
As more and more people learning English, it’s more difficult to find good jobs for the English major graduates. Thus ,the School of Foreign Languages at the University of Jinan decides to let all English majors students become double majors to make them more competitive in the job market. In my opinion ,the advantages outweigh the disadvantages due to learning knowledge and skills and having more career choices. One disadvantage to learn the double majors is the higher tuition costs. Compared the English major, the double majors will need more tuition. Maybe ,higher fees are not a big problem for the rich family. However , it is difficult to pay more tuition for some low-income family. The students and parents of low-income family will be worried about it . One advantage to learn the double majors is that you will learn more knowledge and skills in the university for four years. If you are an English major student , you can only learn some knowledge and skills about English. While , double majors means you can learn more more knowledge and skills of law or economic besides English. You will spend more time studying your courses and have less time to participate in extracurricular activities. Anyhow , it is beneficial to you to learn more. In addition to learn more knowledge and skills, you also can have more career choices. In the past, some English major graduates find their jobs as translators in the trade companies or government departments.

Others became English teachers. The double majors will give you more opportunities. You can not only be the teacher or translator, but also do some work about law or economic. Obviously , you are more competitive.

Despite the higher costs, the advantages still outweigh the disadvantages. As we discussed above,two advantages are to learn more knowledge and skills and have more career choices. I believe more people will support the double majors.

As more and more people learning English, it’s more difficult to find good jobs for the English major graduates. Thus ,the School of Foreign Languages at the University of Jinan decides to let all English majors students become double majors to make them more competitive in the job market. In my opinion ,the advantages outweigh the disadvantages due to learning knowledge and skills and having more career choices. One disadvantage to learn the double majors is the higher tuition costs. Compared the English major, the double majors will need more tuition. Maybe ,higher fees are not a big problem for the rich family. However , it is difficult to pay more tuition for some low-income family. The students and parents of low-income family will be worried about it . One advantage to learn the double majors is that you will learn more knowledge and skills in the university for four years. If you are an English major student , you can only learn some knowledge and skills about English. While , double majors means you can learn more more knowledge and skills of law or economic besides English. You will spend more time studying your courses and have less time to participate in extracurricular activities. Anyhow , it is beneficial to you to learn more. In addition to learn more knowledge and skills, you also can have more career choices. In the past, some English major graduates find their jobs as translators in the trade companies or government departments.

Others became English teachers. The double majors will give you more opportunities. You can not only be the teacher or translator, but also do some work about law or economic. Obviously , you are more competitive.

Despite the higher costs, the advantages still outweigh the disadvantages. As we discussed above,two advantages are to learn more knowledge and skills and have more career choices. I believe more people will support the double majors.


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