第六单元 听说课教案

Teaching content: Tell me when the pain started

Lesson One Listening and Speaking

Teaching aims:

(1) Knowledge aims:

1) Get the Students (Ss) to learn some words about pain in the body, for example, fever,

stomachache, toothache, back pain and so on.

2) Get the Ss to learn some phrases and sentence types to describe the symptoms and to

make an appointment with the doctor.

Phrases: make an appointment with somebody, have a cold/ cough/ runny nose…

Sentences :I would like to make an appointment with sb.

What ’s wrong with you?

How long have you felt this way? = How long have you been like this?

The doctor is free at 10 this morning.

Will 10 o’clock be OK for you?

You ’ve got a high fever.

I think you need more rest.

3) Ss can understand the conversation between the doctor and the patient by listening.

(2) Ability aims:

1) Reading: Ss can read fluently the dialogue about how to describe the symptoms and

to make an appointment with the doctor.

2) Listening: Ss can listen and understand some expressions about how to describe the

symptoms and to make an appointment with the doctor.

3) Speaking: Ss can communicate with others using the corresponding sentence types.

(3) Emotional aims:

1) Hold healthy attitudes towards life.

2) Develop a healthy lifestyle.

Teaching important points:

(1) Words and expressions to describe symptoms and give advice in this unit are important. Teaching difficult points:

(1) Ss can talk about disease symptoms freely.

(2) Some words about diseases are difficult.

Teaching methods:

(1) Task-based teaching and learning.

(2) Cooperative learning.

(3) Communicative teaching and learning.

Teaching aids:

(1) The multimedia.

(2) Other normal teaching tools.

Teaching procedures:

Step1. Review

(1) Get the Ss to be familiar with the meaning of the words.

1) First, ask Ss to read each word for three times.

2) Work in pairs, Student A pretend to have a pain in the back/ stomach/ tooth …,

Student B speak out one word to describe A’s problem. Body language and pictures are OK for that activity.

Step2. Lead-in

(1) Warming up

Greet Ss by asking them: How are you today? Then I will tell Ss that I’m not feeling well today and ask Ss to guess the reason freely. If they can’t find the answer, I’ll tell them I have a headache and I didn’t have a good sleep last night. So I have a headache.(I say this by doing a gesture.)

(2) Look and match

I ’ll show Ss some pictures with different people have different healthy problems, and guide Ss to find appropriate words to describe the symptoms.

(3) I say you do

I read a sentence: I have a toothache/ back pain/ stomache… And ask Ss to do the action. After several times, we have a change.

Step3. Listening

(1) Listen extensively.

1) Ask Ss to look at the picture in Activity 3 and try to predict what the boy’s trouble

is and what he will do when he is ill.

2) Ask Ss to answer the two questions:

a. Who is Tom talking to?

b. Why is he making this phone call?

(2) Listen carefully

(3) Listen and repeat

Step 4. Presentation

(1) Reading

Ask Ss to read the dialogue after me for the first time to have a basic understanding of the dialogue.

(2) Deal with language points.

(3) Work in pairs.

1) Divide the Ss into 2 groups and practice the dialogue.

2) Ask Ss to make a two-people group to practice, then I will invite several groups to

show their plays.

(4) Make a conversation

According to the two situations provided, ask Ss to choose one situation freely to make a

similar conversation and invite Ss to act it out.

(5) Role play

Talk and act. Divide the Ss into two groups. Group One play the doctor and another group play the patient to practice the dialogue.

Step5. Conclusion

Summarize what we’ve learned this class.

T: This class, we ’ve learned how to describe symptoms and how to make an

appointment with the doctor. Now let ’s review the important expressions and sentences.

Step6. Homework

(1). Finish the work below, then hand them in.

1) English-Chinese translation

a. 我头痛。

b. 我想预约医生。

c.What ’s wrong with you?

d. How long have you been like this?

e. 她发烧了。

f. I think you need more rest.

2) Fill in the blanks

D: What’s _____ with you?(你怎么了?)

P: I have a _____ (头痛) and a sore throat.

D: _____ _____ have you felt this way?(多久)

P: For a week.

D: I’m sorry to hear that. You should take this medicine ____ ____ ____ ____.(一

天三次) and drink more water.

P: Thank you.

Step7. Blackboard design

Useful expressions: Important sentences: Write sth freely have a cough/ fever… What ’s wrong with you?

make an appointment (with sb) How long have you felt this way?

take one’s temperature Will this be OK for you?

all the time Can you make it earlier?

be free

what about…

Step8. Teaching reflection

In the future, I will give the students more time to give their wonderful

performances .and I will also give different students different tasks and try to make all the students focus on their studies…

Teaching content: Tell me when the pain started

Lesson One Listening and Speaking

Teaching aims:

(1) Knowledge aims:

1) Get the Students (Ss) to learn some words about pain in the body, for example, fever,

stomachache, toothache, back pain and so on.

