


腔道泌尿外科学endourolo gy

肾异位renal ectopia, ecto pic kidney

肾缺如agenesis of kidne y, anephrogenesis 孤立肾solitary kidney 肾畸形deformity of kidne y

肾发育不全anephrogenesi s;renal agenesis

肾发育不良renal dysplasi a

节段性肾发育不良segmen tal dysplasia of kidney 额外肾supernumerary kid ney

重复肾renal duplication 盘状肾disk kidney discoi d kidney

融合肾confluent kidney;fu sed kidney

马蹄形肾horseshoe kidne y

L 形肾L-shaped kidney 肾下垂nephroptosis;renal ptosis

胸内肾thoracic kidney 盆腔肾pelvic kidney 游走肾excessively mobile kidney;hypermobile kidn ey;wandering kidney S 形肾S-shaped kidney 团块肾lump kidney 胎儿肾fetal kidney 婴儿肾infantile kidney 单乳头肾unipapillary kidn ey

肾轴性旋转axial rotation of kidney 肾旋转异常renal malrotati on

分叉型肾盂bifid pelvis 肾外型肾盂extrarenal pel vis

巨肾盏megacalyx,megaca lycosis

先天性巨肾盏congenital megacalycosis

肾盏憩室 caliceal divertic ulum;calyceal diverticulu m;pyelogenic cyst

肾髓质管扩张medullary d uctal ectasia of kidney 肾子宫内膜异位症endome triosis of kidney

肾动静脉瘘renal arteriove nous fistula

肾静脉栓塞thrombosis of renal vein

肾动脉栓塞thrombosis of renal artery 肾动脉狭窄(RAS)

stenosis of renal artery; renal arterial stenosis;ren al artery stenosis

肾盏静脉瘘calyceal-venou s fistula

肾盂静脉曲张varix of pel vis

肾囊肿Cyst of kidney;Re nal cyst

单纯性肾囊肿simple cyst of kidney 多囊肾

ploycystic renal disease; polycystic disease of kin deys;polycystic kidne 先天性肾囊性病congenital renal cystic disease 肾髓质囊性病medullary c ystic disease of kidney 肾盂源性囊肿pyelogenic cyst 肾钙化囊肿calcified cyst of kidney

肾盂旁囊肿parapelvic cys t

肾旁假囊肿pararenal pse udocyst

肾周围囊肿perinephric cy st

肾盂周围囊肿peripelvic c yst

肾出血性囊肿hemorrhagic cyst of kidney

肾小球囊肿病glomerulocy stic disease

肾损伤injury of kidney; ki dney injury;renal injury 肾挫伤contusion of kidne y

肾裂伤laceration of kidne y

肾破裂rupture of kidney 肾蒂断裂rupture of renal pedicle

肾穿透伤penetrating injur y of kidney

肾小管破裂tubulorrhexis 肾梗死infarction of kidne y, renal infarction

穹窿静脉瘘fornico-venous fistula

肾盂毛细血管扩张症telan giectasis of renal pelvis 肾积水hydronephrosis;ne phrohydrops;nephrohydro sis

巨大肾积水giant hydrone phrosis

肾内肾积水intrarenal hydr onephrosis

肾小管反流renal tubular backflow

肾盂间质反流pyelointerstit ial backflow



肾盂淋巴反流pyelolympha tic backflow

肾单位肾小球滤过率nephr on glomerular filtration ra te

腺性肾盂炎pyelitis glandu laris

囊性肾盂炎pyelitis cystica

气性肾盂肾炎emphysema tous pyelonephritis

黄色肉芽肿性肾盂肾炎xan thogranulomatous pyelon ephritis

细菌性肾盂肾炎bacterial pyelonephritis

肾积脓pyonephrosis 肾脓肿kidney abscess;ne phrapostasis;renal absce ss

肾皮质脓肿RCA;renal cor tical abscess

肾皮质坏死cortical necros is of kidney; renal cortic al necrosis

肾髓质坏死medullary nec rosis of kidney;renal med ullary necrosis

肾痈renal carbuncle 病理性肾结核pathological renal tuberculosis

临床肾结核clinical renal t uberculosis; clinical renal tuberculosis

肾盏结核tuberculosis of c alyx

肾结核对侧肾积水renal tu berculosis with contralate ral hydronephrosis

肾错构瘤hamartoma of ki dney, angiomyolipoma of kidney

脓性肾积水pyohydronephr osis

肾淀粉样变性amyloidosis of kidney; renal amyloid osis

膀胱淀粉样变性amyloidos is of bladder

坏死性肾乳头炎necrotizin g papillitis of kidney 肾盂白斑病leukoplakia of renal pelvis

镰状细胞肾病sickle cell n ephropathy

髓质海绵肾, 髓状海绵样肾medullary sponge kidne y

海绵肾CCacchi-Ricci dise ase;sponge kidney

急性尿酸盐肾病acute urat e nephropathy

肾肿瘤tumor of kidney 肾良性肿瘤benign renal t umor

肾平滑肌瘤leiomyoma of kidney

肾假性瘤pseudotumor of kidney

多房性囊性肾瘤multilocul ar cystic nephroma 肾盂血管瘤hemangioma of renal pelvis

肾血管瘤hemangioma of kidney

肾动脉瘤aneurysm of ren al artery; renal aneurysm

肾血管外皮细胞瘤renal h emangiopericytoma

肾脂肪瘤lipoma of kidney


renal cortical adenoma;a denoma,renal cortical;ren al cortical adenomas 肾纤维瘤renal fibroma 中胚叶肾瘤mesoblastic n ephroma

肾淋巴瘤renal lymphoma

肾淋巴母细胞瘤renal lym phoblastoma 肾腺瘤

adenoma,renal;adenomas of kidney;nephradenoma;

renal adenomas,cortical 肾素瘤reninoma, renin-se creting tumor

球旁细胞瘤, 肾小球旁细胞瘤juxtaglomerular cell tu mor

肾门脂肪瘤样病lipomatosi s of renal hilus

肾恶性纤维组织细胞瘤 malignant fibrous histiocy toma of kidney

肾盂移行细胞癌transitiona l cell carcinoma of renal pelvis

肾嗜酸细胞瘤renal oncoc ytoma

肾纤维脂肪瘤样病renal fi brolipomatosis

肾神经鞘瘤schwannoma of kidney

肾异种组织肿瘤heteroplas tic tissue tumor of kidne y

肾窦脂肪瘤样病renal sinu s lipomatosis

肾盂肿瘤tumor of renal p elvis

肾盂乳头状瘤papilloma of renal pelvis

肾癌renal carcinoma 肾实质癌carcinoma of re nal parenchyma 肾细胞癌

adenocarcinoma of kidne

y;RCA;RCC;renal cell car cinoma;renal cell carcino ma of kidney

肾细胞癌, 肾上腺样癌hype rnephroid carcinoma 肾透明细胞癌clear cell c arcinoma of kidney; supr arenal epithelioma

肾颗粒细胞癌granular cell carcinoma of kidney 肾腺癌adenocarcinoma o f kidney 肾母细胞瘤

embryoma of kidney;nep hroblastoma;Whilms tumo r;Wilm tumor;Wilm tumor of kidney;Wilms tumor 肾胚细胞瘤nephroblastom a

