

课题:Unit 4. I have a pen pal. Part A,Let’s learn&Do a survey. 教学目标:1、Master the key words:dancing,singing,reading stories,playing football,doing kung fu. 2、Master the sentence patterns.

3、Talk about the interests and hobbies, develop and show their personalities.

学情分析:Students have learned and talked about their weekend plan and they have their own hobbies in their lives. So students are interested in talking about the hobbies.

教学内容简要分析:This teaching material is close to the natural life. And the topic is practical and useful for students to communicate. So this part provides an opportunity for students to improve their speaking ability. 教学重难点: Important points:

Master the phrases and expressions in this part. Difficult points:

Talk about their interests and hobbies with others. 教学方法的选择及检验分析: Task-based teaching method; Communicative teaching method.

教学媒体的选择及简要分析: Multimedia ; Tape recorder ; blackboard. 学习效果的检测策略及简要分析:

According to the results of students’ activities, I make a analysis to evaluate their study and improve their abilities.


课题:Unit 4. I have a pen pal. Part A,Let’s learn&Do a survey. 教学目标:1、Master the key words:dancing,singing,reading stories,playing football,doing kung fu. 2、Master the sentence patterns.

3、Talk about the interests and hobbies, develop and show their personalities.

学情分析:Students have learned and talked about their weekend plan and they have their own hobbies in their lives. So students are interested in talking about the hobbies.

教学内容简要分析:This teaching material is close to the natural life. And the topic is practical and useful for students to communicate. So this part provides an opportunity for students to improve their speaking ability. 教学重难点: Important points:

Master the phrases and expressions in this part. Difficult points:

Talk about their interests and hobbies with others. 教学方法的选择及检验分析: Task-based teaching method; Communicative teaching method.

教学媒体的选择及简要分析: Multimedia ; Tape recorder ; blackboard. 学习效果的检测策略及简要分析:

According to the results of students’ activities, I make a analysis to evaluate their study and improve their abilities.


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