

Good afternoon/morning,everyone. I’m number 8. I’m very glad to share my lesson plan with all of you . My presentation consists of five parts:Part 1 is analysis of the teaching material, part 2 is my teaching methods, part 3 is teaching procedures, part4 is blackboard notes, part 5 is reflection. Now, let’s begin with part 1.

Part 1. Analysis of the teaching material:

In this part, I’ll talk about my understanding of the teaching material, teaching objectives and difficult points.

A) Analysis of the teaching material

The teaching material I’m going to talk about is from NSEFC book one. The topic of this unit is Friendship. And the title of this reading passage is mainly tells us (the story of .../a story that.../that..)a special kind of friendship between a girl and her diary. This is of the unit(and most of the students know little about Friendship/such kind of topic).so the lack of background knowledge will increase the difficulty of their understanding. luckily, they have some general knowledge of what they are familiar with and enable them to connect what they have known with the unknown so as to make sure they can read the passage smoothly.

B) Teaching objectives

According to the teaching material, I set three teaching objectives. expressions,and grammatical structures like “it’s the first time that/...”, and broaden their knowledge of the Jewish people’s sufferings in the history. ’s reading ability such as fast reading, intensive reading, and information-gathering and summarizing ability. by studying the text, Ss would be able to understand what friendship is,increase their awareness of the importance of friendship and learn to cherish and maintain friendship.

C) Key and difficult points

The key point is to get Ss familiar with the usage of important words, expressions and help Ss master some complex grammars, such as the word it used as formal subject and present participle used as attributes.

Part 2 Teaching methods and aids:

Ss should always be put in the predominant position of learning and teachers should play a leading role in instruction. Therefore, I will use question-and-answer activity teaching method, free discussion and pair work method to inspire Ss’s self-learning. During the class, I will draw Ss’s attention to important points by asking them some questions and let them find answers by themselves. They will learn important and difficult points through analyzing, discussion and summarizing. 1

Part 3 teaching procedures

The lesson is divided into 3 stages, that is ,pre-reading, while-reading and post-reading.

there are two activities. Activity 1 is talking. class and try to guess what today’s topic is. is used to bring in the topic and arouse the students’ interest.Next,I will show the students some pictures about/of...and ask the students to choose some proper words to describe the pictures, this will help students recall some words and expressions to talk about ... Activity 2 is predicting. I will ask students to guess the meaning of “...” in the title. They will make use of some relevant information and form their answers. Thus, students’ reading strategy of predicting from the title is improved in this way.

this stage is divided into 3 parts-fast reading, close after predicting ,they will be eager to So in activity 1 is fast-reading. Before fast -reading I will ask them some simple questions about the details in the text. These questions serve as clues for them to follow while reading and will help improve their skimming skills. Students are required to try to tell what the main idea of each paragraph.

Activity 2 is close-reading of every paragraph. Students are required to try to tell what the main idea of a paragraph. This activity will surely train the students’ close-reading skills and summarizing ability. Through a series of activities, the students are led to find out the information and comprehend the text paragraph by paragraph, thus making foundations for the activity in this stage.

Next, I will ask students to divide the passage into three parts and sum up the main idea of each part. Based on the above learning activities, what seems hard for them becomes easier.

Two activities are designed. Activity 1 is retelling. using it can help students master some newly-learned words, expressions and structures. Activity 2 is critical thinking and autonomous learning ability can be developed.

At the end of the class, I will present homework. The first piece is a must for everyone. The students ask to write a short passage about their opinion about...

The second piece is optional, it can be done at home in their spare time or during 2

The optional homework is for who want to learn more and can do more in my class. This is an effective way to arouse the students’ interest in using the language and it will meet different students’ learning needs.

Blackboard notes

On the left, there are some new words and expressions. On the right, there are some useful structures. They all the language focuses of this period. I write them on the blackboard to remain students to use them as much as possible in group work throughout the lesson.


In conclusion, in this lesson language items are learned within the context of a reading material . All efforts are made to help students learn and use vocabulary by using efficient learning strategy. To make the learning process natural and progressive,the period starts with words and phrases, and then concentrates on the sentence structures and paragraphs. Thus, the students oral output will be owing to the previous input.

That’s all for my lesson plan presentation. Thanks for your listening.