横纹肌样肾母细胞瘤rhabd omyoid Wilms tumor 肾肉瘤sarcoma of kidney; nephrosarcoma

肾淋巴肉瘤lymphosarcom a of kidney

肾平滑肌肉瘤leiomyosarc oma of kidney

肾脂肪肉瘤liposarcoma o f kidney

肾盂癌carcinoma of renal pelvis; renal pelvic carci noma;RPC

肾盂鳞状细胞癌squamous cell carcinoma of renal pelvis

肾盂乳头状癌papillary car cinoma of renal pelvis 肾切开术nephrotomy 肾切开取石术nephrolithot omy

肾盂切开术pelviotomy;pye lotomy

肾盂切开取石术pyelolithot omy; pelvilithotomy;pelvio lithotomy

凝血块肾盂切开取石术coa gulum pyelolithotomy 扩大的肾盂切开取石术ext ended pyelolithotomy 非萎缩性肾切开取石术ana trophic nephrolithotomy 肾-肾盂造瘘术nephropyel ostomy

肾切除术nephrectomy 肾部分切除术partial neph rectomy; heminephrectom y

经皮肾造瘘术percutaneou s nephrostomy;PCN; 肾盂造瘘术pyelostomy 肾造瘘术nephrostomy 自截肾autonephrectomy 根治性肾切除术radical ne phrectomy

包膜下肾切除术subcapsul ar nephrectomy

肾盂输尿管松解术pelviour eterolysis; pyeloureterolys is

肾-输尿管切除术nephro-ur eterectomy

肾盏成形术calicoplasty 肾固定术nephrofixation;ne phropexia;nephropexy;ren ifixation

肾血管重建术reno-vascul ar reconstruction

肾离体术bench technique of kidney

肾蒂淋巴管剥脱术strippin g of renal lymphatic ves sel

肾门上淋巴结切除术supra hilar lymphadenectomy 腹膜后淋巴结切除术retrop eritoneal lymphadenecto my; RPLAD

腹膜后淋巴结病retroperito neal lymphadenopathy R PLAD

脾肾动脉吻合术spleno-re nal arterial anastomosis 肾病灶清除术renal caver nostomy

剖腰探查术exploratory lu mbotomy

肾动脉栓塞术embolization of renal artery

血管梗塞性肾切除angioinf arction-nephrectomy 肾鹿角状结石staghorn st one of kidney

肾钙斑Randall plaques 肾萎缩renal atrophy 肾失用性萎缩disuse atrop hy of kidney

肾动脉纤维增生病fibropla sia of renal artery

肾紫癜purpura of kidney 迪特尔危象游走肾危象Die tl crisis

血管运动性肾病vasomotor nephropathy

莱特尔综合征Reiter syndr ome

肾小球血流动力学glomeru lar hemodynamics

输尿管扩张dilatation of u reter, ureterectasis; meg alo-ureter;ureterectasia 输尿管发育不良ureteral d ysplasia

巨输尿管megalo-ureter;m egaloureter;ureteral neuro muscular dysplasia

发育不良性巨输尿管dyspl astic megaloureter

输尿管畸形deformity of u reter

输尿管闭锁atresia of uret er


tal ectopic ureter

重复输尿管duplication of ureter

重复肾盂duplication of p elvis

分叉型输尿管bifid ureter 输尿管口异位ectopia of u reteral orifice

输尿管发育不全ureteral h ypoplasia

远段输尿管不发育distal u reteral aplasia

输尿管缺如agenesis of u reter

腔静脉后输尿管retrocaval ureter; postcaval ureter 髂动脉后输尿管retroiliac ureter, preureteral iliac a rtery

输尿管脱垂prolapse of ur eter, ureterocele

盲端异位输尿管膨出blind ectopic ureterocele

正常位输尿管膨出orthotop ic ureterocele 输尿管憩室

diverticulum of ureter; ur eteral diverticulum;ureteri c bud;ureteric diverticulu m

输尿管积水hydroureter;hy droureterosis

输尿管肾盂连接处梗阻obs truction at ureteropelvic j unction

先天性巨输尿管congenital megaloureter; primary megaloureter

反流性巨输尿管reflux me galoureter

输尿管损伤injury of urete r ureteral injury;

输尿管肠瘘uretero-enteric fistula 输尿管瘘ureteral fistula u reterostoma;

输尿管阴道瘘uretero-vagi nal fistula


输尿管周围炎periureteritis; Ormond's syndrome 囊性输尿管炎ureteritis cy stica

颗粒性输尿管炎ureteritis granulosa

输尿管结核tuberculosis of ureter

输尿管白斑病leukoplakia of ureter

输尿管梅毒syphilis of ure ter

输尿管放线菌病actinomyc osis of ureter

输尿管息肉polyp of urete r

输尿管肿瘤tumor of urete r

输尿管乳头状瘤papilloma of ureter

输尿管癌carcinoma of ur eter

输尿管移行细胞癌transitio nal cell carcinoma of ure ter

输尿管乳头状癌papillary carcinoma of ureter 输尿管切开术ureterotom y

输尿管皮肤造瘘术chtaneo us ureterostomy

输尿管松解术ureterolysi s

输尿管切开取石术ureteroli thotomy

输尿管造瘘术ureterostom y

输尿管口切开术ureteralm eatotomy 输尿管-肠-皮肤尿流改道术uretero-enterocutaneous diversion

输尿管回肠皮肤尿流改道[术]ureteroileal cutaneous diversion

断离性肾盂输尿管成形术d ismembered ureteropelvio plasty

输尿管袢造瘘术loop urete rostomy

输尿管肾盂吻合术uretero neopyelostomy

输尿管成形术ureteroplast y

输尿管空肠皮肤尿流改道术ureterojejunal cutaneou s diversion

输尿管乙状结肠吻合术 ureterosigmoidostomy, ur eterosigmoidanastomosis

输尿管切除术ureterectom y

输尿管结肠吻合术ureteroc olic anastomosis

输尿管输尿管吻合术ureter oureterostomy

输尿管膀胱吻合术uretero neocystostomy

回盲肠皮肤尿流改道术ileo cecal cutaneous diversio n

输尿管皮肤尿流改道术ure tero-cutaneous diversion 阑尾输尿管成形术appendi x ureteroplasty

输尿管腹膜包裹术uretero peritonization

输尿管移植[术] transplant ation of ureter

输尿管结石calculus of ur eter; ureteral calculus;ure terolith

输尿管梗阻ureteral obstru ction

输尿管狭窄stricture of ur eter; ureterostenoma;uret erostenosis

输尿管肾盂连接处狭窄stri cture of ureteropelvic jun ction

输尿管口狭窄stricture of uretero-vesical orifice 输尿管绞痛ureteral colic 巨输尿管-巨膀胱综合征m egaloureter-megalocystis syndrome

