
there be结构及表示时间的介词

there be结构

一、There be句型的基本用法:某地/某存在有某人/某物

形式为“There be+代词或名词(短语)+地点/时间状语”。



3. Is there anything wrong with your ears? (Yes,there is/No,there isn't.)

4. There wasn't a meeting yesterday, was there?(反意疑问句)

二、There be+sb.+doing sth.+地点/时间状语:有某人在做某事

例:There are several children swimming in the river. 河里有几个孩子在游泳。

1. There be句型中be动词与主语要保持主谓的一致性。

例:1)There is _____ on the floor.

2)There are _____ on the floor.

A. cat B. water C. boxes D. football


例: 1)There were_____ students in our school.

A. hundreds B. eight hundred C. eight hundreds of

2)There is _____water. You needn't get some more.

A. few B. little C. much (b/c)

3. 注意不定代词的用法。

1) 不定代词在句中作主语,谓语动词要用单数形式。

例:There is nothing in the fridge.

2) 不定代词受形容词修饰时要放在形容词前面。

例:There is something interesting in today's newspaper.

4. There be句型的反意疑问句,要注意陈述部分的形式。 若陈述部分含有little,


例:There is nobody in the room,

is there?

例:There is something unusual in the room,isn't there?

5. 要注意句子前后意思的一致性。


例:1)There is _____ food. You needn't buy any.A. any B. some C. no

2) There is _____ food. You have to buy some.选项同上(B/C)

be动词的数应与离它最近的一个主语保持一致。 例:用


There be句型命题趋向有两个方面:一是进一步加强对知识的理解与运用方

面的考查。例如be动词与主语的一致性、名词或代词的修饰语、搭配关系、含否定词的反意疑问句等。二是有可能出现“有某人在做某事”这一句型,即“There be+sb.+doing sth.+地点/时间状语”。另外,还得提醒一下同学们,如果要表达诸如“这里/那里(挺漂亮„„)等”这样的修饰句型,应用“It’s„ here/there.”而不是“Here/there is„”。


1. —Oh, there isn't enough _____ for us in the lift.

—It doesn't matter, let's wait for the next.

A. ground B. floor C. place D. room

2. There _____ an English Evening next Tuesday.

A. was B. will be C. will have D. are going to be

3. There _____ a football game in our school.

A. has B. will have C. will be

4. There is going to ___ a report ____Chinese history in our school this evening.

A. have; on B. be; on C. have; for D. be; of

5. There is _____ food here. We'll have to buy some.

A. any B. some C. no

6. There are _____ days in a week.

A. the seven B. seventh C. the seventh D. seven

7. There are few _____ in the fridge. Let's go and buy some peas,carrots and cabbages.

A. vegetables B. fruit C. meat D. eggs

8. Look! There are some _____ on the floor.

A. child B. water C. boxes D. girl

9. There were two _____ people at yesterday's meeting.

A. hundreds B. hundreds of C. hundred

10. The letter from my uncle was short. There wasn't _____ news.

A. many B. a few C. much D. few



一、 at, in

例1 Both Mary and Betty will get married this year. Mary is going to begin their honeymoon

Christmas while Betty _____New Year’s Day.

A. on; on B. at; in C. at; on D. by; on

评析 此题选C。at主要用来表示时点,但也可以表示时段,主要用在某些一年中重要的节日名称之前,不仅表示节日的当天,而且也表示整个节日的期间。但如果节日名称后面紧跟day,那就是表示节日当天,不能用at,而要用on。

例2 Suffering from the terrible earthquake, the victims often awake several times _____the night

and sometimes they even cannot sleep _____night.

A. in; at B. at; in C. during; in D. in; during

评析 此题选A。at night表示整个夜晚,或指白天结束、夜幕刚降临时,而in/during the night则指夜间的某一时刻。

二、 in, after

例3 He went abroad for further education _____a few weeks.

He will go abroad for further education _____a few weeks.

A. in; in B. after; after C. in; after D. after; in

评析 此组题选D。in和 after通常表示“在„„(时间)以后”,但in一般用于将来时,而after则主要用于一般过去时。

例4 No hurry! The train will be here ________a few minutes.

No hurry! The train will be here __________twelve o’clock.

No hurry! The train will be here __________lunch.

