新GRE写作素材 名人素材阿基米德_GRE写作

智课网GRE 备考资料

新GRE 写作素材 名人素材阿基米德_GRE写作

考生在新GRE 作文中要格外重视思维逻辑与论据论证,平时注意积累新GRE 写作素材,多收集一些新GRE 作文素材作为论据论证例子。下面是小编为大家搜集的关于普金的名人素材,希望能够帮助大家更好地备考新GRE 写作,获得新GRE 写作高分。

Archimedes c. 287BC -- 212BC

Greek mathematician, born in Syracuse. He probably visited Egypt and studied at Alexandria. In popular tradition he is remembered for the construction of siege-engines against the Romans, the Archimedes' screw still used for raising water, and his cry of eureka ("I have found it') when he discovered the principle of the upthrust on a floating body. His real importance in mathematics, however, lies in his discovery of formulae for the areas and volumes of spheres, cylinders, parabolas, and other plane and solid figures. He founded the science of hydrostatics, but his astronomical work is lost. He was killed at the siege of Syracuse by a Roman soldier whose challenge he ignored while immersed in a mathematical problem.

以上新GRE 写作素材是关于普金的文章希望对各位考生有所帮助,大家可以选择几段来进行背诵,在新GRE 作文里作为论据进行论证。此外,也可以在平时多搜集一些比较好的新GRE 作文素材论据,来增加作文的含金量。

智课网GRE 备考资料

新GRE 写作素材 名人素材阿基米德_GRE写作

考生在新GRE 作文中要格外重视思维逻辑与论据论证,平时注意积累新GRE 写作素材,多收集一些新GRE 作文素材作为论据论证例子。下面是小编为大家搜集的关于普金的名人素材,希望能够帮助大家更好地备考新GRE 写作,获得新GRE 写作高分。

Archimedes c. 287BC -- 212BC

Greek mathematician, born in Syracuse. He probably visited Egypt and studied at Alexandria. In popular tradition he is remembered for the construction of siege-engines against the Romans, the Archimedes' screw still used for raising water, and his cry of eureka ("I have found it') when he discovered the principle of the upthrust on a floating body. His real importance in mathematics, however, lies in his discovery of formulae for the areas and volumes of spheres, cylinders, parabolas, and other plane and solid figures. He founded the science of hydrostatics, but his astronomical work is lost. He was killed at the siege of Syracuse by a Roman soldier whose challenge he ignored while immersed in a mathematical problem.

以上新GRE 写作素材是关于普金的文章希望对各位考生有所帮助,大家可以选择几段来进行背诵,在新GRE 作文里作为论据进行论证。此外,也可以在平时多搜集一些比较好的新GRE 作文素材论据,来增加作文的含金量。


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