输尿管子宫内膜异位症end ometriosis of ureter 大网膜输尿管成形术omen toureteroplasty

膀胱畸形deformity of bla dder

重复膀胱duplication of bl adder

膀胱缺如agenesis of bla dder

膀胱闭锁atresia of bladd er, atretocystia

膀胱膨出cystocele, vesic ocele

膀胱脱垂prolapse of blad der


bladder exstrophy;ectopia of urinary bladder; ectopia vesicae;ectopocy stis;exstrophy of the blad der;extrophy of bladder 膀胱憩室

diverticulum of bladder; bladder diverticulum;vesic al diverticulum

膀胱假性憩室false diverti culum of bladder 膀胱输尿管反流

vesicoureteral reflux; vesi coureteral reflux;vesicour eteric reflux

膀胱静脉曲张varix of bla dder

膀胱损伤injury of bladder

膀胱挫伤contusion of bla dder

膀胱破裂rupture of bladd er; cystorrhexis;vesical ru pture

腹膜内膀胱破裂intraperito neal rupture of bladder 腹膜外膀胱破裂extraperit oneal rupture of bladder 膀胱瘘vesical fistula 膀胱肠瘘vesico-intestinal fistula

膀胱直肠瘘vesicorectal fi stula

膀胱阴道瘘vesicovaginal fistula

膀胱输尿管瘘vesicoureter al fistula

膀胱子宫瘘vesico-uterine fistula

细菌性膀胱炎bacterial cy stitis

非特异性膀胱炎nonspecifi c cystitis

间质性膀胱炎interstitial c ystitis

非细菌性膀胱炎nonbacteri al cystitis

变应性膀胱炎allergic cysti tis

气性膀胱炎emphysemato us cystitis

腺性膀胱炎glandular cysti tis; cystitis glandularis 化学性膀胱炎chemical cy stitis

膀胱坏疽gangrene of bla dder 坏疽性膀胱炎gangrenous cystitis

淋巴滤泡性膀胱炎lympho-follicular cystitis

滤泡性膀胱炎follicular cys titis;cystitis follicularis; 碱性痂块膀胱炎alkaline in crusted cystitis

膀胱三角区炎trigonitis 膀胱疱疹herpes of bladd er

膀胱真菌病mycosis of bl adder

念珠菌膀胱炎candida cys titis

膀胱梅毒syphilis of bladd er

膀胱结核tuberculosis of bladder; cystophthisis 膀胱白斑病leukoplakia of bladder

囊性膀胱炎钙质沉着cystiti s cystica calcinosa 膀胱肿瘤tumor of bladde r

膀胱腺瘤adenoma of bla dder

膀胱乳头状瘤papilloma of bladder

膀胱乳头状瘤病papillomat osis of bladder

膀胱内翻性乳头状瘤invert ed papilloma of bladder 膀胱嗜铬细胞瘤pheochro mocytoma of bladder 膀胱血管瘤hemangioma of bladder

膀胱肌瘤myoma of bladd er

膀胱癌carcinoma of blad der

膀胱乳头状癌papillary car cinoma of bladder

膀胱原位癌bladder carcin

oma in situ

膀胱平滑肌瘤leiomyoma of bladder

膀胱平滑肌肉瘤leiomyosa rcoma of bladder

膀胱间质瘤mesenchymal tumor of bladder

膀胱移行细胞癌transitiona l cell carcinoma of bladd er; TCCB

膀胱鳞状细胞癌squamous cell carcinoma of bladd er

膀胱葡萄状肉瘤botryoid s arcoma of bladder

膀胱淋巴肉瘤lymphosarco ma of bladder

膀胱肉瘤sarcoma of blad der

膀胱腺癌adenocarcinoma of bladder

膀胱结石vesical calculus; cystic calculus

膀胱憩室结石calculus in diverticulum of bladder 膀胱碎石洗出术vesical lit holapaxy

经尿道膀胱颈切开术trans urethral vesical neck inci sion

耻骨上膀胱针刺吸引术sup rapubic needle aspiration of bladder

耻骨上膀胱造口术suprapu bic cystostomy

耻骨上膀胱切开取石术sup rapubic cystolithotomy 膀胱憩室切除术vesical di verticulectomy 膀胱切开取石术

cystolithectomy;Lithotomy of urinary bladder; cyst olithotomy

膀胱皮肤造口术 cutaneous vesicostomy, cutaneous cystostomy 可控性回肠膀胱术Kock p ouch

膀胱切除术cystectomy 膀胱部分切除术partial cy stectomy

膀胱全切除术total cystect omy

根治性膀胱切除术radical cystectomy

膀胱尿道吻合术vesicouret hral anastomosis

经皮膀胱造口术percutane ous cystostomy

膀胱灌注irrigation of blad der

膀胱颈部Y-V 成形术Y-V plasty of bladder neck 经尿道膀胱肿瘤切除术 transurethral resection of bladder tumor

尿流改道术diversion of u rine, urinary diversion 外尿流改道术external uri nary diversion

回肠造口术ileostomy 回肠膀胱术ilealconduit,Bri ckeroperation

乙状结肠膀胱sigmoid con duit

乙状结肠膀胱扩大术 sigmoid augmentation cy stoplasty,;sigmoid cystopl asty

回肠膀胱扩大术ileum aug mentation cystoplasty, 回肠膀胱成形术 ileocysto plasty

膀胱三角区乙状结肠吻合术trigonosigmoidostomy 膀胱三角及输尿管间嵴肥大

hypertrophy of trigone an d interuretericridge

膀胱三角trigone of bladd er;trigonum vesicae;vesic al triangle

回肠膀胱尿流改道术ileal conduit diversion

稳定性膀胱stable bladder

直肠膀胱结肠腹壁造口术 rectal bladder and abdo minal colostomy 盲肠膀胱扩大术

cecum augmentation cyst oplasty, cecal cystoplasty

髂腹股沟淋巴结切除术ilioi nguinal lymphadenectom y


cysto-prostatectomy;cysto prostatectomy;vesical pro statectomy

膀胱紫癜purpura of blad der

膀胱小梁形成trabeculatio n of bladder

膀胱异物foreign body in bladder

膀胱子宫内膜异位症endo metriosis of bladder 膀胱挛缩contracture of bl adder

先天性膀胱颈挛缩congeni tal contracture of bladder neck

尿道畸形deformity of uret hra

尿道狭窄ankylurethria;ure thral stricture;urethrosten osis

尿道口狭窄meatal stenosi s

尿道瓣膜urethral valve 尿道发育不全hypoplastic


巨尿道megalourethra 尿道膨出urethrocele 尿道上裂epispadias 尿道下裂hypospadias 尿道憩室urethral diverticu lum; urethrocele

女性尿道下裂female hypo spadias

尿道闭锁atresia of urethr a; ankylurethria;

atresia urethralis;atreturet hria;urethratresia

重复尿道duplication of ur ethra

棱状巨尿道fusiform mega lourethra

尿道损伤injury of urethra; urethral injury

尿道皮肤瘘urethrocutane ous fistula

尿道瘘urethral fistula 外伤性尿道瘘traumatic ur ethral fistula

尿道直肠瘘urethro-rectal fistula

尿瘘urinary fistula

尿道阴道瘘urethrovaginal fistula

尿道异物foreign body in urethra


尿道结石calculus of uret hra; urethral calculus;uret hral stones

女性尿道囊肿urethral cyst in female

压力性尿失禁stress incon tinence

神经源性膀胱neurogenic bladder

神经性膀胱nervous bladd er

机械性尿路梗阻mechanic al obstruction of urinary tract

尿道球腺疾病diseases of Cowper gland

尿道综合征urethral syndr ome

尿道扩张urethral soundin g

尿道丝状探子urethral filifo rm


尿道球腺炎cowperitis; ant eprostatitis;antiparastatitis; antiprostatitis;