A. after; in; at B. in; after; after

C. after; in; after D. in; after; in

评析 此组题选B。in和 after都可以用于将来时,但有两点不同:(1)in 以现在为起点,而after则以将来为起点。(2)in 后接时段,而after后接时间点或表示某一事件的名词。


The project was finished in less than two years.

A dynamic train does the journey from Nanjing to Shanghai in about two hours. We will learn a foreign language well in three years.

分析以上例句,可以看出:(1) in表示“在„„(时间)以内”,主要用于一般过去时,也可以用于一般现在时。(2)注意时态的同时,还要注意动词的体性。动词的体性决定了介词in的含义。尤其是和一般将来时连用时,更需加倍注意。一般而言,持续性动词


三、 on, in, during, for

on, in, during, for,这四个时间介词都可以表示时段。一般说来,on表示在某一天,in, during和 for则多表示短于一天或长于一天的时间。但是,特殊情况颇多。

1. in, on

例5 The horrible earthquake struck Wenchuan _____the afternoon when I was travelling there.

A. in B. on C. during D. within

评析 此题选B。morning/afternoon/evening/night前通常用in, 具有泛指的意义,但如果要特指某一天的早晨(下午或傍晚),或对之有一定的描绘,换言之,如morning, afternoon, evening, night有定语修饰,则不能用in,而用on。

2. in, during

例6 I’d like to call on my uncle _____my stay in Beijing this summer. In other words, I can see my uncle again _____the summer.

A. during; during B. in; in C. during; in D. in; during

评析 此题选A。in和 during在表示时段时,很多时候可以互换,意思大致相同。但是在某些表示事件的名词(如stay, visit, meal等)前,宜用during,以表示这些事件的持续时间。此外,与四季的名称连用时,通常in 是泛指,而during是特指。

3. in, for


I helped my parents with the housework for the summer.


I helped my parents with the housework in the summer.


4. during, for

例7 There was a terrible storm_____the night; it rained_____four or five hours.

A. during; during B. during; for C. for; for D. for; during

评析 此题选B。一般而言,for比during更强调动作的持续和时间的长度。during 通常表示某一事件发生的时间(when),而for则强调某一动作持续的时间长度(how long)。

例8 My mother was ill in hospital_____two months_____the winter.

A. during; for B. for; for C. for; during D. during; during

评析 此题选C。虽然during和for都表示持续时间,表示某一动作或状态发生于某一段时间的始终,但前者通常用于时间长度不确定的、含糊的一段时间之前,而后者既可以和时间长度不确定的,也可以和时间长度确定的一段时间连用。

四、 by, before

例9 The deadline for the assignment is Friday, so you have to finish it _____Friday.

A. by B. before C. on D. at

评析 此题选A。by和before都表示“在„„(时间)之前”,但before 不包括当日,而by包括当日。从本题题干的前半句可知,周五是完成这个任务的最后期限,当然包括星期五在内。所以选项B不对。此外,by通常表示的是截止时间,所以一般和完成时连用。例如:

By the end of last year, all the projects for the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games had been completed.

五、 from, since

例10 The 2008 Beijing Olympic Games will begin _____August 8, 2008.

All people, whether they are old or young, rich or poor, have been trying their best to

help those in need _____the disaster.

A. from; by B. on; from C. since; from D. from; since

评析 此题选D。from 和since都表示时间的起点,但from用于一般过去时,一般现在时或一般将来时,而since则主要用于完成时或完成进行时。

六、 by, till/until

例11 —Can we stay here _____ the weekend?

—Yes, but you’ll have to leave _____Monday midday at the latest.

A. by; until B. by;by C. until; by D. until; until

评析 此题选C。 until/till 和by都是后接一时间点,但是until表示某一持续的动作或状态于某一时刻结束,而by则表示某一动作于某一时刻或之前发生,而且多用于完成时或完成进行时。


Last night Mr. Crook didn’t come back at the usual time. Instead, he met some friends and _____out _____ midnight.

It was _____ midnight that they reached the camp site.

A. stayed; until; not until

B. stayed; until; until

C. didn’t stay; until; until

D. didn’t stay; until; not until

评析 此题选A。用肯定结构until还是用否定结构not ...until,主要是看动词的体性,即:短暂性动词通常用肯定结构,而持续性动词一般用否定结构not ... until,也可以用肯定结构,但意思不一样。试比较:

He surfed the Internet until midnight yesterday.


He didn’t surf the Internet until midnight yesterday.


