
HEALTH & SAFETY POLICY Lafarge Dujiangyan Cement Co.,Ltd


Health & Safety Policy/健康安全政策

The Health & Safety Policy is set up based on the group and the division Health & Safety Policy whereby all of us should

commit to safety as the first priority position no matter when and where we conduct our activities. We will continuously strive

to provide a more safer working environment to all the people working on our site and take reasonable steps to eliminate or

prevent any accident and safety violating behavior. All of employees in Lafarge Dujiangyan are required to strictly abide to the

following commitments.

H & S are regarded as a core of our business, whereby we integrate Health & Safety objectives and targets into our business

plans and commit to their achievement.

Every accident is regarded unacceptable because health and life are the most important things in the world for human beings

rather than the others.

Every accident can be preventable by adopting appropriate health & safety measures or methods.

All employees have responsibilities for H & S of themselves and others who are affected by their actions.

Provide adequate health & safety training to the employee at every level so as to enhance their skills and competency, thus

enabling them to conduct their work in a safe manner

Develop, implement and review practicable health & safety system, procedures, and rules in consistency with the group

policy, as well local legislations and ensure it operate efficiently.

Identify and assess risks in relation to our activities, use sufficient preventive methods to eliminate or reduce the risks as low

as reasonably practicable.

- Maintain an effective emergency response capabilities to mitigate any incidents.

Establish a safety management of contractors, visitors, and third parties and ensure that they fully understand the Lafarge H

& S policy and comply with it consciously.

Health &safety must be taken into account at the initial stage of all works, investment or maintenance, and in the

organization of the work itself, the associated costs must be identified and budgeted.

Continuously communicate all health & safety matters to the employee and interested parties, thus increasing their

awareness and concern.





1. 我们把健康安全当成工作的核心,并且把健康安全的目标置于我们的行动计划之中去实现它。

2. 每一个安全事故我们都认为是不能接受的,因为世界上没有任何东西比人的生命和健康更重


3. 对工作中产生的安全事故,我们认为采取正确的措施都是可以避免的。

4. 所有的员工都对他自身及与他工作相关的人员的安全负有责任。

5. 给不同的员工提供相应的培训来提高他们的安全技能,从而保证他们能安全的工作。

6. 基于集团及当地的安全政策建立、执行、完善各种安全制度、程序、规定,并保证其有效的执


7. 辨别分析我们工作中存在的安全隐患,采取有效的预防手段来消灭或者减少这些隐患到尽可能


8. 保持有效的应急反应能力来减轻任何突发事件造成的影响。

9. 建立对承包商、参观者、第三方的安全管理制度,使他们真正理解拉法基的健康安全政策并自


10. 我们必须在我们所有工作、投资或维修前以及工作组织方面考虑到安全,相关的费用也应该做


11. 给员工宣传所有与安全有关的事情,以此提高他们的安全知识及安全意识。

Zhou Haihong 周海红

General Manager总经理

Lafarge Dujiangyan Cement Co., Ltd


10 Oct 2003 2003年10月10日

HEALTH & SAFETY POLICY Lafarge Dujiangyan Cement Co.,Ltd


Health & Safety Policy/健康安全政策

The Health & Safety Policy is set up based on the group and the division Health & Safety Policy whereby all of us should

commit to safety as the first priority position no matter when and where we conduct our activities. We will continuously strive

to provide a more safer working environment to all the people working on our site and take reasonable steps to eliminate or

prevent any accident and safety violating behavior. All of employees in Lafarge Dujiangyan are required to strictly abide to the

following commitments.

H & S are regarded as a core of our business, whereby we integrate Health & Safety objectives and targets into our business

plans and commit to their achievement.

Every accident is regarded unacceptable because health and life are the most important things in the world for human beings

rather than the others.

Every accident can be preventable by adopting appropriate health & safety measures or methods.

All employees have responsibilities for H & S of themselves and others who are affected by their actions.

Provide adequate health & safety training to the employee at every level so as to enhance their skills and competency, thus

enabling them to conduct their work in a safe manner

Develop, implement and review practicable health & safety system, procedures, and rules in consistency with the group

policy, as well local legislations and ensure it operate efficiently.

Identify and assess risks in relation to our activities, use sufficient preventive methods to eliminate or reduce the risks as low

as reasonably practicable.

- Maintain an effective emergency response capabilities to mitigate any incidents.

Establish a safety management of contractors, visitors, and third parties and ensure that they fully understand the Lafarge H

& S policy and comply with it consciously.

Health &safety must be taken into account at the initial stage of all works, investment or maintenance, and in the

organization of the work itself, the associated costs must be identified and budgeted.

Continuously communicate all health & safety matters to the employee and interested parties, thus increasing their

awareness and concern.





1. 我们把健康安全当成工作的核心,并且把健康安全的目标置于我们的行动计划之中去实现它。

2. 每一个安全事故我们都认为是不能接受的,因为世界上没有任何东西比人的生命和健康更重


3. 对工作中产生的安全事故,我们认为采取正确的措施都是可以避免的。

4. 所有的员工都对他自身及与他工作相关的人员的安全负有责任。

5. 给不同的员工提供相应的培训来提高他们的安全技能,从而保证他们能安全的工作。

6. 基于集团及当地的安全政策建立、执行、完善各种安全制度、程序、规定,并保证其有效的执


7. 辨别分析我们工作中存在的安全隐患,采取有效的预防手段来消灭或者减少这些隐患到尽可能


8. 保持有效的应急反应能力来减轻任何突发事件造成的影响。

9. 建立对承包商、参观者、第三方的安全管理制度,使他们真正理解拉法基的健康安全政策并自


10. 我们必须在我们所有工作、投资或维修前以及工作组织方面考虑到安全,相关的费用也应该做


11. 给员工宣传所有与安全有关的事情,以此提高他们的安全知识及安全意识。

Zhou Haihong 周海红

General Manager总经理

Lafarge Dujiangyan Cement Co., Ltd


10 Oct 2003 2003年10月10日


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