面试剧本 英文版

1 Hello, you are all here for this interview, ha ha

234 yeah ,and you?

1 me too, I saw the company on the Internet ,it is good, do you know, my job experiences are so rough, this time I have prepared for a long time, Let's fight together ah, friendship goes the first, work goes second,

2 well, ha ha. Why don't you tell us sth about your experience?

3\4 yeah,yeah tell sth

1 Well, anyway, there are ten minutes left. the first timeI went to Microsoft The interviewer asked me:How much is windows 7 in china?

I saied 5 yuan

Then he saied “Go out”

2 I also have a similar experience

34 really

2 yeah ,I got the chance to google to interview.

He asked me Where did you get the news that we will interview? I Said Baidu 。Then

He let me Go out too。

1234 hahahaha

A It's time tohave the interview. All the interviewees, please come in 1234 let’s go

A :Good morning,everyone.I’m the HR of the company. Today,we are seeking for a talented person to hold the post of Chemical engineer。

First each of you should have an self-introduction, and then I will ask you some questions, finally I will report to the company to decide who will stay. Are you ready?

1234:ok .

A:ok,one by one firstly 1

1 ladies and gentlemen, hello. My name is Zhang Dongmin, I've come to apply for the expensive unit advertisement for the post of an accountant. This is my personal resume. Please have a look.

Took the resume (ice)




To 1 Why did you leave your last job?

1 I feel I have reached the “glass ceiling ”in my current job. Well, I am hoping to get an offer of a better position. If opportunity knocks, I will take

TO 2 You don't have any work experience, how are you qualified for our job 2 I major in chemical engineering and technology, the knowledge I learned can make me be qualified for the job of your company

To 3 what are your greatest strengths and weakness?

3 My strength is that I am confident and brave enough to do things that

others can’t achieve. And I am afraid that my weakness is I am a poor talker. I am not comfortable talking with people whom I have just met for the first time. That is not very good for business, so I have been studying public speaking.

To 4 why do you think you are worth to us?

4 in fact I have a powerful family background. My entering your company

may bring a lot of benefit to both the company and me. This is a Win-Win situation.

To 2 what’s Your requirements of the salary

2 I don't have rigid requirements on wages. I believe that your company can deal with the problem reasonably. I Pay attention to the job opportunities, so if the conditions are fair, I will not care about too much.

To 4 How do you handle your failure

4 All of us are not born perfectly, I believe I will be given a second chance to correct my mistake

To 1 Why do you choose our company

1 I have seen reports of your company in the newspapers and magazines And your performance in the industry is obvious of all, and there are fair systems on the training and promotion of the staff

To 3 if it is hard to get along with colleagues, superiors, what would you do?

3 I will obey the leadership of the leaders, cooperate with colleagues andI will also find reasons from myself, and strive to be the best

To all In fact, we would like to hire a boy, Who can say some reasons to let me hire you,a girl。

Do you have any other questions。

the day after tomorrow 。you can check it on our company website 。Good luck !

四个人1234来参加某公司的面试,面试前在交谈. 其中1有一定的工作经验,应聘过程较坎坷。234就均没有工作经验,3 缺点 poor talking

我是A ,其他你们自己选,自我介绍要自己准备!!!还有最后一个为什么雇用女生的问题要自己准备,这个每个人说一两句就行。

1 Hello, you are all here for this interview, ha ha

234 yeah ,and you?

1 me too, I saw the company on the Internet ,it is good, do you know, my job experiences are so rough, this time I have prepared for a long time, Let's fight together ah, friendship goes the first, work goes second,

2 well, ha ha. Why don't you tell us sth about your experience?

3\4 yeah,yeah tell sth

1 Well, anyway, there are ten minutes left. the first timeI went to Microsoft The interviewer asked me:How much is windows 7 in china?

I saied 5 yuan

Then he saied “Go out”

2 I also have a similar experience

34 really

2 yeah ,I got the chance to google to interview.

He asked me Where did you get the news that we will interview? I Said Baidu 。Then

He let me Go out too。

1234 hahahaha

A It's time tohave the interview. All the interviewees, please come in 1234 let’s go

A :Good morning,everyone.I’m the HR of the company. Today,we are seeking for a talented person to hold the post of Chemical engineer。

First each of you should have an self-introduction, and then I will ask you some questions, finally I will report to the company to decide who will stay. Are you ready?

1234:ok .

A:ok,one by one firstly 1

1 ladies and gentlemen, hello. My name is Zhang Dongmin, I've come to apply for the expensive unit advertisement for the post of an accountant. This is my personal resume. Please have a look.

Took the resume (ice)




To 1 Why did you leave your last job?

1 I feel I have reached the “glass ceiling ”in my current job. Well, I am hoping to get an offer of a better position. If opportunity knocks, I will take

TO 2 You don't have any work experience, how are you qualified for our job 2 I major in chemical engineering and technology, the knowledge I learned can make me be qualified for the job of your company

To 3 what are your greatest strengths and weakness?

3 My strength is that I am confident and brave enough to do things that

others can’t achieve. And I am afraid that my weakness is I am a poor talker. I am not comfortable talking with people whom I have just met for the first time. That is not very good for business, so I have been studying public speaking.

To 4 why do you think you are worth to us?

4 in fact I have a powerful family background. My entering your company

may bring a lot of benefit to both the company and me. This is a Win-Win situation.

To 2 what’s Your requirements of the salary

2 I don't have rigid requirements on wages. I believe that your company can deal with the problem reasonably. I Pay attention to the job opportunities, so if the conditions are fair, I will not care about too much.

To 4 How do you handle your failure

4 All of us are not born perfectly, I believe I will be given a second chance to correct my mistake

To 1 Why do you choose our company

1 I have seen reports of your company in the newspapers and magazines And your performance in the industry is obvious of all, and there are fair systems on the training and promotion of the staff

To 3 if it is hard to get along with colleagues, superiors, what would you do?

3 I will obey the leadership of the leaders, cooperate with colleagues andI will also find reasons from myself, and strive to be the best

To all In fact, we would like to hire a boy, Who can say some reasons to let me hire you,a girl。

Do you have any other questions。

the day after tomorrow 。you can check it on our company website 。Good luck !

四个人1234来参加某公司的面试,面试前在交谈. 其中1有一定的工作经验,应聘过程较坎坷。234就均没有工作经验,3 缺点 poor talking

我是A ,其他你们自己选,自我介绍要自己准备!!!还有最后一个为什么雇用女生的问题要自己准备,这个每个人说一两句就行。


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