2) Get the Ss to learn some phrases and sentence types to describe the symptoms and to

make an appointment with the doctor.

Phrases: make an appointment with somebody, have a cold/ cough/ runny nose…

Sentences :I would like to make an appointment with sb.

What ’s wrong with you?

How long have you felt this way? = How long have you been like this?

The doctor is free at 10 this morning.

Will 10 o’clock be OK for you?

You ’ve got a high fever.

I think you need more rest.

3) Ss can understand the conversation between the doctor and the patient by listening.

(2) Ability aims:

1) Reading: Ss can read fluently the dialogue about how to describe the symptoms and

to make an appointment with the doctor.

2) Listening: Ss can listen and understand some expressions about how to describe the

symptoms and to make an appointment with the doctor.

3) Speaking: Ss can communicate with others using the corresponding sentence types.

(3) Emotional aims:

1) Hold healthy attitudes towards life.

2) Develop a healthy lifestyle.

Teaching important points:

(1) Words and expressions to describe symptoms and give advice in this unit are important. Teaching difficult points:

(1) Ss can talk about disease symptoms freely.

(2) Some words about diseases are difficult.

Teaching methods:

(1) Task-based teaching and learning.

(2) Cooperative learning.

(3) Communicative teaching and learning.

Teaching aids:

(1) The multimedia.

(2) Other normal teaching tools.

Teaching procedures:

Step1. Review

(1) Get the Ss to be familiar with the meaning of the words.

1) First, ask Ss to read each word for three times.

2) Work in pairs, Student A pretend to have a pain in the back/ stomach/ tooth …,

Student B speak out one word to describe A’s problem. Body language and pictures are OK for that activity.

Step2. Lead-in

(1) Warming up

Greet Ss by asking them: How are you today? Then I will tell Ss that I’m not feeling well today and ask Ss to guess the reason freely. If they can’t find the answer, I’ll tell them I have a headache and I didn’t have a good sleep last night. So I have a headache.(I say this by doing a gesture.)

(2) Look and match

I ’ll show Ss some pictures with different people have different healthy problems, and guide Ss to find appropriate words to describe the symptoms.

(3) I say you do

I read a sentence: I have a toothache/ back pain/ stomache… And ask Ss to do the action. After several times, we have a change.

Step3. Listening

(1) Listen extensively.

1) Ask Ss to look at the picture in Activity 3 and try to predict what the boy’s trouble

is and what he will do when he is ill.

2) Ask Ss to answer the two questions:

a. Who is Tom talking to?

b. Why is he making this phone call?

(2) Listen carefully

(3) Listen and repeat

Step 4. Presentation

(1) Reading

Ask Ss to read the dialogue after me for the first time to have a basic understanding of the dialogue.

(2) Deal with language points.

(3) Work in pairs.

1) Divide the Ss into 2 groups and practice the dialogue.

2) Ask Ss to make a two-people group to practice, then I will invite several groups to

show their plays.

(4) Make a conversation

According to the two situations provided, ask Ss to choose one situation freely to make a

similar conversation and invite Ss to act it out.

(5) Role play

Talk and act. Divide the Ss into two groups. Group One play the doctor and another group play the patient to practice the dialogue.

Step5. Conclusion

Summarize what we’ve learned this class.

T: This class, we ’ve learned how to describe symptoms and how to make an

appointment with the doctor. Now let ’s review the important expressions and sentences.

Step6. Homework

(1). Finish the work below, then hand them in.

1) English-Chinese translation

a. 我头痛。

b. 我想预约医生。

c.What ’s wrong with you?

d. How long have you been like this?

e. 她发烧了。

f. I think you need more rest.

2) Fill in the blanks

D: What’s _____ with you?(你怎么了?)

P: I have a _____ (头痛) and a sore throat.

D: _____ _____ have you felt this way?(多久)

P: For a week.

D: I’m sorry to hear that. You should take this medicine ____ ____ ____ ____.(一

天三次) and drink more water.

P: Thank you.

Step7. Blackboard design

Useful expressions: Important sentences: Write sth freely have a cough/ fever… What ’s wrong with you?

make an appointment (with sb) How long have you felt this way?

take one’s temperature Will this be OK for you?

all the time Can you make it earlier?

be free

what about…

Step8. Teaching reflection

In the future, I will give the students more time to give their wonderful

performances .and I will also give different students different tasks and try to make all the students focus on their studies…


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