



恶俗不堪、顶恶俗的就是——“搞”,极为恶劣的流氓词汇、荒诞可鄙、低俗无耻的庸俗词汇、卑鄙下流的痞子词汇、丑恶无赖的骗子词汇,恶心至极的口头禅,很龌龊,特无耻,极其丑陋文化现象的流行语。不雅,是缺乏荣辱心、丧失礼义廉耻、不知羞耻、庸俗不堪的一种体现。最最低贱、卑鄙龌龊、邪恶、恶劣地反社会、反人类、反动的词汇。已经被用滥而“变质”了的无聊、空虚、堕落、蛊惑 、猥琐词汇。



国家新闻总署,文化部,你们应该极具民族责任感、站在历史高度上,兴雅灭俗, 你要净化新闻报道、纯洁影视作品!!!!!!!!!!!!!


整治当今胡搞恶搞的低俗语言充斥社会、污染毒害社会、贻害天下的局面。 其实,什么创新、自主知识产权、发明创造、高科技、核心技术、关键技术、专家、教授等等,无不如此

解放和发展生产力 to liberate and expand productive forces

解放思想,实事求是 to emancipate the mind and seek truths from facts

紧跟时代步伐 to keep abreast of the times

经受住权力,金钱和美色的考验 to withstand the test of power, money and sexual temptations

纠正不正之网 to correct unhealthy practices

纠正党风 to rectify the Party style

纠正有令不行,有禁不止的现象 to check the tendency to disobey orders and

defy prohibitions

X 届全国人大X次会议 the X Session of the X National People's Congress

旧的中央计划经济体制 the old-style central planning stystem

救国救民的道路 a path of salvaging the country and the nation

举手表决 to vote by a show of hands

具有公仆意思 to have public servant consciousness

决不搞官僚主义,形式主义,强迫命令 never indulge in bureaucracy, formalism and coercion

军民共建,警民共建精神文明创建活动 ethical and cultural building activities with the joint efforts of the military, the police and the civilians

开创了具有中国特色社会主义事业,为实现中华民族的伟大复兴开创了正确道路 The initiation of the cause of building socilism with Chinese characteristics is a correct road to the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation.

开后门 to secure advantages for others by using one's power unrighteously

开拓创新精神 the pioneering spirit

科学决策制度 a scientific policy-making system

可持续发展道路 a path of sustainable development

克服不正之风 to overcome the unhealthy tendencies

跨世纪宏伟蓝图 a monumental trans-century blueprint

宽松的政治环境 flexible political environment

傀儡政府 puppet government

拉关系 trying to establish underhand connections for the sake of personal gain

拉选票 canvass

立场坚定 to take a firm stand/to be steadfast in one's stand

联合公报 joint communique

联合政府 coalition government

廉洁奉公 to be honest in performing one's official duties

廉洁自律 clean and honest

廉政,勤政,务实,高效的政府 an honest, diligent, pragramatic and high efficient government

廉政建设 to build a clean and honest government

新官上任三把火 New brooms sweep clean.

新老交替 to replace old cadres with new ones

行政处分 administrative discipline punishment

新闻发布会 press conference

行政干预 intervene administratively

行政管理权 executive power

行政机关 administrative departments

形成一种制度确保领导班子年轻化 to institute a system to ensure that a younger leadership is maintained

选拔与培养 selection and nurturing

要搞群言堂,反对一言堂 to advocate "letting everyone have his say" and oppose the practice of "whatever I say goes"

要自重,自省,自警,自励,始终注意讲学习,讲政治,讲正气to main a high degree of self-discipline, self-examination, self-caution and self-motivation, and always attach importance to study, political awareness and integrity.

一刀切 to impose uniformity on all enterprises/to find a simple solution for all diverse problems

一放就乱,一管就死 let up and it's chaos, but crack down and it's stagnation

"一个中国”原则 "One China" principle

一个中心,两个基本点 one central task and two basic points

一贯立场 consistent stand

一国两制 one country, two systems

一切向钱看 put money above all else

一手抓物质文明,一手抓精神文明 always work for material progress and at the same time for cultural and ethical progress

一元化领导 centralized leadership

一支党领导下的人民军队 a people's army under the absolute leadership of the party

依法行政 administration according to law

依法制国 to govern the country according to law

以德制国 to run the country with morality

以科学的理论武装人,以正确的舆论引导人,以高尚的精神塑造人,以优秀的作品鼓舞人 to persevere in arming the people with scientific theories, guiding

them with correct public opinions, shaping their outlook with noble ideas, and inspiring them with good cultural works.

