翻译作业 -第二组前半段


离乱中寻觅一张安静的书桌,未曾向洋已经砺就了锋锷。受命之日,寝不安席,当年吴钩,申城淬火,十月出塞,大器初成。一句嘱托,许下了一生; 一声巨响,惊诧了世界; 一个名字,荡涤了人心。他是中国科学院学部委员(院士) 国家最高科技奖获得者他是89岁高龄的于敏。

In the midst of tumultuous environment ,Yumin looked for a quiet place to devoted himself to the study of hydrogen bomb . Without learning abroad, he finally achieved great success through tough work. After he was committed to the mission, he can not fall asleep. Yumin promised to devoted his whole life to the study of hydrogen bomb once he was entrusted this mission. With the tremendous explosion of hydrogen bomb, the world is astonished by Chinese achievement . At the same time, Chinese people’ s mind is refreshed by his name. We decided to award the prize to the 89-year-old academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences and one of the winners of the Highest Science and Technology Awards, Yumin.

二、" 移民第一责任人" 赵久富:


Zhao Jiufu, the secretary of the Party branch in new immigration village of Huanghu, Hubei, finally smoothed the red flag on the wall when rivers was about to submerge their homes. When you decided to guide fellow villagers to relocate ,a secret agony filled in your heart. You was afraid to look back lest it should affect fellows ’ grief. During past 50 years, he was compelled to leave his home village twice. In his whole life, he not only worries about his old parents, more important is how to leads villagers to find the path to wealth.


一个善良的背影,汇入茫茫人海。他用中国人熟悉的两个字掩盖半生的秘密。他是红尘中的隐者,平凡的老人,朴素的心愿,清贫的生活,高贵(善良) 的心灵。炎黄不是一个名字,是一脉香火,为我们点燃。他是江苏江阴市民张纪清,27年署名“炎黄”捐款,建敬老院、希望小学。

Zhang Jiqing, a citizen of Jiangyin city in Jiangsu province, persists in donation for building nursing homes and hope primary schools. He conceals his identity in public. Instead, he assumed “Yanhuang” which literally means Chinese descendants to carry forward excellent Chinese traditional virtues. Being an ordinary old man hidden in this earthly world, he has a simple wish, plain life, however, a notable heart.



Zhu Mincai used to be a diplomatist, and his wife, Sun Lina, was a senior teacher, but they chose to go to remote mountainous regions working as volunteer teachers after retired. The reason why they finally stopped in mountain villages after they had went so many places was that they wished they could help those poverty difficult students find a new world. They were so immersed in teaching that they sometimes even forgot their meals and so happy as to forget worries. Even thought they are elder , they harbour great love for children and society. We salute this generation who put beliefs ahead of their lives.


离乱中寻觅一张安静的书桌,未曾向洋已经砺就了锋锷。受命之日,寝不安席,当年吴钩,申城淬火,十月出塞,大器初成。一句嘱托,许下了一生; 一声巨响,惊诧了世界; 一个名字,荡涤了人心。他是中国科学院学部委员(院士) 国家最高科技奖获得者他是89岁高龄的于敏。

In the midst of tumultuous environment ,Yumin looked for a quiet place to devoted himself to the study of hydrogen bomb . Without learning abroad, he finally achieved great success through tough work. After he was committed to the mission, he can not fall asleep. Yumin promised to devoted his whole life to the study of hydrogen bomb once he was entrusted this mission. With the tremendous explosion of hydrogen bomb, the world is astonished by Chinese achievement . At the same time, Chinese people’ s mind is refreshed by his name. We decided to award the prize to the 89-year-old academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences and one of the winners of the Highest Science and Technology Awards, Yumin.

二、" 移民第一责任人" 赵久富:


Zhao Jiufu, the secretary of the Party branch in new immigration village of Huanghu, Hubei, finally smoothed the red flag on the wall when rivers was about to submerge their homes. When you decided to guide fellow villagers to relocate ,a secret agony filled in your heart. You was afraid to look back lest it should affect fellows ’ grief. During past 50 years, he was compelled to leave his home village twice. In his whole life, he not only worries about his old parents, more important is how to leads villagers to find the path to wealth.


一个善良的背影,汇入茫茫人海。他用中国人熟悉的两个字掩盖半生的秘密。他是红尘中的隐者,平凡的老人,朴素的心愿,清贫的生活,高贵(善良) 的心灵。炎黄不是一个名字,是一脉香火,为我们点燃。他是江苏江阴市民张纪清,27年署名“炎黄”捐款,建敬老院、希望小学。

Zhang Jiqing, a citizen of Jiangyin city in Jiangsu province, persists in donation for building nursing homes and hope primary schools. He conceals his identity in public. Instead, he assumed “Yanhuang” which literally means Chinese descendants to carry forward excellent Chinese traditional virtues. Being an ordinary old man hidden in this earthly world, he has a simple wish, plain life, however, a notable heart.



Zhu Mincai used to be a diplomatist, and his wife, Sun Lina, was a senior teacher, but they chose to go to remote mountainous regions working as volunteer teachers after retired. The reason why they finally stopped in mountain villages after they had went so many places was that they wished they could help those poverty difficult students find a new world. They were so immersed in teaching that they sometimes even forgot their meals and so happy as to forget worries. Even thought they are elder , they harbour great love for children and society. We salute this generation who put beliefs ahead of their lives.


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