
Activity content abstract

A :the establishment "English corner"

1.content: establishment of the "English corner" mainly to exercise English oral power of expression, provide students with good English communication environment for the purpose, through the interaction of students improving oral English ability, the tutor of grammar knowledge, reading ability, problem solving skills as a special explanation. Integrating learning, communication, and the school of foreign languages English corner of the society. Nature of the English corner learning ratio is heavier, for members to create a strong English communication atmosphere, promote the students English level of ascension.

2.activity time: 3th May,2013

3.activities location: No. 1 teaching building

4.organization person:Student union

5.participant: English association.

6.the organizer: English association

7.activities envisaged: reflected mainly on students, tutors should play the role of guiding, in principle, participants were asked to speak English.

(1)the layout of activity space design and decoration by the

students, reflect the students' interests and needs.

(2)each event agreed jointly by the teacher and students, the theme of the content close to the students and the practical life.

(3)the theme is determined, notify the member. And in the form of posters propaganda, attract students to attend.

(4)the activities conducted in the form of games, dialogue, highlight the function of language.

(5)each event to arrange at least two English teachers to participate in the design and guidance.

Second: English singing competition

1.the purpose of the game: fun, stimulating students' interest in learning English, students after school with colorful culture life, to create a good campus culture atmosphere.

2.the game time:14th May,2013

3.the venue: student activity center

4.entry requirements:

(1).all the songs are in English form, time control within 5 minutes.

(2).the participants should bring along their own songs dubbing.

(3).health up, singing songs, content requirements.

5. schedule:

A. introduced schedule and the rules of the game

B. the judges guest is introduced

C. entry option hand singing in turn

D. awards and awards ceremony

E. host announced the end of the game

6. incentive measures: to issue the certificate and prize as the main way

7. source of funds: sponsors

Activity content abstract

A :the establishment "English corner"

1.content: establishment of the "English corner" mainly to exercise English oral power of expression, provide students with good English communication environment for the purpose, through the interaction of students improving oral English ability, the tutor of grammar knowledge, reading ability, problem solving skills as a special explanation. Integrating learning, communication, and the school of foreign languages English corner of the society. Nature of the English corner learning ratio is heavier, for members to create a strong English communication atmosphere, promote the students English level of ascension.

2.activity time: 3th May,2013

3.activities location: No. 1 teaching building

4.organization person:Student union

5.participant: English association.

6.the organizer: English association

7.activities envisaged: reflected mainly on students, tutors should play the role of guiding, in principle, participants were asked to speak English.

(1)the layout of activity space design and decoration by the

students, reflect the students' interests and needs.

(2)each event agreed jointly by the teacher and students, the theme of the content close to the students and the practical life.

(3)the theme is determined, notify the member. And in the form of posters propaganda, attract students to attend.

(4)the activities conducted in the form of games, dialogue, highlight the function of language.

(5)each event to arrange at least two English teachers to participate in the design and guidance.

Second: English singing competition

1.the purpose of the game: fun, stimulating students' interest in learning English, students after school with colorful culture life, to create a good campus culture atmosphere.

2.the game time:14th May,2013

3.the venue: student activity center

4.entry requirements:

(1).all the songs are in English form, time control within 5 minutes.

(2).the participants should bring along their own songs dubbing.

(3).health up, singing songs, content requirements.

5. schedule:

A. introduced schedule and the rules of the game

B. the judges guest is introduced

C. entry option hand singing in turn

D. awards and awards ceremony

E. host announced the end of the game

6. incentive measures: to issue the certificate and prize as the main way

7. source of funds: sponsors


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