细菌性尿道炎bacterial ur ethritis

非特异性尿道炎nonspecifi c urethritis

淋菌性尿道炎gonococcal urethritis

非淋菌性尿道炎nongonoc occal urethritis NGU; 尿道球腺脓肿abscess of Cowper gland

滴虫性尿道膀胱炎trichom onal urethro-cystitis 尿道周围脓肿periurethral abscess

衣原体性尿道炎chlamydia l urethritis

支原体性尿道炎mycoplas mal urethritis

尿道尖锐湿疣condylomata acuminata of urethra 尿道结核tuberculosis of urethra

尿道球腺结核tuberculosis of Cowper gland

尿道肿瘤tumor of urethra

尿道肉阜urethral caruncl e

尿道腺瘤adenoma of ure thra 尿道息肉polyp of urethr a

女性尿道纤维息肉fibrous polyps of female urethra

尿道血管瘤hemangioma of urethra

尿道口血管瘤angioma of urethral meatus

尿道球腺囊肿cyst of Cow per gland

尿道球腺肿瘤tumor of Co wper gland

尿道癌carcinoma of uret hra

尿道腺癌adenocarcinoma of urethra


acquired inclusion cyst o f urethral epithelium of f emale

尿道球腺腺癌adenocarcin oma of bulbourethral gla nd


尿道成形术urethroplasty 尿道口切开术urethralmeat otomy; meatotomy;poroto my

尿道口成形术urethral me atoplasty

经尿道尿道瓣膜切除术 transurethral resection of urethral valve

压力性尿失禁悬吊术sling procedure for stress inco ntinence

尿道折叠术plication oper ation of urethra

套入法尿道成形术Badeno ch urethroplasty 尿道膀胱悬吊术


procedure;urethrovesicop exy

经尿道男性尿道癌切除术 transurethral resection of male urethral carcinoma

经尿道外括约肌切开术tra nsurethral sphincterotom y

尿道口前移阴茎头成形术 meatal advancement and glandular plasty

尿道会师手术Bank's meth od

reconstruction of rupture d urethra by Bank meth od;


Stamey procedure for str ess urinary incontinence 尿道狭窄扩张术dilatation of urethral stricture 尿道切开术urethrotomy 尿道切除术urethrectomy 尿道外切开术external ure throtomy; perineal sectio n

尿道内切开术internal uret hrotomy

尿道前移术urethral advan cement

尿流改道复原术urinary un diversion

约翰松尿道成形术Johans on urethroplasty

尿道膀胱吻合[术] urethrov esical anastomosis

下丘脑垂体性腺轴hypotha lamic-pituitary-gonadal ax is

下丘脑垂体睾丸轴hypotha lamic-pituitary-testicular a xis

下丘脑垂体轴hypothalami c-pituitary axis

类脂性肾上腺增生adrenal hyperplasia

纳尔逊综合征Nelson syn drome;NS

肾上腺切除术adrenalecto my

肾上腺剩余肿瘤adrenal r est tumor

肾上腺髓质增生症adrenal medulla hyperplasia 嗜铬细胞瘤pheochromocy toma

皮质醇增生症hypercortisol ism

原发性醛固酮[增多]症prim ary aldosteronism


nonadrenal female pseud ohermap hroditism

肾上腺非功能性皮质腺瘤 nonfunctional adrenocorti cal adenoma

肾上腺[性]性征综合征adre nogenital syndrome

前列腺囊肿cyst of prostat e

前列腺损伤injury of prost ate

前列腺静脉丛Santorini ve nous plexus

前列腺病prostatosis 前列腺增生[症] hyperplasi a of prostate

变应性前列腺病allergic pr ostatosis

前列腺按摩massage of p rostate; PM;prostatic mas sage

经尿道前列腺切除综合征 transurethral prostatic res ection syndrome

血清前列腺酸性磷酸酶 PAP;prostate acid phosp hatase;prostatic acid pho sphatase

慢性前列腺纤维化chronic fibrosis of prostate; 前列腺液溢prostatorrhea 前列腺痛症prostatodyni a

前列腺素prostaglandin 前列腺炎prostatitis 细菌性前列腺炎bacterial prostatitis

放线菌性前列腺炎actinom ycotic prostatitis

寄生虫性前列腺炎parasiti c prostatitis

肉芽肿性前列腺炎granulo matous prostatitis

淋菌性前列腺炎gonococc al prostatitis

滴虫性前列腺炎trichomon al prostatitis

前列腺梅毒syphilis of pro state

前列腺结核tuberculosis of prostate, tuberculous pr ostatitis


echinococcus disease of prostate and seminal ve sicle

前列腺脓肿abscess of pr ostate

前列腺结石calculus of pr ostate

前列腺肿瘤tumor of prost ate

前列腺腺瘤prostatic aden oma

前列腺子宫内膜样癌endo metrioid carcinoma of pr ostate

前列腺淋巴肉瘤lymphosar coma of prostate

前列腺癌肉瘤carcinosarco ma of prostate

前列腺管内腺癌intraductal adenocarcinoma of pros tate

前列腺腺癌adenocarcino ma of prostate

前列腺肉瘤sarcoma of pr ostate

前列腺癌carcinoma of pr ostate

前列腺移行细胞癌transitio nal cell carcinoma of pro state

前列腺切除术prostatecto my

耻骨上前列腺切除术supra pubic prostatectomy; SP P;

耻骨后前列腺切除术retrop ubic prostatectomyRPP 经尿道前列腺切除[术] tran surethral prostatic resecti on

经尿道前列腺切开[术] tran surethral incision of prost ate

外生殖器汗腺腺瘤syringo ma of external genitalia 经会阴前列腺切除术perin eal prostatectomy;perineo prostatectomy

经会阴前列腺全切除术tota l perineal prostatectomy 前列腺冷冻术cryosurgery of prostate ;eryosurgery of prostate;

根治性前列腺切除术radic al prostatectomy 电切镜resectoscope 尿路上皮肿瘤urothelial tu mor

泌尿生殖膈urogenital dia phragmUGD; 尿路病变uropathy

输精管畸形deformity of v 尿路上皮urothelium;uroep as deferens


精索静脉曲张varicocele 尿路感染urinary tract infe


尿路梗阻urinary tract obs truction

泌尿系异物foreign body i n urinary system

泌尿生殖器外伤genitourin ary trauma

泌尿生殖系统urogenital s ystem

泌尿生殖系软斑病malako plakia of genitourinary sy stem

泌尿生殖系变应性疾病 allergic diseases of genit ourinary system

泌尿生殖系寄生虫病paras itosis of genitourinary sy stem

泌尿系子宫内膜异位症end ometriosis of urinary syst em

泌尿生殖系X 线照相术 roentgenography of genit ourinary system

泌尿生殖窦urogenital sin us; UGS

精囊囊肿cyst of seminal vesicle; cystis vesiculae seminalis

精液囊肿seminal cyst, sp ermatocele

精索皮样囊肿dermoid cys t of spermatic cord 输精管缺如absence of va s deferens

重复输精管duplication of vas deferens

精索扭转torsion of sperm atic cord; spermatic cord torsion



腔道泌尿外科学endourolo gy

肾异位renal ectopia, ecto pic kidney

肾缺如agenesis of kidne y, anephrogenesis 孤立肾solitary kidney 肾畸形deformity of kidne y

