穿靴子的猫 影评

A film review to Puss in Boots

This term, I watched several English cartoon, and which made me most impressive is the movie Puss in Boots.

The movie is about a cat named Puss and his adventures with other characters Humpty and Kitty Softpaws. Movie got all the elements from a fairy tale, and it has a very excellent humor thanks to Antonio Banderas. Visual effects are quite startling, and action sequences have come out to be the most brilliant. I think it’s a must see movie for kids and adults who want to remember their old bed time stories and enjoy the nice afternoon time.

The story is about Puss, his brother Humpty and Kitty。Story was attractive, it went dance, it went magic, it went adventure and most importantly it went the humor which kept you being entertained all the time. Puss is brilliant in the movie, he has been portrayed as a brave cat with a great sense of humor, also, sometimes he can be quite cute, which, instantly, catch my heart and melt my soul.

However, everytime we watch a movie, the uppermost thing is not just for fun, in other words, we at least should learn something valuable from the movie, or the characters. Then from this film, I totally recognized the ugly features of those

capitalist or mammonist. For they can be atrocious to those who are inculpable when they are faced with money, even they will betray the most intimate relatives or friends, so as to be the slave of money or power, which is I can’t bear and even can’t accept. As for the dramatis personae Puss, undoubtedly, I will sing high praise. His sagaciousness, humor, likability, bravery and heart of mercy and justice, all made me impressive and exclamatory.

All in all , The movie is a must watch if you are a cat lover, and details of Puss are so brilliantly crafted that I could feel the magic in his eyes. And in this movie, what I get is not merely joy, laughter, but also something invisible but beneficial.

人文学院 教技1002 沈迅而 学号1504100227

A film review to Puss in Boots

This term, I watched several English cartoon, and which made me most impressive is the movie Puss in Boots.

The movie is about a cat named Puss and his adventures with other characters Humpty and Kitty Softpaws. Movie got all the elements from a fairy tale, and it has a very excellent humor thanks to Antonio Banderas. Visual effects are quite startling, and action sequences have come out to be the most brilliant. I think it’s a must see movie for kids and adults who want to remember their old bed time stories and enjoy the nice afternoon time.

The story is about Puss, his brother Humpty and Kitty。Story was attractive, it went dance, it went magic, it went adventure and most importantly it went the humor which kept you being entertained all the time. Puss is brilliant in the movie, he has been portrayed as a brave cat with a great sense of humor, also, sometimes he can be quite cute, which, instantly, catch my heart and melt my soul.

However, everytime we watch a movie, the uppermost thing is not just for fun, in other words, we at least should learn something valuable from the movie, or the characters. Then from this film, I totally recognized the ugly features of those

capitalist or mammonist. For they can be atrocious to those who are inculpable when they are faced with money, even they will betray the most intimate relatives or friends, so as to be the slave of money or power, which is I can’t bear and even can’t accept. As for the dramatis personae Puss, undoubtedly, I will sing high praise. His sagaciousness, humor, likability, bravery and heart of mercy and justice, all made me impressive and exclamatory.

All in all , The movie is a must watch if you are a cat lover, and details of Puss are so brilliantly crafted that I could feel the magic in his eyes. And in this movie, what I get is not merely joy, laughter, but also something invisible but beneficial.

人文学院 教技1002 沈迅而 学号1504100227


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