
Translate the following sentences into Chinese

1. He had enjoyed being outdoors and had reveled in pitting his strength against the forces of nature. 他喜欢户外运动还陶醉于用自己的力量去对抗大自然。

2. How can they break down the barriers of fear and hostility which have divided the two trade blocs? 在两个贸易集团中他们该怎样打破双方恐惧和敌意的障碍呢?

3. A company usually must either pay overtime, close in the holiday, or face high levels of employee absenteeism.在假期公司通常需要支付加班费,否则就会有大规模的缺勤。

4. Laws governing patents, trademarks, copyrights, trade secrets and know-how assure fair competition in the sense that they provide the incentive for firms to engage in research and development. 在某种意义上,是法定专利、商标、版权、商业秘密技术和公平竞争为企业提供了研究和发展的动力。

5. Research indicates that "having the gene for schizophrenia" means there is a 50 percent risk you will develop the disease, rather than absolute certainty. 研究表明,“精神分裂症”的基因会让你有百分之50的风险患上疾病,而不是绝对的确定性。

6. Young men are fitter to invent that to judge, fitter for execution than for counsel, and fitter for new projects than for settled business. 年轻人更适合发明而不是评判,更适合执行而非决策,更适合从事新项目而非结算业务。

7. Our ability to judge anything, whether it is the goodness of a cheese or the beauty of a woman, depends very largely upon our ability to compare and contrast one thing with another. 我们的判断东西的能力,无论它是一个奶酪是否美味或者一个女人是否美丽,很大程度上取决于我们的比较和对比一个事物与另一事物的能力

8. I would argue that human cloning denies an individual's right to inherit a unique set of genes. 我认为克隆人否定了一个人的继承一套独特的基因的权利。

9. The Pentagon has issued similar statements about the situation. 五角大楼就这一情况发布了类似的声明

10. Later as I tossed and turned in bed, I could not chase away the apprehension I had about the coming final examination. 之后我躺在床上辗转反侧,我不能把即将来临的期末考试焦虑从我身上赶走。

11. We figured that it would be a simple trip, with four or five motel stops along the way. 我们认为这将是一个简单的行程,在前进的道路上有四或五个汽车旅馆。

12. I pictured the faces of my husband and children. 我想象着我的丈夫和孩子的脸。

13. Nothing could dispel the sense of helplessness.没有什么可以消除我的疑虑。

14. In sign language I showed him that I needed some water for the car. 在手语中我给他说我的车需要一些水。

15. One day I met a friend who was wearing a very beautiful sweater. It was plain in color, but it had a lovely and unusual stitch. 有一天我遇见了一位朋友,她穿着一件非常漂亮的毛衣。只是一个简单的颜色却有一个可爱和不寻常的缝合。

16. The consequence was the closure of C&A's 109 UK stores, which were losing $1000,000 a week. 结果C&A有109家英国商店关闭,它每周损失1000000美元。

17. We have bigger houses and smaller families; more conveniences, but less time; we have more degrees, but less common sense; more knowledge, but less judgment; more experts, but more

questions; more medicine, but less wellness. 我们有更大的住房和更小的家庭;更多的公共厕所,时间却越来越少;我们有了更多的学位,常识却更少;更多的知识,但判断力却更差了;更多的专家,但更多的问题;更多的药品,但更少的健康。

18. For each year of education from first grade on, subjects had an average of 1.77milliliters more cerebrospinal fluid around the brain. 每一年从一年级起,受试者大脑周围的脑脊液平均比1.77毫升多点。

19. Jordan is particularly struck by Maria, a shy young girl with a cropped head. 乔丹特别深刻的是玛丽亚,一个有凌乱头发的害羞的年轻女孩。

20. Standing armies did not then exit.那时不存在常备军。

21. Often it does not rain there for a whole year or longer. 有整整一年或更长的时间不经常下雨。

22. Surely nothing more could go wrong during the next hour.在接下来的一个小时里一定不会有更多的错误发生。

23. Fues of sufficient size should be selected. 应该选择足够大的熔断器。

24. "Did you knit that sweater?" I asked her.

"no," she answered."It was done by a woman here in paris." 这是你织的吗?”我问她。 “不,”她回答。“是一个这儿的巴黎女人。”

25. One or two car models have been on show for a while at showrooms and car shows. 一个或两个车型已在展厅和汽车表演的同时亮相。

26. Sharp conflicts are now arising again. 现在再次出现了强烈的冲突。

27. The fortress commanded an extensive prospect of the bright and beautiful lake and its surrounding forests.要塞前方有美丽明亮的湖泊以及森林的景色。

