
Paper Template (Use “Title of Paper” style)

John Surname 1, Esther Surname 2 and Author Three 1 + (Use “Author” style)

1 Affiliation (Use “Affiliation” Style)

2 Affiliation (“Affiliation 2” style has extra spacing after the line)

Abstract: The International Conference of Modelling and Simulation (ICMS) is a worldwide, multidisciplinary academic conference concerned with research and application into all aspects about modelling and simulation. (Use “abstract” Style)

Keywords: one, two, three, etc. (Use “keywords” style)

Jel classification:

1. Introduction (Use “Header 1” Style)

The International Conference of Modelling and Simulation (ICMS) mainly publishes original research and applied papers on modelling and simulation, including the theory, method and application of mathematical, computer, mechanical and physical modelling, which cover nature science, social science and engineering application, especially, chemistry and biology, electronic and mechanical engineering, IT, construction, medicine, humanities, economy, business, management, sport, control and system engineering, industry and agriculture, etc.

2. Guide for Author (Use “Header 1” Style)

2.1. Submitting (Use “Header 2” style)

Contributions to ICMS are welcome from throughout the world. Manuscripts may be submitted to Prof. W.

Adams of Innovation Centre at The University of Manchester. Authors are strongly encouraged to submit their manuscripts via [email protected] .

2.2. Manuscript requirements (Use “Header 2” style)

All papers must be in Microsoft Word format and MAY NOT EXCEED 4 PAGES IN LENGTH, including figures, tables and references. The file of each paper cannot be larger than 2,000Kb. Filenames should be as follows: ICMS_firstname_lastname.doc.

You might notice that the first paragraph after a header is not indented. Use the “Body text 1” style for the first paragraph after a header. Subsequent paragraphs are indented (Use “Body Text” style). The following is an example of the “Bullet” style, which you may want to use for lists.

+ Corresponding author. Tel.: +44-773-248 8965; fax: +44-773-248 8965.

E-mail address:

1. Publisher: .

2. The ISBN assigned: 1-8462-xxxx-x.

3. Conference host: International Society of Modelling and Simulation.

Following is an example of a g

raphic and caption (“Figure” style).

Fig. 1: Use “Figure” style here.

Papers should be formatted with single columns and should be single-spaced, 11 point Times New Roman font. Also, do not change the margins as they have been set in the template: Top-1.4 cm, Right-1.1 cm, Bottom-1.1 cm, Left-1.1 cm. Do not add page numbers to your paper. We will insert these later.

2.3. Important Information (Use “Header 2” style)

Manuscript is accepted for review with the understanding that no substantial portion of the paper has been published or is under consideration for publication elsewhere and that its submission for publication has been approved by all of the authors and by the institution where the work was carried out. It is further understood that any person cited as a source of personal communications has approved such citation. Articles and any other material published in the proceeding represent the opinions of the authors and should not be construed to reflect the opinions of the Editor(s) or the Publisher.

Authors submitting a manuscript do so on the understanding that if the manuscript is accepted for publication, copyright for the article, including the right to reproduce the article in all forms and media, shall be assigned exclusively to the Publisher.

Paper proofs will be sent to editor (or the corresponding editor) for checking. Corrections to the proofs must be restricted to printer errors. Any substantial alterations other than these may be charged to the editor.

3. Acknowledgements (Use “Header1” style)

Please acknowledge collaborators or anyone who has helped with the paper at the end of the text.

4. References (This is “Header 1” style)

[1] N. Reference, H. Reference, R. Reference, and B. Reference, The Ins and Outs of the Joint

Conference on Information Sciences, Proc. of the Joint Conference on Information Sciences, pp. 200-204, 2003. (Use “References” Style)

[2] R, Dewri, and N, Chakraborti, Simulating recrystallization through cellular automata and genetic

algorithms, Modelling Simul. Mater. Sci. Eng. 13 (2005), pp. 173-183.

[3] A. Gray, Modern Differential Geometry, CRE Press, 1998.