七、 since, for


The volunteers have been helping rescue the victims trapped in the ruins _________three days.

The volunteers have been helping rescue the victims trapped in the ruins __________three days ago.

A. for; for B. since; since C. since; for D. for; since

评析 此题选D。since和 for都表示一段时间。但since后接时间点,for后接时间段。since主要和完成时或完成进行时连用,而for则可以和各种时态连用。


1. He will come and give us a lecture _____the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games.

A. in B. after C. since D. from

2. _____nine o’clock, all the Olympic torch bearers had reached the top of Mount Qomolangma.

A. Since B. From C. At D. By

3. He graduated from Peking University, _____he went to the U.S.A.

A. after which B. from which C. in which D. since

4. _____Saturday morning, we were shown around the Water Cube and the Bird’s Nest for the 2008 Olympic Games.

A. In B. By C. On D. During

5. _____then _____what damage the horrible earthquake had done to the people there.

A. Not until; did they realize

B. Not until; they realized

C. Until; did they realize

D. Until; they didn’t realize

6. Family members usually get together _____the Spring Festival in China.

A. on B. during C. for D. in

7. _____hearing the news, he jumped with joy.

A. At B. By C. In D. On

8. —How about Liu Xiang?

—He has been preparing for the Beijing Olympic Games _____the end of last year.

A. since B. by C. in D. at

9. —When do we have to finish the task?

—_____August 21.

A. In B. During C. By D. Within

10. I prefer to listen to music _____classes to get myself refreshed.

A. among B. between

C. during D. over



1. I have _____English book and it’s _____ green and yellow.

A. an; / B. a; the C. an; the D. a; /

2. What’s this ___English?

A. at B. in C. on D. of

3. Helen has science every Monday. She thinks it’s difficult _____ interesting.

A. and B. but C. too D. so

4. Miss Liu wants to have some ________. She likes fruit very much.

A. apple B. bread C. strawberries D. chicken

5. Miss Yang likes ______; but she doesn’t like_______.

A. tomatos; ice-cream B. milk; tomatoes

C. breads; milk D. eggs; rices

6. The lovely girl is from Class 42. ______name is Alice.

A. Your B. His C. Her D. Its

7. –______ their names?

– Sorry, I don’t know.

A. What B. What’s C. Where’s D. What are

8. –Do you have a soccer ball, Frank?

–No, but my brother Alan _______.

A. does B. has C. have one D. does one

9. Miss Zhang isn’t here. You can _____ her _____933-8840. A. ask; for B. call; at C. look; at D. find; in

10. The jacket is on the chair. Let me _____ it.

A. to get B. gets C. getes D. get

11. Anna lost her ID card. She _____ find it. She needs it at school.

A. want B. have C. must D. want to

12. –What does your cousin often do in the evening?

–She often____ TV.

A. watchs B. to watch C. watches D. watch

13. –Here ____a set of keys. Are they yours?

–No, mine are in my bag.

A. is B. are C. have D. has

14. Mr. Bai often ____ games ___ his students after class, so his students like him very much.

A. plays; and B. plays; with

C. wants; for D. wants; to

15. –Let’s play basketball after school.

–That sounds______.

A. well B. like good C. good D. like well

16. Chinese is easy for Jerry, but it’s really ______ for me.

A. interesting B. difficult C. easy D. bad

17. Kate, ______ my parents; mom and dad, ________ my friend, Kate.

A. this is; that is B. those are, this’s

C. they are; he is D. these are; this is

18. Gina is my sister, she is _____ years old and her birthday is on March the______

A. twelve; twelve B. twelfth; twelfth

C. twelfth; twelve D. twelve; twelfth

19. –Your socks look very nice, Mary.

– _______________.

A. No, thank you B. Yes, they aren’t mine

C. Thanks very much D. Please not say that

20. –Is that your brother, Sally?

–____________. He’s my cousin.

A. Yes, it is B. Yes, he is

C. No, she isn’t. D. No, it isn’t.



My name is Daniel. Let me talk about my day. I get up at 6:30 a.m. and I read English for about half an hour. I eat breakfast at about 7:10 a.m. I go to school by bus at about 7:40 a.m. My school starts at 8:20 a.m. In the morning, I have three lessons. I like English best. At 11:20 a.m., we have lunch at school. After lunch, on Monday and Thursday, I go to the school library. On Tuesday and Friday, I go to the art room. And on Wednesday, I go to English Club. We have our class at 2:30 p.m., and we only have two lessons in the afternoon. School is over at 4:00 p.m. We can go home on the school bus. We always have a good time at school.

