
1. What are the good qualities of social entrepreneur? Do you know any social entrepreneur? And what is her/his contribution to society?

Social entrepreneur is a new social character in modern society who attempts to draw upon business techniques to find solutions to social problems. This concept may be applied to a variety of organizations with different sizes, aims, and beliefs. Unlike conventional entrepreneur who typically measure performance in profit and return, social entrepreneur usually possess a sense of duty which take into account a positive return to society. Social entrepreneurship typically attempts to further broad social, cultural, and environmental goals often associated with the voluntary sector. At times, profit also may be a consideration for certain companies or other social enterprises.

Social entrepreneur often see the whole world from a positive and objective view, that’s another good quality, because a successful business man does not solve problems only from business aspect. They see the sunny as well as the dark sides of the society but still hold a positive point of view to the future, which they believe that should be changed by our active behavior. Their business involvements contribute a lot to many charities and many of those social entrepreneurs invest to build free infrastructure constructions for poor people. All in all, they

hold the opinion that good businessman is not the one who possess money, but the one who donate money to build a better world.

There are so many famous social entrepreneurs in China now, of which Chen Guangbiao is the most debatable person in business circle. He commits himself to charity from 1998, and so far has donated almost 2 billion Yuan to the society. His behavior also earns him the title of “No.1 philanthropist in China”. As far as I’m concerned, no matter how odd the way he use, he did performs his duty to the society and helps the poor people indeed. So I’m for this social entrepreneur.

2. Why scientist and policy makers need each other? How close should their relationship be?

Recently, I read an article —The New Style Fellowship between Scientist and Policy Makers written by Kenneth Wiltshire. He said that, in order to solve those questions that different nations in the world are confronting, to combine scientific researches and policy-making process is the urgent affairs. So, why scientist and policy makers need each other? How close should their relationship be? In my opinion, there are at least 2 reasons that they need each other.

On the one hand, policy makers need scientific researches

as its foundation so as to achieve political control efficiently. Take the global environment as an example, government need scientists’ assistance to figure out what kind of elements are out of limits so as to take drastic measures to the public. On the other hand, the pursuit of scientific discovery and innovation require all kinds of advanced equipment and ample resources which can be supported by government and the nation. Besides, any scientific research must be admitted by the government and must serve to people and the nation.

As to how close should their relationship be, it depends. I hold the view that scientific researches which are helpful for the development of the nation and the upturn of people’s living standard should get the support of the whole nation so that their relationship must be close. But in different nations, given that different goal of development, the government takes different attitude toward scientific researches.

4. What role does Internet play in the war against corruption? How to enhance the role of Internet in fighting against corruption?

As the anti-corruption campaign spreads over China, to report such illegal cases citizens now have more approaches in which the internet plays a leading role, and we are confident that

the contribution made by internet will be even more impressive.

In the traditional anti-corruption campaign, discipline commissions started their investigation mainly based on reporting letters or visits, and this approach sometimes wasted too much time or alarmed suspects. However, amid the broad band connecting to every corner of the world, concerned departments now are accessible to receive more accurate information from natives, to strike a more targeted investigation in ways that making quick and correct decisions. In other words, the internet has undoubtedly improved the efficiency of the anti-corruption system. On the top of that, we should admit that there is still a lot need to be improved. In the future, when it comes to anti-corruption, the government should assign particular people to take charge of online-reporting such as simplifying reporting steps, improving information accuracy and asking for integrity information so as to establish a complete supervision system.

While seeing more fruits of anti-corruption campaign, we are not allowed to relax ourselves but find more practical and efficient approaches such as applying the internet, and there is no denying that we will benefit a lot when a internet-based anti-corruption system is established. From above, we know that Internet matters in war against corruption and governments and

people should make better use of Internet to do better in anti-corruption.

5. What do you think of the effectiveness of the plastic bag ban? How to enhance its effectiveness?

In recent years China has taken a series of measures to begin to reverse the terrible damage inflicted on the environment. The new law banning free distribution of plastic bags for retail purchases is a further step along the path of ecological protection. But the allowance in the law for the continued sale of the bags to the public for 0.1 to 0.4 Yuan may be inadvertently sending a double-message to retailers and the public. For it allows continued use of the bags for a pittance.

Working to reduce consumption of plastic bags is undoubtedly an important step for China. China uses a staggeringly huge number of bags each day; and decomposition of these bags' material takes hundreds of years, with plastic particles from such bags and other plastic goods contaminating seawater, land, and air throughout the world.

But a quick canvassing at stores shows that the anti-bag law's goal is, so far, being only partially achieved. The store continues to sell the bags to anyone who asks for them. From a recent survey we know that eight or nine out of ten customers in

each store continued to use the bags by paying for them. Clearly, some retailers are obeying the letter of the law but not following its spirit, and many consumers are still willing to use, and even pay for, the plastic bags. So the effectiveness of banning still needs to be enhanced.

I think two measures by the government could greatly strengthen the campaign against plastic bags. First, a government poster could be prepared and posted in stores. It would also urge people to use other alternatives, such as cloth bags or recyclable plastic bags, to cart their goods home. Second, legislating a complete end to distribution of bags with purchases - with a transition period for adjustment - may, in the end, prove the only effective way to ensure the dramatic reduction in the use of plastic bags which the government desires.