Paper Template (Use “Title of Paper” style)

John Surname 1, Esther Surname 2 and Author Three 1 + (Use “Author” style)

1 Affiliation (Use “Affiliation” Style)

2 Affiliation (“Affiliation 2” style has extra spacing after the line)

Abstract: The International Conference of Modelling and Simulation (ICMS) is a worldwide, multidisciplinary academic conference concerned with research and application into all aspects about modelling and simulation. (Use “abstract” Style)

Keywords: one, two, three, etc. (Use “keywords” style)

Jel classification:

1. Introduction (Use “Header 1” Style)

The International Conference of Modelling and Simulation (ICMS) mainly publishes original research and applied papers on modelling and simulation, including the theory, method and application of mathematical, computer, mechanical and physical modelling, which cover nature science, social science and engineering application, especially, chemistry and biology, electronic and mechanical engineering, IT, construction, medicine, humanities, economy, business, management, sport, control and system engineering, industry and agriculture, etc.

2. Guide for Author (Use “Header 1” Style)

2.1. Submitting (Use “Header 2” style)

Contributions to ICMS are welcome from throughout the world. Manuscripts may be submitted to Prof. W.

Adams of Innovation Centre at The University of Manchester. Authors are strongly encouraged to submit their manuscripts via [email protected] .

2.2. Manuscript requirements (Use “Header 2” style)

All papers must be in Microsoft Word format and MAY NOT EXCEED 4 PAGES IN LENGTH, including figures, tables and references. The file of each paper cannot be larger than 2,000Kb. Filenames should be as follows: ICMS_firstname_lastname.doc.

You might notice that the first paragraph after a header is not indented. Use the “Body text 1” style for the first paragraph after a header. Subsequent paragraphs are indented (Use “Body Text” style). The following is an example of the “Bullet” style, which you may want to use for lists.

+ Corresponding author. Tel.: +44-773-248 8965; fax: +44-773-248 8965.

E-mail address:

1. Publisher: .

2. The ISBN assigned: 1-8462-xxxx-x.

3. Conference host: International Society of Modelling and Simulation.

Following is an example of a g

raphic and caption (“Figure” style).

Fig. 1: Use “Figure” style here.

Papers should be formatted with single columns and should be single-spaced, 11 point Times New Roman font. Also, do not change the margins as they have been set in the template: Top-1.4 cm, Right-1.1 cm, Bottom-1.1 cm, Left-1.1 cm. Do not add page numbers to your paper. We will insert these later.

2.3. Important Information (Use “Header 2” style)

Manuscript is accepted for review with the understanding that no substantial portion of the paper has been published or is under consideration for publication elsewhere and that its submission for publication has been approved by all of the authors and by the institution where the work was carried out. It is further understood that any person cited as a source of personal communications has approved such citation. Articles and any other material published in the proceeding represent the opinions of the authors and should not be construed to reflect the opinions of the Editor(s) or the Publisher.

Authors submitting a manuscript do so on the understanding that if the manuscript is accepted for publication, copyright for the article, including the right to reproduce the article in all forms and media, shall be assigned exclusively to the Publisher.

Paper proofs will be sent to editor (or the corresponding editor) for checking. Corrections to the proofs must be restricted to printer errors. Any substantial alterations other than these may be charged to the editor.

3. Acknowledgements (Use “Header1” style)

Please acknowledge collaborators or anyone who has helped with the paper at the end of the text.

4. References (This is “Header 1” style)

[1] N. Reference, H. Reference, R. Reference, and B. Reference, The Ins and Outs of the Joint

Conference on Information Sciences, Proc. of the Joint Conference on Information Sciences, pp. 200-204, 2003. (Use “References” Style)

[2] R, Dewri, and N, Chakraborti, Simulating recrystallization through cellular automata and genetic

algorithms, Modelling Simul. Mater. Sci. Eng. 13 (2005), pp. 173-183.

[3] A. Gray, Modern Differential Geometry, CRE Press, 1998.


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