维装甲的研发和应用状


况. 8.波在分层材料中的传播及防冲击波分层材料的设计 【作者】 李刚 陈正汉 谢云 【机构】后勤工程学院,军事土木工程系岩土所,重庆,400041 【刊名】 振动与冲击 2005 Vol.24 No.2 【关键词】分层材料;冲击波;防护;Hugoniot 曲线 【摘要】对分层材料中的波传播特性进行深入分析,探讨了防冲击波分层材料设计中应注意的 问题.通过材料的 Hugoniot 曲线结合冲击波在材料中的衰减特性,得到了防冲击波分层材料的设 计参数:分层材料的排序,各层材料的厚度.所进行的研究对防冲击波结构的设计有重要的参考 价值. 9.高强混凝土 SHPB 试验研究 【作者】 钱七虎 尹放林 段吉祥 严少华 【刊名】 解放军理工大学学报(自然科学版) 2000 Vol.1 No.03 【机构】解放军理工大学工程兵工程学院国防人防工程系 江苏 南京 210007 【关键词】高强混凝土;SHPB 试验;动态本构关系 【摘要】采用变截面大尺寸的 Hopkinson 压杆,对直径分别为 7 2mm,62mm 的高强混凝

土试 件进行了冲击压缩(SHPB)试验, 得到了不同应变率下的混凝 土动态压缩强度及应力-应变全过 程曲线,证实了混凝土材料的应变速率敏感性,结果对于 计算高强混凝土在高速冲击及爆炸 条件下的响应很有意义. 10.Numerical analysis of attenuation effect of EPS geofoam on stress-waves in civil defense engineering 【Author】 Wang ZL (Wang, Zhi-Liang), Li YC (Li, Yong-Chi), Wang JG (Wang, J. G.) 【Addresses】 Univ Sci & Technol China, Dept Mech Engn & Mech, Hefei 230027, Anhui Peoples R China 【Source】 GEOTEXTILES AND GEOMEMBRANES 24 (5): 265-273 OCT 2006 【Keywords】stress-waves; EPS geofoam; geometric dimension; decay factor; empirical formula 【Abstract】Civil defense shelters are often constructed below ground to provide protection against blast loading. Concrete has been used extensively as a construction material for the defense layer of the shelters. In order to achieve expected attenuation of blast-induced stress-waves, geofoam or cavity inclusions are sometimes embedded in the concrete layer. This paper studies the attenuation of stress-waves in a concrete medium behind a rectangular inclusion of expanded polystyrene (EPS) geofoam with different dimensions. The effects of EPS geofoam inclusions on the reduction of peak axial stress a, and hydrostatic pressure P are studied, respectively. One approximation formula is proposed to correlate the decay factor for peak a, to the dimensions of the EPS geofoam inclusion based on numerical simulations. This formula is applicable in defense engineering design to estimate the decay factors at different locations or the dimensions of EPS geofoam when other parameters are prescribed. Finally, the effects of multiple rectangular inclusions of EPS geofoam on stress-waves are numerically investigated. 11. Attenuation effect of artificial cavity on air-blast waves in an intelligent defense layer 【Author】 Wang ZL, Wang JG, Li YC, Leung CF


【Addresses】 Univ Sci & Technol China, Dept Mech & Mech Engn, Hefei 230027, Anhui Peoples R China 【Source】COMPUTERS AND GEOTECHNICS 33 (2): 132-141 2006 【Keywords】 defense layer; air-blast waves; cavity shape; cavity dimensions; decay factor; empirical formula; multiple cavities 【Abstract】Civil defense shelters are often constructed beneath the ground to provide protection against blast loads. Concrete is widely used as the material for the defense layer of the shelters and artificial cavities are often embedded in the concrete to ensure adequate attenuation of the air-blast waves. This paper employs the Johnson-Holmquist-Concrete model, an elastoplastic damage model, to investigate the effects of artificial cavities on the attenuation of air-blast waves in the concrete defense layer. The results reveal that the peak axial stress beneath a cavity is largely reduced and the elastoplastic and damage properties of the concrete play significant roles on the wave attenuation. Two

empirical formulae are then proposed to relate the decay factor of peak axial stress to the dimensions and relative positions of rectangular and circular cavities. Finally, the effects of multiple cavities on the attenuation of air-blast waves are investigated. 12.SUPERDEEP PENETRATION 【Author】 CHEREPANOV GP 【Addresses】CHEREPANOV GP (reprint author), FLORIDA INT UNIV, DEPT MECH ENGN, MIAMI, FL 33199 USA 【Source】ENGINEERING FRACTURE MECHANICS 47 (5): 691-713 MAR 1994 【Keywords】 MEDIA 【Abstract】The experimental discovery of the super-deep penetration of microparticles into strong materials by hypervelocity impact documented the reality of earlier predictions of fracture mechanics concerning the anomalously low drag of a body moving like a wedge in a brittle medium. In the present paper, some wedge-embedded penetration regimen models, taking into account arbitrary friction and plastic deformations near contact areas, shaving effects, and a complex or even fractal geometry of a cracking front, are advanced. The equation for drag is derived using the author's invariant GAMMA-integral equivalent to the energy conservation law. The thrust of a motor necessary to propel a projectile or vehicle in hard rock is evaluated. It is shown that the thrust of the NASA space shuttle's rocket booster suffices to provide the penetration of a small projectile or vehicle in strong granite for the distance of a mile during a short span of time. Super-deep penetration of microparticles is examined using results from fracture quantum mechanics. The hypothesis is advanced that the super-deep penetration of microparticles represents the self-propagation of a specific internal solitary wave forming a cavity with a projectile moving inside the cavity without drag. This solitary wave is named the rayleighon, because it propagates with the Rayleigh speed. It is suggested that this paper would provide a possible stimulus for conversion of some Department of Defense rocket motor industries towards civil exploration of the Earth, which is studied much less than the cosmos. 13.Nuclear detection to prevent or defeat clandestine nuclear attack 【Author】 Byrd RC, Moss JM, Priedhorsky WC, Pura CA, Richter GW, Saeger KJ, Scarlett WR, Scott SC, Wagner RL 【Addresses】Byrd RC (reprint author), Los Alamos Natl Lab, Los Alamos, NM 87545 USA