( ) 1. When does Daniel get up?

A. At 6:30 a.m. B. At 6:50 a.m. C. At 7:10 a.m. D. At 7:40 a.m.

( ) 2. How long does Daniel read English in the morning?

A. For about 10 minutes. B. For about half an hour.

C. For an hour. D. For an hour and a half.

( ) 3. How many classes are there in Daniel’s school every day?

A. Four B. Five C. Six D. Seven

( ) 4. How does Daniel go to school?

A. On foot. B. By bike. C. By bus. D. By car.

( ) 5. What does Daniel do after lunch on Wednesday?

A. He goes to school library. B. He goes to the art room.

C. He goes to English Club. D. He is in the classroom.


Hi, I am Simon. This is my school. It is very beautiful and modern(时尚). My classroom is very bright and big.

There are a lot of nice students in my class. Daniel is my best friend. He is good at math. At lunchtime, we often sit under the tree to chat with each other. Peter is my English teacher and he is very good. I like him best and so I like English best.

Our school starts at 8:25 a.m. and is over at 3:45 p.m. Before the first class, we do morning exercises(做早操). All the students have lunch at school. Before school is over, we are all on the playground to have activities(活动).

I like my school very much.

( ) 6. How is Simon’s school?

A. It is big and bright. B. It is modern but small.

C. It is big and beautiful. D. It is modern and beautiful.

( ) 7. What is Daniel good at?

A. Math B. English C. Chinese D. PE

( ) 8. Where do Daniel and Simon often chat at lunchtime?

A. In the classroom. B. On the playground.

C. In the dining hall. D. Under the tree.

( ) 9. When does Simon’s school start?

A. At 8:00. B. At 8:10. C. At 8:20. D. At 8:25.

( ) 10. Which is TRUE about Simon’s school?

A. Simon’s school is over at 4:00 p.m.

B. In Simon’s school, students do morning exercises first.

C. Some students go home for lunch in Simon’s school.

D. Peter is Simon’s Math teacher.

there be结构及表示时间的介词

there be结构

一、There be句型的基本用法:某地/某存在有某人/某物

形式为“There be+代词或名词(短语)+地点/时间状语”。



3. Is there anything wrong with your ears? (Yes,there is/No,there isn't.)

4. There wasn't a meeting yesterday, was there?(反意疑问句)

二、There be+sb.+doing sth.+地点/时间状语:有某人在做某事

例:There are several children swimming in the river. 河里有几个孩子在游泳。

1. There be句型中be动词与主语要保持主谓的一致性。

例:1)There is _____ on the floor.

2)There are _____ on the floor.

A. cat B. water C. boxes D. football


例: 1)There were_____ students in our school.

A. hundreds B. eight hundred C. eight hundreds of

2)There is _____water. You needn't get some more.

A. few B. little C. much (b/c)

3. 注意不定代词的用法。

1) 不定代词在句中作主语,谓语动词要用单数形式。

例:There is nothing in the fridge.

2) 不定代词受形容词修饰时要放在形容词前面。

例:There is something interesting in today's newspaper.

4. There be句型的反意疑问句,要注意陈述部分的形式。 若陈述部分含有little,


例:There is nobody in the room,

is there?

例:There is something unusual in the room,isn't there?

5. 要注意句子前后意思的一致性。


例:1)There is _____ food. You needn't buy any.A. any B. some C. no

2) There is _____ food. You have to buy some.选项同上(B/C)

be动词的数应与离它最近的一个主语保持一致。 例:用


There be句型命题趋向有两个方面:一是进一步加强对知识的理解与运用方

面的考查。例如be动词与主语的一致性、名词或代词的修饰语、搭配关系、含否定词的反意疑问句等。二是有可能出现“有某人在做某事”这一句型,即“There be+sb.+doing sth.+地点/时间状语”。另外,还得提醒一下同学们,如果要表达诸如“这里/那里(挺漂亮„„)等”这样的修饰句型,应用“It’s„ here/there.”而不是“Here/there is„”。


1. —Oh, there isn't enough _____ for us in the lift.

—It doesn't matter, let's wait for the next.