肾发育不全anephrogenesi s;renal agenesis

肾发育不良renal dysplasi a

节段性肾发育不良segmen tal dysplasia of kidney 额外肾supernumerary kid ney

重复肾renal duplication 盘状肾disk kidney discoi d kidney

融合肾confluent kidney;fu sed kidney

马蹄形肾horseshoe kidne y

L 形肾L-shaped kidney 肾下垂nephroptosis;renal ptosis

胸内肾thoracic kidney 盆腔肾pelvic kidney 游走肾excessively mobile kidney;hypermobile kidn ey;wandering kidney S 形肾S-shaped kidney 团块肾lump kidney 胎儿肾fetal kidney 婴儿肾infantile kidney 单乳头肾unipapillary kidn ey

肾轴性旋转axial rotation of kidney 肾旋转异常renal malrotati on

分叉型肾盂bifid pelvis 肾外型肾盂extrarenal pel vis

巨肾盏megacalyx,megaca lycosis

先天性巨肾盏congenital megacalycosis

肾盏憩室 caliceal divertic ulum;calyceal diverticulu m;pyelogenic cyst

肾髓质管扩张medullary d uctal ectasia of kidney 肾子宫内膜异位症endome triosis of kidney

肾动静脉瘘renal arteriove nous fistula

肾静脉栓塞thrombosis of renal vein

肾动脉栓塞thrombosis of renal artery 肾动脉狭窄(RAS)

stenosis of renal artery; renal arterial stenosis;ren al artery stenosis

肾盏静脉瘘calyceal-venou s fistula

肾盂静脉曲张varix of pel vis

肾囊肿Cyst of kidney;Re nal cyst

单纯性肾囊肿simple cyst of kidney 多囊肾

ploycystic renal disease; polycystic disease of kin deys;polycystic kidne 先天性肾囊性病congenital renal cystic disease 肾髓质囊性病medullary c ystic disease of kidney 肾盂源性囊肿pyelogenic cyst 肾钙化囊肿calcified cyst of kidney

肾盂旁囊肿parapelvic cys t

肾旁假囊肿pararenal pse udocyst

肾周围囊肿perinephric cy st

肾盂周围囊肿peripelvic c yst

肾出血性囊肿hemorrhagic cyst of kidney

肾小球囊肿病glomerulocy stic disease

肾损伤injury of kidney; ki dney injury;renal injury 肾挫伤contusion of kidne y

肾裂伤laceration of kidne y

肾破裂rupture of kidney 肾蒂断裂rupture of renal pedicle

肾穿透伤penetrating injur y of kidney

肾小管破裂tubulorrhexis 肾梗死infarction of kidne y, renal infarction

穹窿静脉瘘fornico-venous fistula

肾盂毛细血管扩张症telan giectasis of renal pelvis 肾积水hydronephrosis;ne phrohydrops;nephrohydro sis

巨大肾积水giant hydrone phrosis

肾内肾积水intrarenal hydr onephrosis

肾小管反流renal tubular backflow

肾盂间质反流pyelointerstit ial backflow



肾盂淋巴反流pyelolympha tic backflow

肾单位肾小球滤过率nephr on glomerular filtration ra te

腺性肾盂炎pyelitis glandu laris

囊性肾盂炎pyelitis cystica

气性肾盂肾炎emphysema tous pyelonephritis

黄色肉芽肿性肾盂肾炎xan thogranulomatous pyelon ephritis

细菌性肾盂肾炎bacterial pyelonephritis

肾积脓pyonephrosis 肾脓肿kidney abscess;ne phrapostasis;renal absce ss

肾皮质脓肿RCA;renal cor tical abscess

肾皮质坏死cortical necros is of kidney; renal cortic al necrosis

肾髓质坏死medullary nec rosis of kidney;renal med ullary necrosis

肾痈renal carbuncle 病理性肾结核pathological renal tuberculosis

临床肾结核clinical renal t uberculosis; clinical renal tuberculosis

肾盏结核tuberculosis of c alyx

肾结核对侧肾积水renal tu berculosis with contralate ral hydronephrosis

肾错构瘤hamartoma of ki dney, angiomyolipoma of kidney

脓性肾积水pyohydronephr osis

肾淀粉样变性amyloidosis of kidney; renal amyloid osis

膀胱淀粉样变性amyloidos is of bladder

坏死性肾乳头炎necrotizin g papillitis of kidney 肾盂白斑病leukoplakia of renal pelvis

镰状细胞肾病sickle cell n ephropathy

髓质海绵肾, 髓状海绵样肾medullary sponge kidne y

海绵肾CCacchi-Ricci dise ase;sponge kidney

急性尿酸盐肾病acute urat e nephropathy

肾肿瘤tumor of kidney 肾良性肿瘤benign renal t umor

肾平滑肌瘤leiomyoma of kidney

肾假性瘤pseudotumor of kidney

多房性囊性肾瘤multilocul ar cystic nephroma 肾盂血管瘤hemangioma of renal pelvis

肾血管瘤hemangioma of kidney

肾动脉瘤aneurysm of ren al artery; renal aneurysm

肾血管外皮细胞瘤renal h emangiopericytoma

肾脂肪瘤lipoma of kidney


renal cortical adenoma;a denoma,renal cortical;ren al cortical adenomas 肾纤维瘤renal fibroma 中胚叶肾瘤mesoblastic n ephroma

肾淋巴瘤renal lymphoma

肾淋巴母细胞瘤renal lym phoblastoma 肾腺瘤

adenoma,renal;adenomas of kidney;nephradenoma;

renal adenomas,cortical 肾素瘤reninoma, renin-se creting tumor

球旁细胞瘤, 肾小球旁细胞瘤juxtaglomerular cell tu mor

肾门脂肪瘤样病lipomatosi s of renal hilus

肾恶性纤维组织细胞瘤 malignant fibrous histiocy toma of kidney

肾盂移行细胞癌transitiona l cell carcinoma of renal pelvis

肾嗜酸细胞瘤renal oncoc ytoma

肾纤维脂肪瘤样病renal fi brolipomatosis

肾神经鞘瘤schwannoma of kidney

肾异种组织肿瘤heteroplas tic tissue tumor of kidne y

肾窦脂肪瘤样病renal sinu s lipomatosis

肾盂肿瘤tumor of renal p elvis

肾盂乳头状瘤papilloma of renal pelvis

肾癌renal carcinoma 肾实质癌carcinoma of re nal parenchyma 肾细胞癌

adenocarcinoma of kidne

y;RCA;RCC;renal cell car cinoma;renal cell carcino ma of kidney

肾细胞癌, 肾上腺样癌hype rnephroid carcinoma 肾透明细胞癌clear cell c arcinoma of kidney; supr arenal epithelioma

肾颗粒细胞癌granular cell carcinoma of kidney 肾腺癌adenocarcinoma o f kidney 肾母细胞瘤

embryoma of kidney;nep hroblastoma;Whilms tumo r;Wilm tumor;Wilm tumor of kidney;Wilms tumor 肾胚细胞瘤nephroblastom a