以强凌弱的霸权主义和强权政治 hegemonies and power politics with the strong domineering over weak

因地制宜,因时制宜,因事制宜,因人制宜 to suit our measures to different conditions in terms of localities, time, issue and people involved

有理想,有道德,有文化,有纪律 lofty ideas, moral integrity, a better education and a good sense of discipline

有职有权 to enjoy authority eommensurate with their posts

舆论监督 watchdog

与党中央保持一致 to be at one with the Party Central Committee

政风 style of the government

政府层次繁多 administrations with multi-tiered government departments

政府大改组 government shake-up

政府支持体系 a policy support framwork

政界人士 government circles

政局动荡 political upheavals

政治多元化 political pluralism

政治解决轨道 track of a political solution

政治局 politburo =political bureau

政治局常务委员会委员 member of the Standing Committee of the Political Bureau of CPC

政治敏锐性 political sharpness

政法骗局 political fraud

政治骗子 political swindler

支持适应市场经济的进一步改革 to support further market-oriented economic reforms

制定反贪法规 to institute anti-corruption legislation

制定更灵活的政策 to institute more flexible policies

中国人民政治协商会议全国委员会 National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference

中华民族的伟大复兴 the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation

中华民族的一切爱国力量 all the patriotic forces of the Chinese nation

终身职务制 lifelong tenure

自律机制 the self-restraining system

自主决策 to enjoy decision making autonomy

综合国力 comprehensive national strength

政治庇护 political asylum

总揽全局 to grasp the overall situation

走过场 just go through the motions

最广泛的爱国统一战线 the broadest possible patriotic united front




恶俗不堪、顶恶俗的就是——“搞”,极为恶劣的流氓词汇、荒诞可鄙、低俗无耻的庸俗词汇、卑鄙下流的痞子词汇、丑恶无赖的骗子词汇,恶心至极的口头禅,很龌龊,特无耻,极其丑陋文化现象的流行语。不雅,是缺乏荣辱心、丧失礼义廉耻、不知羞耻、庸俗不堪的一种体现。最最低贱、卑鄙龌龊、邪恶、恶劣地反社会、反人类、反动的词汇。已经被用滥而“变质”了的无聊、空虚、堕落、蛊惑 、猥琐词汇。



国家新闻总署,文化部,你们应该极具民族责任感、站在历史高度上,兴雅灭俗, 你要净化新闻报道、纯洁影视作品!!!!!!!!!!!!!


整治当今胡搞恶搞的低俗语言充斥社会、污染毒害社会、贻害天下的局面。 其实,什么创新、自主知识产权、发明创造、高科技、核心技术、关键技术、专家、教授等等,无不如此

解放和发展生产力 to liberate and expand productive forces

解放思想,实事求是 to emancipate the mind and seek truths from facts

紧跟时代步伐 to keep abreast of the times

经受住权力,金钱和美色的考验 to withstand the test of power, money and sexual temptations

纠正不正之网 to correct unhealthy practices

纠正党风 to rectify the Party style

纠正有令不行,有禁不止的现象 to check the tendency to disobey orders and

defy prohibitions

X 届全国人大X次会议 the X Session of the X National People's Congress

旧的中央计划经济体制 the old-style central planning stystem

救国救民的道路 a path of salvaging the country and the nation

举手表决 to vote by a show of hands

具有公仆意思 to have public servant consciousness

决不搞官僚主义,形式主义,强迫命令 never indulge in bureaucracy, formalism and coercion

军民共建,警民共建精神文明创建活动 ethical and cultural building activities with the joint efforts of the military, the police and the civilians

开创了具有中国特色社会主义事业,为实现中华民族的伟大复兴开创了正确道路 The initiation of the cause of building socilism with Chinese characteristics is a correct road to the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation.