Good afternoon/morning,everyone. I’m number 8. I’m very glad to share my lesson plan with all of you . My presentation consists of five parts:Part 1 is analysis of the teaching material, part 2 is my teaching methods, part 3 is teaching procedures, part4 is blackboard notes, part 5 is reflection. Now, let’s begin with part 1.

Part 1. Analysis of the teaching material:

In this part, I’ll talk about my understanding of the teaching material, teaching objectives and difficult points.

A) Analysis of the teaching material

The teaching material I’m going to talk about is from NSEFC book one. The topic of this unit is Friendship. And the title of this reading passage is mainly tells us (the story of .../a story that.../that..)a special kind of friendship between a girl and her diary. This is of the unit(and most of the students know little about Friendship/such kind of topic).so the lack of background knowledge will increase the difficulty of their understanding. luckily, they have some general knowledge of what they are familiar with and enable them to connect what they have known with the unknown so as to make sure they can read the passage smoothly.

B) Teaching objectives

According to the teaching material, I set three teaching objectives. expressions,and grammatical structures like “it’s the first time that/...”, and broaden their knowledge of the Jewish people’s sufferings in the history. ’s reading ability such as fast reading, intensive reading, and information-gathering and summarizing ability. by studying the text, Ss would be able to understand what friendship is,increase their awareness of the importance of friendship and learn to cherish and maintain friendship.

C) Key and difficult points

The key point is to get Ss familiar with the usage of important words, expressions and help Ss master some complex grammars, such as the word it used as formal subject and present participle used as attributes.

Part 2 Teaching methods and aids:

Ss should always be put in the predominant position of learning and teachers should play a leading role in instruction. Therefore, I will use question-and-answer activity teaching method, free discussion and pair work method to inspire Ss’s self-learning. During the class, I will draw Ss’s attention to important points by asking them some questions and let them find answers by themselves. They will learn important and difficult points through analyzing, discussion and summarizing. 1

Part 3 teaching procedures

The lesson is divided into 3 stages, that is ,pre-reading, while-reading and post-reading.

there are two activities. Activity 1 is talking. class and try to guess what today’s topic is. is used to bring in the topic and arouse the students’ interest.Next,I will show the students some pictures about/of...and ask the students to choose some proper words to describe the pictures, this will help students recall some words and expressions to talk about ... Activity 2 is predicting. I will ask students to guess the meaning of “...” in the title. They will make use of some relevant information and form their answers. Thus, students’ reading strategy of predicting from the title is improved in this way.

this stage is divided into 3 parts-fast reading, close after predicting ,they will be eager to So in activity 1 is fast-reading. Before fast -reading I will ask them some simple questions about the details in the text. These questions serve as clues for them to follow while reading and will help improve their skimming skills. Students are required to try to tell what the main idea of each paragraph.

Activity 2 is close-reading of every paragraph. Students are required to try to tell what the main idea of a paragraph. This activity will surely train the students’ close-reading skills and summarizing ability. Through a series of activities, the students are led to find out the information and comprehend the text paragraph by paragraph, thus making foundations for the activity in this stage.

Next, I will ask students to divide the passage into three parts and sum up the main idea of each part. Based on the above learning activities, what seems hard for them becomes easier.

Two activities are designed. Activity 1 is retelling. using it can help students master some newly-learned words, expressions and structures. Activity 2 is critical thinking and autonomous learning ability can be developed.

At the end of the class, I will present homework. The first piece is a must for everyone. The students ask to write a short passage about their opinion about...

The second piece is optional, it can be done at home in their spare time or during 2

The optional homework is for who want to learn more and can do more in my class. This is an effective way to arouse the students’ interest in using the language and it will meet different students’ learning needs.

Blackboard notes

On the left, there are some new words and expressions. On the right, there are some useful structures. They all the language focuses of this period. I write them on the blackboard to remain students to use them as much as possible in group work throughout the lesson.


In conclusion, in this lesson language items are learned within the context of a reading material . All efforts are made to help students learn and use vocabulary by using efficient learning strategy. To make the learning process natural and progressive,the period starts with words and phrases, and then concentrates on the sentence structures and paragraphs. Thus, the students oral output will be owing to the previous input.

That’s all for my lesson plan presentation. Thanks for your listening.



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