横纹肌样肾母细胞瘤rhabd omyoid Wilms tumor 肾肉瘤sarcoma of kidney; nephrosarcoma

肾淋巴肉瘤lymphosarcom a of kidney

肾平滑肌肉瘤leiomyosarc oma of kidney

肾脂肪肉瘤liposarcoma o f kidney

肾盂癌carcinoma of renal pelvis; renal pelvic carci noma;RPC

肾盂鳞状细胞癌squamous cell carcinoma of renal pelvis

肾盂乳头状癌papillary car cinoma of renal pelvis 肾切开术nephrotomy 肾切开取石术nephrolithot omy

肾盂切开术pelviotomy;pye lotomy

肾盂切开取石术pyelolithot omy; pelvilithotomy;pelvio lithotomy

凝血块肾盂切开取石术coa gulum pyelolithotomy 扩大的肾盂切开取石术ext ended pyelolithotomy 非萎缩性肾切开取石术ana trophic nephrolithotomy 肾-肾盂造瘘术nephropyel ostomy

肾切除术nephrectomy 肾部分切除术partial neph rectomy; heminephrectom y

经皮肾造瘘术percutaneou s nephrostomy;PCN; 肾盂造瘘术pyelostomy 肾造瘘术nephrostomy 自截肾autonephrectomy 根治性肾切除术radical ne phrectomy

包膜下肾切除术subcapsul ar nephrectomy

肾盂输尿管松解术pelviour eterolysis; pyeloureterolys is

肾-输尿管切除术nephro-ur eterectomy

肾盏成形术calicoplasty 肾固定术nephrofixation;ne phropexia;nephropexy;ren ifixation

肾血管重建术reno-vascul ar reconstruction

肾离体术bench technique of kidney

肾蒂淋巴管剥脱术strippin g of renal lymphatic ves sel

肾门上淋巴结切除术supra hilar lymphadenectomy 腹膜后淋巴结切除术retrop eritoneal lymphadenecto my; RPLAD

腹膜后淋巴结病retroperito neal lymphadenopathy R PLAD

脾肾动脉吻合术spleno-re nal arterial anastomosis 肾病灶清除术renal caver nostomy

剖腰探查术exploratory lu mbotomy

肾动脉栓塞术embolization of renal artery

血管梗塞性肾切除angioinf arction-nephrectomy 肾鹿角状结石staghorn st one of kidney

肾钙斑Randall plaques 肾萎缩renal atrophy 肾失用性萎缩disuse atrop hy of kidney

肾动脉纤维增生病fibropla sia of renal artery

肾紫癜purpura of kidney 迪特尔危象游走肾危象Die tl crisis

血管运动性肾病vasomotor nephropathy

莱特尔综合征Reiter syndr ome

肾小球血流动力学glomeru lar hemodynamics

输尿管扩张dilatation of u reter, ureterectasis; meg alo-ureter;ureterectasia 输尿管发育不良ureteral d ysplasia

巨输尿管megalo-ureter;m egaloureter;ureteral neuro muscular dysplasia

发育不良性巨输尿管dyspl astic megaloureter

输尿管畸形deformity of u reter

输尿管闭锁atresia of uret er


tal ectopic ureter

重复输尿管duplication of ureter

重复肾盂duplication of p elvis

分叉型输尿管bifid ureter 输尿管口异位ectopia of u reteral orifice

输尿管发育不全ureteral h ypoplasia

远段输尿管不发育distal u reteral aplasia

输尿管缺如agenesis of u reter

腔静脉后输尿管retrocaval ureter; postcaval ureter 髂动脉后输尿管retroiliac ureter, preureteral iliac a rtery

输尿管脱垂prolapse of ur eter, ureterocele

盲端异位输尿管膨出blind ectopic ureterocele

正常位输尿管膨出orthotop ic ureterocele 输尿管憩室

diverticulum of ureter; ur eteral diverticulum;ureteri c bud;ureteric diverticulu m

输尿管积水hydroureter;hy droureterosis

输尿管肾盂连接处梗阻obs truction at ureteropelvic j unction

先天性巨输尿管congenital megaloureter; primary megaloureter

反流性巨输尿管reflux me galoureter

输尿管损伤injury of urete r ureteral injury;

输尿管肠瘘uretero-enteric fistula 输尿管瘘ureteral fistula u reterostoma;

输尿管阴道瘘uretero-vagi nal fistula


输尿管周围炎periureteritis; Ormond's syndrome 囊性输尿管炎ureteritis cy stica

颗粒性输尿管炎ureteritis granulosa

输尿管结核tuberculosis of ureter

输尿管白斑病leukoplakia of ureter

输尿管梅毒syphilis of ure ter

输尿管放线菌病actinomyc osis of ureter

输尿管息肉polyp of urete r

输尿管肿瘤tumor of urete r

输尿管乳头状瘤papilloma of ureter

输尿管癌carcinoma of ur eter

输尿管移行细胞癌transitio nal cell carcinoma of ure ter

输尿管乳头状癌papillary carcinoma of ureter 输尿管切开术ureterotom y

输尿管皮肤造瘘术chtaneo us ureterostomy

输尿管松解术ureterolysi s

输尿管切开取石术ureteroli thotomy

输尿管造瘘术ureterostom y

输尿管口切开术ureteralm eatotomy 输尿管-肠-皮肤尿流改道术uretero-enterocutaneous diversion

输尿管回肠皮肤尿流改道[术]ureteroileal cutaneous diversion

断离性肾盂输尿管成形术d ismembered ureteropelvio plasty

输尿管袢造瘘术loop urete rostomy

输尿管肾盂吻合术uretero neopyelostomy

输尿管成形术ureteroplast y

输尿管空肠皮肤尿流改道术ureterojejunal cutaneou s diversion

输尿管乙状结肠吻合术 ureterosigmoidostomy, ur eterosigmoidanastomosis

输尿管切除术ureterectom y

输尿管结肠吻合术ureteroc olic anastomosis

输尿管输尿管吻合术ureter oureterostomy

输尿管膀胱吻合术uretero neocystostomy

回盲肠皮肤尿流改道术ileo cecal cutaneous diversio n

输尿管皮肤尿流改道术ure tero-cutaneous diversion 阑尾输尿管成形术appendi x ureteroplasty

输尿管腹膜包裹术uretero peritonization

输尿管移植[术] transplant ation of ureter

输尿管结石calculus of ur eter; ureteral calculus;ure terolith

输尿管梗阻ureteral obstru ction

输尿管狭窄stricture of ur eter; ureterostenoma;uret erostenosis

输尿管肾盂连接处狭窄stri cture of ureteropelvic jun ction

输尿管口狭窄stricture of uretero-vesical orifice 输尿管绞痛ureteral colic 巨输尿管-巨膀胱综合征m egaloureter-megalocystis syndrome

