专业英语翻译 1

1 系统设计1.1 系统的运行环境

智能C语言考试系统的运行环境是根据我校教育技术中心的机房现有的硬件环境(每个机房有五十台左右的学生机和一台教师机)规划的。教师机端和学生机端都采用Window XP操作系统。每个机房都采用工作组模式组成局域网。开发工具采用VB 6.0,数据库采用Access 2000。

1.2 系统运行模式的选择

当前流行B/S和C/S这两种模式结构。B/S结构是随Internet 发展而来的。客户端不需要安装软件,只要有IE 就可以运行,故它在远程教育的考试系统中具有重要意义。但是它数据安全性较低,对服务器要求高,数据传输速度也慢。而C /S结构是传统的结构,技术非常成熟,安全性较高,网络通信量低,响应速度快。


1 System design 1.1 Run environment of system

The running environment of intelligent C language examination system, which is according to our school staff of educational technology center computer room of existing hardware environment (There are around fifty students machine terminal and a teacher machine terminal in the machine room) to be planned in present circumstances. The teacher machine terminal and students machine terminal adopt Window XP operating system. Working mode of LAN is used in each room. VB 6 is widely used in development tools, The database uses Access 2000.

1.2 The choice of system operating mode

B/S and C/S structure in the two sort of modes is very popular in the current. B/S comes with the development of Internet. So long as the IE can run, the client does need not to install the software, so it has important significance in the examination system of the distance education. But the data security is low, and high demands on the server, which the data transmission speed is slow. The C / S structure is a traditional structure, which has proven technique, high security, low network traffic and fast response speed.

According to our school room hardware and software conditions and the C language intelligent examination system ,which is to meet their own needs when selecting C / S structure of the system design.

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1 系统设计1.1 系统的运行环境

智能C语言考试系统的运行环境是根据我校教育技术中心的机房现有的硬件环境(每个机房有五十台左右的学生机和一台教师机)规划的。教师机端和学生机端都采用Window XP操作系统。每个机房都采用工作组模式组成局域网。开发工具采用VB 6.0,数据库采用Access 2000。

1.2 系统运行模式的选择

当前流行B/S和C/S这两种模式结构。B/S结构是随Internet 发展而来的。客户端不需要安装软件,只要有IE 就可以运行,故它在远程教育的考试系统中具有重要意义。但是它数据安全性较低,对服务器要求高,数据传输速度也慢。而C /S结构是传统的结构,技术非常成熟,安全性较高,网络通信量低,响应速度快。


1 System design 1.1 Run environment of system

The running environment of intelligent C language examination system, which is according to our school staff of educational technology center computer room of existing hardware environment (There are around fifty students machine terminal and a teacher machine terminal in the machine room) to be planned in present circumstances. The teacher machine terminal and students machine terminal adopt Window XP operating system. Working mode of LAN is used in each room. VB 6 is widely used in development tools, The database uses Access 2000.

1.2 The choice of system operating mode

B/S and C/S structure in the two sort of modes is very popular in the current. B/S comes with the development of Internet. So long as the IE can run, the client does need not to install the software, so it has important significance in the examination system of the distance education. But the data security is low, and high demands on the server, which the data transmission speed is slow. The C / S structure is a traditional structure, which has proven technique, high security, low network traffic and fast response speed.

According to our school room hardware and software conditions and the C language intelligent examination system ,which is to meet their own needs when selecting C / S structure of the system design.

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