Los Alamos Natl Lab, Los Alamos, NM 87545 USA 【Source】IEEE SENSORS JOURNAL 5 (4): 593-609 AUG 2005 【Keywords】gamma-ray detectors; neutron detectors; nuclear imaging; security 【 Abstract 】 Countering clandestinely delivered nuclear and radiological threats requires a multielement, global, civil/military, system-of-systems approach. One important element is geographically layered, sensor-based detection of threat objects, including radiation detection systems. An effective defense against these threats should take advantage of the latest developments in radiation detection technology. This paper reviews the physi

cs of nuclear detection, and points out areas where improvements can be anticipated, via case studies of technologies such as gamma-ray imaging, advanced radiography, large-area detectors, and active interrogation. 14. Computational approaches with applications to non-classical and classical thermomechanical problems 【Author】 Tamma, Kumar K.; Namburu, Raju R. 【Addresses】Univ of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN, USA 【Source】Applied Mechanics Reviews v 50 n 9 Sep 1997 p 514-551 【 Keywords 】 Mathematical models Numerical methods Algorithms Thermoelasticity Wave propagation Thermal stress Heat conduction Boundary conditions 【Abstract】Although the issues are not very controversial, the fusion of both the fields of heat conduction in solids and elasticity which results in the so-called field of dynamic thermoelasticity (both non-classical and classical), dates as far back as Maxwell (1867), and has long been a subject matter of widespread research activity and interest. Although routine thermomechanical problems are primarily influenced by classical effects, issues where non-classical influences may become important are also addressed. To date, numerous applications ranging from defense, aerospace to manufacturing related problems including routine mechanical, civil, nuclear and allied engineering applications influenced by thermal-structural interactions continue to pose significant challenges both from the underlying mechanics and from a computational viewpoint. Herein is first presented an overview of non-classical and classical dynamic thermoelasticity models and equations governing these situations. Subsequently, attention is focused on computational approaches for the modeling and analysis of various classes of problems encompassing thermal-structural interactions which can be broadly classified as: i) thermally-induced stress wave propagation problems, ii) thermally-induced dynamic (inertial type) problems, and iii) the general field of thermal stresses. A variety of illustrative numerical examples encompassing non-classical and classical influences are finally presented to provide an improved understanding of the behavior of thermal-structural problems via effective unified computational developments. 15. Behavior of reinforced concrete walls with internal plaster coating under exterior hard projectile impact 【Author】 Dancygier, Avraham N.; Yankelevsky, David Z.; Baum, Hadassa 【Addresses】National Bldg. Research Institute, Technion Israel Inst. of Technology, Haifa, Israel 【Source】ACI Materials Journal v96 n1 January/February 1999 p 116-125 【Keywords】Plaster coating - High intensity reflected tensile stress waves - Exterior hard projectile impact - Impact loads - Adhesion strength 【Abstract】This paper presents an experimental study on the impact response of protective


reinforced concrete structural elements that are coaled with plaster on their interior faces. Even when a structural element's perforation is

prevented, impact conditions may initiate rear face scabbing due to high-intensity reflected tensile stress waves at the element's rear face. Israeli standards for civil defense shelter design forbid any interior wall coating, such as plaster or wall tiles, as they may easily be detached upon impact and produce scabbing fragments. Following the Gulf War, a new Israeli civil defense policy became effective, where the protective spaces have been included within the dwelling units. Although plaster coating is the common finish work of the entire interior of a dwelling unit, it seems to a priori contradict the above requirements of scabbing prevention. Further study of the problem and investigation under impact conditions are therefore required to better understand the behavior of the concrete-plaster composite under local hard projectile impact. An experimental program was conducted and included response studies of reinforced concrete specimens to hard projectile impact. The specimens with plastered rear faces were impacted at the center of their front faces. The results showed different responses of various types of plaster coating and demonstrated the importance of parameters that affect the specimens' performance under impact loads, which are mainly the plaster-background adhesion strength, the plaster density and stiffness, and the improved toughness of the plaster layer. The latter is obtained by reinforcing the plaster with a fiberglass mesh.


六,查新结论 经对检出的相关文献进行阅读,分析,对比,结论如下:

文献 1,2,3 为本课题组在项目研究中所完成的前期部分工作. 文献 4 的研究对象为人防工程中的遮弹层,通过理论分析和试验方法研究遮弹材料在不 同载荷形式下的抗侵彻能力. 而本项目的研究对象则是分配层, 研究思路与研究方法都不相同. 文献 5,6 也是本课题组在项目研究中所完成的前期部分工作;同时本项目在后续研究中 对此还进行了更为深入的探索. 文献 7 的研究对象也是人防工程中的遮弹层,研究新型遮弹材料的设计. 文献 8 研究的是分层防护对透射冲击波的削弱问题.本项目研究中遮弹层,通过理论分析和试验方法研究遮弹材料的 抗侵彻能力和相应的计算方法. 文献 13 研究防护工程在面临(核)威胁前的探测技术. 文献 14 研究的热力学中某些波动问题的计算方法及其应用. 文献 15 研究在防护层自由面附近锚固混凝土层来进行加固从而提高混凝土抗局部破坏能 力的方法.这是工程实际应用中常用的传统方法.本项目研究中


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