私家车的影响 演讲稿

Honorable judges, ladies and gentlemen:

Good morning!

My name is XX, a second-grade postgraduate student from school of XXin XX. Today, I want to talk about the topic “Choose green travel, lead a low carbon life”.

With the rapid development of economics and increase of urban population, more and more people buy and use their own cars. Yet opinions of private cars vary from person to person. From my perspective, I don ’t think the advantages of this trend for individuals overweigh the disadvantages for environment.

Certainly,no one can deny the fact that there are so many advantages to drive private cars.Cars allow us to pursue high speed, strong passio n and personal freedom. We can go anywhere at any time instead of waiting for a long time just to find the bus is full or the enviro nment is so noisy. Owning a car even becomes a fashion and the s ymbol of status and wealth to some degree.

However, the disadvantages can ’t be ignored. Well, everyone, ha ve your city been suffered from haze weather? Are you forced to wear the mask to avoid breathing poisonous air? Perhaps most people here will say “yes ”. A horrible fact is that the vehicle exhaust ac counts for more than 20 percent of the sources of haze in China. Except for the air pollution, the noise caused by the sound of car

horns also threatens people ’s health.

All in all, there are many things we can do to improve our environment. In my opinion, we are supposed to choose green travel which means we should take public transportations,such as buses,subways and public bicycles, or carpool with friends when we go out to minimize the use of private cars. No matter how hard it is, as long as we understand the importance of protecting our environment, take action to choose green travel and lead a low carbon life, our lives will be better.

That ’s all, thank you!

Besides,we can’t ignore the benefits that public transportation brings us.Firstly,it’s beneficial to eliminate the problem of parking space.As we all know,owning to the increase of private cars,the issue of parking space is terribly serious.Secondly,it’s effective to saveresources.It’s time for us to save resources,or we’ll regret sooner or later.Last but not least,it’s efficient to relieve air pollution.Once,the earth was an ideal place to live in.The sky was blue the air was clean and fresh.Unfortunately,the earth is not the same as before.It’s suffering from severe pollution.

Ladies and gentlemen,have you ever noticed that our streets are becoming more and more crowded?Have you ever realized that many resources are not inexhaustible?Have you ever realized that our environment is deteriorating?I believe most are aware of these problems.So let’s take action from now on.Whenyou are not in a hurry for something ,please take a bus instead of driving your own car;when you are going to travel,please endeavor to choose public transportation rather than private cars;when you are tired of the bad atmosphere because of public transportation,please bear in mind you are sacrificing the temporary comforts for a good environment.

We can’t live without air.We also have only one common home –the earth.If each one of us can make a contribution to it,we will make our home a greener place to live in ,not only for ourselves,but for many generations.

Honorable judges, ladies and gentlemen:

Good morning!

My name is XX, a second-grade postgraduate student from school of XXin XX. Today, I want to talk about the topic “Choose green travel, lead a low carbon life”.

With the rapid development of economics and increase of urban population, more and more people buy and use their own cars. Yet opinions of private cars vary from person to person. From my perspective, I don ’t think the advantages of this trend for individuals overweigh the disadvantages for environment.

Certainly,no one can deny the fact that there are so many advantages to drive private cars.Cars allow us to pursue high speed, strong passio n and personal freedom. We can go anywhere at any time instead of waiting for a long time just to find the bus is full or the enviro nment is so noisy. Owning a car even becomes a fashion and the s ymbol of status and wealth to some degree.

However, the disadvantages can ’t be ignored. Well, everyone, ha ve your city been suffered from haze weather? Are you forced to wear the mask to avoid breathing poisonous air? Perhaps most people here will say “yes ”. A horrible fact is that the vehicle exhaust ac counts for more than 20 percent of the sources of haze in China. Except for the air pollution, the noise caused by the sound of car

horns also threatens people ’s health.

All in all, there are many things we can do to improve our environment. In my opinion, we are supposed to choose green travel which means we should take public transportations,such as buses,subways and public bicycles, or carpool with friends when we go out to minimize the use of private cars. No matter how hard it is, as long as we understand the importance of protecting our environment, take action to choose green travel and lead a low carbon life, our lives will be better.

That ’s all, thank you!

Besides,we can’t ignore the benefits that public transportation brings us.Firstly,it’s beneficial to eliminate the problem of parking space.As we all know,owning to the increase of private cars,the issue of parking space is terribly serious.Secondly,it’s effective to saveresources.It’s time for us to save resources,or we’ll regret sooner or later.Last but not least,it’s efficient to relieve air pollution.Once,the earth was an ideal place to live in.The sky was blue the air was clean and fresh.Unfortunately,the earth is not the same as before.It’s suffering from severe pollution.

Ladies and gentlemen,have you ever noticed that our streets are becoming more and more crowded?Have you ever realized that many resources are not inexhaustible?Have you ever realized that our environment is deteriorating?I believe most are aware of these problems.So let’s take action from now on.Whenyou are not in a hurry for something ,please take a bus instead of driving your own car;when you are going to travel,please endeavor to choose public transportation rather than private cars;when you are tired of the bad atmosphere because of public transportation,please bear in mind you are sacrificing the temporary comforts for a good environment.

We can’t live without air.We also have only one common home –the earth.If each one of us can make a contribution to it,we will make our home a greener place to live in ,not only for ourselves,but for many generations.


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