



买年货:special purchases for the Spring Festival

红包:red packets / red envelope

舞狮:lion dance

舞龙:dragon dance

除夕:Chinese New Year’s Eve/ Eve of the Spring Festival

春晚:Spring Festival Gala

烟花爆竹:fireworks and firecrackers


拜年:give New Year's greetings/ New Year's visit

去晦气:get rid of the ill-fortune

压岁钱:gift money/ money given to children as a lunar New Year gift

除旧岁:bid farewell to the old year

春联:(Spring Festival) couplets

年画:New Year painting

庙会:temple fair

元宵节:Lantern Festival

元宵:Tangyuan/ sweet rice dumpling

灯谜:lantern riddle

全家团圆:family reunion


清明节:Tomb-sweeping Day/ Qingming Festival/ Ching Ming/ Chinese Memorial Day/ Ancestors' Day

寒食:Cold Food Festival/ Hanshi Day/ the day before Pure Brightness when only cold food is served

扫墓:sweep a grave/ pay respect to a dead person at his tomb/ visit ones grave

祭祀:offer sacrifices. to the gods or the spirits of the dead

纸钱:spiritual money

先人:ancestor/ forefather

踏青:have an outing in spring

青团:Qingtuan: green dumplings made of glutinous rice and barley grass

出行高峰:travel peak


端午节:Dragon Boat Festival

粽子:zongzi, pyramid-shaped dumplings made of glutinous rice, stuffed with different fillings and wrapped in bamboo or reed leaves

雄黄酒:realgar wine

赛龙舟:dragon boat race

佩香囊:wear a sachet. They first sew little bags with colorful silk cloth, then fill the bags with perfumes or herbal medicines, and finally string them with silk thread.

系五彩线:tie five colored rings

驱五毒:drive away the five poisonous creatures/ drive away poisonous pests, including scorpions, vipers, centipedes, house lizards andtoads.

游百病:prevent disease by having fun/ Entertainment for all is said to ward off disease. 农历五月初五:the 5th day of the 5th month of the traditional Chinese calendar

楚国:the antient state of Chu

投江自尽:drown oneself




驱邪避疫:prevent disease or evil


中秋节:Mid-Autumn Festival 嫦娥:Chang’e

月饼:moon cake 中元节:Ghost Festival

赏月:watch and admire the moon 七夕:Magpie Festival

皎洁:(of moonlight) bright and clean 重阳节:Double Ninth Festival

玉兔:Jade Rabbit


节气:seasonal division 夏至:summer solstice 小雪:light snow points 小暑:sight heat 大雪:heavy snow 立春:spring begins 大暑:great heat 冬至:winter solstice 惊鸷:insects awaken 立秋:autumn begins 小寒:slight coldness 雨水:the rains 处暑:end of heat 大寒:great coldness 春分:vernal equinox 白露:white dew 地支:Earthly Branch 谷雨:grain rain 秋分:autumn equinox 天干:Heavenly Stem 立夏:summer begins 寒露:cold dews 生肖:Chinese zodiac 小满:lesser fullness 霜降:hoar-frost falls 阴历:solar calendar 芒种:grain in ear 立冬:winter begins 闰年:leap year




买年货:special purchases for the Spring Festival

红包:red packets / red envelope

舞狮:lion dance

舞龙:dragon dance

除夕:Chinese New Year’s Eve/ Eve of the Spring Festival

春晚:Spring Festival Gala

烟花爆竹:fireworks and firecrackers


拜年:give New Year's greetings/ New Year's visit

去晦气:get rid of the ill-fortune

压岁钱:gift money/ money given to children as a lunar New Year gift

除旧岁:bid farewell to the old year

春联:(Spring Festival) couplets

年画:New Year painting

庙会:temple fair

元宵节:Lantern Festival

元宵:Tangyuan/ sweet rice dumpling

灯谜:lantern riddle

全家团圆:family reunion


清明节:Tomb-sweeping Day/ Qingming Festival/ Ching Ming/ Chinese Memorial Day/ Ancestors' Day

寒食:Cold Food Festival/ Hanshi Day/ the day before Pure Brightness when only cold food is served

扫墓:sweep a grave/ pay respect to a dead person at his tomb/ visit ones grave

祭祀:offer sacrifices. to the gods or the spirits of the dead

纸钱:spiritual money

先人:ancestor/ forefather

踏青:have an outing in spring

青团:Qingtuan: green dumplings made of glutinous rice and barley grass

出行高峰:travel peak


端午节:Dragon Boat Festival

粽子:zongzi, pyramid-shaped dumplings made of glutinous rice, stuffed with different fillings and wrapped in bamboo or reed leaves

雄黄酒:realgar wine

赛龙舟:dragon boat race

佩香囊:wear a sachet. They first sew little bags with colorful silk cloth, then fill the bags with perfumes or herbal medicines, and finally string them with silk thread.

系五彩线:tie five colored rings

驱五毒:drive away the five poisonous creatures/ drive away poisonous pests, including scorpions, vipers, centipedes, house lizards andtoads.

游百病:prevent disease by having fun/ Entertainment for all is said to ward off disease. 农历五月初五:the 5th day of the 5th month of the traditional Chinese calendar

楚国:the antient state of Chu

投江自尽:drown oneself




驱邪避疫:prevent disease or evil


中秋节:Mid-Autumn Festival 嫦娥:Chang’e

月饼:moon cake 中元节:Ghost Festival

赏月:watch and admire the moon 七夕:Magpie Festival

皎洁:(of moonlight) bright and clean 重阳节:Double Ninth Festival

玉兔:Jade Rabbit


节气:seasonal division 夏至:summer solstice 小雪:light snow points 小暑:sight heat 大雪:heavy snow 立春:spring begins 大暑:great heat 冬至:winter solstice 惊鸷:insects awaken 立秋:autumn begins 小寒:slight coldness 雨水:the rains 处暑:end of heat 大寒:great coldness 春分:vernal equinox 白露:white dew 地支:Earthly Branch 谷雨:grain rain 秋分:autumn equinox 天干:Heavenly Stem 立夏:summer begins 寒露:cold dews 生肖:Chinese zodiac 小满:lesser fullness 霜降:hoar-frost falls 阴历:solar calendar 芒种:grain in ear 立冬:winter begins 闰年:leap year


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