28. It was my turn to say that I was sorry. 轮到我说对不起。

29. The perspective in which this journey must be placed goes back to Bandung.这次旅程的视线一定要在万隆。

30. I tried everything I could think of. 我试着尽我所能的想我可以想到的。

31. It was many years later before I learned where and how he had got that tricycle. 那我是在多年之后才知道他是从哪里是如何得到的三轮车的。

32. There is nothing else I can go.那没有什么可以让我去。

33. He avoided everything that might upset the even tenor of his ways. 他避免了可能打乱了他平静的生活方式的一切。

34. She doesn't mind whether you agree or not. 她不在乎你是否同意或不同意。

35. The reading of all good books is like a conversation with the finest men of the past centuries. 所有的好书,读起来就像在和过去世界上最杰出的人谈话。

36. We talk too much, love too little and lie too often. 我们的话语太多,爱太少,谎言太多。

37. I was speeding along singing at the top of my voice and didn't see the fire engine that was trying to overtake me.当我超速时我在用自己的最高音唱歌,并没有看到消防车想追上我。

38. Quite a few movies have been made about ti.相当多的人都是有关于钛的。

39. I recognize her brilliance, but question her responsibility. 我承认她的辉煌,但是她有关于责任的问题。

40. The real meaning of Christmas had been restored to us.圣诞节的真正意义是回归自我。

41. A prototype of another display, called the military E-Book, should be completed next January.另一个显示的原型叫做军事电子书,应该在明年一月完成。

42. Reference books are not allowed to be taken out of the reading room. 参考书不得带出阅览

43. Hitherto he had been held in check by the controlling interference of Congress.迄今为止他已经通过国会的影响控制了干扰。

44. Before reaching his teens, he was firmly installed as official second violinist in the court orchestra. 之前在他十几岁的时候,他被在宫廷乐队正式第二小提琴手的位置十分牢固。

45. The company has also been crippled by inflation.该公司还在通货膨胀中。

46. His action was prompted by the fear of being attacked. 对被攻击的恐惧促使他采取了行动。

47. The legislation of the artist is never formulated at the time, though it is sometimes discerned by future generations. 艺术家的法规是没有在当时制定的,虽然它有的时候时会被后世辨明。

48. The paper says further research is required into interview techniques. 文章说,进一步的探究是必要的面试技巧

49. In court witnesses are asked to give evidence about events, and judges and juries assess its reality. 在法庭上,目击者被要求提供事件的证据,由法官和陪审团判断其真实性。

50. Some music can lull you into concentration loss, which can cause horrific accidents. 音乐能让你沉迷其中,造成可怕的事故

Translate the following sentences into Chinese

1. He had enjoyed being outdoors and had reveled in pitting his strength against the forces of nature. 他喜欢户外运动还陶醉于用自己的力量去对抗大自然。

2. How can they break down the barriers of fear and hostility which have divided the two trade blocs? 在两个贸易集团中他们该怎样打破双方恐惧和敌意的障碍呢?

3. A company usually must either pay overtime, close in the holiday, or face high levels of employee absenteeism.在假期公司通常需要支付加班费,否则就会有大规模的缺勤。

4. Laws governing patents, trademarks, copyrights, trade secrets and know-how assure fair competition in the sense that they provide the incentive for firms to engage in research and development. 在某种意义上,是法定专利、商标、版权、商业秘密技术和公平竞争为企业提供了研究和发展的动力。

5. Research indicates that "having the gene for schizophrenia" means there is a 50 percent risk you will develop the disease, rather than absolute certainty. 研究表明,“精神分裂症”的基因会让你有百分之50的风险患上疾病,而不是绝对的确定性。

6. Young men are fitter to invent that to judge, fitter for execution than for counsel, and fitter for new projects than for settled business. 年轻人更适合发明而不是评判,更适合执行而非决策,更适合从事新项目而非结算业务。

7. Our ability to judge anything, whether it is the goodness of a cheese or the beauty of a woman, depends very largely upon our ability to compare and contrast one thing with another. 我们的判断东西的能力,无论它是一个奶酪是否美味或者一个女人是否美丽,很大程度上取决于我们的比较和对比一个事物与另一事物的能力

8. I would argue that human cloning denies an individual's right to inherit a unique set of genes. 我认为克隆人否定了一个人的继承一套独特的基因的权利。

9. The Pentagon has issued similar statements about the situation. 五角大楼就这一情况发布了类似的声明

10. Later as I tossed and turned in bed, I could not chase away the apprehension I had about the coming final examination. 之后我躺在床上辗转反侧,我不能把即将来临的期末考试焦虑从我身上赶走。

11. We figured that it would be a simple trip, with four or five motel stops along the way. 我们认为这将是一个简单的行程,在前进的道路上有四或五个汽车旅馆。