开后门 to secure advantages for others by using one's power unrighteously

开拓创新精神 the pioneering spirit

科学决策制度 a scientific policy-making system

可持续发展道路 a path of sustainable development

克服不正之风 to overcome the unhealthy tendencies

跨世纪宏伟蓝图 a monumental trans-century blueprint

宽松的政治环境 flexible political environment

傀儡政府 puppet government

拉关系 trying to establish underhand connections for the sake of personal gain

拉选票 canvass

立场坚定 to take a firm stand/to be steadfast in one's stand

联合公报 joint communique

联合政府 coalition government

廉洁奉公 to be honest in performing one's official duties

廉洁自律 clean and honest

廉政,勤政,务实,高效的政府 an honest, diligent, pragramatic and high efficient government

廉政建设 to build a clean and honest government

新官上任三把火 New brooms sweep clean.

新老交替 to replace old cadres with new ones

行政处分 administrative discipline punishment

新闻发布会 press conference

行政干预 intervene administratively

行政管理权 executive power

行政机关 administrative departments

形成一种制度确保领导班子年轻化 to institute a system to ensure that a younger leadership is maintained

选拔与培养 selection and nurturing

要搞群言堂,反对一言堂 to advocate "letting everyone have his say" and oppose the practice of "whatever I say goes"

要自重,自省,自警,自励,始终注意讲学习,讲政治,讲正气to main a high degree of self-discipline, self-examination, self-caution and self-motivation, and always attach importance to study, political awareness and integrity.

一刀切 to impose uniformity on all enterprises/to find a simple solution for all diverse problems

一放就乱,一管就死 let up and it's chaos, but crack down and it's stagnation

"一个中国”原则 "One China" principle

一个中心,两个基本点 one central task and two basic points

一贯立场 consistent stand

一国两制 one country, two systems

一切向钱看 put money above all else

一手抓物质文明,一手抓精神文明 always work for material progress and at the same time for cultural and ethical progress

一元化领导 centralized leadership

一支党领导下的人民军队 a people's army under the absolute leadership of the party

依法行政 administration according to law

依法制国 to govern the country according to law

以德制国 to run the country with morality

以科学的理论武装人,以正确的舆论引导人,以高尚的精神塑造人,以优秀的作品鼓舞人 to persevere in arming the people with scientific theories, guiding

them with correct public opinions, shaping their outlook with noble ideas, and inspiring them with good cultural works.

以强凌弱的霸权主义和强权政治 hegemonies and power politics with the strong domineering over weak

因地制宜,因时制宜,因事制宜,因人制宜 to suit our measures to different conditions in terms of localities, time, issue and people involved

有理想,有道德,有文化,有纪律 lofty ideas, moral integrity, a better education and a good sense of discipline

有职有权 to enjoy authority eommensurate with their posts

舆论监督 watchdog

与党中央保持一致 to be at one with the Party Central Committee

政风 style of the government

政府层次繁多 administrations with multi-tiered government departments

政府大改组 government shake-up

政府支持体系 a policy support framwork

政界人士 government circles

政局动荡 political upheavals

政治多元化 political pluralism

政治解决轨道 track of a political solution

政治局 politburo =political bureau

政治局常务委员会委员 member of the Standing Committee of the Political Bureau of CPC

政治敏锐性 political sharpness

政法骗局 political fraud

政治骗子 political swindler

支持适应市场经济的进一步改革 to support further market-oriented economic reforms

制定反贪法规 to institute anti-corruption legislation

制定更灵活的政策 to institute more flexible policies

中国人民政治协商会议全国委员会 National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference

中华民族的伟大复兴 the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation

中华民族的一切爱国力量 all the patriotic forces of the Chinese nation

终身职务制 lifelong tenure

自律机制 the self-restraining system

自主决策 to enjoy decision making autonomy

综合国力 comprehensive national strength

政治庇护 political asylum

总揽全局 to grasp the overall situation

走过场 just go through the motions

最广泛的爱国统一战线 the broadest possible patriotic united front


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