A. ground B. floor C. place D. room

2. There _____ an English Evening next Tuesday.

A. was B. will be C. will have D. are going to be

3. There _____ a football game in our school.

A. has B. will have C. will be

4. There is going to ___ a report ____Chinese history in our school this evening.

A. have; on B. be; on C. have; for D. be; of

5. There is _____ food here. We'll have to buy some.

A. any B. some C. no

6. There are _____ days in a week.

A. the seven B. seventh C. the seventh D. seven

7. There are few _____ in the fridge. Let's go and buy some peas,carrots and cabbages.

A. vegetables B. fruit C. meat D. eggs

8. Look! There are some _____ on the floor.

A. child B. water C. boxes D. girl

9. There were two _____ people at yesterday's meeting.

A. hundreds B. hundreds of C. hundred

10. The letter from my uncle was short. There wasn't _____ news.

A. many B. a few C. much D. few



一、 at, in

例1 Both Mary and Betty will get married this year. Mary is going to begin their honeymoon

Christmas while Betty _____New Year’s Day.

A. on; on B. at; in C. at; on D. by; on

评析 此题选C。at主要用来表示时点,但也可以表示时段,主要用在某些一年中重要的节日名称之前,不仅表示节日的当天,而且也表示整个节日的期间。但如果节日名称后面紧跟day,那就是表示节日当天,不能用at,而要用on。

例2 Suffering from the terrible earthquake, the victims often awake several times _____the night

and sometimes they even cannot sleep _____night.

A. in; at B. at; in C. during; in D. in; during

评析 此题选A。at night表示整个夜晚,或指白天结束、夜幕刚降临时,而in/during the night则指夜间的某一时刻。

二、 in, after

例3 He went abroad for further education _____a few weeks.

He will go abroad for further education _____a few weeks.

A. in; in B. after; after C. in; after D. after; in

评析 此组题选D。in和 after通常表示“在„„(时间)以后”,但in一般用于将来时,而after则主要用于一般过去时。

例4 No hurry! The train will be here ________a few minutes.

No hurry! The train will be here __________twelve o’clock.

No hurry! The train will be here __________lunch.

A. after; in; at B. in; after; after

C. after; in; after D. in; after; in

评析 此组题选B。in和 after都可以用于将来时,但有两点不同:(1)in 以现在为起点,而after则以将来为起点。(2)in 后接时段,而after后接时间点或表示某一事件的名词。


The project was finished in less than two years.

A dynamic train does the journey from Nanjing to Shanghai in about two hours. We will learn a foreign language well in three years.

分析以上例句,可以看出:(1) in表示“在„„(时间)以内”,主要用于一般过去时,也可以用于一般现在时。(2)注意时态的同时,还要注意动词的体性。动词的体性决定了介词in的含义。尤其是和一般将来时连用时,更需加倍注意。一般而言,持续性动词


三、 on, in, during, for

on, in, during, for,这四个时间介词都可以表示时段。一般说来,on表示在某一天,in, during和 for则多表示短于一天或长于一天的时间。但是,特殊情况颇多。

1. in, on

例5 The horrible earthquake struck Wenchuan _____the afternoon when I was travelling there.

A. in B. on C. during D. within

评析 此题选B。morning/afternoon/evening/night前通常用in, 具有泛指的意义,但如果要特指某一天的早晨(下午或傍晚),或对之有一定的描绘,换言之,如morning, afternoon, evening, night有定语修饰,则不能用in,而用on。

2. in, during

例6 I’d like to call on my uncle _____my stay in Beijing this summer. In other words, I can see my uncle again _____the summer.

A. during; during B. in; in C. during; in D. in; during

评析 此题选A。in和 during在表示时段时,很多时候可以互换,意思大致相同。但是在某些表示事件的名词(如stay, visit, meal等)前,宜用during,以表示这些事件的持续时间。此外,与四季的名称连用时,通常in 是泛指,而during是特指。

3. in, for


I helped my parents with the housework for the summer.


I helped my parents with the housework in the summer.


4. during, for

例7 There was a terrible storm_____the night; it rained_____four or five hours.

A. during; during B. during; for C. for; for D. for; during

评析 此题选B。一般而言,for比during更强调动作的持续和时间的长度。during 通常表示某一事件发生的时间(when),而for则强调某一动作持续的时间长度(how long)。

例8 My mother was ill in hospital_____two months_____the winter.

