
牛津小学英语5A 第一单元试卷


一、单词辨音:判断划线部分读音是否一致,对的打“√” ,错的打“×”。4’ 1. cake cat ( ) 2. house flower ( ) 3. there here ( ) 4. plate grape ( )


( )What’s your name? A.There are four.

( ) Are there any flowers? B.I’m not sure.

( )What would you like? C.Helen.

( )How many boys are there? D.No,there aren’t.

( )Is there a slide? E.Some apples,please.

三、 英汉互译。10’

1.许多 2. 看一看

3. 在学校 4. 一幢新大楼

5. 阅览室 6. I’m not sure 7. Good idea 8. the first day 9. all the teachers 10. near the swing

四、用所给单词的正确形式填空。5’ 1. There (be ) some girls on the slide . 2. There are (some) boys in the playground . 3. I can see a lot of (bird). 4. How many (toilet) are there ? 5. Let ( I ) see .


( )1.There ___________ an apple and a banana on the table .

A. are B. is C. am

( )2. Is there a swing in the garden ? No ,__________ .

A. there is B. there isn’t . C. there are .

( )3. Are there__________ books in the bag ?

A. any B. some C. much

( )4. How many ____________are there in your school ?

A. classroom B. classrooms C. a classroom

( )5. All the________________ are in the office .

A. teacher B. teachers C. a teacher

( )6. There___________ some swings and a slide in the park .

A. is B. am C. are

( )7.There is a toilet_________ the building .

A. in B. on C. at

( )8. There__________ some bread on the plate .

A. is B. am C. are

( )9. Shall _____________go and have a look ?

A. us B. he C. we

( )10. There are some cars__________ the street .

A. in B. on C. at


1、can what you see box in the

What ______ you _________in_________ __________?

2、 there toys under are any the table

__________ there __________ toys _________ the _________?

3、I sure am not

________ __________ ___________ _______.


1.花园里有一个秋千吗?有。 __ there a swing________ the _______?

Yes ,_________ ____________ .

2.树上有一些小鸟吗? 没有。 ___________ there_________ birds_______ the ________ ?

No ,_________ _______________ .

3.盘子里有个鸡蛋吗? 没有。 ___________there_______ egg __________the plate ?

No ,__________ ________ .

4.滑梯上有多少女孩?有三个。 How_________ ______ are there_________ the slide ?

There are _______ .


There are three trees near the twins’(双胞胎) house . There is one big tree and two small trees . In the big tree there is a bird . Can the bird sing(唱) ? Yes , it can . What’s that near the big tree ? It’s a cat .

“ I want(想) some food (食物) .” thinks(想) the cat .

“ Bird , come here , and it’s time for tea .” says the cat. “ Not today , thank you .” says the bird , “ You can’t catch (捉住) me today . Good bye ! ”

( ) 1. There are_________ small trees near the house .

A. two B. three C. no D. many

( ) 2. There is a bird _____________________.

A. in the small tree B. on the small tree

C. in the big tree D. on the big tree

( ) 3. The cat wants to eat __________.

A. some tea B. the bird

C. a cake D. some trees

( ) 4. At last (最后),____________________ .

A. the bird goes away ( 走了) .

B . the cat goes away .

C. the cat catches the bird

D. The bird gets down(下来) from the tree

牛津小学英语5A 第一单元试卷


一、单词辨音:判断划线部分读音是否一致,对的打“√” ,错的打“×”。4’ 1. cake cat ( ) 2. house flower ( ) 3. there here ( ) 4. plate grape ( )


( )What’s your name? A.There are four.

( ) Are there any flowers? B.I’m not sure.

( )What would you like? C.Helen.

( )How many boys are there? D.No,there aren’t.

( )Is there a slide? E.Some apples,please.

三、 英汉互译。10’

1.许多 2. 看一看

3. 在学校 4. 一幢新大楼

5. 阅览室 6. I’m not sure 7. Good idea 8. the first day 9. all the teachers 10. near the swing

四、用所给单词的正确形式填空。5’ 1. There (be ) some girls on the slide . 2. There are (some) boys in the playground . 3. I can see a lot of (bird). 4. How many (toilet) are there ? 5. Let ( I ) see .


( )1.There ___________ an apple and a banana on the table .

A. are B. is C. am

( )2. Is there a swing in the garden ? No ,__________ .

A. there is B. there isn’t . C. there are .

( )3. Are there__________ books in the bag ?

A. any B. some C. much

( )4. How many ____________are there in your school ?

A. classroom B. classrooms C. a classroom

( )5. All the________________ are in the office .

A. teacher B. teachers C. a teacher

( )6. There___________ some swings and a slide in the park .

A. is B. am C. are

( )7.There is a toilet_________ the building .

A. in B. on C. at

( )8. There__________ some bread on the plate .

A. is B. am C. are

( )9. Shall _____________go and have a look ?

A. us B. he C. we

( )10. There are some cars__________ the street .

A. in B. on C. at


1、can what you see box in the

What ______ you _________in_________ __________?

2、 there toys under are any the table

__________ there __________ toys _________ the _________?

3、I sure am not

________ __________ ___________ _______.


1.花园里有一个秋千吗?有。 __ there a swing________ the _______?

Yes ,_________ ____________ .

2.树上有一些小鸟吗? 没有。 ___________ there_________ birds_______ the ________ ?

No ,_________ _______________ .

3.盘子里有个鸡蛋吗? 没有。 ___________there_______ egg __________the plate ?

No ,__________ ________ .

4.滑梯上有多少女孩?有三个。 How_________ ______ are there_________ the slide ?

There are _______ .


There are three trees near the twins’(双胞胎) house . There is one big tree and two small trees . In the big tree there is a bird . Can the bird sing(唱) ? Yes , it can . What’s that near the big tree ? It’s a cat .

“ I want(想) some food (食物) .” thinks(想) the cat .

“ Bird , come here , and it’s time for tea .” says the cat. “ Not today , thank you .” says the bird , “ You can’t catch (捉住) me today . Good bye ! ”

( ) 1. There are_________ small trees near the house .

A. two B. three C. no D. many

( ) 2. There is a bird _____________________.

A. in the small tree B. on the small tree

C. in the big tree D. on the big tree

( ) 3. The cat wants to eat __________.

A. some tea B. the bird

C. a cake D. some trees

( ) 4. At last (最后),____________________ .

A. the bird goes away ( 走了) .

B . the cat goes away .

C. the cat catches the bird

D. The bird gets down(下来) from the tree


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