12. I pictured the faces of my husband and children. 我想象着我的丈夫和孩子的脸。

13. Nothing could dispel the sense of helplessness.没有什么可以消除我的疑虑。

14. In sign language I showed him that I needed some water for the car. 在手语中我给他说我的车需要一些水。

15. One day I met a friend who was wearing a very beautiful sweater. It was plain in color, but it had a lovely and unusual stitch. 有一天我遇见了一位朋友,她穿着一件非常漂亮的毛衣。只是一个简单的颜色却有一个可爱和不寻常的缝合。

16. The consequence was the closure of C&A's 109 UK stores, which were losing $1000,000 a week. 结果C&A有109家英国商店关闭,它每周损失1000000美元。

17. We have bigger houses and smaller families; more conveniences, but less time; we have more degrees, but less common sense; more knowledge, but less judgment; more experts, but more

questions; more medicine, but less wellness. 我们有更大的住房和更小的家庭;更多的公共厕所,时间却越来越少;我们有了更多的学位,常识却更少;更多的知识,但判断力却更差了;更多的专家,但更多的问题;更多的药品,但更少的健康。

18. For each year of education from first grade on, subjects had an average of 1.77milliliters more cerebrospinal fluid around the brain. 每一年从一年级起,受试者大脑周围的脑脊液平均比1.77毫升多点。

19. Jordan is particularly struck by Maria, a shy young girl with a cropped head. 乔丹特别深刻的是玛丽亚,一个有凌乱头发的害羞的年轻女孩。

20. Standing armies did not then exit.那时不存在常备军。

21. Often it does not rain there for a whole year or longer. 有整整一年或更长的时间不经常下雨。

22. Surely nothing more could go wrong during the next hour.在接下来的一个小时里一定不会有更多的错误发生。

23. Fues of sufficient size should be selected. 应该选择足够大的熔断器。

24. "Did you knit that sweater?" I asked her.

"no," she answered."It was done by a woman here in paris." 这是你织的吗?”我问她。 “不,”她回答。“是一个这儿的巴黎女人。”

25. One or two car models have been on show for a while at showrooms and car shows. 一个或两个车型已在展厅和汽车表演的同时亮相。

26. Sharp conflicts are now arising again. 现在再次出现了强烈的冲突。

27. The fortress commanded an extensive prospect of the bright and beautiful lake and its surrounding forests.要塞前方有美丽明亮的湖泊以及森林的景色。

28. It was my turn to say that I was sorry. 轮到我说对不起。

29. The perspective in which this journey must be placed goes back to Bandung.这次旅程的视线一定要在万隆。

30. I tried everything I could think of. 我试着尽我所能的想我可以想到的。

31. It was many years later before I learned where and how he had got that tricycle. 那我是在多年之后才知道他是从哪里是如何得到的三轮车的。

32. There is nothing else I can go.那没有什么可以让我去。

33. He avoided everything that might upset the even tenor of his ways. 他避免了可能打乱了他平静的生活方式的一切。

34. She doesn't mind whether you agree or not. 她不在乎你是否同意或不同意。

35. The reading of all good books is like a conversation with the finest men of the past centuries. 所有的好书,读起来就像在和过去世界上最杰出的人谈话。

36. We talk too much, love too little and lie too often. 我们的话语太多,爱太少,谎言太多。

37. I was speeding along singing at the top of my voice and didn't see the fire engine that was trying to overtake me.当我超速时我在用自己的最高音唱歌,并没有看到消防车想追上我。

38. Quite a few movies have been made about ti.相当多的人都是有关于钛的。

39. I recognize her brilliance, but question her responsibility. 我承认她的辉煌,但是她有关于责任的问题。

40. The real meaning of Christmas had been restored to us.圣诞节的真正意义是回归自我。

41. A prototype of another display, called the military E-Book, should be completed next January.另一个显示的原型叫做军事电子书,应该在明年一月完成。

42. Reference books are not allowed to be taken out of the reading room. 参考书不得带出阅览

43. Hitherto he had been held in check by the controlling interference of Congress.迄今为止他已经通过国会的影响控制了干扰。

44. Before reaching his teens, he was firmly installed as official second violinist in the court orchestra. 之前在他十几岁的时候,他被在宫廷乐队正式第二小提琴手的位置十分牢固。

45. The company has also been crippled by inflation.该公司还在通货膨胀中。

46. His action was prompted by the fear of being attacked. 对被攻击的恐惧促使他采取了行动。

47. The legislation of the artist is never formulated at the time, though it is sometimes discerned by future generations. 艺术家的法规是没有在当时制定的,虽然它有的时候时会被后世辨明。

48. The paper says further research is required into interview techniques. 文章说,进一步的探究是必要的面试技巧

49. In court witnesses are asked to give evidence about events, and judges and juries assess its reality. 在法庭上,目击者被要求提供事件的证据,由法官和陪审团判断其真实性。

50. Some music can lull you into concentration loss, which can cause horrific accidents. 音乐能让你沉迷其中,造成可怕的事故


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