A. during; for B. for; for C. for; during D. during; during

评析 此题选C。虽然during和for都表示持续时间,表示某一动作或状态发生于某一段时间的始终,但前者通常用于时间长度不确定的、含糊的一段时间之前,而后者既可以和时间长度不确定的,也可以和时间长度确定的一段时间连用。

四、 by, before

例9 The deadline for the assignment is Friday, so you have to finish it _____Friday.

A. by B. before C. on D. at

评析 此题选A。by和before都表示“在„„(时间)之前”,但before 不包括当日,而by包括当日。从本题题干的前半句可知,周五是完成这个任务的最后期限,当然包括星期五在内。所以选项B不对。此外,by通常表示的是截止时间,所以一般和完成时连用。例如:

By the end of last year, all the projects for the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games had been completed.

五、 from, since

例10 The 2008 Beijing Olympic Games will begin _____August 8, 2008.

All people, whether they are old or young, rich or poor, have been trying their best to

help those in need _____the disaster.

A. from; by B. on; from C. since; from D. from; since

评析 此题选D。from 和since都表示时间的起点,但from用于一般过去时,一般现在时或一般将来时,而since则主要用于完成时或完成进行时。

六、 by, till/until

例11 —Can we stay here _____ the weekend?

—Yes, but you’ll have to leave _____Monday midday at the latest.

A. by; until B. by;by C. until; by D. until; until

评析 此题选C。 until/till 和by都是后接一时间点,但是until表示某一持续的动作或状态于某一时刻结束,而by则表示某一动作于某一时刻或之前发生,而且多用于完成时或完成进行时。


Last night Mr. Crook didn’t come back at the usual time. Instead, he met some friends and _____out _____ midnight.

It was _____ midnight that they reached the camp site.

A. stayed; until; not until

B. stayed; until; until

C. didn’t stay; until; until

D. didn’t stay; until; not until

评析 此题选A。用肯定结构until还是用否定结构not ...until,主要是看动词的体性,即:短暂性动词通常用肯定结构,而持续性动词一般用否定结构not ... until,也可以用肯定结构,但意思不一样。试比较:

He surfed the Internet until midnight yesterday.


He didn’t surf the Internet until midnight yesterday.


七、 since, for


The volunteers have been helping rescue the victims trapped in the ruins _________three days.

The volunteers have been helping rescue the victims trapped in the ruins __________three days ago.

A. for; for B. since; since C. since; for D. for; since

评析 此题选D。since和 for都表示一段时间。但since后接时间点,for后接时间段。since主要和完成时或完成进行时连用,而for则可以和各种时态连用。


1. He will come and give us a lecture _____the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games.

A. in B. after C. since D. from

2. _____nine o’clock, all the Olympic torch bearers had reached the top of Mount Qomolangma.

A. Since B. From C. At D. By

3. He graduated from Peking University, _____he went to the U.S.A.

A. after which B. from which C. in which D. since

4. _____Saturday morning, we were shown around the Water Cube and the Bird’s Nest for the 2008 Olympic Games.

A. In B. By C. On D. During

5. _____then _____what damage the horrible earthquake had done to the people there.

A. Not until; did they realize

B. Not until; they realized

C. Until; did they realize

D. Until; they didn’t realize

6. Family members usually get together _____the Spring Festival in China.

A. on B. during C. for D. in

7. _____hearing the news, he jumped with joy.

A. At B. By C. In D. On

8. —How about Liu Xiang?

—He has been preparing for the Beijing Olympic Games _____the end of last year.

A. since B. by C. in D. at

9. —When do we have to finish the task?

—_____August 21.

A. In B. During C. By D. Within

10. I prefer to listen to music _____classes to get myself refreshed.

A. among B. between

C. during D. over



1. I have _____English book and it’s _____ green and yellow.

A. an; / B. a; the C. an; the D. a; /

2. What’s this ___English?

A. at B. in C. on D. of

3. Helen has science every Monday. She thinks it’s difficult _____ interesting.

A. and B. but C. too D. so

4. Miss Liu wants to have some ________. She likes fruit very much.

A. apple B. bread C. strawberries D. chicken

5. Miss Yang likes ______; but she doesn’t like_______.

A. tomatos; ice-cream B. milk; tomatoes

C. breads; milk D. eggs; rices

6. The lovely girl is from Class 42. ______name is Alice.

A. Your B. His C. Her D. Its

7. –______ their names?