1. What are the good qualities of social entrepreneur? Do you know any social entrepreneur? And what is her/his contribution to society?

Social entrepreneur is a new social character in modern society who attempts to draw upon business techniques to find solutions to social problems. This concept may be applied to a variety of organizations with different sizes, aims, and beliefs. Unlike conventional entrepreneur who typically measure performance in profit and return, social entrepreneur usually possess a sense of duty which take into account a positive return to society. Social entrepreneurship typically attempts to further broad social, cultural, and environmental goals often associated with the voluntary sector. At times, profit also may be a consideration for certain companies or other social enterprises.

Social entrepreneur often see the whole world from a positive and objective view, that’s another good quality, because a successful business man does not solve problems only from business aspect. They see the sunny as well as the dark sides of the society but still hold a positive point of view to the future, which they believe that should be changed by our active behavior. Their business involvements contribute a lot to many charities and many of those social entrepreneurs invest to build free infrastructure constructions for poor people. All in all, they

hold the opinion that good businessman is not the one who possess money, but the one who donate money to build a better world.

There are so many famous social entrepreneurs in China now, of which Chen Guangbiao is the most debatable person in business circle. He commits himself to charity from 1998, and so far has donated almost 2 billion Yuan to the society. His behavior also earns him the title of “No.1 philanthropist in China”. As far as I’m concerned, no matter how odd the way he use, he did performs his duty to the society and helps the poor people indeed. So I’m for this social entrepreneur.

2. Why scientist and policy makers need each other? How close should their relationship be?

Recently, I read an article —The New Style Fellowship between Scientist and Policy Makers written by Kenneth Wiltshire. He said that, in order to solve those questions that different nations in the world are confronting, to combine scientific researches and policy-making process is the urgent affairs. So, why scientist and policy makers need each other? How close should their relationship be? In my opinion, there are at least 2 reasons that they need each other.

On the one hand, policy makers need scientific researches

as its foundation so as to achieve political control efficiently. Take the global environment as an example, government need scientists’ assistance to figure out what kind of elements are out of limits so as to take drastic measures to the public. On the other hand, the pursuit of scientific discovery and innovation require all kinds of advanced equipment and ample resources which can be supported by government and the nation. Besides, any scientific research must be admitted by the government and must serve to people and the nation.

As to how close should their relationship be, it depends. I hold the view that scientific researches which are helpful for the development of the nation and the upturn of people’s living standard should get the support of the whole nation so that their relationship must be close. But in different nations, given that different goal of development, the government takes different attitude toward scientific researches.

4. What role does Internet play in the war against corruption? How to enhance the role of Internet in fighting against corruption?

As the anti-corruption campaign spreads over China, to report such illegal cases citizens now have more approaches in which the internet plays a leading role, and we are confident that

the contribution made by internet will be even more impressive.

In the traditional anti-corruption campaign, discipline commissions started their investigation mainly based on reporting letters or visits, and this approach sometimes wasted too much time or alarmed suspects. However, amid the broad band connecting to every corner of the world, concerned departments now are accessible to receive more accurate information from natives, to strike a more targeted investigation in ways that making quick and correct decisions. In other words, the internet has undoubtedly improved the efficiency of the anti-corruption system. On the top of that, we should admit that there is still a lot need to be improved. In the future, when it comes to anti-corruption, the government should assign particular people to take charge of online-reporting such as simplifying reporting steps, improving information accuracy and asking for integrity information so as to establish a complete supervision system.

While seeing more fruits of anti-corruption campaign, we are not allowed to relax ourselves but find more practical and efficient approaches such as applying the internet, and there is no denying that we will benefit a lot when a internet-based anti-corruption system is established. From above, we know that Internet matters in war against corruption and governments and

people should make better use of Internet to do better in anti-corruption.

5. What do you think of the effectiveness of the plastic bag ban? How to enhance its effectiveness?

In recent years China has taken a series of measures to begin to reverse the terrible damage inflicted on the environment. The new law banning free distribution of plastic bags for retail purchases is a further step along the path of ecological protection. But the allowance in the law for the continued sale of the bags to the public for 0.1 to 0.4 Yuan may be inadvertently sending a double-message to retailers and the public. For it allows continued use of the bags for a pittance.

Working to reduce consumption of plastic bags is undoubtedly an important step for China. China uses a staggeringly huge number of bags each day; and decomposition of these bags' material takes hundreds of years, with plastic particles from such bags and other plastic goods contaminating seawater, land, and air throughout the world.

But a quick canvassing at stores shows that the anti-bag law's goal is, so far, being only partially achieved. The store continues to sell the bags to anyone who asks for them. From a recent survey we know that eight or nine out of ten customers in

each store continued to use the bags by paying for them. Clearly, some retailers are obeying the letter of the law but not following its spirit, and many consumers are still willing to use, and even pay for, the plastic bags. So the effectiveness of banning still needs to be enhanced.

I think two measures by the government could greatly strengthen the campaign against plastic bags. First, a government poster could be prepared and posted in stores. It would also urge people to use other alternatives, such as cloth bags or recyclable plastic bags, to cart their goods home. Second, legislating a complete end to distribution of bags with purchases - with a transition period for adjustment - may, in the end, prove the only effective way to ensure the dramatic reduction in the use of plastic bags which the government desires.


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