




关键词:质量 进度 组织管理 施工方案


Construction organization design is the core of construction organizations, and soul, is the whole process of engineering construction projects and the specific arrangements envisaged in the concept, used to guide the construction of the project activities of the whole process of technical, economic and organizational comprehensive document .

The construction organization design is for Suzhou sunshine Area Office Project of the programmatic document. The time when the general plan of construction, construction preparation, the main sub-segment of the construction methods, project quality assurance measures, construction site management measures, and so many factors the fullest possible consideration, extrude scientific, applicability and

relevance, yes , low consumption, safe, civilized, high-speed to complete all of the important task of economic construction technical documents .

The design includes the following: The construction organization design books, arrange construction schedule, construction floor plan, the specific construction plan .To ensure that the duration, quality and safety, civil construction site, cost and other conditions, compile targeted construction organization design, each Fen project features some of Xiang, construction of features, construction schedule and quality demand degree of difficulty to prepare a feasible construction program. To guide the construction of the successful completion of the construction of the project, control costs, create high-quality project.

Keywords: Quality Schedule Organization and Management Construction programme





关键词:质量 进度 组织管理 施工方案


Construction organization design is the core of construction organizations, and soul, is the whole process of engineering construction projects and the specific arrangements envisaged in the concept, used to guide the construction of the project activities of the whole process of technical, economic and organizational comprehensive document .

The construction organization design is for Suzhou sunshine Area Office Project of the programmatic document. The time when the general plan of construction, construction preparation, the main sub-segment of the construction methods, project quality assurance measures, construction site management measures, and so many factors the fullest possible consideration, extrude scientific, applicability and

relevance, yes , low consumption, safe, civilized, high-speed to complete all of the important task of economic construction technical documents .

The design includes the following: The construction organization design books, arrange construction schedule, construction floor plan, the specific construction plan .To ensure that the duration, quality and safety, civil construction site, cost and other conditions, compile targeted construction organization design, each Fen project features some of Xiang, construction of features, construction schedule and quality demand degree of difficulty to prepare a feasible construction program. To guide the construction of the successful completion of the construction of the project, control costs, create high-quality project.

Keywords: Quality Schedule Organization and Management Construction programme


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