
Red flowers need green foliage to support

As an old saying goes, red flowers need green foliage to support. Indeed, it can be reflected completely in some aspects of films, especially in The Shaw shank Redemption, Forrest Gump and Sydney White.

I believe that the original intention of these three films is to exaggerate the leading role’s personal figure and character feature. And every leading role just likes a bright-colored flower.

In Forrest Gump, the film refers to imply a stupid hero man, Forrest Gump. He is full of stubborn, persevere. However, he never does stupid things. Exactly as the film says, stupid is as stupid does.

Then for instance, in Sydney White, through representing many kinds of things between the leading role Sydney White and her seven friends, the film embodies the character of Sydney. She has strong mental quality, optimistic spirit and infecting organized ability.

In Shaw shank Redemption, the leading role Andy is a hero. He is wise, lucky, brave, patient, competent, has firm faith and so on. It seems that we leave too much spiritual sustenance with him.

However, I can’t help asking, if there is no green foliage to support flowers, can flowers be more bright-colored?

In Forrest Gump, Bubba is a piece of green leaf.

He is an ordinary, industrious person. Like all black people, he has “the American dream ”—having a ship that fill the shrimp. Bubba is Gump’s best friend and he constantly affects Gump. Although Bubba died in the Vietnam war and cannot go back and shrimp with Gump, he has been in Gump’s heart. In the end, Gump made a lot of money through the shrimp. But I prefer to think that Gump is in order to commemorate Bubba. By describing Bubba, the audience are able to achieve the feature of Gump easily.

In Sydney White, seven boys are pieces of green leaves. In The Shaw shank Redemption, Red is a piece of green leaf.

Red likes Andy at the first time of seeing Andy. The film has many close-up scenes about Red and Andy. Andy gives Red a mouth organ as a gift and Red cares about the situation of black room that Andy was trapped in. Those scenes not only implies the friendships between Andy and Red, but also embodies the Andy’s feature. Red can be readily to live

comfortably in the present situation. On the contrary, Andy is

unwilling to hang his head to fate. These contrasts can stick out the character of the leading role.

In conclusion, red flowers need green foliage to support.

Red flowers need green foliage to support

As an old saying goes, red flowers need green foliage to support. Indeed, it can be reflected completely in some aspects of films, especially in The Shaw shank Redemption, Forrest Gump and Sydney White.

I believe that the original intention of these three films is to exaggerate the leading role’s personal figure and character feature. And every leading role just likes a bright-colored flower.

In Forrest Gump, the film refers to imply a stupid hero man, Forrest Gump. He is full of stubborn, persevere. However, he never does stupid things. Exactly as the film says, stupid is as stupid does.

Then for instance, in Sydney White, through representing many kinds of things between the leading role Sydney White and her seven friends, the film embodies the character of Sydney. She has strong mental quality, optimistic spirit and infecting organized ability.

In Shaw shank Redemption, the leading role Andy is a hero. He is wise, lucky, brave, patient, competent, has firm faith and so on. It seems that we leave too much spiritual sustenance with him.

However, I can’t help asking, if there is no green foliage to support flowers, can flowers be more bright-colored?

In Forrest Gump, Bubba is a piece of green leaf.

He is an ordinary, industrious person. Like all black people, he has “the American dream ”—having a ship that fill the shrimp. Bubba is Gump’s best friend and he constantly affects Gump. Although Bubba died in the Vietnam war and cannot go back and shrimp with Gump, he has been in Gump’s heart. In the end, Gump made a lot of money through the shrimp. But I prefer to think that Gump is in order to commemorate Bubba. By describing Bubba, the audience are able to achieve the feature of Gump easily.

In Sydney White, seven boys are pieces of green leaves. In The Shaw shank Redemption, Red is a piece of green leaf.

Red likes Andy at the first time of seeing Andy. The film has many close-up scenes about Red and Andy. Andy gives Red a mouth organ as a gift and Red cares about the situation of black room that Andy was trapped in. Those scenes not only implies the friendships between Andy and Red, but also embodies the Andy’s feature. Red can be readily to live

comfortably in the present situation. On the contrary, Andy is

unwilling to hang his head to fate. These contrasts can stick out the character of the leading role.

In conclusion, red flowers need green foliage to support.


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