输尿管子宫内膜异位症end ometriosis of ureter 大网膜输尿管成形术omen toureteroplasty

膀胱畸形deformity of bla dder

重复膀胱duplication of bl adder

膀胱缺如agenesis of bla dder

膀胱闭锁atresia of bladd er, atretocystia

膀胱膨出cystocele, vesic ocele

膀胱脱垂prolapse of blad der


bladder exstrophy;ectopia of urinary bladder; ectopia vesicae;ectopocy stis;exstrophy of the blad der;extrophy of bladder 膀胱憩室

diverticulum of bladder; bladder diverticulum;vesic al diverticulum

膀胱假性憩室false diverti culum of bladder 膀胱输尿管反流

vesicoureteral reflux; vesi coureteral reflux;vesicour eteric reflux

膀胱静脉曲张varix of bla dder

膀胱损伤injury of bladder

膀胱挫伤contusion of bla dder

膀胱破裂rupture of bladd er; cystorrhexis;vesical ru pture

腹膜内膀胱破裂intraperito neal rupture of bladder 腹膜外膀胱破裂extraperit oneal rupture of bladder 膀胱瘘vesical fistula 膀胱肠瘘vesico-intestinal fistula

膀胱直肠瘘vesicorectal fi stula

膀胱阴道瘘vesicovaginal fistula

膀胱输尿管瘘vesicoureter al fistula

膀胱子宫瘘vesico-uterine fistula

细菌性膀胱炎bacterial cy stitis

非特异性膀胱炎nonspecifi c cystitis

间质性膀胱炎interstitial c ystitis

非细菌性膀胱炎nonbacteri al cystitis

变应性膀胱炎allergic cysti tis

气性膀胱炎emphysemato us cystitis

腺性膀胱炎glandular cysti tis; cystitis glandularis 化学性膀胱炎chemical cy stitis

膀胱坏疽gangrene of bla dder 坏疽性膀胱炎gangrenous cystitis

淋巴滤泡性膀胱炎lympho-follicular cystitis

滤泡性膀胱炎follicular cys titis;cystitis follicularis; 碱性痂块膀胱炎alkaline in crusted cystitis

膀胱三角区炎trigonitis 膀胱疱疹herpes of bladd er

膀胱真菌病mycosis of bl adder

念珠菌膀胱炎candida cys titis

膀胱梅毒syphilis of bladd er

膀胱结核tuberculosis of bladder; cystophthisis 膀胱白斑病leukoplakia of bladder

囊性膀胱炎钙质沉着cystiti s cystica calcinosa 膀胱肿瘤tumor of bladde r

膀胱腺瘤adenoma of bla dder

膀胱乳头状瘤papilloma of bladder

膀胱乳头状瘤病papillomat osis of bladder

膀胱内翻性乳头状瘤invert ed papilloma of bladder 膀胱嗜铬细胞瘤pheochro mocytoma of bladder 膀胱血管瘤hemangioma of bladder

膀胱肌瘤myoma of bladd er

膀胱癌carcinoma of blad der

膀胱乳头状癌papillary car cinoma of bladder

膀胱原位癌bladder carcin

oma in situ

膀胱平滑肌瘤leiomyoma of bladder

膀胱平滑肌肉瘤leiomyosa rcoma of bladder

膀胱间质瘤mesenchymal tumor of bladder

膀胱移行细胞癌transitiona l cell carcinoma of bladd er; TCCB

膀胱鳞状细胞癌squamous cell carcinoma of bladd er

膀胱葡萄状肉瘤botryoid s arcoma of bladder

膀胱淋巴肉瘤lymphosarco ma of bladder

膀胱肉瘤sarcoma of blad der

膀胱腺癌adenocarcinoma of bladder

膀胱结石vesical calculus; cystic calculus

膀胱憩室结石calculus in diverticulum of bladder 膀胱碎石洗出术vesical lit holapaxy

经尿道膀胱颈切开术trans urethral vesical neck inci sion

耻骨上膀胱针刺吸引术sup rapubic needle aspiration of bladder

耻骨上膀胱造口术suprapu bic cystostomy

耻骨上膀胱切开取石术sup rapubic cystolithotomy 膀胱憩室切除术vesical di verticulectomy 膀胱切开取石术

cystolithectomy;Lithotomy of urinary bladder; cyst olithotomy

膀胱皮肤造口术 cutaneous vesicostomy, cutaneous cystostomy 可控性回肠膀胱术Kock p ouch

膀胱切除术cystectomy 膀胱部分切除术partial cy stectomy

膀胱全切除术total cystect omy

根治性膀胱切除术radical cystectomy

膀胱尿道吻合术vesicouret hral anastomosis

经皮膀胱造口术percutane ous cystostomy

膀胱灌注irrigation of blad der

膀胱颈部Y-V 成形术Y-V plasty of bladder neck 经尿道膀胱肿瘤切除术 transurethral resection of bladder tumor

尿流改道术diversion of u rine, urinary diversion 外尿流改道术external uri nary diversion

回肠造口术ileostomy 回肠膀胱术ilealconduit,Bri ckeroperation

乙状结肠膀胱sigmoid con duit

乙状结肠膀胱扩大术 sigmoid augmentation cy stoplasty,;sigmoid cystopl asty

回肠膀胱扩大术ileum aug mentation cystoplasty, 回肠膀胱成形术 ileocysto plasty

膀胱三角区乙状结肠吻合术trigonosigmoidostomy 膀胱三角及输尿管间嵴肥大

hypertrophy of trigone an d interuretericridge

膀胱三角trigone of bladd er;trigonum vesicae;vesic al triangle

回肠膀胱尿流改道术ileal conduit diversion

稳定性膀胱stable bladder

直肠膀胱结肠腹壁造口术 rectal bladder and abdo minal colostomy 盲肠膀胱扩大术

cecum augmentation cyst oplasty, cecal cystoplasty

髂腹股沟淋巴结切除术ilioi nguinal lymphadenectom y


cysto-prostatectomy;cysto prostatectomy;vesical pro statectomy

膀胱紫癜purpura of blad der

膀胱小梁形成trabeculatio n of bladder

膀胱异物foreign body in bladder

膀胱子宫内膜异位症endo metriosis of bladder 膀胱挛缩contracture of bl adder

先天性膀胱颈挛缩congeni tal contracture of bladder neck

尿道畸形deformity of uret hra

尿道狭窄ankylurethria;ure thral stricture;urethrosten osis

尿道口狭窄meatal stenosi s

尿道瓣膜urethral valve 尿道发育不全hypoplastic


巨尿道megalourethra 尿道膨出urethrocele 尿道上裂epispadias 尿道下裂hypospadias 尿道憩室urethral diverticu lum; urethrocele

女性尿道下裂female hypo spadias

尿道闭锁atresia of urethr a; ankylurethria;

atresia urethralis;atreturet hria;urethratresia

重复尿道duplication of ur ethra

棱状巨尿道fusiform mega lourethra

尿道损伤injury of urethra; urethral injury

尿道皮肤瘘urethrocutane ous fistula

尿道瘘urethral fistula 外伤性尿道瘘traumatic ur ethral fistula

尿道直肠瘘urethro-rectal fistula

尿瘘urinary fistula

尿道阴道瘘urethrovaginal fistula

尿道异物foreign body in urethra


尿道结石calculus of uret hra; urethral calculus;uret hral stones

女性尿道囊肿urethral cyst in female

压力性尿失禁stress incon tinence

神经源性膀胱neurogenic bladder

神经性膀胱nervous bladd er

机械性尿路梗阻mechanic al obstruction of urinary tract

尿道球腺疾病diseases of Cowper gland

尿道综合征urethral syndr ome

尿道扩张urethral soundin g

尿道丝状探子urethral filifo rm


尿道球腺炎cowperitis; ant eprostatitis;antiparastatitis; antiprostatitis;

