
Difficulties in Studying Englis(学习英语的困难)

English in our work and life become more and more important, how to learn English well is a very popular topic.I think learning English difficult has several aspects: first, we want to learn English British standard, pronunciation accurately;Secondly, to master a certain vocabulary, we if words all don't understand, how can

understand the meaning of a word of English?Again, more listening and more speaking English.The biggest difficulty for me to learn English is grammar, it makes me very laborious, hope in the later study can study more knowledge on the subject.


my hometown(我的家乡)

My hometown is a very beautiful place, surrounded by the mountains around, a great river meanders through from west to east, in here are green hill, green water.When in the morning to climb to the top of the hill, look over the whole city, you will have a different feeling.In this full of natural breath, your mood will be very relaxed, feel and have a very close to nature.Miss my hometown, miss hometown landscape.


My favourite teacher(我喜欢的老师)

In my student life, there are a lot of teacher, I remember very clearly, but one of them left a profound impression on me, that's my middle school teacher.He told us to read not rote learning, to find a way to learn, to learn efficiently.He also told us: "when we learn knowledge, to read a book is very thick, thin, remember in your mind; when you need the book again, let you know the content of the recorded inside."This sentence let me until now is still very benefit, thanks to my teacher!


My Family(我的家庭)

My family is a three-person family: my brother, mother and I.Because my father died early, so I and my brother is small we raised by the mother.Her for our life and go to school, mother is old now.Because of work reasons, I left home, came to work in another city.The Mid-Autumn festival is the most miss family time of year, only a family reunion during the Spring Festival every year, this time is our family's happy day.The Spring Festival will come in a few months, is really let a person is worth looking forward to the day!我的家庭是一个三口之家:我、妈妈和弟弟。因为我的父亲很早就去逝了,所以我和弟弟是从小由妈妈把我们养大的。她供我们生活和上学,现在妈妈已经老了。由于工作的原因,我离开了家乡,来到另一个城市工作。每年的中秋节是最想念家人的时候,只有每年春节的时候才能一家人团圆,这时候是我们全家最高兴的日子。春节再过几个月就要到来了,真是让人值得期待的日子!

Physical Exercise(体育锻炼)

When we now most of the time in the busy work and life rhythm, inevitably, our health is a state of very bad, so we should often do physical exercise.Many sports running way, I prefer to walk.Walking has many advantages, such as: walk can play a role of foot massage, not only for a variety of organs is a very good calm, happy and still can increase the secretion of hormones, more conducive to eliminate worry and fatigue, has a calming effect, can help us to sleep.To and from work every day for a walk, can adjust my body and mental state, let me feel very happy! 当我们现在的工作和生活大多数时间都处于紧张忙碌的节奏时候,不可避免的我们的身体健康都处于一种很不好的状态,所以我们要经常经行体育锻炼。体育运行的方式很多,我比较喜欢散步。散步有很多好处,比如:走路可以起到对脚部按摩的作用,不仅对各种脏器是个很好的安抚,而且还能增加快乐激素的分泌,更有利于消除烦恼和疲劳,还有一定的镇静作用,可以帮助我们的睡眠。每天上下班走会儿路,都可以调


Difficulties in Studying Englis(学习英语的困难)

English in our work and life become more and more important, how to learn English well is a very popular topic.I think learning English difficult has several aspects: first, we want to learn English British standard, pronunciation accurately;Secondly, to master a certain vocabulary, we if words all don't understand, how can

understand the meaning of a word of English?Again, more listening and more speaking English.The biggest difficulty for me to learn English is grammar, it makes me very laborious, hope in the later study can study more knowledge on the subject.


my hometown(我的家乡)

My hometown is a very beautiful place, surrounded by the mountains around, a great river meanders through from west to east, in here are green hill, green water.When in the morning to climb to the top of the hill, look over the whole city, you will have a different feeling.In this full of natural breath, your mood will be very relaxed, feel and have a very close to nature.Miss my hometown, miss hometown landscape.


My favourite teacher(我喜欢的老师)

In my student life, there are a lot of teacher, I remember very clearly, but one of them left a profound impression on me, that's my middle school teacher.He told us to read not rote learning, to find a way to learn, to learn efficiently.He also told us: "when we learn knowledge, to read a book is very thick, thin, remember in your mind; when you need the book again, let you know the content of the recorded inside."This sentence let me until now is still very benefit, thanks to my teacher!


My Family(我的家庭)

My family is a three-person family: my brother, mother and I.Because my father died early, so I and my brother is small we raised by the mother.Her for our life and go to school, mother is old now.Because of work reasons, I left home, came to work in another city.The Mid-Autumn festival is the most miss family time of year, only a family reunion during the Spring Festival every year, this time is our family's happy day.The Spring Festival will come in a few months, is really let a person is worth looking forward to the day!我的家庭是一个三口之家:我、妈妈和弟弟。因为我的父亲很早就去逝了,所以我和弟弟是从小由妈妈把我们养大的。她供我们生活和上学,现在妈妈已经老了。由于工作的原因,我离开了家乡,来到另一个城市工作。每年的中秋节是最想念家人的时候,只有每年春节的时候才能一家人团圆,这时候是我们全家最高兴的日子。春节再过几个月就要到来了,真是让人值得期待的日子!

Physical Exercise(体育锻炼)

When we now most of the time in the busy work and life rhythm, inevitably, our health is a state of very bad, so we should often do physical exercise.Many sports running way, I prefer to walk.Walking has many advantages, such as: walk can play a role of foot massage, not only for a variety of organs is a very good calm, happy and still can increase the secretion of hormones, more conducive to eliminate worry and fatigue, has a calming effect, can help us to sleep.To and from work every day for a walk, can adjust my body and mental state, let me feel very happy! 当我们现在的工作和生活大多数时间都处于紧张忙碌的节奏时候,不可避免的我们的身体健康都处于一种很不好的状态,所以我们要经常经行体育锻炼。体育运行的方式很多,我比较喜欢散步。散步有很多好处,比如:走路可以起到对脚部按摩的作用,不仅对各种脏器是个很好的安抚,而且还能增加快乐激素的分泌,更有利于消除烦恼和疲劳,还有一定的镇静作用,可以帮助我们的睡眠。每天上下班走会儿路,都可以调



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