
Where do you come from? Are you Australian?

Y es, I come from ________.

Where does he come from? Is he Austrian?

Y es, he comes from__________.

Where does he come from? Is he Canadian?

Y es, he comes from _________.

Where do you both come from? Are you Chinese?

Y es, we come from _______.

Where do I come from? Am I Finnish?

Y es, you come from________.

Where does she come from? Is she Indian?

Y es, she comes from_________.

Where do we both come from? Are we both Japanese?

Y es, you come from________.

Where do you come from? Are you Korean?

Y es, I come from_________.

Where do you both come from? Are you both Nigerian?

Y es, we come from________.

Where does she come from? Is she Turkish?

Y es, she comes from________.

Where do you come from? Are you Australian?

Y es, I come from ________.

Where does he come from? Is he Austrian?

Y es, he comes from__________.

Where does he come from? Is he Canadian?

Y es, he comes from _________.

Where do you both come from? Are you Chinese?

Y es, we come from _______.

Where do I come from? Am I Finnish?

Y es, you come from________.

Where does she come from? Is she Indian?

Y es, she comes from_________.

Where do we both come from? Are we both Japanese?

Y es, you come from________.

Where do you come from? Are you Korean?

Y es, I come from_________.

Where do you both come from? Are you both Nigerian?

Y es, we come from________.

Where does she come from? Is she Turkish?

Y es, she comes from________.


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