细菌性尿道炎bacterial ur ethritis

非特异性尿道炎nonspecifi c urethritis

淋菌性尿道炎gonococcal urethritis

非淋菌性尿道炎nongonoc occal urethritis NGU; 尿道球腺脓肿abscess of Cowper gland

滴虫性尿道膀胱炎trichom onal urethro-cystitis 尿道周围脓肿periurethral abscess

衣原体性尿道炎chlamydia l urethritis

支原体性尿道炎mycoplas mal urethritis

尿道尖锐湿疣condylomata acuminata of urethra 尿道结核tuberculosis of urethra

尿道球腺结核tuberculosis of Cowper gland

尿道肿瘤tumor of urethra

尿道肉阜urethral caruncl e

尿道腺瘤adenoma of ure thra 尿道息肉polyp of urethr a

女性尿道纤维息肉fibrous polyps of female urethra

尿道血管瘤hemangioma of urethra

尿道口血管瘤angioma of urethral meatus

尿道球腺囊肿cyst of Cow per gland

尿道球腺肿瘤tumor of Co wper gland

尿道癌carcinoma of uret hra

尿道腺癌adenocarcinoma of urethra


acquired inclusion cyst o f urethral epithelium of f emale

尿道球腺腺癌adenocarcin oma of bulbourethral gla nd


尿道成形术urethroplasty 尿道口切开术urethralmeat otomy; meatotomy;poroto my

尿道口成形术urethral me atoplasty

经尿道尿道瓣膜切除术 transurethral resection of urethral valve

压力性尿失禁悬吊术sling procedure for stress inco ntinence

尿道折叠术plication oper ation of urethra

套入法尿道成形术Badeno ch urethroplasty 尿道膀胱悬吊术


procedure;urethrovesicop exy

经尿道男性尿道癌切除术 transurethral resection of male urethral carcinoma

经尿道外括约肌切开术tra nsurethral sphincterotom y

尿道口前移阴茎头成形术 meatal advancement and glandular plasty

尿道会师手术Bank's meth od

reconstruction of rupture d urethra by Bank meth od;


Stamey procedure for str ess urinary incontinence 尿道狭窄扩张术dilatation of urethral stricture 尿道切开术urethrotomy 尿道切除术urethrectomy 尿道外切开术external ure throtomy; perineal sectio n

尿道内切开术internal uret hrotomy

尿道前移术urethral advan cement

尿流改道复原术urinary un diversion

约翰松尿道成形术Johans on urethroplasty

尿道膀胱吻合[术] urethrov esical anastomosis

下丘脑垂体性腺轴hypotha lamic-pituitary-gonadal ax is

下丘脑垂体睾丸轴hypotha lamic-pituitary-testicular a xis

下丘脑垂体轴hypothalami c-pituitary axis

类脂性肾上腺增生adrenal hyperplasia

纳尔逊综合征Nelson syn drome;NS

肾上腺切除术adrenalecto my

肾上腺剩余肿瘤adrenal r est tumor

肾上腺髓质增生症adrenal medulla hyperplasia 嗜铬细胞瘤pheochromocy toma

皮质醇增生症hypercortisol ism

原发性醛固酮[增多]症prim ary aldosteronism


nonadrenal female pseud ohermap hroditism

肾上腺非功能性皮质腺瘤 nonfunctional adrenocorti cal adenoma

肾上腺[性]性征综合征adre nogenital syndrome

前列腺囊肿cyst of prostat e

前列腺损伤injury of prost ate

前列腺静脉丛Santorini ve nous plexus

前列腺病prostatosis 前列腺增生[症] hyperplasi a of prostate

变应性前列腺病allergic pr ostatosis

前列腺按摩massage of p rostate; PM;prostatic mas sage

经尿道前列腺切除综合征 transurethral prostatic res ection syndrome

血清前列腺酸性磷酸酶 PAP;prostate acid phosp hatase;prostatic acid pho sphatase

慢性前列腺纤维化chronic fibrosis of prostate; 前列腺液溢prostatorrhea 前列腺痛症prostatodyni a

前列腺素prostaglandin 前列腺炎prostatitis 细菌性前列腺炎bacterial prostatitis

放线菌性前列腺炎actinom ycotic prostatitis

寄生虫性前列腺炎parasiti c prostatitis

肉芽肿性前列腺炎granulo matous prostatitis

淋菌性前列腺炎gonococc al prostatitis

滴虫性前列腺炎trichomon al prostatitis

前列腺梅毒syphilis of pro state

前列腺结核tuberculosis of prostate, tuberculous pr ostatitis


echinococcus disease of prostate and seminal ve sicle

前列腺脓肿abscess of pr ostate

前列腺结石calculus of pr ostate

前列腺肿瘤tumor of prost ate

前列腺腺瘤prostatic aden oma

前列腺子宫内膜样癌endo metrioid carcinoma of pr ostate

前列腺淋巴肉瘤lymphosar coma of prostate

前列腺癌肉瘤carcinosarco ma of prostate

前列腺管内腺癌intraductal adenocarcinoma of pros tate

前列腺腺癌adenocarcino ma of prostate

前列腺肉瘤sarcoma of pr ostate

前列腺癌carcinoma of pr ostate

前列腺移行细胞癌transitio nal cell carcinoma of pro state

前列腺切除术prostatecto my

耻骨上前列腺切除术supra pubic prostatectomy; SP P;

耻骨后前列腺切除术retrop ubic prostatectomyRPP 经尿道前列腺切除[术] tran surethral prostatic resecti on

经尿道前列腺切开[术] tran surethral incision of prost ate

外生殖器汗腺腺瘤syringo ma of external genitalia 经会阴前列腺切除术perin eal prostatectomy;perineo prostatectomy

经会阴前列腺全切除术tota l perineal prostatectomy 前列腺冷冻术cryosurgery of prostate ;eryosurgery of prostate;

根治性前列腺切除术radic al prostatectomy 电切镜resectoscope 尿路上皮肿瘤urothelial tu mor

泌尿生殖膈urogenital dia phragmUGD; 尿路病变uropathy

输精管畸形deformity of v 尿路上皮urothelium;uroep as deferens


精索静脉曲张varicocele 尿路感染urinary tract infe


尿路梗阻urinary tract obs truction

泌尿系异物foreign body i n urinary system

泌尿生殖器外伤genitourin ary trauma

泌尿生殖系统urogenital s ystem

泌尿生殖系软斑病malako plakia of genitourinary sy stem

泌尿生殖系变应性疾病 allergic diseases of genit ourinary system

泌尿生殖系寄生虫病paras itosis of genitourinary sy stem

泌尿系子宫内膜异位症end ometriosis of urinary syst em

泌尿生殖系X 线照相术 roentgenography of genit ourinary system

泌尿生殖窦urogenital sin us; UGS

精囊囊肿cyst of seminal vesicle; cystis vesiculae seminalis

精液囊肿seminal cyst, sp ermatocele

精索皮样囊肿dermoid cys t of spermatic cord 输精管缺如absence of va s deferens

重复输精管duplication of vas deferens

精索扭转torsion of sperm atic cord; spermatic cord torsion


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