
1. 提前原句中的be动词is、are,Be动词首字母要大写,原句首字母恢复小写,照抄剩余部分,然后加问号。 Is Tom in Grade One? Yes, he is. / No, he isn’t.

Is this an egg? Yes, it is. / No, it isn’t.(an egg是物,所以用it来回答) .


Is that Rose? Yes, she is. / No, she isn’t.(Rose是女孩,所以用she回答) ....

Is this Tom? Yes, he is. /No, he isn’t.(Tom是男孩,所以用he回答) ....

Are they in Class Nine? Yes, they are. / No, they aren’t.

6. A cat and a dog are on the Are a cat and a dog on the floor? Yes, they are. / No, they aren’t.

Are many birds flying in the sky? Yes, they are. / No, they aren’t.

2. 提前情态动词can

e.g. 1. She can spell cl Can she spell clock? Yes, she can. / No, she can’t.

Can Max say the numbers? Yes, he can. / No, he can’t.

3. They can speak very good Can they speak very good English? Yes, they can. / No, they can’t.


1. Eve is in a bus. 2. This is an orange.

3. That is Mrs Zhang. 4. This is Mr Hu.

5. Kate can ride a bike. 6. Tom and a girl are in the classroom.

7. They are Japanese. 8. Lucy and Lily can speak Chinese.







1. 对姓名提问用What

What’s / What is his name?

What’s / What is her name?

2. 对物提问用What

What’s /What is it?

What’s / What is this?

What’s / What is that?

3. 对年级提问用What grade

What grade is Tom in?

What grade is she in?


变一般疑问句,所涉及的所有第一人称都要改成第二人称(特殊除外)。I(me) you,


are, yours.

e.g. 1. I am Are you Number Six? Yes, I am. / No, I’m not. ..........

2. We Are you in Team Four? Yes, we are. / No, we aren’t. .......

3. This is my Is this your classroom? Yes, it is. / No, it isn’t. ......


1. We are in the same grade.

2. I am in Class Six. 3. That is my sister.


1. 对班级提问用What class

What class is Tom in?

What class are you in?

What class are you in?

2. 对组、队提问用What team

What team are you in?

What team are you in?

What team is Lingling in?

3. 对姓名提问用What

e.g. My What is your name? ......


. 2. I’m in 选择疑问句


e.g. 1. Is this a pen or a pencil? It’s a pen.

2. Are you English or American? I’m an American.




1. Are you in Class One?(Class Two) 2. Can you speak Chinese?(Japanese)

3. Do you like playing basketball?(football) 4. Would you like some milk?(some juice)

5. Is he Tom?(Sam)



Who is she?

What is her name?

Who is this boy?

What is his name?

Who is that woman?

What is her name?

2.对年龄提问用How old

How old is she?

How old is Eve?


What row

What row is Mike in?

What row is he in?

3. I’m in What row are you in?

4. 对地点提问用Where

Where is Mike?

Where is the cat?

3. A Where is the pear?(上句出现a,下句用the特指) ....


8. A woman is 英语中的打电话

英语中的打电话,通常是接电话者自报号码,如Hello, 89321204. 我是XXX,不说I’m …,而说This is … 。你是XXX吗?不用Are you…?而说Is that…? 你是谁?不用Who are you? 而说Who’s that?


1. 人名+’s是人名与is的缩写,表示XXX是……。

e.g. 1. Tom’s at home. (Tom是在家)

2. Kate’s in a bus.(Kate是在公共汽车上)

2. 人名+’s是名词所有格,表示XXX的。

e.g. 1. Mike’s pen is in the pencil-box. (Mike的钢笔是在文具盒里)

2. Coy’s home is in England.(Coy的家是在England)


1. Tom’s dad is at home. 2. Jim’s at home today.

3. I’m Jim’s dad. 4. Eve’s on a hill.

1. 提前原句中的be动词is、are,Be动词首字母要大写,原句首字母恢复小写,照抄剩余部分,然后加问号。 Is Tom in Grade One? Yes, he is. / No, he isn’t.

Is this an egg? Yes, it is. / No, it isn’t.(an egg是物,所以用it来回答) .


Is that Rose? Yes, she is. / No, she isn’t.(Rose是女孩,所以用she回答) ....

Is this Tom? Yes, he is. /No, he isn’t.(Tom是男孩,所以用he回答) ....

Are they in Class Nine? Yes, they are. / No, they aren’t.

6. A cat and a dog are on the Are a cat and a dog on the floor? Yes, they are. / No, they aren’t.

Are many birds flying in the sky? Yes, they are. / No, they aren’t.

2. 提前情态动词can

e.g. 1. She can spell cl Can she spell clock? Yes, she can. / No, she can’t.

Can Max say the numbers? Yes, he can. / No, he can’t.

3. They can speak very good Can they speak very good English? Yes, they can. / No, they can’t.


1. Eve is in a bus. 2. This is an orange.

3. That is Mrs Zhang. 4. This is Mr Hu.

5. Kate can ride a bike. 6. Tom and a girl are in the classroom.

7. They are Japanese. 8. Lucy and Lily can speak Chinese.







1. 对姓名提问用What

What’s / What is his name?

What’s / What is her name?

2. 对物提问用What

What’s /What is it?

What’s / What is this?

What’s / What is that?

3. 对年级提问用What grade

What grade is Tom in?

What grade is she in?


变一般疑问句,所涉及的所有第一人称都要改成第二人称(特殊除外)。I(me) you,


are, yours.

e.g. 1. I am Are you Number Six? Yes, I am. / No, I’m not. ..........

2. We Are you in Team Four? Yes, we are. / No, we aren’t. .......

3. This is my Is this your classroom? Yes, it is. / No, it isn’t. ......


1. We are in the same grade.

2. I am in Class Six. 3. That is my sister.


1. 对班级提问用What class

What class is Tom in?

What class are you in?

What class are you in?

2. 对组、队提问用What team

What team are you in?

What team are you in?

What team is Lingling in?

3. 对姓名提问用What

e.g. My What is your name? ......


. 2. I’m in 选择疑问句


e.g. 1. Is this a pen or a pencil? It’s a pen.

2. Are you English or American? I’m an American.




1. Are you in Class One?(Class Two) 2. Can you speak Chinese?(Japanese)

3. Do you like playing basketball?(football) 4. Would you like some milk?(some juice)

5. Is he Tom?(Sam)



Who is she?

What is her name?

Who is this boy?

What is his name?

Who is that woman?

What is her name?

2.对年龄提问用How old

How old is she?

How old is Eve?


What row

What row is Mike in?

What row is he in?

3. I’m in What row are you in?

4. 对地点提问用Where

Where is Mike?

Where is the cat?

3. A Where is the pear?(上句出现a,下句用the特指) ....


8. A woman is 英语中的打电话

英语中的打电话,通常是接电话者自报号码,如Hello, 89321204. 我是XXX,不说I’m …,而说This is … 。你是XXX吗?不用Are you…?而说Is that…? 你是谁?不用Who are you? 而说Who’s that?


1. 人名+’s是人名与is的缩写,表示XXX是……。

e.g. 1. Tom’s at home. (Tom是在家)

2. Kate’s in a bus.(Kate是在公共汽车上)

2. 人名+’s是名词所有格,表示XXX的。

e.g. 1. Mike’s pen is in the pencil-box. (Mike的钢笔是在文具盒里)

2. Coy’s home is in England.(Coy的家是在England)


1. Tom’s dad is at home. 2. Jim’s at home today.

3. I’m Jim’s dad. 4. Eve’s on a hill.


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