– Sorry, I don’t know.

A. What B. What’s C. Where’s D. What are

8. –Do you have a soccer ball, Frank?

–No, but my brother Alan _______.

A. does B. has C. have one D. does one

9. Miss Zhang isn’t here. You can _____ her _____933-8840. A. ask; for B. call; at C. look; at D. find; in

10. The jacket is on the chair. Let me _____ it.

A. to get B. gets C. getes D. get

11. Anna lost her ID card. She _____ find it. She needs it at school.

A. want B. have C. must D. want to

12. –What does your cousin often do in the evening?

–She often____ TV.

A. watchs B. to watch C. watches D. watch

13. –Here ____a set of keys. Are they yours?

–No, mine are in my bag.

A. is B. are C. have D. has

14. Mr. Bai often ____ games ___ his students after class, so his students like him very much.

A. plays; and B. plays; with

C. wants; for D. wants; to

15. –Let’s play basketball after school.

–That sounds______.

A. well B. like good C. good D. like well

16. Chinese is easy for Jerry, but it’s really ______ for me.

A. interesting B. difficult C. easy D. bad

17. Kate, ______ my parents; mom and dad, ________ my friend, Kate.

A. this is; that is B. those are, this’s

C. they are; he is D. these are; this is

18. Gina is my sister, she is _____ years old and her birthday is on March the______

A. twelve; twelve B. twelfth; twelfth

C. twelfth; twelve D. twelve; twelfth

19. –Your socks look very nice, Mary.

– _______________.

A. No, thank you B. Yes, they aren’t mine

C. Thanks very much D. Please not say that

20. –Is that your brother, Sally?

–____________. He’s my cousin.

A. Yes, it is B. Yes, he is

C. No, she isn’t. D. No, it isn’t.



My name is Daniel. Let me talk about my day. I get up at 6:30 a.m. and I read English for about half an hour. I eat breakfast at about 7:10 a.m. I go to school by bus at about 7:40 a.m. My school starts at 8:20 a.m. In the morning, I have three lessons. I like English best. At 11:20 a.m., we have lunch at school. After lunch, on Monday and Thursday, I go to the school library. On Tuesday and Friday, I go to the art room. And on Wednesday, I go to English Club. We have our class at 2:30 p.m., and we only have two lessons in the afternoon. School is over at 4:00 p.m. We can go home on the school bus. We always have a good time at school.

( ) 1. When does Daniel get up?

A. At 6:30 a.m. B. At 6:50 a.m. C. At 7:10 a.m. D. At 7:40 a.m.

( ) 2. How long does Daniel read English in the morning?

A. For about 10 minutes. B. For about half an hour.

C. For an hour. D. For an hour and a half.

( ) 3. How many classes are there in Daniel’s school every day?

A. Four B. Five C. Six D. Seven

( ) 4. How does Daniel go to school?

A. On foot. B. By bike. C. By bus. D. By car.

( ) 5. What does Daniel do after lunch on Wednesday?

A. He goes to school library. B. He goes to the art room.

C. He goes to English Club. D. He is in the classroom.


Hi, I am Simon. This is my school. It is very beautiful and modern(时尚). My classroom is very bright and big.

There are a lot of nice students in my class. Daniel is my best friend. He is good at math. At lunchtime, we often sit under the tree to chat with each other. Peter is my English teacher and he is very good. I like him best and so I like English best.

Our school starts at 8:25 a.m. and is over at 3:45 p.m. Before the first class, we do morning exercises(做早操). All the students have lunch at school. Before school is over, we are all on the playground to have activities(活动).

I like my school very much.

( ) 6. How is Simon’s school?

A. It is big and bright. B. It is modern but small.

C. It is big and beautiful. D. It is modern and beautiful.

( ) 7. What is Daniel good at?

A. Math B. English C. Chinese D. PE

( ) 8. Where do Daniel and Simon often chat at lunchtime?

A. In the classroom. B. On the playground.

C. In the dining hall. D. Under the tree.

( ) 9. When does Simon’s school start?

A. At 8:00. B. At 8:10. C. At 8:20. D. At 8:25.

( ) 10. Which is TRUE about Simon’s school?

A. Simon’s school is over at 4:00 p.m.

B. In Simon’s school, students do morning exercises first.

C. Some students go home for lunch in Simon’s school.

D. Peter is Simon’s Math teacher.


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