
智课网IELTS 备考资料


摘要: 今天小编为大家带来的是关于雅思写作:关于飞机的好处与坏处,如果我们在雅思写作考试当中遇到此类作文,我们应该怎么样写呢,今天小编就为大家来到关于此的一篇优秀文章,供大家参考。

雅思 写作话题:关于飞机的好处与坏处,同学们是不是还没有一个清晰的思路呢? 今天 小马 过河雅思老师就给大家讲讲这种作文该怎么写。

首先脑海中一定要有清晰的思路,既然是写飞机的好处与坏处,那么两方面都一定要兼顾,一方面飞机使用方便,对于长途旅行大大地节约时间; 另一方面,飞机票价过于昂贵,而且飞机的过多使用会造成空气污染。

雅思写作 关于飞机的好处与坏处,如果思路清楚了就可以动笔了。不过动笔之前要注意文章结构, 小马过河 雅思老师建议采用平衡式论证结构。


随着科技与经济的发展,飞机更加平易近人.With the development of technology and economy,airplanes have been devalued to be more approachable.

引出主题:人们对这一事件的利弊意见不一.Some people think highly of this trend, while others are cautious about the possible increase in the chances of airplanes, maintaining that it will aggravate air pollution.


【主题句】:飞机给人们带来的好处不可否认。There is no doubt that airplanes have brought evident benefits to common people.

【分论点一】:出国旅游人数增长,传统交通方式已经不能满足人们的需要。On the one hand, travelling abroad has been increasing and traditional vehicles can’t meet people’s need. As a consequence, people feel a desire for airplanes to travel conveniently.

【举个例子】:以前交通不便,人们很少到很远的地方。如今有了飞机人们可以很快地他们想去的地方Many years ago people seldom have a long trip because of the inconvenient vehicles. But nowadays, people can go to everywhere they want to arrive at by air.

【分论点二】:把普通人从拥挤的传统交通工具中解脱出来。On the other hand, airplanes has freed many people from the crowded and uncomfortable traditional public transports such as train and ship.

【举个例子】:由于中国人口众多,每当传统假日来临,火车站总是人满为患,火车票一票难求。飞机给了人们多一种选择。In China,due to the huge population that attempt to go back home during the traditional festivals such asthe Spring Festival, the train stations in some big cities are always crowded with people around those festivals, and it could even be difficult to get a train ticket. However, some people can now be released of such pressure thanks to the airplanes.


【主题句】飞机虽然给了我们多一种选择,但是票价昂贵并不是每个人都能支付地起,同时飞机也会加剧污染排放。Airplanesprovide us another choice, but it is true that not all of people can afford the expensive tickets. What’s more,airplanesboost the amount of emissions harmful to the environment.

【引用数据】据调查,在过去的五年里,飞机排放的二氧化碳占据了总二氧化碳排放量的7.8%,这一数据预计将在2020年达到10%。According to a recent survey, airplanes accounted for 7.8% of emission of total carbon dioxide in the past five years, and is estimated to make up around 10% by 2020.


【结论】飞机好处多,但也增加了污染环境的风险。We can make a conclusion that common people benefit considerably from airplanes, although the consequential growth in air travel has increased the risks of global warming.

【提出建议】It is suggested that the government should take measures to educate people to use airplane sensibly.






相关字搜索: 雅思写作材料

智课网IELTS 备考资料


摘要: 今天小编为大家带来的是关于雅思写作:关于飞机的好处与坏处,如果我们在雅思写作考试当中遇到此类作文,我们应该怎么样写呢,今天小编就为大家来到关于此的一篇优秀文章,供大家参考。

雅思 写作话题:关于飞机的好处与坏处,同学们是不是还没有一个清晰的思路呢? 今天 小马 过河雅思老师就给大家讲讲这种作文该怎么写。

首先脑海中一定要有清晰的思路,既然是写飞机的好处与坏处,那么两方面都一定要兼顾,一方面飞机使用方便,对于长途旅行大大地节约时间; 另一方面,飞机票价过于昂贵,而且飞机的过多使用会造成空气污染。

雅思写作 关于飞机的好处与坏处,如果思路清楚了就可以动笔了。不过动笔之前要注意文章结构, 小马过河 雅思老师建议采用平衡式论证结构。


随着科技与经济的发展,飞机更加平易近人.With the development of technology and economy,airplanes have been devalued to be more approachable.

引出主题:人们对这一事件的利弊意见不一.Some people think highly of this trend, while others are cautious about the possible increase in the chances of airplanes, maintaining that it will aggravate air pollution.


【主题句】:飞机给人们带来的好处不可否认。There is no doubt that airplanes have brought evident benefits to common people.

【分论点一】:出国旅游人数增长,传统交通方式已经不能满足人们的需要。On the one hand, travelling abroad has been increasing and traditional vehicles can’t meet people’s need. As a consequence, people feel a desire for airplanes to travel conveniently.

【举个例子】:以前交通不便,人们很少到很远的地方。如今有了飞机人们可以很快地他们想去的地方Many years ago people seldom have a long trip because of the inconvenient vehicles. But nowadays, people can go to everywhere they want to arrive at by air.

【分论点二】:把普通人从拥挤的传统交通工具中解脱出来。On the other hand, airplanes has freed many people from the crowded and uncomfortable traditional public transports such as train and ship.

【举个例子】:由于中国人口众多,每当传统假日来临,火车站总是人满为患,火车票一票难求。飞机给了人们多一种选择。In China,due to the huge population that attempt to go back home during the traditional festivals such asthe Spring Festival, the train stations in some big cities are always crowded with people around those festivals, and it could even be difficult to get a train ticket. However, some people can now be released of such pressure thanks to the airplanes.


【主题句】飞机虽然给了我们多一种选择,但是票价昂贵并不是每个人都能支付地起,同时飞机也会加剧污染排放。Airplanesprovide us another choice, but it is true that not all of people can afford the expensive tickets. What’s more,airplanesboost the amount of emissions harmful to the environment.

【引用数据】据调查,在过去的五年里,飞机排放的二氧化碳占据了总二氧化碳排放量的7.8%,这一数据预计将在2020年达到10%。According to a recent survey, airplanes accounted for 7.8% of emission of total carbon dioxide in the past five years, and is estimated to make up around 10% by 2020.


【结论】飞机好处多,但也增加了污染环境的风险。We can make a conclusion that common people benefit considerably from airplanes, although the consequential growth in air travel has increased the risks of global warming.

【提出建议】It is suggested that the government should take measures to educate people to use airplane sensibly.






相关字搜索: 雅思写作材料


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