
7B unit1


1. Which subject do you like best, maths, English or Chinese? (同义句)

____________ is your ____________, maths, English or Chinese?

2. 划线部分提问)


3. Your pen isn’t as the same as mine. (同义句)

Your pen is____________ ____________ mine.

4. Does he want to go home? (同义句)

____________he ____________ ____________ go home?

5. 划线部分提问)

____________ ____________ they play football?

6. Neil often sits in the dining room. (用now改写)

Neil ____________ ____________ in the dining room now.

7. My favourite is the biggest restaurant. (同义句)

I ____________ the biggest restaurant ____________.

8. 划线部分提问)

____________ ____________ that ____________.


1. I have many friends. Everyone is ____________ to me.

2. Sue ____________ a room with five other students in the school.

3. I’m reading English ____________ my brother is listening to music.

4. Do you often watch TV in the ____________(起居室)。

5. Don’t play football in the ____________(街道)。

6. Look, Stephen is ____________ (睡) in bed.

7. My mother is making dinner in the ____________.

8. A garden is the best place to ____________ flowers.

9. In ____________(大多数) homes, people eat meals in the ____________(餐厅).

10.Our ____________(邻居) are kind to me. They always help me.


Dear Kitty,

News! We have a new f_____! The rooms are small, but they are c_____. There are m_____ rooms here than in our old flat. This is good because now I have my o_____ room. In the old flat, I s_____ a room with my sister.

My b_____ is my favourite room in the flat. I can be alone in it. I can read or draw. I can listen to the radio or play CDs. I can play games on my c_____ and send e-mails to my friends.

My s_____ favourite room is the kitchen. I love helping my mother cook our meals. She t_____ me how to make many d_____ kinds of dishes. She lived in Morocco when she was a girl, and she can cook Moroccan food. It is very delicious.

That’s all for now. Write soon and tell me about your home.

All good wishes!


the town of


home at half past six and walks to the field. His work starts at seven o’home his work at a quarter to six. He goes back home at a quarter past six. He usually goes to nine o’my mother.

( ) 1. A.and B.with C.in front of D. together

( ) 2. A. in B. at C. outside D.out

( ) 3. A. vegetables B. vegetable C. tree D. trees

( ) 4. A. early B. late C. earlier D. later

( ) 5. A. leave B. leaves C. to D. goes

( ) 6. A. to B. back C. at D. food

( ) 7. A. lunch B. drink C. rest D. food

( ) 8. A . begin B. begins C. finish D. finishes

( ) 9. A. before B. in C. than D. about

( ) 10.A. as B. than C. of D. in


一.1. Which; favourite 2. Which is your favourite 3. different from 4. Would; like to 5. How often 6. is sitting 7. like; best 8. How does; sound

二.1. friendly 2. shares 3. with 4. sitting room 5. street 6.sleeping 7.kitchen 8. grow 9. most

10. neighbour; dining room

三.1.Flat2.clean3.more 4.own 5.share 6.bedroom 7.computer 8.second 9.teaches 10.different 四.1-5BAAAB 6-10BCCDB

7B unit1


1. Which subject do you like best, maths, English or Chinese? (同义句)

____________ is your ____________, maths, English or Chinese?

2. 划线部分提问)


3. Your pen isn’t as the same as mine. (同义句)

Your pen is____________ ____________ mine.

4. Does he want to go home? (同义句)

____________he ____________ ____________ go home?

5. 划线部分提问)

____________ ____________ they play football?

6. Neil often sits in the dining room. (用now改写)

Neil ____________ ____________ in the dining room now.

7. My favourite is the biggest restaurant. (同义句)

I ____________ the biggest restaurant ____________.

8. 划线部分提问)

____________ ____________ that ____________.


1. I have many friends. Everyone is ____________ to me.

2. Sue ____________ a room with five other students in the school.

3. I’m reading English ____________ my brother is listening to music.

4. Do you often watch TV in the ____________(起居室)。

5. Don’t play football in the ____________(街道)。

6. Look, Stephen is ____________ (睡) in bed.

7. My mother is making dinner in the ____________.

8. A garden is the best place to ____________ flowers.

9. In ____________(大多数) homes, people eat meals in the ____________(餐厅).

10.Our ____________(邻居) are kind to me. They always help me.


Dear Kitty,

News! We have a new f_____! The rooms are small, but they are c_____. There are m_____ rooms here than in our old flat. This is good because now I have my o_____ room. In the old flat, I s_____ a room with my sister.

My b_____ is my favourite room in the flat. I can be alone in it. I can read or draw. I can listen to the radio or play CDs. I can play games on my c_____ and send e-mails to my friends.

My s_____ favourite room is the kitchen. I love helping my mother cook our meals. She t_____ me how to make many d_____ kinds of dishes. She lived in Morocco when she was a girl, and she can cook Moroccan food. It is very delicious.

That’s all for now. Write soon and tell me about your home.

All good wishes!


the town of


home at half past six and walks to the field. His work starts at seven o’home his work at a quarter to six. He goes back home at a quarter past six. He usually goes to nine o’my mother.

( ) 1. A.and B.with C.in front of D. together

( ) 2. A. in B. at C. outside D.out

( ) 3. A. vegetables B. vegetable C. tree D. trees

( ) 4. A. early B. late C. earlier D. later

( ) 5. A. leave B. leaves C. to D. goes

( ) 6. A. to B. back C. at D. food

( ) 7. A. lunch B. drink C. rest D. food

( ) 8. A . begin B. begins C. finish D. finishes

( ) 9. A. before B. in C. than D. about

( ) 10.A. as B. than C. of D. in


一.1. Which; favourite 2. Which is your favourite 3. different from 4. Would; like to 5. How often 6. is sitting 7. like; best 8. How does; sound

二.1. friendly 2. shares 3. with 4. sitting room 5. street 6.sleeping 7.kitchen 8. grow 9. most

10. neighbour; dining room

三.1.Flat2.clean3.more 4.own 5.share 6.bedroom 7.computer 8.second 9.teaches 10.different 四.1-5BAAAB 6-10BCCDB


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